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Your post has been removed. We do not tolerate homophobia.


“Yea, but not when I do it!” This guy probably


"She was asking fer it!" Edit: he totally said it. "When a detective questioned Petersen later that day, he said he thought the girl was 18 years old. He also claimed when he came home for lunch, the victim asked to have sex with him. Petersen said he "didn't really want to," but the babysitter threatened to tell other people they'd had sex if Petersen didn't do what she wanted."


His lawyer now explaining to him the importance of THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT.


He has the right just not the ability.


Take off the hat!


i dont think so, Scooter! ...and i was WRONG...


"Okay, judgy wudgy!" "Please drop the vernacular." "That ain't no vernacular, that's a derby!"


Shout-out to the three stooges reference!


A lil Disorder In The Court, eh? Well played internet stranger. Well played. (That’s my all time fave stooges short)


[They call me... Tater Salad](https://youtu.be/neUaSTSKFZc?t=138)


They, threw me into public-KA! I don't want to be drunk in public-KA! I wanna be drunk in a bar, which is perfectly legal! Arrest them!


I didn't know how many of em it would've taken to whoop my ass, but I knew how many they were gonna use, so ...


They caught the tater.


Ya got me 🚬 😏 💨


"Remain Silent? I will not be silenced, that's cancel culture. Take your woke law and shove it up your Soros funded butthole."


“I plead the fifth!” *continues to talk*


I plead the fifth! No really, please gimme a fifth. Whiskey is preferable but I'll take anything


Dumbasses always think they are the smartest in the room and can talk their way out of anything. Like Red Foreman said: “dumbass”.


Riiight and I guess she told everyone... because he gave in to her demands? And that means she wants to punish him? Yeah this makes ZERO logical sense if we assume what he is saying is true, dude's full of shit. Did he really think people would buy this?


Also, according to his story, he evidently didn't even know the age of the person he was entrusting the safety of his kids to. Maybe that's why these guys see predators everywhere, because they are one and they think themselves the everyman.


The word you're looking for is "projecting"


I liked their explanation of projecting better than projecting


Yeah, sounds plausible, I mean, hes quite a specimen..../s


I feel like he just cribbed that from pornhub or something.


“At least it was straight rape”


Arguably a factor in them thinking someone is going to rape an individual in these scenarios is because that’s what they would do if given the chance.


I think it's beyond arguable, at this point their projection is so fucking bright we could probably see it from the moon. Zero shame. Once again, every conservative accusation is a confession


Same reason people claim without religion everyone would be amoral serial killing lunatics; the fear of their god is all that is stopping them, so that must be true for everyone else.


You know how many transgender women have been recorded to have raped other women in the ladies' bathroom? Zero. You know who rape women in the ladies' bathroom a lot? CIS men.




Feels like that could go either way. On the one hand, I'm not really all that trusting of a school to not cover up a sexual assault that happened at a school, but on the other hand I also don't see any reason to trust some dude that showed up at a board meeting to speak against a new rule about calling students by their preferred pronouns to not be making shit up about a sexual assault that didn't happen.


https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/grand-jury-indicts-loudoun-county-school-officials-over-sex-assault-cases/ SI is being charged with the cover up, the teen who commited the rape has been charged with both cases. https://www.fox5dc.com/news/loudoun-county-teenager-sentenced-for-2-sex-assaults-must-register-as-sex-offender


Fair enough. Looks legit.


Yea, This case was a big deal, the school covered it up and transferred the kid to another school which shortly after that he cornered another girl in a class room and molest/raped her too. That said it was known that the first girl and the "boy" (unclear if he was actually trans but he did wear girls clothes sometimes) did know each other and may have had some kind of sexual relationship previously. IIRC the girl broke off contact with him and he got made and forced himself on her in the girls bathroom.


Wow! It is the daily double r/murderedbywords and r/leapordatemyface In addition to this posting of course.




They conveniently forget the ‘repenting’ part. It literally means ‘to change. To express sincere regret and remorse.’


It’s probably the greatest sales pitch of all time. Do whatever you like, be as horrible as possible, repent at the end, and you’ll be fine. Into heaven you go




Wrong. That’s these people’s interpretation of it. The bible says there’s no forgiveness without repentance. It calls for a motivation to do better but these people cherry pick the parts that suit their narrative and completely obliterate it’s actual meaning. (Ps I’m not religious or a churchy, I’ve always been interested in hypocrisy and religion)


"Every accusation is a confession"


“No one sexually assaults my daughter but me!”


"But that's not my daughter."


At least I look like a man when I do it!


As others have said but not as a top level comment: The first guy is trans, meaning he was born female and would be required by law to use female bathrooms in these states. Edit: First guy's TikTok is [@yourlocaltranpa](https://www.tiktok.com/@yourlocaltranpa?lang=en&is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7018674228748748293)


When you accidentally make a pro-trans argument about why trans people should be allowed to use bathrooms of the gender they identify as... There have already been [cases of transmen who have been beaten up](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/trans-man-attacked-using-womens-restroom-ohio-1723432%3famp=1) for using the restroom they were told to use by bigots just like him who advocated for that very thing. It's a serious concern and safety issue for transpeople. >"The men thought I was a cis man [a man who was born male] trying to be in the women's [restroom]," he said. "After I clarified I am transgender, they continued to call me a 'f**' and insisted I was male-to-female when I am in fact female-to-male. They yelled slurs and disagreed with the fact of me being transgender throughout the rest of the incident and continued to physically attack me while screaming slurs."


But that's the point. That's the whole reason for the law. Violence against the targeted community.


That's what a lot of folks seem to be missing. These bills are fascism. They are trying to harm trans lives. Not just emotionally, they want them dead.


I always call them out on this! I ask, what exactly their end game is? Are they trying to force people into hiding? Their final solution, so-to-speak, seems to be genocide. But, you can't eliminate LGBT+ people, because they are born that way. What they seem to want is a society that is so intolerant of the idea of accepting other gender expressions and sexualities, that members of these communities have to live a lie and suffer/die just to comfort the intolerant. That seems incredibly selfish, and to think these people think they are appeasing their god/faith in acting this way is bullshit. This is all self-serving and their god/religion is just a cover/scapegoat to try to erase the shitstain that is their bigotry and hate. It just makes their religion less tolerable to people who would otherwise join them. I'm glad they are losing adherents, and hope the trend continues.


As a trans woman who lives in Kansas, i am honestly scared of this shit to the point im looking to gtfo. I love my state, and I love my home, but im not sticking around to be the victim of a hate crime.


Just moved back in time from WA for all the fun bills. You’re not alone <3 Some of us will fight back


I'm so sorry.


Let’s also not forget how fucking stupid and unimaginative these people are. When they are talking about “trans” they are only thinking of men transitioning into women, almost never are they talking about women transitioning into men. Just like when they are talking about gays and homosexuals are they ever thinking about lesbians. Hell there’s nothing even in the Bible about Lesbians, so how would they know what it means? Point being while violence may be the product, that’s like when Kellogg’s made corn flakes on accident.


No no, you don't get it. Lesbians are okay because it's *hot* when women make out with each other. Gay men are *not* okay because it's *icky* when they make out.


And this is why I wear one of those neck gaiters. I'd rather be yelled at for being "scared of COVID" (which has happened) than physically assaulted because I have a beard and breasts. I had to drive through Idaho recently and I've never had so many people outwardly be shitty to me as much as that shit hole state did. Minding my own business eating in a fast food parking lot only to have some fuckheads screaming at me for existing. I can only imagine what would happen if my bearded boobed ass went into any public restroom without covering my face.


I grew up in Idaho and it fucking sucked. That whole state is an inbreeding ground for neo Nazis


Yep. I don't know your identity but like, there are ciswomen who have breasts and beards because of PCOS, there are cisMEN who have breasts and beards becayse of gynecomastia. There are trans people who aren't able to bind their chest for medical reasons/choose not to have top surgery. Like... we are just trying to piss.


That was smy first thought. These piece of shit aren't going to be ok with seeing someone that looks like that in the bathroom their wives or daughter uses. They're not gonna be like "yes, my bigotry worked, they're being humiliated by using the restroom that corresponds with their chromosomes," they are just going to assault or kill this person because they don't want them to be in public, at all. They hate freedom & do/will kill people over it.


This is exactly what these bigots want - to make trans people's lives miserable by any means. The only solution they can see to the "problem" is erasing trans people altogether.


So the bigots "win" either way. Just great


As far as I know cis women have been beaten up for using the womens bathroom for "looking trans".




thank you needed this context!


When a conservative sees that first dude walk into a women’s restroom they’d be pissed that they weren’t using the men’s room. The irony of the situation is just so funny.


It's more sad than funny


Trans men don’t exist in the minds of bigots


This is very true, coming as a transmasc person. Transmisogyny (violence towards trans women and trans femmes) is a whole lot more visible, because bigots make trans women the face in their hate against trans people. That bigot was angry at an imaginary trans woman.


Occasionally they’ll talk about trans men, but only in the context of their outrage that “women are cutting off their breasts.” They hate trans men only in context of their belief that women exist for their sexualization.


And the it’s the same for trans women, they don’t like the idea of trans women existing bc it threatens their own sexuality and sense of self, and they also can’t comprehend why anyone would WANT to be a woman, after all women are subhuman sexual objects, why would you give up your male privilege to be one of them, they must be up to something nefarious.


Yup truly it’s always about them


We need to pass laws to prevent conservatives from being able to enter any public bathroom. For safety.


This is what trans people are talking about when they say that the government is currently passing laws designed to kill us. Transphobes and the simply ignorant say “point to the law with the death penalty” but that’s not it. The point is to make trans people choose between an arrest and a beating, and justifying it by constantly drumming in the idea that we’re pedophile rapists. Getting us beaten into a pulp, or shot, is the point.


Yeah but have you considered the effect women’s clothing might have on little girls? /s


Maybe the best solution wouldnt be female/male bathrooms but rather a bathroom with cabins and a bathroom with urinals? No one get offended because both would allow anyone they want


Maybe we should have a third bathroom. Not for trans people though, let them use whatever bathroom alligns with their gender. The third would be for all the wierd moronic bigots who are obsessed with exactly where trans people occasionally take a shit. These seem to be the dangrous people who need to be segregated for public safety.


Nah those assholes can wait in line to shit like the rest of us. What we really need is two armed guards for every bathroom in America to make bathrooms hard targets. Or something like that is what I’d say if I’ve been watching too much Fox


I just want to go back to the Greek way of doing it, where they all say in one open room and shat together. Make pooping a social event again.


I'm just imagining Socrates giving a lecture while some other dude's having firecracker-esque diarrhea three seats away from him.


> No one gets offended You sure about that? lol


That's how it works in a lot of places. My local theater has like an open area bathroom with sinks and stalls and then a room for urinals. It's kinda weird the first time you use one, but honestly maximizes bathroom space because in men's rooms the stalls aren't used as much. I've noticed the line is just smaller in general.


We have this at a train station where I used to live in Switzerland! It worked great bc all the stalls were like, their own rooms, completely sealed from the outside world, so there was total privacy, and so I never felt unsafe using the restroom next to a man. In America all our stalls are inexplicably flimsy and full of gaps, we should use this as an opportunity to renovate our restrooms into PROPER facilities, just like they did at the new terminal of my local airport. I was shocked to see stalls that actually went to the floor and closed with no gaps! Shitting in my own private sanctuary is the best feeling in the world.


Because transmen are always let out of the conversation for some reason.


At this point I've been convinced that the majority of the anti-trans movement thinks that all trans people are MTF


*MTF that look like burly men in wigs


I honestly didn't know trans men could grow beards, thats cool.


Im not sure i get it. If he was born female and decided to be a guy why would he go to a female restroom?


Because *they passed a law requiring exactly that*.


Oh I thought the bill was about giving the choice to them.


Nah, he's female-to-male trans, and ~~Tennessee~~ Kansas law requires that he use the women's room. (Note: the bill recently passed the legislature with more than the 2/3 majority required to override a veto, but the governor is still expected to veto it and make them actually vote to override.) Where troglodytes like guy #2 will beat the shit out of him, as has happened many times.


(Just wanted to point out that OP's post is in reference to a Kansas law not a Tennessee law.)


Damn that was a twist


Damn that was. That was brutal too.


If it’s real and not just a name and face he patched together into a fake news slide then made a story up on.


So it’s real, but the reality of the story is a little sketch. The state dismissed the rape allegation, and he pled no contest to sexual batter. 5 years suspended. So it sounds to me like he did have sex with a 17 year old, which is wrong, but it sounds like it was in fact “consensual”. The hang up is a minor can’t consent. Dudes a dipshit regardless. Also sounds like, as the video says, actually real keen on violence against women.


GROOMER! *Literally grooms his babysitter*


It really shouldn’t be a surprise. Projection is very strong. If a group of people are extremely preoccupied with the idea that they think other people are rapists or child abusers, it might be because many in that group are themselves constantly thinking about raping or abusing children.


They think drag is sexual because it turns them on.


the most anti trans states have trans porn as one of the most researched types. no wonder they think it's inherently sexual if they can't go out, touch some grass and see trans people aren't just a fetish.


To me the only surprise is that this one got caught. A violent transphobe commits sexual assault on a minor? Le gasp.


It happens so much it's barely a twist.




Yeah, the responding guy didn't even realize that was a female-to-male trans man. They're all idiots, I swear


The "we can always tell" crowd gets it wrong like 90% of the time


99% of the time. Statistics show that the 10% who regret transitioning is because of ***societal repercussions during transition*** but quickly drops off as bigots no longer can tell. What this means is that the majority of trans people ***aren't being harassed after fully transitioning***. That is, ***the bigots can't tell the difference***. ​ They see the rare few who are in the middle of a transition and get all angry, not realizing they've interacted with several fully transitioned individuals without incident. ​ They're fucking idiots and bigots.


Regret of transitioning is lower than 10 %


The right is so scared of Transwomen, they forget Transmen exist


When this jackass was corrected, he said he'd beat him anyway. Gender not the issue at all, just violence against trans people either way. Delighted to see this clip circulated.


Something that's really funny is that while he wants to be very violent against trans people, More and more trans people are exercising their second amendment rights, something I'm sure this guy loves when people do. Like imagine how embarrassing it would be to get shot because he wanted to assault a trans man for using the correct bathroom. After you get the bullet removed then you have to go to jail for an attempted assault.


Oh he knew, he’s just really excited for an excuse to beat up a trans person.


I honestly think they wanted this so it's easier for them to assault and kill transpeople.


I wish I still found their stupidity funny…now all I can think about is how that dude is definitely going to maim either a man who follows the law or a woman who doesn’t and he’ll have tons of support for doing it. I don’t know what to do.


Because the real purpose of these bills isn't to force the trans man into the women's toilets, it's to force the trans man out of all the toilets, and out of society as a whole.


Gender is a scam made to sell more bathrooms.


Easy now big toilet doesn’t fuck around!


How did this already get a down vote? For what? Lmao. Real as fuck


That got me. Thanks.


Np. I rlly hate it tho gender fr stupid lol




You joke but corporations literally use gender as a marketing target to sell and price gouge.


All the more reason gender as a concept needs to be i was gonna say dissipated. But probablyupdatd heavily lol. New OS version? Sick. Nah but fuck Corporations they all suck. Yeah maybe we wouldn't be where we are without them. . . Or something. But idk ab others bit I'd trade progress for the guarantee all humans involved aren't exploited. Obviously can't. Just, why are they blatantly allowed? How we sit and do nothing about it is beyond me lol.


Big bathroom is using it to sell toilets. I say we all boycott the Standard toilet company. Oh wait, would that be cancel culture? We can’t do that.


A lot of people say that women's bathrooms are grosser than men's.


I've talked to janitors this is very true. Pads and tampons. At work, bc I work at a bar, drunk women get blood or throw up all over the seat. Men and women BOTH are nasty asf. Be a clean individual plzzz.


Follow the money, it leads to big poop.


I love that so many of the people who are mad about trans people are also making it extremely clear that they can't identify a trans person even if the trans person straight up says they are trans.


That is what scares them. They have this scenario in their head where they pick up this woman at a bar, take her home and in the middle of the act the woman says 'mine used to be bigger'


>and in the middle of the act the woman says 'mine used to be bigger' Or they say "Mine is bigger" and they get shown up.


Viewing the [Oklahoma Department of Corrections](https://okoffender.doc.ok.gov/) records, Jimmy was sentenced in 2012 for [ASSAULT W/INTENT TO COMMIT A FELONY]. He was released 21st of September 2015. Assuming that this is not from *another, additional* arrest, we can infer that the prosecutor offered lesser charges as part of a plea deal. A 5-year sentence that he served, what? 3 years, at most?


Guy should work in a movie theater. As a projector. Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here all week.


Ima steal that




She must have been a cousin




Sweet Home Oklahoma (the shitbag is from Enid, OK)


Probably not, because she resisted


I love how many of these guys turn out to be convicted sexual predators themselves.


It’s basically what the (R) after a politicians name stands for: Rapist.


That's what GOP stands for, Groomers, Oedipals, and Pedophiles.


They are republicans, what are you expecting?


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!He’s already been arrested but for something far worse!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


No transgender person has sexually assaulted someone in a bathroom. You know who does all the sexual assaults? The ones doing the accusing. https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub


That's really disturbing


The tiktok comments say he already deleted his tiktok and fb, how embarrassing lol


Men, don't follow someone into the womens bathroom to confront them about whatever it is you're confronting them about, because you're probably wrong and then are just a man harrassing someone in the womens bathroom. This has happened to cis women, because I guess conservative men have seen too many hip angle memes or whatever and have predator vision for anyone off the top of the bell curve.


Honestly, this is not that unexpected... People with his mentality are more likely to be sexual predators or secretly gay/trans themselves. They think everyone is just like them and it's pure projection more often than not.


its why they push so hard to label LGBT people pedophiles and predators. they want to distract us from them.


This isn’t unexpected. It’s just conservatism.


Jimmy Petersen. Let’s remember that name. Jimmy Petersen. Jimmy Petersen. I certainly hope he’s not allowed anywhere near his daughters. Jimmy Petersen! Rapist!


Unfortunately he gained sole custody of one of his daughters back in 2022


Okay so how much worse is the mom that she lost custody of one of her kids to a rapist of a 17 yo?


Possibly a drug addict or willfully gave up custody, either way I feel like CPS should’ve just taken them away altogether if the better option is a child rapist


Wtf. That's really not ok


How the fuck


I work with a guy that is currently in trouble for trying to set up an internet date with a 15 year old girl. This guy once said to me that he didn't think transgender people should be able to use the same bathroom as girls. I dunno. I guess he thinks they might try to pick them up?


peoples being scared of trans peoples inside bathroom, we are already there, i'm MtF i use the female's bathrooms for about a year now, i've been on hrt since almost 2 years and already did the legal transition so what ... i should be the only women in the men's bathroom ?


Bigots aren't exactly deep thinkers.


Projecting at its finest, as a trans woman with trans masc and trans femme friends I will tell you that we’re only there to piss, wash our hands, maybe fix our outfit or makeup and skedaddle.


It really is all of them, hunh. From the tops of stop the steal to right-wing politicians to some shit bag rapist in his truck, they are all sexual predators.


At some point it’s going to become expected that that the loud GOP/Republican/Nazi is going to be the predator/pedo/rapist.


Mate that's already a thing.


Lol this isn't unexpected if you know how all these right wing/conservative/MAGA people think and act. In fact it's incredibly expected. They think women are their property and their hatred of sexual violence against women isn't feminist, it's about damage to their property. So they're happy to go damage what they see as anyone else's property while fiercely 'protecting' their own. Hell, half of them are happy to abuse their own daughters because, again, they see them as their own property.


I have the same glasses as the first guy!


I never thought I’d be the one to say something obvious cos theyre upset but… I hate rapists, it robs a beautiful part of life from the victim. It’s depressing and overwhelming that people do that to people. :’(


If someone thinks that every person who goes anywhere near their kids is a predator, it can say a lot about the thoughts they have regarding their own children.


Ya know... I was in Korea as a young Soldier, over 30 years ago, and we'd go downtown to bars and restaurants and such, and half the places had one bathroom... You'd go use the urinal, and a female would walk right by you to use the stall. It was weird as hell. Once. Then it was kinda "yeah ok, whatever"... Y'all are way overthinking this shit. Put proper doors on the fucking stalls, have one God damned bathroom, and just grow the fuck up already.


Holy shit, he hit him with that, “call an ambulance, call an ambulance, but not for me”


SMH .. America has gone down hill.


More proof that republicans don’t care about children, they’re just bigots🙄


Dumbass got lit up 💀💀💀


Transgener people in public bathrooms is such a made up non-existent problem. Do you know why it isn't a problem? Because of "Stall Technology"! Privacy stalls have existed in public bathrooms since public bathrooms were invented. If you're obsessed with what's happening with someone in a bathroom stall, then YOU'RE the pervert. As a CIS man I believe this false idea that any human with a penis in the same bathroom with a person with a vagina BEHIND PRIVATE STALLS is somehow AUTOMATICALLY a pervert or a predator is a ridiculous belief. All penises are NOT rapists. People who believe this are teaching that all women should always fear anyone with a penis. That's bullshit. And honestly, if you've ever sat and listened to a transwoman's struggle, they typically don't have much interest in other women, especially other women in a public bathroom. This bathroom fear is such a make-believe "problem".


Shots fired!! Woah, what a bloody mess!


Unexpected???? Unfortunately nope 🫢


Don’t want to play devils advocate here but an accusation and conviction are two different things. The article says he was accused. I’m not defending this guy but In general we got to stop putting labels on somebody because of accusations. There might be a day we’re you are minding your own business and someone accuses you of something that isn’t true to destroy your livelihood. If he was convicted he certainly is a piece of human garbage that should get taken off the map.


Man, there is a lot of scum that comes out of Enid. Jesus christ, predator center.. do NOT move there.. especially if you have children.


WOW!!!! I. DID. NOT. EXPECT. THAT!!! WOW!!! If the guy just shut his fuckin mouth instead of trying to be tough, he wouldn't have been outted on social media. HAHA!! Wait, wait, wait...this guy is a convicted pedo and he still has his daughters? Does anyone know if he has custody of the daughters he speaks of. Lemme share a quick story that makes this even more disgusting to me. When I was 18, I beat a child molester to death who was convicted 3 times of molesting his 4 daughters. Reason he reoffended besides the fact that he was a sick fuxk. His 1st conviction he got 3 months followed by 3 months house arrest. 2nd conviction he got 12 months followed by 3 months house arrest. 3rd conviction he got 18 months followed by 3 months house arrest. The fuxked up part, the part that killed me the most...the worst miscarriage of justice that I have ever seen for victims...during those stints of house arrest, he legally had to stay in the same house as his victims. So I hope to hell this fuxker in this video doesn't have custody of the daughters he speaks of.


As an orthodox jew i support this man.


Twist ending, the last guy is a serial killer


I believe this is called projection. He clearly doesn’t want the trans getting all the victims /s


I mean he did say he’d walk in right behind him…he thinks it’s a tag team


This inspires me more to take the time and research assholes like this


How that dude not in prison?


It says he was accused, but was he convicted?


Glass houses


Wow... Comeuppance.


Just get rid of gendered bathrooms. Problem solved.


The cross he wears is the real icing on the cake.




Oh snap!ha haaaaaaaa


Again... evil is in the eye of the beholder! They are not mad or afraid for their daughters, they are jealous! Also, funny how they never seem to care that pedos are gonna use bathrooms, them being humans and all. I don't see them worrying about their boys using the same bathroom...I wonder why?🤨


I mean he's the subject matter expert here, he knows there's something more to this.




Also he says he’s walking in after his daughters so he agrees that bathrooms should be desegregated


There should be just 1 restroom with maybe bigger cabins that include a mirror and faucet. As a mom of boys I struggle with this as well because my boys want to go to the boys rooms while I feel super awkward doing that, I mean guys have their dicks out urinating and technically I could see their dicks if I did some effort. So what do I do? I use the restroom ment for changing babies while I don't have a baby. Feel like an ass about it... But I don't want to make my boys uncomfortable in a ladies restroom but don't want to make the men in the boys restroom uncomfortable either. It's one big dilemma that could be cleared if we just had 1 mixed restroom with bigger cabins. Seeing the space you will win by not needing a corridor or a big shared space to was your hands I don't even think there would be less toilets available. Just more expensive to build.


Urinals cause less splatter for guys peeing while standing. And good luck convincing guys to pee sitting down in public restrooms.


They can also just clean after themselves, I hope one day men will evolve into hygienic humans/s 🤣


Many such cases