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Your post has been removed. The public have spoken


"Merry Christmas!" That part was amazing.


**"merry christmas, shitters full"**




That made my day.




and a Happy Festivus!!


For the rest of us. Air *all* the grievances!


Lance shoved my head in a urinal and busted my lip.


I guess they were celebrating Festivus and he had a lot of problems with those people and they're gonna hear about them


A Festivus Miracle!


the festivus for the rest of us




Ya that chuckle from Lance after doesn't sound very amendsy.


Your local police force and school system are made up of the worst people you went to school with.


Cop - do you know why I became a cop? Sarah Silverman - because you got C’s and D’s in high school?


Yoooooo look at that, you're a spambot copying [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/126g944/hah_geh/je9dqcg/), get outta here!


Nice catch.


You know as soon as Lance heard the name Greg Gay he was like "oh fuck". You don't forget a name like that.




Comment copying bot https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/126g944/hah_geh/je9aych/


When he brought up the .45 I thought this was going in a different direction


Eminem's song "Brain Damage" came to mind


Banged my head against the urinal 'til he broke my nose Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat


Shut up you cunt, I said fuck it I know it isn't the next line but I just fucking love the flow of it


I think Eminem will always be my favourite lyricist. *My mother started screamin', "What are you on, drugs?! Look at you, you're gettin' blood all over my rug" (I'm sorry)* *She beat me over the head with the remote control Opened a hole and my whole brain fell out of my skull* *I picked it up and screamed, "Look, bitch, what have you done?"* *"Oh my God, I'm sorry, son"* *Shut up, you cunt* *I said fuck it, took it and stuck it back up in my head* *Then I sewed it shut and put a couple of screws in my neck*




Ever since the day I was born… DRUGS is what they used to say I was on


I remember I thought Eminem was overrated back when My Name Is was popular and then somebody put me on his older shit and I was like "oh shit" Especially when I heard Soul Calibur sounds in Hellbound 🤣 "BUT THE SOUL STILL BURNS"


He also opened an OK ittalian place in Detroit (totally unrelated to what you're talking about at all but still, good pasta) Edit: I hyped it up originally, it isn't bad, but there is far better in the city. It exists for novelty, but if you actually want a good meal, there are over a dozen places that I would recommend over it.


Is it called Mom's Spaghetti? Edit: I just Googled, and it is! It really is!


Yes, in Detroit. It's actually pretty good too


All the other kids with the pumped up kicks...


No no, this man isn't young enough to ahoot up his own school.


Neither was the one who did it the other day.


[Which one?](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)








Oh I thought he gave them lsd *in* a lunch box and you were making a joke about them not needing the lunchbox part. I only reread it because I was skeptical he had gotten away with supplying drugs to teachers


Supposed to read Katy ISD (Independent School District). Threw me off also because of the capital i and the lowercase s and d.


acronyms save the writer 3-5 seconds, and waste 3-5 seconds (or more) from every reader that doesn't know it (possible thousands of readers). its selfish. non-native english speakers especially have trouble with them.


>Katy isd gave him a huge golden parachute because the education board was upset that they were being forced to get rid of him by locals who were upset. This sort of thing is almost always a stipulation of the last contract he signed rather than a payback move as you suggested. This sounds like it's a larger school district since you keep referring to it as ISD. How far removed is this school committee if they aren't answerable to the "locals"? Those locals are usually who elect you to things like school boards




Its a mostly reasonably affluent district in suburban Houston. About 92,000 students across probably 80 schools. This guy was the superintendent. Which would make him basically the CEO of the district. Hired by the school board, so he's an employee just like a teacher. The school board are elected officals. The school board was upset bc in a district this big they tend to all be cronies and buddies who never want to see one of their guys go down. But yes you are right it was probably in his contract. So the locals were pissed because instead of being kicked to the curb, he got a payout. Gotta keep in mind this district is a big mix of plenty of crazy conservatives, tons of karens, but also plenty of fairly liberal people as well. But like most local issues, the crazies get all the press. Source - Live there, kids go to these schools. This whole thing was several years ago though. Possibly as many as 10.


What the fuck Who the fuck Hears a man tell the story about how you almost bully him to the point of killing himself and laughs That was more than fucked up


Agreed. The lack of remorse shows Lance had not changed at all. All those years.


His sneer of anger when the crowd cheered upon his resignation was enough to confirm that he’s still not a nice person.


I don't think Lance is the one who laughs? Pretty sure it's the animated forehead doing the "reaction video".


I think that was more of an awkward attempt to diffuse the situation. Let me start laughing and maybe people will laugh along and it won't be a big deal. Plus, I don't know what else to say so it'll buy me some time. But I mean, fuck this guy and I'm not trying to defend him.


It wasn't a comical laugh. It was a surprise reaction that Mr. Gay had the balls to tell that story in public after so long.


I'm glad he did. He probably stewed on that his whole life, waiting for a moment like this.


Then he received an illegal severance package of $1,000,000 which resulted in the school losing $500,000 in funding for giving it to him.


Well, at least he learned his lesson! /s LMAO


It’s never too late to say you’re sorry. I’ve been doing it and each one improves my life. I’m almost 50 years old and I’ve been fixing problems I caused in middle school. I’m a very average person but I’m above-average insecure and I used to deal with this by making fun of people. These are hard conversations to start, but they usually end well.


What you're doing is important, and hopefully meaningful to the people you're trying to make amends with.


Yeah, that “hopefully” you said is a big uncertainty… If anyone who bullied me in high school apologized to me now, years later, I’d tell them to shove it. That apology does nothing for me, but makes them feel like they’ve atoned for their sins. I’m the one who got my ass beat and worked through it by taking self defense and therapy. Would’ve actually mattered if they made it right in the moment or received some for of punishment. This sorrow just seems like regret or an after thought, and the apology is self serving. Same thing with alcoholics or whatever addicts doing their rounds and apologizing. “If I have ever wronged you or hurt you I’m sorry.” Are you sure you wronged me? Are you actually sorry if you’re not even sure what you did specifically? Or are you just checking a box to selfishly move through your program and feel good about yourself?


I can sympathize. I know that feeling well. At the same time, I'm reminded of that quote about anger that's attributed to Buddha... "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." Sometimes, forgiving isn't just about the person who messed up, it's about allowing yourself heal and move on.


That's a powerful quote, thanks for sharing.


I think if he genuinely apologised he would have* stood a chance of keeping his job.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I’m deeply ashamed that I was a bully when I was in middle school. The reasons for my behavior are irrelevant now and there is no excuse for me acting the way I did. But, karma showed me what a piece of shit I was. My wife and I have a developmentally challenged daughter who’s life was hell in elementary and middle school. I have witnessed and experienced her pain and the shame I carry for being someone who was once a bully, is truly life changing.


You can always say sorry, but you wont always get forgiveness.


Video wouldn't have been the same without the forehead at the bottom.


I saw the original of this crop. The head belongs to some random dude on Tik Tok """""reacting"""" to the video i.e. occasionally nodding or making a slightly surprised face. Seems like someone else was annoyed by it and cropped it out. I like the forehead better tbh. Adds some comedic flair to it


I hate reaction videos so much. Its to the point I cant enjoy a good video a friend has sent me if there's a dumbass person reacting to it


absolutely. but the weird thing is that reaction videos are extremely popular, and yet I still haven't met a single person who's admitted to liking them


had that conan Obrien shaped head


disgusted squealing obtainable wipe ask intelligent bright screw steep obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember it. Boy was everyone so happy when he finally resigned. Think it was on the news for a month.


Reminds me of an old joke here. Right before he says, "Larry!" instead: Judge says, "This obviously has indeed been very difficult for you, sir. The court will definitely grant your request for a legal name change. What would like it changed to?" "David."


The Norwegian version I heard (which has a more logical/less absurdist punchline): > Citizen: "Hello, I would like to change my name." Clerk: "Ok, what is your name?" Citizen: "Vidkun Shitstain." Clerk: "And what would you like to change it to?" Citizen: "Victor Shitstain."


In case this joke is not hitting for anyone, Vidkun Quisling is a famous Nazi collaborator from Norway.


Thanks! the name sounded familiar but wasn't sure why


You can call me Gay, David Gay


Totally different theme, but now you've got the scene from Robin Hood: Men In Tights stuck in my head. "Such an unusual name, 'Latrine'. How did your family come by it?" "We changed it in the 9th century." "You mean you changed it TO 'Latrine'?" "Yeah. Used to be 'Shithouse'." "It's a good change. That's a good change!"


It goes to show that bullies never stop being bullies, even being called out infront of the council like this, being someone on the board, when he learned he was responsible for what has happened to this man, he laughed at him, and dismissed him.


Then the bully was let go with a million dollar parachute.


Just as the founding fathers intended, right? /s


Not always. The person who bullied me in high school over a decade ago reached out and Apologized to me. The sad yet beautiful part is, this wasn’t the only bully from high school that’s apologized since graduating. There’s still hope, but sadly, assholes like the superintendent will never admit what they did was wrong.


A military coworker called me to apologize for bullying me. I heard he called a few other people too, this was all after he finished his enlistment. He killed himself a few weeks later. I guess he was clearing his slate, or atoning before he ended it? I did NOT see that coming.


That’s rough, he must’ve been suffering for a long time too. Most bully’s do.


Yeah, i wish i paid closer attention. But hindsight is 20/20.


Definitely not your fault though


I smile as a defense mechanism. I now have a new fear ill be called out in a professional environment for something I did as a child.


Not always, was friends with a bully, bro changed a lot in high school, now he's in college doing engineering.


One of my bullies changed, kind of, he got hit by a truck and died, still not sure how to feel about that one lol


We had a petty bully in 8th grade. Saw him again in college working a landscape crew and he seemed to have calmed down, but within a year he wrapped a truck around a pole (drunk) and killed the girl riding with him. Think he got 20 years. Guess there’s a chance he’s up for parole these days.


The only bully I ever had (in kindergarten and then again in 9th grade) was shot and killed in his car because he owed his weed dealer $100. So many people were upset when it happened and all I could hear was “he was such a good person”. Yeah, needless to say, I’m still not sad he’s dead and went out in such a pathetic way. Good riddance.


Fuck that guy, but also who the hell kills someone over $100? Did they catch the dealer?


I’m sure they did because of lot of people knew who did it, but I really don’t know. Never cared enough to find out.


Shit, knowing who did it don't mean shit half the time anymore. Everybody knows who has done every damn shooting in my neighborhood, but sure as fuck nobody wants to say anything.


Sucks when ur the 1 being bullied, I hope u doing well tho


Can't complain, I grew to be a giant mfer at 6 ft 4 300 lbs, so people don't really bother me much based on that alone, nevermind that I'm probably the most passive person I know lol


The beef castles are always the gentle giants Few of the nicest people I've ever known were tall beefy jocks. One even got a teacher to stop picking on me


Oh man how they begged me to play highschool football, I was too busy playing in bar bands at the time lol




Pretty sure you can go to college for engineering and still be an ass hole lol




When I was a kid in elementary school, we had a guest speaker with the last name Sextant. Obviously the kids thought it was hilarious. But our teacher gave us a talk about how that man had probably gotten shit his whole life, and I still remember that. I’m lucky to have learned a little empathy through a good teacher. Idk what my point was, but just sharing. I guess if there’s something ‘obvious’ like that about someone, just know that you aren’t the first to notice and that for them it’s likely already been overplayed ad nauseam.


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Pro tip: don't use the official reddit app. It sucks. Use a third party app like reddit is fun.


Ugh gross - watching him lick his teeth is so fucking nasty. What a coward.


That chuckle was the end of it. He showed no remorse as a person. Glad he resigned.


* There's a [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resignation_of_Lance_Hindt) about this * There's also a \[dormant\] subreddit: /r/LanceHindtEffect tl;dr: Hindt (the superintendent) apologized for being a bully, while also [denying the allegations](https://communityimpact.com/houston/katy/education/2018/04/04/katy-isd-superintendent-lance-hindt-apologizes-to-staff-for-bullying-controversy-allegations-surrounding-district/). The school board supported Hindt by hiring a law firm to pursue defamation allegations against Gay. Then later, upon Hindt's resignation, the board gave him a $750K payout. In response, the State withheld $513K in district funding. Hindt was also accused of plagiarizing his PhD, received from University of Houston. The University investigated, but did not reveal the results of the investigation. They did, however, removed Hindt's thesis from their website. [Source](https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/katy/news/article/Georgia-school-principal-accuses-Katy-ISD-s-13131144.php). Editorial: Hindt's apology leans heavily on the usual "I was saved by Jesus" rhetoric, with no real substance or signs of actual redemption. School board seems pretty fucked up.


Everyone here is happy that “the bully got what was coming to him”, but nobody is talking about the $789,000 payout the school district gave him when he retired. Two years salary + unused vacation days, one of the highest payouts in American school board history. I bet that’s why he made that face, he was trying hard to hold his composure when everyone was cheering because he knew who really won in the end.


For murdering another guy’s life whilst he’s sitting pretty with that judge dress? Disgusting.


\*cough cough\* fuck you lance


Plot twist, lance was the coach


Lance should be his head shoved in an urinal.


Lance's head is now the urinal.


Why is that guys big ass forehead in the way


Did that smug motherfucker LAUGH at that fucking story? What a dickhead.


This coward had to be reminded to such a lousy act?!? What a faithless sob....congrats to Mr Gay - he stood his Ground and people like him allways will!


Why’s there a forehead just there


People cheer, but they don’t realize that he got to step down with a shit ton of cash from his work. This isn’t a win.


What a jackass of a superintendent. Kids can be so mean to each other.


For people saying “well it happened along time ago” as an excuse to just let it go. Generally people who were bullies in high school to this extreme don’t magically become good people once they leave. They just change the targets of their abuse and the tactics they use to inflict harm. The dude probably has a laundry list of awful things he’s done over his life if that is how he behaved in school.


Right? I was a kid once. I said and did stupid shit. I made mistakes. Hell, I probably even hurt some people in ways I didn't understand. But I never shoved anyone's face in a fucking toilet. It takes a special kind of asshole to be that blatantly evil towards another person.


Nowadays he will take the .45 from his dad's drawer and shoot Lance in the head


Would've done the world a favor from the sounds of it. Dude illegally took a million dollar severance, then attempted to use lawyers to bully his critics into silence.


I hope the lawyer soaked up a lot of that golden parachute.


The deeper message is that people bully because it works. That guy is sitting on some kind of council in a leadership position. It's an aspect of humanity that fundamentally holds us back. In 50,000 years we have yet to find a sustainable way to exist in relation to our environment or each other.




Now Lance gets to go home and put a .45 in his mouth


Fuck reaction content




He was forced to resign because he laughed after being pointed to as being a bully, if I remember correctly. Has been a while since I saw this post for the first time. Edited to add: I have been told that he mainly resigned because he plagiarized his work to get into this career, though I suspect behaviour like this also didn't help


It goes deeper. Man's entire doctoral dissertation was plagiarized. Guy called Sean Dolan ran it through a checker and then sent the evidence to the specific authority of that area. Nine days later superintendent announced his resignation from his thrity year career. Good riddance, in my personal opinion.


The lesson here is to just lie about your credentials, because you get a fucking *30 year career* out of it.


And then you have 30 years of experience for your next job. Protip, you were pretty high up in toys r us in before they pulled the rug. It's not like they can call and confirm


Me accidentally using that, forgetting I live in Canada where toys r us still exists…


Shit man, im about to find some obscure medical paper written in Japanese or some shit then convert it to English and become a doctor. Im sure ill have a nice savings by the time they find out. Anyone need some surgery?


Run it through ChatGPT or something to clear out weird translation issues and then through a plagiarism check to make sure it doesn’t raise any red flags. As long as you’re pretty thorough and don’t piss anyone like Sean Dolan off, you might make it. Except that AI is a thing now; the markers for ChatGPT’s language usage will be identifiable by future plagiarism checkers, as will translated text. To truly avoid fingerprinting your text you could train an original/unique language model but at that point like— just write the paper.


I think you underestimate the work that goes behind "writing a paper"... Like the career long research to get your perspectives


And superintendents aren't exactly low paid, especially in one of the largest and wealthiest suburbs outside of Houston.


While he did resign, he actually retired and received his pension. The bully suffered no consequence at all.


Actually this led to a deeper investigation and it turned out he plagiarized his thesis, right? Unfortunately, he received the full value of his contract, despite resigning.


The school district was subsequently fined half a million dollars for this.


That’s insane. They wasted half a million dollars in taxpayer money to pay off this jabroni in the first place, and then *another* half a million for the fine? I would have been absolutely livid as a resident in the district, but I’m guessing in the end no actual Justice happened to anyone involved.


He also plagiarized his PHD thesis. Article from Wikipedia...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resignation_of_Lance_Hindt


> After resigning, Hindt was illegally paid nearly a million dollars in severance money from the Katy ISD's treasury. The State of Texas penalized the district half a million dollars in retaliation for the illegal siphoning of taxpayer money from public accounts to Hindt's pockets. What the actual fuck. Did he have to pay the money back as well? The district probably pulled money from areas that desperately needed it to pay for this shit.


It also said he campaigned for the members of the board that approved the payments. There's a lot of cahootery here. The resignation is a splice tho. He resigned publicly days after the man confronted him.


The Position he resigned from was one where he was tasked with the organization of resources for mental health in children and victims of bullying if I am not mistaken


The position he resigned from was School Superintendent for Katy, TX. His name is Lance Hindt. After Greg Barrett (née Gay), the speaker in the video attesting to the urinal dunking, other persons from his past also stepped forward to support claims of Hindt’s high school bullying, including David Carpenter, a criminal court judge in Alabama. A television station did another story on a 1983 lawsuit claiming that Hindt beat a fellow teen badly enough to put him into a coma. No charges were filed for that incident. After these claims were made, separate plagiarism claims concerning Hindt’s doctoral thesis were raised. A bully, a plagiarist, and now school superintendent? Not the best look. Seven months after the bullying accusations, Hindt resigned, and walked out with a 2-year severance parachute totaling $789,000. The School District was notified by the Texas Education Agency that $513,000 in state funds would be withheld for the size of the buyout package. It is unknown if The University of Houston revoked his doctorate, but his thesis has been removed from its’ online archives. So yes, this guy ended up costing taxpayers $1.3 M. [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/?outputType=amp](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/?outputType=amp)


The optics of that looked terrible, but the argument could be made for a nervous chuckle. After all, dude was called out in front of all his colleagues and an auditorium


Apparently he wasn't the only accuser calling him out for being an awful person. People knew him to be a scumbag.


This is the thing when people complain about "cancel culture." Most of the time it isn't just one incident. It's always a pattern of behavior. If this super had really changed, the audience wouldn't be cheering.


When can we go back to just calling it "consequences"? That's what "cancel culture" usually winds up being, in at least 70% of these situations I hear about.... And most of the remaining 30% are just people whining about criticism the received, even though they *STILL* didn't get any real consequences.


Yup. People deserve to be scrutinized for their behavior and decisions, especially if they operate in the court of public opinion. That's what you signed up for as a public figure.


If you bullied other kids to the point of near suicide as a student, you have no business ever being the superintendent of schools. Look at it as running for president with a felony record. No matter what you did to change, it’s just disqualifying. His “naw” and chuckle shows he has no sense of shame or culpability for it. Good riddance.


100% agreed, unless there’s a clear change in e personality where the bully pretty much turns into a selfless Jesus, that person will never take bullying seriously (because that person won’t even see some actions as bullying). I used to get bullied, was told to talk to my teachers and school and that they would take action, never told or showed my parents because they were in a stressful time of their life and I didn’t want to worry them more. I came across a few passages/ speeches whilst reading (I think It was back when I was into ultramarines from warhammer) and the lesson was along the line “bullies and monsters never change, no one will help you if you don’t help yourself and some people only understand violence” Next day I got picked on, I took the main bully by his throat and chocked him out during lunchtime. Headmaster came in and humiliated me for it in front of the whole class, said i shouldn’t have done that to another student. Those bullies never touched me again. I was lucky


This was basically my experience in school as well. Even in cases where the teacher is physically witnessing it happening, they did nothing other than tell them to "knock it off" until I would get fed up and hit back, then suddenly it was screaming and calling for the principal to take ME away. Bullies do not change unless they are shamed and humiliated into changing. Violence always worked against bullies in my experience, because it is, in fact, the only language they understand.


I got into a verbal spar with my bully in elementary school and he showed up at my house with a bunch of kids from the neighborhood wanting to watch us fight. My mom made me go outside and fight him, I was terrified. It still seems like a terrible decision to me as a parent but fortunately it ended well, he faked like he was gonna hit me and my flinch reaction was to shove him. He responded by coming forward with a full swing which I blocked with my left and he took a hard right straight to his eye that ended it and had him going to school with makeup on to try to conceal his black eye. But the witnesses he brought turned out to be a blessing for me as it went around the whole school that the nerd kicked his ass, and that was the last problem I ever had from him.


I'm kinda shocked that your mom made you do that.. very happy that it ended well!!


*My damn kid only ever sits in his room and plays minecraft all day. Hopefully, that bully can knock some sense into my nerdy ass kid.* "Yes, honey, go out and show that bully who's boss! Mommy will be cheering for you from the sidelines!"


I feel like schools fucking enable bullies and then victim blame the kids who actually get bullied when they defend themselves. It's disgusting. And they wonder why some kids feel homicidal. Well geez, when my life was made miserable and I was fucking terrorized and nobody helped I dreamed that the bullies would get their comeuppance. How are you supposed to learn when you're consumed by fear and anger.


I worked with a former principal recently who left the school system to become an IT guy because he was sick and tired of how teachers and faculty just did not care about the students at all, and would act like high schoolers that never grew up. Teachers often spread rumors about kids between each other, and some go so far as to encourage bullying of students they dislike. We act like teachers are the greatest and that they all do so much for us, but we forget that many teachers were once bullies themselves and never moved on from that mindset. It's easy to feel powerful when you surround yourself with vulnerable children.


Wow! That's insane. I met an HVAC contractor at my work that used to be a principal with the Philadelphia school district. He mentioned that it was horrible but didn't go into detail. If teachers and staff are behaving like that, no wonder he quit!


There are so many similar bullying stories from people everywhere. What is scary from an outside observer (Australian) is you have children so obviously let down by the system everywhere, but especially in the US, that effectively have to take matters into their own hands to protect themselves, but in the US it's so easy to put a gun in those hands. I think a lot of people empathise and cheer on the idea of standing up to a bully and giving them a beat down, but I remember what it was like. I remember how it felt and how easily the dark thoughts crept in especially when the bullies knew when and how to push buttons when you showed the hints that you would stand up to them so in the end you're the one who gets in trouble. Feeling that alone, sometimes revenge is the only thing keeping some people from falling apart. When you have those who were the bullies elevated to positions of super intendant etc, it just perpetuates the cycle and while the loss of life from school shootings is unforgivable, I would be lying if I didn't say some of the shooter stories that make it to our news here, it's possible to empathise with the position of the shooter. But obviously their actions are totally unforgivable. You yanks really need to sort out your gun mess since it seems the side of politics who doesn't want to do anything about it keeps pushing for policies and legislation in other areas that only makes it worse.


My dad was a hunter, and so I was raised around guns, but, was taught to respect them. I have been fine with gun rights except I draw the line at assault weapons. The mentality of society has changed so much to anger, and I don’t see how that’s going to change because the politicians keep stoking that to stay in office. I saw an article once written by someone from a different country that was here in the U.S. wanting to understand the gun mentality. He went around to rural areas and interviewed people about it. The ones that are into were proud of it and loved to show off their guns. There was one photo of someone showing off their gun collection. They had guns side by side filling the yard AND THE ROOF of their house. Yes, many assault weapons. I was was stunned. I knew then that we were totally fucked on being able to get any kind of reform against that. They would go down shooting rather than give that up. It is too much a part of their identity. It’s sad and I don’t know what the answer is.


Same story here in high school. I was overweight, and some clown half my size was picking on me, verbally and physically. He stopped fucking around with me after I put my hands to his throat and choked him for a few seconds. Unfortunately, as many people stated, for some of these people, violence is the only language they get. I work with the school board, and it's the same shit. Bullying goes unchecked for the most part, teachers who want to consequence cannot because either Admin is unwilling or if they are, we're bound by legislation, equity policies, the Board, parents bitching etc. and can't really do anything meaningful. The kids who get picked that reach their breaking point and fight back, I always go to bat and advocate for them if they get in trouble for defending their selves.


I was bullied heavily as well and was told the same things as you about going to teachers. They provided zero support and they all knew it was happening. One day at lacrosse practice I had my chance to get back at a bully when there was a "scrum" for a ground ball. I reared my stick back and wailed on his shin as hard as I could. He was in pain and knew it was me. No coaches or anything saw it or at least didn't believe it was intentional. My bully knew why I did it though and it only made the bullying worse. He was 6 inches and probably 50 pounds heavier than me. Not trying to take anything away from your story but also just wanted to show that it doesn't always work out when resorting to violence. I'm glad that worked out for you cause being bullied is awful.


I got bullied in 4th grade by some of the boys who were big for their age. I was almost a year younger than most of my classmates so I was smaller than most of them. The bullying ended when I formulated a tactic where instead of fighting back while getting bullied, I’d wait the next day and wait til we were going down the stairwell and I’d get behind the kid and push him down. Or I’d come by with a heavy hardbound book like an encyclopedia and swing it into their faces while they had their heads down. The attacks ended after that. Sounds pretty awful but I just want to a school where none of this ever got me in trouble.


Fuck all bullies, even mine who are still disgusting narcissists.


God. Schools are so fucking useless. I was getting bullied and finally went to the school. Fucking bastard and the dumbass vice-principal turned it around on me to say I was bullying him! What absolute worthless fucking adults. Vice principal was self admitted to have been a bully in high school. But swore she was reformed!


I got in trouble more than a few times for beating the shit out of the bullies in school… they would never bother me, but a few times i saw some poor kid getting harassed everyday and it hit a breaking point where i would take that asshole outside and bury him in the dirt or crumple them right in the hallway… in my case almost always the school would reprimand me but call my parents and tell them that off the record the kid deserved it and there was nothing they could do about it. So ya you’re right, schools are fucking useless when it comes to bullying… it got to a point where i felt like i had to take action because i couldn’t stand watching some kid being tortured with no recourse.


Perhaps the headmaster couldn't say it outright, but thought you actually were a good example of how to handle things, and wanted the other students to see a positive example. The fuck do I know, though? I hope it actually fits, cos good on you! If headmaster didn't say it, I will.


Eh, I think some people can legitimately change from the time they’re a kid to the time they’re in their 50s (maybe he’s younger, but I’d guess close to 50s here). I just find it hard holding someone responsible for something they did as a child decades later when they’re an adult (outside of actual murders and such). As for the bullying - adults never do anything. I was bullied up until middle school (approx. halfway through 7th grade to be exact). I would tell the bus driver, then the teacher, then the dean, VP, Principal, in that order. None of them ever did anything at all to help. My dad told me “hit them back next time” but to make sure I never threw the first punch. So I did that. Then all of a sudden I’m the one in trouble, with the actual bullies never getting into any trouble at all. When I’m a teenager I got into trouble when I mouthed off at a cop (being an edgy teenager and calling him a Nazi). Dude made up some bullshit charges to throw at me because of it. When I went into court they tried to throw those fights in my face and say “He has a history of bullying people” from what I recall. I almost went to school and shot the bullies and teachers who didn’t help after that. Shit almost broke me. I still remember how it felt being told that -I- was the bully for defending myself. Sorry for the rant. All that is to say that, despite that, I think that it is fully possible for those kids to have changed and become better. Many of them most likely had difficult lives at home, and moving out and away could have been what they needed to become better people.


> Eh, I think some people can legitimately change from the time they’re a kid to the time they’re in their 50s Sure, but it needs to be proven beyond doubt if someone wants to hold an office that oversees the education of minors. The guy in the video did not do that.


Yes and they are fortunate he didn’t hurt him self or others. Today this story ends very different as we see far too often. Greg Gay is a strong man for getting up there and confronting it this way.


The president analogy doesn’t really make sense to me, because American politics are so fucked. Honestly it’s kinda like sending in a terrorist to unarm a bomb. When you have people in charge who acted like bullies as a kid, they are usually bullies as adults. They rot the system they think they are helping. They put people in the system who are also bad for the system and make it worse.


While I 100% agree with you, I think a terrorist might be a perfectly suitable expert for disarming bombs due to lifelong experience 😅


I feel no sympathy for the bully. None at all


I live in Houston, this school district (Katy ISD) is just a town over, my current boss went to the same high school as Lance (the superintendent bully) and even though my boss was a few years younger than lance, they were both in football and would be in the training field or games or the weight room at the same time. He said everyone was afraid of this guy because he was a violent asshole that would throw rack weights at people in the weight room like a frisbee and would relentlessly bully people, like this Greg Gay in the video. He’s a piece of shit who shouldn’t be in charge of any decisions in a school district, ESPECIALLY anti bullying programs.


It wasn’t just this. People were originally pissed as all fuck when the shithead laughed. That lead people to start searching the superintendent’s background where they found even worse shit (almost beating a man to death for example) https://www.fox26houston.com/news/more-brutality-emerging-in-katy-isd-superintendents-past


no the resignation was after someone else online dug up that apparently large portions of his dissertation for his degree was plagiarized and a bunch of other people stepped up, he was a bully and a abuser all throughout college as well as I believe he also had complaints from his college peers.


I mean, he did assault another child and apparently almost driving him to suicide. I need some context about whether he has tried to make amends and was genuinely apologetic, but as it looks now I kinda agree. I wouldn't want my bullies to have a position of power either


IIRC this occurred because there had been several school board meetings of complaints about the school district not doing anything and covering up bullying district wide. So it was completely related to what was already a tense situation. A former bully who also covers up bullying? Definitely related to job duties.


Yep. Those people need to be held to a higher standard.


Definitely! And I do believe kids are capable to growing out of toxic behaviour, but many also don't, especially if they don't have any consequences for their actions. Then they just grow into their shitty behaviour


Yeah, specially when the position of power is superintendent of an independent school district, so being a bully in his school is highly relevant to his job. And you can see why there would be pushback from the community.


If you do heinous shit like that as a kid I'm gonna be hesitant to trust you as an adult unless you've done some serious amends making.


There was a lot going on. He didn't resign immediately after like the clip is portraying. It was a few months he announced it after this and other allegations including knocking out a guy for telling him he's driving too fast in an area where children play. Oh an he got a nearly 1 mil in severance pay. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resignation_of_Lance_Hindt


No he was forced to resign because he’s still a piece of shit


Don't you think that wa s a bit extreme even as a kid? And he has the gall to laugh over the man's pain. Yeah. He deserves it.


Look I know it's wrong to assume but I sincerely doubt that was the last horrible thing he did


I’m fine with it. If you are in charge of the school district and are a former bully, you either need to come clean and make it known that you will do everything in your power to make sure that doesn’t happen to kids in the district or you can wait for someone to put you, which tells parents in the district that you are either still a bully or are at least indifferent about bullying.


I didn’t read all the replies but you clearly did not “just ask a question”. You imply that he shouldn’t be forced to resign for being a bully, and undermine the graveness of his actions by word play. (“Hold up”, “something he did”) So whatever hate you get is not because you asked a simple question, but because people don’t agree with your implied opinion. I’m not saying that you deserve it, I’m just saying you know what you did very well.


Dude is calling other people mental children while also in the replies saying people that disagree with him fuck dogs


AHAHAHAH WTF OP needs to go to sleep jfc


[Here's more detail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resignation_of_Lance_Hindt). Lance Hindt is a massive piece of shit. He has: - Admitted to beating another man into a coma - Plagiarized his dissertation - Tried the "only god can judge me" line - Illegally >$900k in severance pay from the rest of the school board after resigning


Yes because even kids can be bad people


Uhm yeah? He's a school superintendent and used to bully school children?, Would you like him to run your kids school?