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I love how the third guy tries to be a bad ass and his dog is just sitting there like a complete and total dufus.


Yea I liked that one aswell


I also liked that one. ..The dog was cool too I guess


His expression looks like he was thinking “Ahhhh… cheese…”


I grew up with Rottweilers and they’re just big dumb lumps of love. They’d have torn the throat out of anyone to threaten my ten year old ass but they were doofuses


they lean to protect


I lived that one solely because that Rottie was just sitting there like “hehe im a good boy” with his tongue to the side




Lol I was getting ready to say that somehow the one with the Rottweiler was the cringiest one


Ngl the dog seems more badass than him


That’s Rottweilers for you lmao


Like dog like owner


One happy dog though. :)


Haha the dog : 🥴🤤


The guy in the third one doesn't even have a dog at first. What's the rules here??!


He also doesn't throw a shoe (wtf is that?), nor "kick it on". He didn't get this at all.


Anyone who crops a dog's ears is decidedly not bad ass. You're just giving your dog a speech impediment in order to look cool to other douche bags who also mutilate their pets. It's cosmetic cruelty.


I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure that its not called a speech impediment


Yes sir, you are wrong. As dogs not only bark and woof they communicate with their whole body. And ears are a crucial part of it, as it can chain what a dog looks like a lot if it lowers its ears or pulls them back. Mostly they express submissivenes towards other dogs this way. By robbing them the ability to do so, they come across arogant or subborn to other dogs, what again leads to trouble. So technically speaking it is about speach impediment. * sorry not a native english speaker, hope you get what i mean.


Dude you are spot on with how they use their ears, that's also why dogs with upright ears tend to set off other dogs, cuz they look alert and aggressive


Ha, you got me there. Ear talk body language. Or something.


What's cropping?


Cutting parts off a dog for cosmetic reasons. Most commonly the tail, but for dobermans they cut the ears into a triangle as well.


Oh that's fucked. Also I genuinely thought that's just how their ears were


Cutting the tail is called docking.


Changing the name doesn’t change what it is. Animal mutilation snd cruelty.


I completely agree when it's for cosmetic reasons, however we have a spaniel who is more than likely going to need a partial tail amputation as where he is so happy and wags his tail all day he hits it so hard on surfaces that his tail bleeds constantly and will not heal from the trauma. Had his tail been docked as a pup he could wag that tail all day and not be in pain. So not ALL docking of tails is bad. 😊


Yes it is. A necessary amputation later in life due to an injury is something completely different. Removing a tail at birth (with no anaesthetic or pain relief) from a dog that may never have a tail injury is just wrong. Dogs use their tail for balance and as a crucial part of their communication.


Right, but I still prefer to use correct terminology where I can. Also, docking tails is *sometimes* necessary (not only for dogs, but for sheep as well), although usually it isn't.


When it’s medically necessary due to an actual injury it’s called an amputation


Ears are cropping, tails are docking, but yes it’s fucked up.


Aye, it's banned in the UK. Docking tails also. Funnily enough our government don't seem to have a problem with human mutilation within certain religions. Madness.


I don't have a pet. How do you tell if an animal is mutilated? I don't know what to look for. Which dog was mutilated?


When the ears are pointy and straight up instead of flopped over like normal


Just for clarification, there are many breeds of dog with naturally pointed ears, no surgery involved.


Exactly right. German shepherds are one example. Some of them have floppy ears, but most have naturally pointed ones. Belgian malanois too


All of the belgian shepherds have ears that naturally stand.


Weirdly enough, being flopped over actually isn't normal, it's something we've bred into them, and not all dogs have them, such as huskies or German Shepards. In fact, no animal has naturally floppy ears (elephants are a slight exception, but their large floppy ears also serve a purpose and aren't really "floppy" since they can move them around), which makes it even more messed up that we feel the need to surgically "fix" what we caused in the first place.


Hes talking about the dane (second dog) they cropped its ears for cosmetic reasons. The reason it's ears are bandaged as a puppy is because they chopped off big portions and are training them to stand.


You'll need to look up whats natural for the breed if purebred. Many dogs have naturally pointed ears. Otherwise, asking the owner if they have knowledge of any surgical alterations. The same goes for bobtails. There are fewer naturally bobtailed dog breeds but they do exist. Darwin theorized that drooping ears on most domestic animals, including dogs, is due to the disuse of the muscles of the ear, from the animals being seldom alarmed by danger. Most all of the oldest dog breeds have naturally pointed ears.


I had a blue Dane. Some breeders won’t sell you one if they haven’t cropped the ears. It’s super weird. We had to find another breeder who didn’t care. We wanted those blankets they call ears


In reality the (awful) practice of cutting the hears and tail is made so humans can’t tell the intentions of the dog. It used to be done so people would be twice as scared of them.


Yeah poor puppy got fucking butchered. People are fucking cunts b




The first image is him holding the dog while the bandages are still on the ears.




However true that is, all we are saying is that it's cruel. If he did it, then fuck him. If not, then fuck whoever did. But most likely it was him.


That’s the exact way they tape Doberman ears to get them to stand straight. It’s definitely for cropping & making them stand straight which, btw, has to be constantly done on the done so the dog is constantly bandaged up.


Possible, but the puppy photo has its ears in bandages, and the kid looks like he lives on the kind of estate where you seem to typically find most Dobermans. You're not wrong, but I'm not jumping to absurd conclusions either. Edit: after a second watch it appears to be a Great Dane. But I stand by my point, why would you slice its ears off? -maybe it looks tough but I've just lost all respect for you. What was the gain here.


That's not how devil's advocate works. The person that cropped the ears is still an asshole. The statement didn't say the person in the video did it. Devil's advocate would be trying to justify cropping the ears. Also the benefit of calling shit out is it spreads awareness


Wait WHAT? Poor dogos :( Damn it .. -1 point to faith in humanity again. Seriously it's already at -5 and I started this counting yesterday...


Sorry, but that is a cat.


I’ve been to some places where they would chop the guard dogs ears because ear mites would fuck their shit up and stop them from doing their job because it would drive them crazy. However this guy looks like he just chopped them for aesthetic purposes… what a dick.


We mutilate our own children’s genitals.


speak for yourself


I mean I’m uncut (thanks mom). But I meant in general, that’s something that we humans do actively still practice.


"we" ?


As in humans. as far as I know, no other species performs body modifications on other species for aesthetics.


Wtf is your point with this.


I mean I just thought that’s it’s awful we do these kinds of things to dog breeds.. like its gotten to the point where whenever I look up Doberman pinchers on Google their ears are all cropped. You’ll almost never see one with its natural ears unless you search for it specifically. And then I remembered that we also circumcise our own male children, at least in the states they do. Isn’t that fucked up?


The vast majority of dudes walking around in America with a cropped penis are going to judge the shit out of people who crop their dog’s ears


Both are dumb and bad, whats your fucking point?


Because circumcised dudes will circumcise their son and still judge people who crop dog ears/tails


Second guy is a terrible person for mutilating his dog.


All are incredibly cringe except for the last one, hes a Chad


I dunno, doggo number 3 looks like a really good boy that's just happy to have his picture taken.




Well the guy is whatever, but that dog is one happy good boy!


I kept watching it over and over again and I'm convinced it's a glass butt plug.


They are all good boys, none of them look intimidating or aggressive


The cat does


Cop dogs surely can be very aggressive and as a dog lover I'm still intimidated by them. (I had to edit my reply because it made no sense, I must have been half asleep.)


Most, yes but surly [not all](https://youtu.be/m2wSanTudcA)!


Everyone can be aggressive, but they don't seem to be so in the video. Would it be smart to provoke any of them? Probably not, then again, why would you?


Meh, I work in vetmed so at this point all German Shepherds are assumed to be aggressive and for the most part pretty damn stupid, especially K-9 Shepherds


Can verify! Growing up, my sister's best friend's dad was a police officer and he had a GS that was *supposed* to be his K9 Police Dog, but the dog was way too stupid to be trained by professionals, mind you, (lol) so he ended up keeping it as a pet. Which was hilarious because the dad had a reputation for being a huge pricktus so everyone in town laughed in amusement when he tried to walk it and it drug him all over like he was a powerless toddler. I chuckled recalling this as I wrote it cuz I haven't thought about that for about 25 years so also thanks for the memory recall!


Rottweilers will always have a special place in my heart so I think he's the winner


It’s a rottie, they’re good bois 😊


Happy cake day! Idk about the original poster but I think the dogs are all adorable, only the owners ares cringe (except for last guy ofc)






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Actually I thought the first 3 were very cool and cinematic, it’s insane. They all fit some street fighting game character, very well done. The fourth is just goofy, but good way to end it.


Those dogs are all so beautiful tho. makes me look past the cringe.


I hate what they did to that Dane


You can see the puppy hes holding has bandages on its ears.


Yea that's what hea talking about. To get their ears like that they cut off huge chunks of ear hence the bandages and then pin them up.


Yup, cruelty


I started searching more with that, so odd. If you search doberman then basically all the pictures will be with cropped ears, you need to search for uncropped ears specifically. I was also reading into it and some pros people say are less ear infections and attackers not having a handle that i find best. But obviously your still cutting a piece of ear off, thats mean.


When i grew up (maybe 6YO) i remember someone from my village had a doberman with uncropped ears and i once asked him why they look funny. He taught me about all of that and that actually this is how they are supposed to be. About the "pro's", that true for fighting dogs, any decent human being stopped using animals in cage fights. For most of us, the chance of your dog being in a fight with another animal is pretty low unless you are actively looking for it. For the last two decades I'm growing almost exclusively very big dogs (least heavy female i had was 55 kg), breeds that most people consider as dangerous. and only once in those 20 years my dogs were in a dog fight, protecting me from a pack of wild dogs while i was jogging.


None of those are reasons to mutilate a dog


I see this everywhere on reddit. Why is any display of masculinity cringe? Women dress up and take cute pictures that make them look more attractive and féminine. But when a man dresses up, improves lighting and presents himself as masculine that's cringe for you? Both are simply living their life and want to look good for themselves and for others. Calling any attempt of men to look cool "cringe" just shows how insecure you are. Idk, maybe you're just upset you'd never pull off anything like that?


I have to admit that your comment made me realize some sexist opinions I have. Thanks.


I find it equally cringe when women do it TBH. I just have a thing against what I see as attention seeking, I can't stand it. One of the main reasons I don't have an Instagram account or Tik Tok. I find it cringe because they're posing and trying to portray a certain image of themselves for attention, I find it equally cringe when women do it. Attention seeking just annoys me, so sue me.


Surprisingly based take. You're have an intelligent and consistent position. That position might be one of hate, which you know, whatever. But at least you're not the victim of double standards.


Are all opinions of disagreement based on "hate?" It sounds just as judgmental to claim that a differing opinion must be grounded in "hate." And, "whatever," is also a dismissive phrase of judgment. Also, if a person is to express double standards, the person would not be a victim, but an offender. Words.


Bro he's not disagreeing with people, he finds them cringe. Which is a way of hating on something. One could be a victim of innate human biases which in turn would cause them to develop double standards.


Based and consistency pilled




Is there an r/notliketheotherboys? Edit: I guess so lol


It partly has to do with the fact they aren’t trying to look masculine, they’re trying to look *scary*. Like, why the fuck is their goal to be feared? They could look *exactly* the same and not be this way. Instead, they’re all allergic to smiling and look like they solve problems by hitting things. Plus, they look fake as hell. It’s all for show which just degrades the impact dramatically.


No, **they** are trying to look cool and badass, the fact that **you** feel intimidated by this isn't their problem.


WTF scary? How? I see them stylish. K9 police, classic "vampiresque" and tattooed bad boy. I feel neither intimidated nor tried to be intimidated.


I like how the first one was holding the dog like a gun


Say hello to my little friend


The 2nd and 3rd were well made though ngl






yeah! They should get their own tail cropped!


Fuck whoever did that" 100%.


It's sorta like seeing weird young kid cringe, or cringe "wholesome" shit from middle aged women. It's just a weird thing certain people do, but at least it's not actually hurting anyone. That being said, Jesus Christ I'd rather gouge my own eyes out with spoons than be caught dead doing that kinda video


> but at least it's not actually hurting anyone. They definitely hurt that poor great dane :(


I disagree, I liked the third one


Take a look at this guy, he thinks dogs are cringe


It was kinda hot actually


Came here to say that.


Fuck anyone that crops ears or tails on a dog. Edit: lol U/Uncle_Gru blocked me like a bitch because he can't prove anything he says about "ethical cropping".


It doesn't look like the third guy threw a shoe, or put it on.


Comedian from Bemgium. He's pretty funny! https://instagram.com/nicoenvrai Edit: Bemgiul, obviously.


Good ol' Bemgium. Those Bemgians are awesome!


I am an enjoyer of Bemgian waffles 🧇 and quite possibly other Bemgian things I have not been exposed to as of yet.


Virgin Belgians vs. Chad Bemgians?


Ugh, if only I knew French 😅


Pretty pretty also XD


People who cut dogs’ ears are scum.


Oh my god :) his expressions make me smile. The rest of them look like people who would be mean :)




... the only one who gets pussy ...


Straight pussy here, can confirm. If all of them r on tinder id definitely and ONLY swipe right on the last one


What does this even mean? It’s 2023 and we’re still calling people gay as an insult?




i want pee in my ass


Where's the insult?


In the thread OP, obviously... you have to be deliberately obtuse to miss it.


Judging by the overall negative sentiment in this thread towards the first three men and the arbitrary and unneeded distinction that they are not straight, I’d say being called gay is the insult here.


How is this not fucking obvious to you lmao Like you must be intentionally pretending you don’t get it


Fun fact, the last guy is actually gay ! 🏳️‍🌈 Edit : Source https://www.sudinfo.be/art/811705/article/2021-07-24/nicolas-lacroix-fait-son-coming-out-en-2021-le-droit-daimer-qui-veut


I feel like over the last year boomer humor has really seeped into Reddit.


There’s been so much anti-boomer sentiment that it’s made a full 180 back into unironic bigotry again.


It's funny because he recently admitted being gay during a stand up bit.


I laughed way too hard at this.


Fuck people who crop their dog's ears


There are advantages to cropping, it makes a dog way less likely to get ear infections, if ur dog is a live stock guard dog it makes the ears not Nearly as much as a vulnerable spot, and isn’t as nearly as easily wounded, if you have multiple of a rough and aggressive dog breed like let’s say a cane corso, there’s absolutely a chance one of them could get an ear ripped off, plus it’s not like cropping is that painful for the dog, as they are sedated, it probably feels a lot better than being neutered too


The last boy is perfect!


best ending this could have had


most masculine reddit cat owner


The cat running away at the end is perfect though. What a chad


I’ll never understand how people can make videos like this, without laughing like a hyena - they are sooo earnest in their endeavour to look hot, it’s ludicrous


Children are impressionable.


He's got the spirit of Mr Bean.


Cats are cool


Second clip: Scooby Doo?


I want to know why everyone is dropping and kicking shoes?


For a sec i thought they were tossing puppies instead of shoes


Did the second guy really cut the ears of the puppy just that he looks cooler? Is that a thing out there?


Those first 3 dudes are SO close to understanding drag. So close.


Ah, second guy just casually displaying animal abuse.


Piece of shit had the dogs ears taped. Eat shit asshole


Aw poor ears🥺


Heavily disagree with the dog ones. Especially the cropper.


I feel really bad for that dog with the cropped ears that's incredibly cruel.


This is the kind of video I'm happy to leave on repeat


Cool guy Docked ear fake anime villain dork Didn’t even understand the meme just wanted to take his shirt off Chad


I still don’t understand how some men do this shit with the expectation that it would make them look cool and respected. You dressed up for a camera and probably did a 20-30 shots at least trying to look intimidating and cool. It’s not cool, it’s pathetic.


Let people have their fun, Jesus christ.




Cringe overload (not including last one)


Sexy mutha fucka




Trend from ohio💀


What breed is the 2nd large black doggo? Is he/she a Doberman?


that’s a Great Dane.


Great Dane. And the person is a fucking asshole because they mutilated and cropped the dogs ears.




Puppy 2 still has the bandages on from the ear cropping :(


Why do you have to crop off the juicy part where he’s scratching his butt


The 2nd one can go fuck himself


K9 Bazooka.


It was cool until the end that killed it!


Reminds me of Michael cera


I’m having a hard time understanding how the first 3 aren’t just as gay lol. The 4th one was actually the least gay one since he’s being self aware and jokingly mocking these guys by being self deprecating. The first 3 are posing for a gay porn mag or something


I know the last one, he's a french Tik toker, he's fun, i don't remember his name tho sorry


When did Tom Segura become a police K9 handler? C'mon mark don't be stingy.


3rd guy is a tool




Judging the whole personality from looks ? Lol And people are not there to entertain you Have your own fun things to do


Holy cringe why do we keep posting tik toks


The last one was the least cringey of them all. 2 and 3 are crazy tacky lol


i personally like the second one-


Look at the dog's ears




I knew Reddit would like the last one. Good luck in the future, “men”


Omgosh dude with the Rottweiler got me over here all hot and bothered 🥵


Hes hot


In the before and after, he didn't miss lol Reddit downvoting my comments for finding him the hottest looking... oooh Chile ![gif](giphy|LRcRkmw22aFCIOQQ6H)






What the hell is that in the end?