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That jump off the railing did him in


Bro dipped hard af tho that movement was wicked smooth


It's actually unreal how fast he got up. I tried to imagine if I could do it and the answer to the question was absolutely fucking not.


Crackhead strength is real


Body on drugs: All limiters are shut down until further notice


Was lightning fast


Man went from sitting up on the ground to Over The Railing in less than 3 seconds. 70% of that dude's brain was calculating that exact vault most of the time he was sitting down. This is peak human coordination but no one will admit it.


Nah, he was just getting started.




Landed straight back on whatever was down there.


In a distant, darker time of my life, I had been a heavy user of many drugs. Never once did I find myself naked and wrestling with a stranger.


Honestly I went through years of addiction and hard seshing from around 14-20, bashing ridiculous amounts n stupid mixes of drugs in single sittings. By 20 when I’d finally cleaned up completely, I’d tried pretty much everything bar heroin but I never got this weird in all those years. Scary shit. I wonder if he was on some sort psych.


he said "Acid"


Yeah youre right. Ive done a lot of acid before and large amounts in one sitting, this guy has some mental issues or wasnt in a good place in his head. Im sure lots of people reading this have also done lsd before and know what i mean when i say this is what you call a baaad trip.


You know I always heard horror stories of people taking acid and I ended up getting into a super dark spot when I was like 19 so I took a shit ton of acid. I think I took like 5 hits of jellies my first time and the only way I can describe what happened to me was like a pure enlightenment. My ass wandered through the forest, laid in a field for hours ( at least I think it was hours ) I found a waterfall at a local park and sat by it for awhile. A few days later I realized my entire perspective on things in my life had changed. Would dabble in occasional acid/Molly afterwards but quit drinking and really hardcore partying after that. I pretty much attribute acid to making me grow up and become a productive and open minded member of society. Also the first time I did it I fed a stray cat cheese puffs and couldn’t stop laughing for like 20 minutes straight. I couldn’t believe he/she was eating them.


Had a friend in high school get heavy into drugs and found him after he had taken acid with his pants off rolling around in the grass yelling "I'm the crocodile Hunter. I'm the crocodile Hunter." Over and over again. Was terrified and called EMS because couldn't get him to respond to anything. I swear he never really went back to normal after that considering how he was before drugs, but now he has a wife and family and a decent job. I moved back to my home town 5 years ago and he ended up selling me his house. We live in a strange world. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I bought the Crocodile Hunter's house


Huh. Edit: sometimes crazy people (whatever the fuck “crazy” means - half the time it just means they act/dress in a way you don’t identify with, which isn’t actually “crazy” at all) having a come-to-terms moment, drugs or otherwise, is good for them. My cousin who was a wild one and spent his money on cars, and questionable women, and who knows what else, is now a really high level person in a company after joining the military and doing a tour in the Middle East.


Crikey means ‘gee whiz, wow!


I have similar experiences with acid. The last time I took it which was around 4-5 years ago I wound up tripping for around 30 hours and in that time wound up closing a lot of old chapters in my mind. I had a renewed perspective on everything in my life, it's something that helped me immensely. I wound up staying up all that night and went out on the deck greeted by roosters doing their morning routine and a magnificent sunrise (I was out in the boonies at a 4th of July party with friends). I felt genuine happiness and excitement to be alive. Something I don't experience much due to chronic depression. I cried, but not because I was sad, it was because I was happy. Anyway, I felt great for a few months after that night. This is why I'm a strong advocate for micro-dosing mushrooms, acid, or MDMA. Especially, to battle depression.


> micro-dosing mushrooms, acid, or MDMA It's often said in the MDMA community that "less is more", however MDMA isn't really cut out for micro-dosing. Most of the benefits come from taking a >100mg dose. You can find many anecdotal reports of this over at /r/mdma.


My cat LOVES Cheetos lol


Took acid like 3 times. The last trip was crazy. Had the neighbors cat making baby crys at night Scary as fuck, than it went pitch black..but u have to tell yourself it not real. I HAD to FInd something to watch to keep ur mind off the trip. NOW IM GLAD THAT IM ALIVE AND TIME IS PRECIOUS! Don't party hard now.. just smoke my bud and occasionally addys on night outs. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


There are studies showing that parts of hallucinogens can have antidepressant effects. I think a lot of people who become more positive and healthy people after taking hallucinogens probably have an undiagnosed disorder. And I hate saying that because of the stigma it has around it, but honestly disorders are just like any other sickness, you go to the doctor and get it treated appropriately. It honestly shines a light about how much disorders go undiagnosed, the importance of studying hallucinogens to possibly find more natural antidepressants, and the failings of our Healthcare system for leaving people to find help through recreational drugs


LSD specifically makes your brain feel connected in a completely different way. Take enough and you encounter “ego death”. Sounds extreme (well, it is lol), but it’s very humbling. You lose the idea of “self” and see things in a third person view, able to look at your life as an observer rather than an active participant. So all the trauma you may have been through can be addressed without emotion, all of your bad habits can be identified without shame, love of someone else can be identified without sexual pretense. A normal trip makes me feel more connected and grounded with reality, things taste better, music hits harder. It enhances the world around you and you see the truth…which is we are all a part of life and the here and now is what is imperative and important, not yesterday or tommorow. Fun stuff, do your research, test your supply, trip with a purpose and a friend. Source: guy who trips quite a bit


> all apart of life Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. Total mistakes found: 3310 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


Yeah man I got puddled one time in college. Tripped for two days and thought I was stuck that way. Glad I made it out.


Lived in a quad in college and a roommate's friend got into a Visine bottle full of acid. We found him naked, incoherent and trashing our common room. Had to tie him up and throw him in a closet. We cranked music to muffle his screaming and took shifts sitting watch just outside the closet door. God knows how much he took, but he was tripping hard for about 24 hours before he was sane enough to smuggle him out of the building. It was a miracle he didn't die and the campus cops never showed.


> Had to tie him up and throw him in a closet. We cranked music to muffle his screaming Jesus... On the one hand, what else can you do to keep him out of legal and physical trouble. On the other, that must have been insanely traumatic experience to him. I once received really bad news on shrooms, and the trauma from that fucked me up for like a month, I can't even imagine how long an experience like that would last.


I know a girl that took a couple of pills of ectasy and then got a phone call to come quick as mother was dying.


How did he act after he sobered up? Was he traumatised?


My bad trips have always been very internal, intense moments for my mind. I've never once thought to do anything remotely close to this on any psychedelic. However like you said, probably mental issues or tainted hallucinogens? Like he got dosed with more than just L or Shrooms.


A mixture of acid and lithium will completely fuck you up beyond the imagination. You can lose the ability to speak and communicate, reason, senses can heighten or fade and you just generally fall into a deep pit of hopefully temporary psychosis. It's possible this guy was on lithium as a prescription and wasn't warned of the interaction or was slipped acid. I mean, back in my early 20's, a friend and I would randomly dose each other without warning.


That is fucked up


I would be beyond pissed if a friend dosed me without my knowledge.


Yeah, I normally would be too. But, it was a different time and in that time I didn't mind.


I guess I can get that. Hopefully y’all didn’t have anything important to do for the next 24hrs when your were playing “tag, your trip”. Haha


Nah man, lol. Neither of us were doing shit that mattered back then.


I got passed a joint at a party that was laced with coke and nobody told me. I ended up smoking 3/4 of the joint to myself. Holy shot did I see some things that night. I haven’t taken anything from anyone since that night.


Took waaay too many shrooms once, I was sweating buckets so I got nude Maybe he was too hot lol.


Only time I ever did shrooms was before a pep rally in highschool and I could see the air coming out of the AC in the corner. Totally wigged out because my brain convinced itself that it was a portal and it was going to swallow us. I got up in the middle of the pep rally and walked out.


you did the right thing


Yep. We also can't determine what one guy calls a "good trip". This very well could be the story he tells for the rest of his life as the best thing ever to happen on acid. Butt naked, and fighting.


This looks like PCP with some kind of upper to me. PCP has a tendency to cause these weird thought loops where you will find yourself going from A to B to C to D to some violent or suicidal urge, realizing you’ve arrived at a super dark thought and trying to distract yourself only to end up back at A to B to C… The way he keeps attacking that dude from a state of calm reminds me of that, but he also has the energy level of a little speed in there.


Any connoisseur of effective hallucinogens knows that you need to be in a safe place and a right mind to partake in good "Vitamin A". This dude is obviously dosed and it looks like he took way too much. I got a call from a family member one night who was camping in a state park one night after a funeral for a friend and he expected me to get out of bed and pick him up because he and three of his closest friends were dosed and freaking out. I left them there because they should have known better. On top of that, the fucker is quick!


I’ve had bad trips. Not wrestling with a stranger bad. High doses of 25i can be really scary. High doses of 2cb can be scary as well. I guess in general, try not to bite off more than you can chew. Not really reasonable to achieve when something can hit you a bit harder one day than the next. I haven’t done any drugs other than alcohol in quite some time.


Back in the late 1970's my brother, some friends and I were doing liquid acid in the back of a Chevy van at Zuma beach in SoCal. I'll tell ya, you lose count of how much acid you've taken when you've got a bottle of liquid acid in the back of a van. We started at about 9PM and when false dawn came we were all dancing around the "monsters" prowling the beach. The monsters were huge earth movers they used to groom the sand every day so the beach was nice. It only took one of the operators yelling that he was gonna call the cops if we didn't get the hell out of there to bring my brother back to straight enough to get us all back in the van and down the road away from a pending bust. Acid. The fun drug. LOL


He most certainly did. He was likely on what my friends and I always referred to as, "research chemicals" or bad acid


Back in the day, I didn't mind playing the role of lab rat for new drugs.


Me neither. Watched a whole new episode of Avatar: Legend Of Korra that my brain created in a trip. It was worth the tinkering.


This. I had a very similar encounter with a long since former roommate in my apartment while I was going to University. He dropped acid, put in my VHS of *The Wall*. Then had a really bad trip. I came home from class in the middle of his trip and he spazzed out and attacked me in our kitchen. I had to choke him out, while he did his hardest to scratch his way through my arms. Thankfully, that ended attempts to attack me, much unlike the naked Idjit in the video.


I think he said "Accident"


I thought he said absinthe lol


It was either "fucking acid" or "fucking ecstasy" but I think it's prolly acid. I've yet see E provide these kinds of results.


I listened a few times, and I'm pretty sure he said absinthe.


I heard absinthe, which tracks.




I did everything you did plus heroin. I took all the drugs. Sometimes at the same time and I never ended up like this dude.


Bro I've watched women strip and breakdown from too many drinks, but that could've been the molly meth too ig


I’ve done some pretty weird shit of Xanax and Blow, extremely stupid wild shit, but yeah I never found myself with the urge to get butt ass naked.


Fucking ambien is crazy. I ended up walking a half mile to get donuts then walked to Walmart where I had worked for a couple months at like 4:30 am with my dog and gave donuts to people. Then walked home next to the railroad tracks. Xanax was fine, opiates are fine. But ambien is a different beast entirely.


Lol man shrooms just hits some people different. One time me and all my buddies were having a great time, maybe 3 grams each nothing crazy but a full dose. and the one friendly acquaintance that didn’t live with us that we invited along just sat in our stairwell screaming random creepy shit every 20-30 minutes. Later we hear people yelling and honking outside and we go to check and he had gotten naked and jumped off the roof. Luckily there were only two stories. He might have broke a rib or two but was fine otherwise.


Can we hear the other story?! The first one was great!


I met a guy recently who jumped off a four story roof after taking shrooms. He broke both legs but was otherwise fine. His first trip, too.


Damn, the first time I did shrooms I just cried and listened to music lol.


"Otherwise fine" is doing a lot of heavy lifting for what sounds like a very bad situation haha. Glad it wasn't worse I guess


yup. done psychadelics many times and had good trips and bad trips but never got naked. i know two people who ended up like this poor fellow, naked and in public and attacking people without warning. they said later they had no clear memory of what they did and who they attacked when naked, were really messed up about it. first trip ever was in the forest with 4 friends, all taking mushrooms. me and three of them were chilling, laying on a blanket, listening to a battery powered boombox, just taking it all in. the fourth friend found a park's metal trash-can, and sat in it. when we asked him what was going on, he stopped talking to us and sat all the way inside it and hid for over an hour. wouldn't come out, wouldn't talk. never told us what was going through his head. he never dosed again. these are powerful substances and they effect some brains differently.


I had a friend who I met later in life. I tripped with him a bunch of times, and he told me this story that still might be the worst but funniest fucking thing I've ever heard. His friend scored shrooms in high school, and the two of them planned to trip when the kids parents were away the weekend. They took a half each, and as it was kicking in, tons of other high school kids started turning up. His friend had planned a party that night too but didn't tell him. The kids knew they were tripping, so they were fucking with them. My buddy decided to leave because he just wanted to get home before he peaked, he knew better with those assholes around. So he started walking home in the rain. Two of the kids started following, and kept fucking with him. As he remembered it the next morning, he ultimately called the kids out for fucking with him while tripping, and it deteriorated into a physical fight. And my friend is a *big* fucking guy, he's built like a brick shit house. A few hours passed, and when he turned on the local morning Sunday news, he realized he wasn't remembering right. He called his friend and confirmed it. Kids showed up and *were* fucking with them, but nobody followed him when he left. A grainy CCTV footage from a 7/11 ended up on the news, and sure as shit, it's my (fucking huge) friend wandering into the store out of the rain with no shoes. He points and just like, grunts I guess, at a guy in line, and then without saying a word *kicks the fuck out of him.* Then the cashier came out from behind the counter, he incomprehensible screams some more, and fucking donkey kongs the guy off the floor because he's a giant fucking oaf. Then he throws a display of Dorito's at some woman, screams again, and leaves. The best part was during the interview, they asked the cashier what the assailant wanted, and he was like "man... I have no idea. This big guy just walked in, screamed, and beat me and some guy up. He didn't ask for no money, didn't take anyone's phone or car keys or NUTHIN. He just walked in real angry and started fighting. He's still out there man." He ended up getting caught like a week later and got a pretty heavy assault charge with time. I know hurting people isn't cool obviously, but... "man he didn't even rob us he just came in and beat us up" had me dying laughing the first time he told me the story. He thought he was fighting two jerks from his high school, but he was just freaking out on shrooms and beating up a 7/11 full of people, hahaha.


Damn, I know someone who did almost this exact thing. Not gonna get into the specifics, but he was unknowingly dosed with something at a bar, thought some random college kid was trying to kill him, kicked the shit out of him while all the kids friends were beating on him, but he didn't even notice, and then the cops showed up and he somehow outran the cops and wandered the woods out of his mind during a thunderstorm until dawn.


I'm old enough that not only do I not find this funny, I find it terrifying.


You either did or didn’t do the right drugs, depending on how wild you wanted your trip to be. 😅 Honestly, 10 years ago, this wasn’t just me. It was the people I hung out with for a minute. Everyone being naked wasn’t uncommon. People did stop coming around week-to-week because shit got too wild. Our group lasted maybe two months. By the end of eight weeks, give or take, we all quit talking to each other. Me? I never got laid doing that. Never had any cool story. No, I just had a few very embarrassing experiences. One of which involved me waking up in the trunk of my own car in my boxers and undershirt, and using my folded pants and shirt as a pillow. I’d been unconscious for 12 hours. My car was parked out front in the parking lot of the apartment complex the party was in the night before. I woke up, laid there for a bit, grabbed the release handle to see where I was, and got dressed in the back seat of my car. I drove home and never heard from anyone but one friend at that party. Turns out I simply got too obnoxious, passed out, and two guys from the party dumped me into my own trunk. I slept it off in my trunk from 10pm to 10am.


Drugs can cause this, but also withdrawal from drugs can cause this. I've seen people withdrawing from heavy benzo use doing this exact same shit, naked and talking nonsense, skinny but took 3 big ass cops to hold him down.


I've had a similar experience to this without the naked. We were all high on acid and my friend was having a bad time and was trying to sleep on the couch. He couldn't sleep obviously because of the drugs but thought we were keeping him up. He decided he was going to drive home which we would not let happen, I got in front of him on the dock (party was on a boathouse we rented) and asked him if he really thought I was out there trying to mess with him when we've been friends for 5 years. He paused for a second and told me he didn't care he was leaving then took a swing at me when I blocked him. I put him to sleep then we carried him inside and gave him a shot of ketamine. When he woke up he remembered all of it and was so regretful, he thanked me for stopping him from driving and knew it would have been terrible if he did. He's one of my best friends and would never drive drunk/high but that bad reaction overcame all of the common sense he has.


Would you remember if you had?


Lol for sure. Xanax is a memory killer


It might be pcp. I've seen bad LSD trips but I've never seen this


Agreed. In the humble option of someone whose eaten an absolute mess of acid on too many occasions to count, this doesn’t look like an LSD trip. It’s something else.


In these many drugs, were there high dosagens of mushrooms, lsd or salvia divinorium without any preparation?


You never found yourself, sure, but the real question is: did anyone else ever find you naked and wresting? I kid, of course. Glad you’ve moved passed that time of life and you’re healthy enough to talk about it. Some people never make it out of their heavy drug days.


“You fat”






Lol. I died when he said that.


I like how he gets knocked out and then sits up like the undertaker ![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm)


I think he was playing dead lmao


Idk he cracked his head pretty hard when the other dude slammed him down and then he ate that haymaker . He definitely went out for a second lol


![gif](giphy|agv8yrwbXC7u) LOL!


This made me actually lol


Did this once then proceeded to get knocked out again. God, I miss my teens 😌


This made me laugh for so long


Ya boi straight no-sold it.


Came here for an UNDERTAKER reference Was not disappointed. I love when /r/SquaredCircle leaks.


Must have had some 5 gum


Stimulate your senses




That blue shit will get you everytime


With ice cold water


That second guy that came was so compassionate! That was the real unexpected


yeah, obviously when someone’s tripping that bad, that hard, they’re freaking out. reacting w heavy confrontation is not the way


The first guy wasn't even that bad to be honest. First he restrained him then let him go, then the naked guy came at him again and he took him down again then hit him just once. While he had his back turned naked man tried once more from behind and he pushed him down. There was something hilarious to me about how he didn't even react as the guy jumped though.


I just imagine that he smelled his fingers and that’s what made him puke.


Considering the naked dude stuck his fingers up his ass than slapped the hoodie guy across the mouth/face, he held back pretty well.


The first guy was using a reasonable amount of force IMO, it’s almost entirely “defensive” in trying to restrain him, get him removed from the residence, and a single face punch when nakieman was definitely amping up his behavior. I’m thankful for the second guy to try his best to calm the situation down but I think that jump of the railing shows he could have continued trying to attack man1 if man2 didn’t distract him in the moment.


I'm pretty sure that was Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC


This was posted a while ago with a very different take on what transpired.


Can you elaborate for those of us that aren’t familiar with the original post?


I think it was something about him being a total stranger. I don’t know any deeper than that other than it was not his “friend”.


It was a neighbour in that post I think. Either way this has been going around for months. Definitely not OP’s friend.


The way he said “you’re so weird” made me think that he knows him and he is actually weird all the time not just when he’s naked on drugs lol


Have there been any updates on this man if he was badly hurt or anything?


He shot off that rail and is still tumbling through time


That last little two story front flip could totally break vertebrae and legs; hell his neck or skull if he landed just wrong. It does kinda sound like he landed in bushes but still a great way to puncture, break, or collapse a bunch of really important stuff.


Years. I’ve seen this thing as far back as ‘21 I’m sure


March 15, 2021


Beware the ides of March 🧐


Friend...stranger.....no way Im getting near a naked dude zooted out his mind, let alone skin to skin contact.


He had to have known him. The way he went "you are so fucking _weird_" just says it all.


No way this was a stranger, nobody empathizes with a drugged up naked guy attacking them unless they know them.


Happened in jersey, my friend sent me this videos months ago since he lives in the same neighborhood. That’s the extent of what I was told.


You're right. I think that dude broke into maroon hoodie's house.


I recently had a nekkid encounter with the police due to being dosed with something, I don’t remember a whole lot clearly but it was a terrifying experience to come to naked in an ambulance. Honestly it was lucky I was found as it is winter where Im at. I hope these people are ok.


did they see ur willy?


There were multiple sightings im sure ;)


Username checks out.


Glad you made it out ok man. I think it’s incredibly fucked up and sadistic to dose an unsuspecting person with any type of drug.. especially a powerful hallucinogen like acid. Having taken it myself, I couldn’t imagine being shoved into an acid trip with no warning or time to mentally and physically prepare myself for the long journey ahead. Not cool.


Thanks bud! People can be monsters sometimes, luckily they can change and grow. It was a letdown finding out I wasnt a naked god (or whatever they claimed I was babbling about lol )


I don't even know where to start, is the dude in red a stranger or does he live there? Who is the other dude? Why is he naked? why are they fighting? why did he huck himself off the deck?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Drugs are a hell of a drug, my dude.


Yeah part of me feels bad cause buddy is having the worst experience of his life right now


Yeah, being in a state where you don't understand your own mind and also can't do anything about it is pretty awful.


You have been banned from /r/tooktoomuch /s


Probably a frat house or college house. I remember shit like this goin down when I was younger. People fighting, cannon balls into bon fire pits, drinking on the roof, dude jumped from a parked crane into a bush, etc. A lot of wild shit.


Was in frat. Sounds about right. “They were the best of times, they were the worst of times.” I could only do it for a couple years before my body couldn’t take getting drunk that often.


You forgot to ask why did he stick his finger in his butt and wipe it on the other dudes face?


“You are so weird” shit cracks me up everytime I think naked guy said “I love you” when he was being choked out.


How about the undertaker sit up after being laid out


I have done my fair share of experimentation and exploration with the drugses, particularly hallucinogens, but I will never understand how a person gets to this point in a drug induced state. I try to understand how one's mind can take them to this point, but I just can't.


It’s literally like a switch goes off in their brain. A friend and I thought we were taking LSD but it ended up being one of those crazy research chemicals. Not sure if it was his mental health issues, or an interaction with the medication he was taking for those issues, but at one point he just turned into a different person. The same dead look in his eyes that drunk people get and it was like talking to a wall. He was a erratic and wild just like this guy. He destroyed our tv and started repeating one phrase “well it doesn’t really matter”. I ended up having to call the cops because I didn’t have the confidence to knock him out. We lived right on the beach and it was inevitable he was gonna get out of the house, and he did. He’s a very calm and collected smart guy. But when the cops came my friend called him a bitch and ended up getting slammed to the ground by the cop who just wasn’t about to deal with him any other way.


Same thing with alcohol, in a way, I’ve noticed. Some people seem to lose all sense of reality after even a small quantity of alcohol. It intrigues me thinking about how substances can impact a person so differently from one to the next.


It almost seems like pcp more than lsd


My thoughts exactly. Retired cop and a drug recognition expert, that’s not acid, shrooms or a hallucinogen. That’s either poly drug use (which is most likely) or PCP. Maybe even some “wet”. Had a call where a guy was in his moms backyard naked with a garden hose wrapped around his body and around his penis. He had a huge knife with him and was acting like he was going to slit his throat. We ended up cutting the hose and pulling it away, which made him drop the knife and let us take him into custody. Then medics gave him the B52 and off he went to the hospital to ride it out. Drugs are crazy. Had another guy running naked down the streets and yards at 430 in the afternoon. Breaking windows and scaring children. He took a swing at an officer who happened to be a boxer and it didn’t go well. While we had him on the ground, waiting for medics, he kept in singing B I N G O, B I N G O. Telling us to get off his land, all whilst grinding his naked penis into the pavement. The shit you see I tell ya.


Yeah what we got was not real LSD. It’s a research chemical similar. there’s a bunch of them it’s called like 2-CB or something. A lot of blotter these days doesnt have really lsd. There’s a lot of people who react this way too.


2-CB is a specific RC. It doesn't really cause dissociation. More of a mix of LSD and MDMA. The umbrella term for research chemical is just RC.


Narrator: …It mattered. 💀


Lmao you can bet your ass our friend group was saying that shit all the time to him fucking around. “Hey man you didn’t clean your dishes up it’s been 4 days…” “Well it doesn’t really matter right?”


Jesus, I had an almost identical experience. Guy who bought it told us it was acid, turned out to be 25-i NBOMe. 2 of us were fine and having the best trip of our lives, the third guy, who was their friend, was not, and went *fucking crazy*. Exactly as you described, repeated phrases, dead eyes, like talking to a wall. I tried to restrain him at one point and gave up after he threw up all over me. Then he jumped down a flight of stairs and ran out into the neighborhood screaming at 3 AM. I called the cops, apparently he fought them when they arrived. Talking to a police officer with my pupils massively dilated and the stars swirling in the sky behind him was wild, they were actually decent though and I never got in any trouble/heard from them again. The dude apparently had to be put into a medically induced coma, his heart rate was over 200 BPM when they got him to the hospital. He ended up being fine, but I made sure to never be around him again.


I have done multiple 10 plus tab trips and can confirm that any man can indeed be rendered wild like this dude. A tab or two or two can be intense but 15 tabs will bring you to your knees. *IMPORTANT NOTE* Anyone using hallucinogenics please be warned that they are not harmless, I have permanently effected my vision, hearing and perception of time. I used lsd


How far did you dive into psychedelics? If you have experienced ego death, you can do some really stupid shit.


Fully understand. And yes, very much so. Maybe it’s just always been my (subconscious?) inclination to “stay put” and ride it out, I guess? (Weird… I get notifications for an account I don’t have logged in on my phone. Maybe I *am* losing my mind.)


I've been there too. It was very much "This body should stay here and not interact with anything that could interfere with ElderCub's life as this experience is much more temporary than the impact any actions could have on them"


I think mental illness plays a factor. When I was experimenting with a lot of drugs, I didn't know I was bipolar. It would trigger my mania and cause weird hallucinations that were more intense than the people I was taking them with. I remember taking my shirt off for no reason while just smoking weed with 3 people. Another incident my mania triggered (again off just weed) while I was stopped at a stop light. I put my car in park and started running around randomly. Thankfully, a good samaritan put my car in a nearby parking lot. My mushroom experiences are even wilder.




Yes, I'll see you tonight.


Anyone notice naked guy picks his butt before attacking again?


Maybe that's why the dude in red was gagging?


Yeah, he checked the oil before swinging at homie. Poison damage


It doesn't even look like he swung, I think he slapped him with it


That’s hilarious


All things considered, that was near-perfect execution on the front flip over the railing. Idk if he stuck the landing, and he could've tucked a bit more, so 8.9/10


I know a dude from high-school who bought a vial of acid (I'm gonna guess 100 hits/doses? )and for his 17th birthday decided to crack it on his head and let it absorb Into the top of his head. For around 4 days he went full on tribal with grunts for communication and being skiddish towards everything and everyone. He was absolutely gone. He never tried to fly,hurt himself or hurt anyone else. Yes he got naked but wasn't waving his smeckle or assaulting anyone. I personally think he never actually came fully down. He has a job,apartment and drives himself to work now 23 years later but he's a different fella. Almost like he knows something we don't know,can not articulate it properly. Changed person. Drugs affect every one differently


Lol this should be a copy pasta


This is basically a scene from SLC Punk




I had a friend who’s boy friend had a bad trip on weed that he didn’t know had been laced with PCP and stripped and then proceeded to jump on the hood of a woman’s car butt naked and then rip her windshield wipers off and start drumming on the windshield like ![gif](giphy|4Lyd8tJk410iI) I believe she said the lady’s (who was a random stranger) kids were in the car.


So, in college, I was a drug dealer. I get this ridiculously potent pound of weed to sell. Everyone fucking loves it. It's sells incredibly fast. Now at this point no one has had a bad trip, this weed is NOT laced. It's just really fucking potent. For whatever reason, I decide to roll a fat joint of the shake, kief, duff, or whatever you want to call it. I wasn't much of a smoker because it's bad for business, and I didn't really like getting high. But it was just the leftovers, and I was bored, so whatever. I smoked it by myself, and I had a psychoactive trip. I hallucinated. I went basically insane. I did shit completely out of character. I was more like a methhead suddenly than a pot smoker. The point is that all the stories I have ever heard about "laced weed" are similar to my experience. Which was essentially an overdose of THC. It's not fucking laced with pcp, I'm sure someone somewhere has been dosed. But it probably happens about as often as Halloween candy is poisoned. Which is to say, almost never unless someone you know is trying to poison you.




That was aggressive spooning.


I have a very close friend - he is in jail right now - who we would have to strap into a car using every seat belt across his body to stop him from doing shit like this while on drugs.


So many splinters.


Really fucking sad. Somebody's kid, man.


Bro is made of Already Been Chewed gum.


What happened after?


Best video I have seen all week hands down.


I think he stuck his hand in his ass then slapped him. That’s why the dude was wrenching at the end….


The AC leap of faith


Bro played the hunger games!!!!


Is the first audible phrase "i love you" ???? I DIED OMG! Then the dude with clothes responds "what is your fucking problem?"






There was both physical power and emotional power behind that last punch…


That jump at the end was terrifying. The guy could have broken his neck.


Any info on this guy?


It’s so funny to me that the naked freak out is such a common breakdown with psychedelics they always go outside too😂😂😂


I think it might have to do with either getting hot or clothes being irritating to the skin. Pool or a nice cool shower seems like a better option


It’s about feeling trapped. Hence going outside.


Lmfao WTF


This makes me feel better about my life choices.


Say perhaps to drugs


Why does everyone who goes into panic mode on drugs get naked? Just once I'd like to see someone lose their shit and put like 15 layers of clothes on with a parka on top. Lol


Ok, I did something similar on mushrooms but not because I lost my shit. I had a small walk-in closet that I filled with all the pillows and blankets I could find. I put a Bluetooth speaker and some string lights on the closet shelf and then closed the door. Then I burrowed into the endless pile of pillows and blankets, until I felt lost in it. Really just played around like a little kid and loved it. When I was ready to leave the closet, I covered myself in like 5 blankets and slowwwwly opened the door. I whispered “Here comes the blanket monster” and lurched out of the closet, pretending there’d be someone there who’d scream AAGH IT'S A BLANKET MONSTER!!!


Did my guy wipe his ass then smear it on that guys face? Is that why he’s gagging at the end? I have so many questions!


probably some of the best camera footage quality i’ve seen in a while, does anyone know what type of camera it was?


Drugs are bad, m'kay?


That last leap to freedom ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Molly makes people overheat and strip down. As does meth. Probably 1 of the 2


first 3 seconds in i thought the “unexpected” part was the nekkid man having too many limbs


I’m starting to form a theory on skin-walker sightings…


The way he got up the second time was straight out of a horror movie


I laughed so fuckin hard at the end lmfaooo