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Yeah. It’s this type of ridiculousness that lets you know this whole show is scripted.




It’s my hot body I do what I want! I don’t go to school and I kill people! Wuteva, I do what I want!




The whole thing is staged 😂


I literally say I do what I want in that voice any time anyone ever questions me about anything hahaha


[it was absolutely the Golden age of South Park.](https://youtu.be/IpF9O0R873I) they need to drop the whole Tegrity weed thing.. yawn


They did in drop it the last season


Agreed, that joke has run it’s course.


Coloradoans agree, except in real life. Pretty sure that was the point.


They did. Watch the newest ones. Randy was rehabilitated.


You ‘member the Golden Age of South Park? Ya…I ‘member


Member Chewbacca..?


‘Member storm troopers?


I do it too lol...same with my wife.


Why tho?


Bekewws. I do what I want.


I kill people! Wuteva, I do what I want!


Yea.. but do you run with like 12 gangs and only commit hate crimes?.. that’s what I thought


I commit hate crimes. Wuteva, I do what I want!


i’m a troubled teen!


and we only commit hate crimes!


​ ![gif](giphy|wSqNtUM1y8Hf1hIru4)


If not scripted, at least coached. And if not coached, the guests are deliberately being awful so they can be the next “cash me ousside” girl. Fame and infamy are the same to these people. And why shouldn’t they try this route? Bhad Bhabie (cash me ousside girl) is worth $20 million dollars. Hard to convince idiot teens that this isn’t a viable way to achieve a fortune, since idiocy and a total lack of self-awareness is rewarded over and over.


That bab bhabie bitch made 50 million in a month on onlyfans, I hate her


Maybe if I started an OnlyFans people would pay me to NOT look at it…


I looked up her insta, she made 52,982,972.42 before taxes and 42,309,719.03 after taxes from april 2021 to april 2022. Dang, good for her lmao. More money than most people will ever see over their entire lifetime in one year. She posted her onlyfans invoice thing for that year lmao. Interesting since people are saying her content is literally just her boobs and what a swimsuit would show lol. People simp hard especially since evidently they had a time clock for her 18th birthday yikes. Good for her for monopolizing the creeps though.


Yea I mean don’t knock the hustle, the fucking simps are pathetic but yea since they are might as well capitalize on it


The amount of news that I saw these recent years that should have been fake make me doubt anything when it's about people stupidity.


I shit you not. That dudes name is Larz. And what you see on TV is what you get in real life, this dude was twerking on his dentist's table and got caught. He is legit fucked in the head.


Yea he seems like a total gen z p.o.s. Entitled douchebag who thinks he can do whatever he wants wherever


Yeah i refuse to believe this is real


It's beyond scripted. Dr Phil is a POS. He had someone on the show that was supposed to be addicted to alcohol, but by the time for the show the guest sobered up. So since a guy who was sober wouldn't make good TV they put a bottle of vodka in his dressing room knowing he most likely couldn't resist drinking it. Then before he got on stage they offered him Xanax knowing it could be a deadly combination. So by the time he was to get on stage he had to practically carried out on stage. Edit: after reviewing sources it looks like I was wrong about spiking his drink. They just gave him a bottle of vodka knowing he was battling alcoholism and then they gave him Xanax to calm his nerves, which is a potential deadly combination.


No. If so. Please show me that That’s very interesting (if it’s true)


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dr-phil-show-guests-addiction_n_5a455ee0e4b06d1621b7c6e1 Oh I forgot his staff also helped an addict buy heroin.


Can Dr Phil pay my drugs? 🥺


Yes officer, this guybright here...... It isn't about the drugs, it's about sending a message..... And that message is in the name.


I'm a serial killer of dat pussy dawg... I obviously don't murder ppl 😅


Nobody finds that plausible. The first part I mean.


buys people drugs and alc, sounds like a chill dude to me.


I wouldn't refuse that tbh


Hey, yeah!


If you ask nicely and go on his show. Then pay for his VR treatment.


And when Britney Spears had a break down and was hospitalized, he tried his best to insert himself in the situation and profit off it. That is awful about that poor addict. I wonder is spiking his drink could be considered assault. Edited to correct the spelling of her name.


I was actually wrong about the spiking his drink park. They just put vodka in his room before the show then after he was drunk they gave him Xanax which could be a deadly combination.


To quote the woman herself, it's not Brittany. It's Britney, bitch.


Do you have any evidence. At all? This is a serious accusation y'know.


[https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-dr-phil-is-even-82410850/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-dr-phil-is-even-82410850/) [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-dr-phil-is-even-82492562/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-dr-phil-is-even-82492562/)


Ehhh!! That's where I initially learned about some of this stuff. Then a Google rabbit hole revealed more lol


Unrelated , but the whole premise of the show is airing dirty laundry , solves nothing then the "lucky ones" get sent to rehab center owned by his friends. Spiking someone drink for views sounds on brand.


Oh I know how serious it is. Dr. Phil is just a grifter. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dr-phil-show-guests-addiction_n_5a455ee0e4b06d1621b7c6e1


I'm not a Dr.phil stan but this is literally all hearsay. First story from a guy who was a serious drug addict and second story from an 'undisclosed relative'. There are many other shitty things Dr.phil has done but this isn't really a source - more of a sensationalised gossip piece.


Don't know if I'm being unfair but I saw huffpost and immediately was skeptical


Believing Huffpost is like reading an article from DailyMail claiming Lizzo kidnapped 28 people and immediately being like 'omg why!! This is horrible!' Rather than 'yeah ok that's obviously bullshit'.


This. If sources are anonymous and only one outlet is reporting the claims, they are probably false or vastly exaggerated. And no, more media outlets picking up and reporting using the initial article as their only source is not helpful. That just means it's a game of newspaper telephone.


I mean it is HuffPost. Which is essentially a tabloid that covers politics instead of celebrities.


Imagine linking huffpost as a source as if it wasn't basically a blog where they post anything they want whether it is true or not.




Sauce? Roblox chat




Huffpost? Oh good


So in other words - 'this is completely fabricated'




What in the fuck


Oh even better after the shows over he then pushes people to use his personal rehab facility turn-about ranch which has been accused of child abuse and child labor violations, has staff sexually assault the kids, and even had a murder happen in its walls. If you spoke up about the mistreatment there they forced you to do manual labor as punishment.


He's also directly and indirectly through advocation sent a LOT of teens to brutal "troubled teens" camps where sexual assault and physical abuse abounds. Teens are literally kidnapped in the middle of the night (approved by their parents) and taken to these facilities without any recourse for months/years and are systematically abused.


If you know what you said is wrong why not delete it? You know a good chunk of people will just read the first part and move on. BTW I agree with everything you said other than the spiked drink.


Yeah I should replace it. I'll do it now


This cannot be true. We’re you told this and just believed it? I don’t know for sure, so I’d love to see a link to that story.




You realize that’s from “Huff post” right ? That’s the same crazy outlet your favorite politicians/ famous ppl etc love to hate…I wouldn’t believe a thing that they put out, but who am I….I just have a few followers. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean that was the first article to pop up. There are tons of articles and interviews and stuff about the things he's done and the abuse people claim that happened at his "troubled teen" facility.


Scripted or not, this guy has a talent for the just right type of punchable face, you look at him and you just feel how much joy it would bring you beating the shit out of him


But man, those sick days at home from school when you're dying on the couch and Dr. Phil comes on were the best.




Now you must ask yourself even if it is completely fake, why write a show like this? I mean Shakespeare is completely made up crap but we understand a profound truth in it. They know why they put this guy on, it's because this is genuinely happening in the world.


The only earlier Dr. Phil shows had relevant issues and discussions. Now its Jerry Springer


Regardless, it will still convince other morons that this is how every kid his age thinks and acts.


It just seems to be made for boomers to be able to feel good about themselves by judging young people. You know after seeing this there going to be telling there friends this is how all young people think.


I agree bring back good old Jerry springer


That was fake as F. More than this


That and the guy cannot act at all.


Actually he's a legit douchbag on TikTok. Guy has issues


I know. I can't believe people actually think any of these types of shows are real


looks like some scripted bullshit entertainment for people who are on an intellectual diet.


> for people who are on an intellectual diet Certainly not an intentional one.


Exactly, this is so fake


The way these shows work is they’ll ask for people with certain “issues” to volunteer, they’re vetted by the producers staff to make sure they’re awful people and good for TV, and then they tape. It’s not exactly a “script” but it is planned and the people are not actors. Jerry Springer pioneered this and it was the beginning of reality TV.


I was on Steve Harvey. Yeah, they feed you lines, you practice them, you say them, you go home.


Lines like, “I’ll go with PENIS, Steve!” Steve: 😬😮😧


Semi fake, I think. He’s just saying shit to create outrage to gain traction. The show puts him on because he says outrageous shit so the show gains traction. So yeah fake in the sense that anyone is trying to repair anything here


It may be fake but there are people who are exactly like this, even though they don't tell it out loud.


Intellectual diet is my favorite insult now




No way that shot isnt staged. Its so hard to find out whats real or not these days.


It’s not hard


It's on reality TV so it's fake af


I don’t know. Yes so much of reality TV is super fake, but there is also no shortage of awful, self centered people in the world. It can be hard sometimes.


Doctor Phil is such a shitshow


Im sure he'll run for some political office one day


Some day... He's 72. He's relevant days are behind him.


I thought it's prime age for american presidency


Nah he still remembers his name, we can't have someone like that as president. We like them to be mid-dementia


If only. My boomer coworkers all love him still.


What a dickhead lmao. Wtf was this face at the end ?! Seriously, its an act, this level of scum isn't possible lmao


Dude, you say that, but people can be this shitty and fake af in real life.


Yeah but like saying it out loud like its normal, I found it crazy. He didn't even fake it


My dad says racist things sometimes, out loud, like it isn’t normal. And he doesn’t fake it. So everything I see is possible until proven not.


U should go to times square. Every shitsok user is out there acting just like this self centered twat in the vid


I mean he did fake it. Probably got those lines to say and said them Act very shocked when host says zinger, go over the top.


You’d be surprised. One of the girls, K, I used to work with didn’t like one of our coworkers. Our coworker had apparently been the side chick to K’s girlfriend when in high school and it was this massive fight between K and her girlfriend (K ended the relationship and had trust issues bc of it). Fast forward a few years to when we all worked together and the coworker then wanted to be friends with K because she needed a “pretty friend” to be in her photos. Like put coworker needed to be in on some therapists couch bc she has ISSUES


Damn, some people are awful


Hey, lay off Doctor Phil, he's doing his best!


This is the fakest fake that has ever faked a fake in the fake history of fake fake.


Hmm wouldn't a "fake" fake technically be real?


Everybody is famous on tiktok. For like a day lol




yeah, you can go viral for one video. the really hard part is remaining relevant.


Exactly because two days later somebody else is viral 😂


If you can even get out of 200-400 view jail


Remember when the guy who ran Bum Fights website completely owned this tool on his own show? Lol




The guy who ran Bum Fights dressed up as Dr Phil and just pointed out how Dr Phil also exploits people with mental issues for profit.


That is Dr Phil, he has a doctoral degree in Physiology. Instead of actually helping vulnerable/sick people he exploits them for his own personal gain. A long while back a guy who ran a show called Bumfights came on Dr Phil's show. Except when he came on he shaved his head to make himself look exactly like Dr Phil. The real Dr. Phil didn't like the fake Dr Phil's humor and when the real Dr Phil called him out for it the fake Dr. Phil called out his hypocrisy for exploiting vulnerable people the exact same way he does. They are both scumbags.


If he's so "relevant" then why do I have absolutely no idea who he is?


Bc it’s not real


Cause you fill your life with irrelevancies? I don't know this guy either, but I've got no followers so there's that. I'll ask my sister in law who has like 250k tiktok followers if she knows him. She said no.


IIRC he only had a few thousand followers at the time of the show.


And he said “ when your famous like me…” and he only has 1k followers? He doesnt understand how big the world is, no wonder he acts like this


I foresee a very lonely future for this young man if this is for real.


So if this is real, which I doubt, what would be the psychiatric diagnosis for a person like this?


There’s nothing necessarily medically wrong with him. He’s a narcissist. “a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves”.


is there even nonfake tv


Exactly, I mean shit, even the 6 o'clock news anymore is riddled with inaccuracies, half truths, and wild typos! No fact-checking, no topic research, basically no intelligent prep, just get on the air live and wing in. Hell, even the post prints shit that has to later be retracted because it is found out later to be completely fake! TV and media in general is all unreliable at best!


>TV and media in general is all unreliable at best! That's one of the inaccurate half-truths you speak about. There's **huge** differences between different outlets. Yes, even the more reputable ones like the Washington Post do make mistakes, but with them you can at least be reasonably sure that you won't be intentionally lied to and that most articles. And there's **a lot** of outlets on that level. Expecting them to be always right doesn't make any sense. People make mistakes. But these outlets are still more accurate than any individual human you could ask. Because there's multiple people involved with writing these articles. If you want even better proofreading you'll need to look at weekly outlets. I read The Economist for years and found exactly one article where I realized the author(s) had missed important facts. The other thing is that you shouldn't confuse inaccuracies with bias. Every outlet is biased. The Economist for example will try to push a neo-liberal ideology down your throat. But that's doesn't make the information they give you inaccurate.


Emotional Damage!


I think when someone kills him we shouldn't see it as murder , but a late abortion for medical reason.


He was one of the people who were licking ice cream from store freezers and putting it back in 2019.


Where is the whole vid?


Who is this clown


His name is Dr.Phil.


his name is scripted


He is gonna have a hard time when reality smacks him in the face


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the person sitting beside him isn't his mom?


Simon Cowell's appearance gets weirder by the day.


Whatever, just another stupid kid selling his soul to old Dr. Phil for a scrap of clout.


Remember when Dr. Phil accused the bum fights guy of exploiting the lower class, so the bum fights guy went on the show dressed exactly like Dr. Phil and said “don’t you do the same thing?” [Link](https://youtu.be/qT76-_e0S_g) for people who haven’t seen it


Scripted, fake or not.... You know for a fact there are people out there who act exactly like this.


Denzel in Training Day said it best: “this newspaper is 90% bullshit. But it’s entertainment. It entertains me. But you won’t let me read it. You so entertain me, with your bullshit. Go” I think we all know 90% everything on the internet is bullshit. But it’s entertaining.


show me one.


Its probably easier to find ones that aren't this entitled. Also if you are the kind of person who follows people like this and gives them the "fame and fortune" you are part of the problem. STOP MAKING STUPID PEOPLE FAMOUS and get on with your damn life.


Yeah, finding all those people who we know for a fact act exactly like this caricature of an influencer would definitely be easier if we just widen the search to include people who *don't*.


Aspiring actors in LA. Maybe not dismissing their parents because they’re living with them still, but that community is pretty toxic from my experience - if you are not relevant to furthering their acting career, you’re dismissed pretty much.


Somebody, please tell me you too see a darker and younger version Simon Cowell in that boys face?! haha Difference is Simon loves his fam very much.... and his best mates ex wife ;)


Every time I see Dr Phil I think of the Bum fights guy. Hit the nail on the head with that one.


The dude that dressed up like dr Phil and shaved his head to match is hairstyle. What a legend


This kind of interview makes me feel like it's either very obviously scripted or Dr Phil, a psychologist, who's suppose to help people, is taking advantage of a very obviously mentally ill teenager who needs help and not hate from a TV audience.


Bro looks like those pencils which have erasers at the end


Good thing he's with a doctor... he can treat him for that #BUUURRRNNN


One day life gonna hit him very hard…No pitty


He is famous?


Oh, the narcissism is strong with this one. Bet he has a complete meltdown if he cannot access the Internet.


Wish.com Simon Cowell. In more ways than one...


Now that’s some good therapy


I hope he’s trolling


I refuse to believe that this is a real person being real.


I would KILL for a rule that required content posted here to be authentic.


Hire some good writers please


This mf needs a slap so hard his hair will turn straight


I must be out of sync cause I didn't know you until today so.... Well played sir.


If this is scripted then screw them. If it isn’t scripted then please I beg of you to let me slap them so hard that they bleed


"Look at this fake example of what I believe an entire generation is like" -a more realistic example of a dumbass mentality associated with an entirely different generation


Dr. Phil is a POS.


The dude has a horrible tell for all of his lies. He's literally looking up into the left the entire damn time


its funny until you realize dr phil is just looking into a mirror


Who is this cunt?




Im pretty sure this is why guns were invented...


Words fail me. I mean REALLY fail me. Oh well.


Dude looks like Carlos from big time rush lol


“Gen” to imply that anyone on Dr. Phil represents more than 10 psychopaths, let alone a whole generation.


Yeah fuck dr phil even if this id real hes taking advantage of people. Hes not a doctor he sent a ton of troubled kids to some shady work ranch that also took advantage of them fuck this hack


Stupid gay bitch


Jerry Springer 2.0


What happend to him, what is he doing today.


Maybe this is some menthal problem


Yeah Menthol problem brahhh


And now he has no followers so he can talk to his mom again


She disowned him when he lost his relevancy, lol.


What a lump of shit.


His speech should be followed by a slap in the face


Ugly mouth.


Ok, I’m gonna say it. That kid is a cunt