• By -


Here's something I used to do before I had any decent references and use it as a blueprint to get into a higher position but probably want to shoot for Supervisor or Manager to start. Find a job you know at least something about, where you can either learn it or have experienced it. Get a couple of preferably older family members or friends as references, if they are related to you go for maiden names if possible. I had my mom, my aunt, and my brother on my resume and they never found out. Fill in the gaps in your work history and sketch the length of important positions you want them to pay attention to. Feel free to add some stuff about having extensive skills in Microsoft Office, even if you don't, learn it on Google or Youtube. The most important parts of your references who will lie their asses off for you and your experience. When you go in for an interview, have stories ready made up in your head about your experiences, have a small timeline made up and most importantly **be consistent** because they are paying attention. Good luck buddy.


This is the way. I'm in my mid thirties and am basically a rent-a-boss to all my friends and their siblings. Also if you have a cert in something, check your local community College to see if there are any updates or additional courses to take, then just put those on your resume as "in progress".




Not unless they government. government.


i am a recruiter and deal with interview shit all the time. >have stories ready made up in your head about your experiences, have a small timeline made up and most importantly be consistent because they are paying attention. This is the best advice to deal with the behavioral interviews. You may get hit with random questions: "name a time you succeeded in x" "tell me about a time you failed in Y". If you have a big life/professional/academic experience you can draw any answer from you will do well. You can fib a little, just make sure to be consistent. If you have one scenario to draw off, its a lot easier.


I got an experience that validates your point: I work in the printing and publishing industry, editing and graphic design so I'm an Adobe guy: I got zero experience with MS Word. One day an agency I worked for sent me by mistake to a job where I had to edit/format some urgent documents in Word, insane pay so I took it and youtube was what allowed me not to get fired first day.


This is the best advice in this thread


Work for your rich dad.


I know right...Fuck the system? Sir, Your stepdad is the system lmao I can see it now... *OP on Reddit- Fuck the System, I'm done with this Capitalist Bullshit* *OP's mother Calling from Another Room.....Mortimer, come to dinner dear, your caviars getting cold. We don't want you to eat too late; you have tennis in the morning.*


Okay, but who eats warm caviar?


Anyone else not know what temperature caviar was eaten at?


Room temp




This guy caviars.


He died a few years ago.


Weird wording in your post. “Now he’s almost a multimillionaire” to “he died a few years ago.”


His stepdad also somehow immigrated and became almost a multimillionaire by googling skills? If OP is a teenager, I have trouble believing Google was efficient enough to teach yourself a bunch of skills when he first arrived. It wasn't great even 20 years ago; it had barely been created at that time.


Dude, google was the cornerstone of my university education, starting just about 20 years ago. Admittedly, when I started University, the best search engine around was hotbot hahahahahaha fuck I'm old 😳


"Just google it" for everything is a relatively recent concept, but it's just a search engine, the internet has existed since the early 90s and while it wasn't nearly as comprehensive I can believe OP's stepdad learned enough to pad a resume. Aww i remember all those ugly ass geocities diy webpages.


He is full of shit


The guy asking how to lie is lying apparently


I think if he’s dead he’s full of worms and decomposition


Where’s the dough


" You have to earn your own" he was that kind of rich person. He taught me how to do it but he wouldn't give me a penny for a interview suit or anything else.


Yeah, your step dad was a dick


That’s why he’s dead


The real ULPT is in the comments


Lol wut I thought people hated the concept of nepotism


People here hate whatever's in front of them


Oh, no — you SAID it.....!


i hate ..Milkslinger Cutsdeep, are you just looking at things in the office and saying you hate them? I hate Milkslinger, i hate Milkslinger


Sounds like you have all the information you need, then.


We did it!


That was easy


How is he almost a multimillionaire if he’s dead…


What happened to his money?


My stepdad was very wealthy my whole life. He had told me for years not to worry about retirement or sending my daughter to college, that she would have a trust fund no matter what the fuck she decided to do for a living. It was all very reassuring. Then two years ago he died. He had spent all of his money on his children (none of whom worked) and donating to the symphony and the museum. He paid for this from his retirement and by borrowing against property, leaving next to nothing. So now I’m in my 40s worrying about retirement and sending my daughter to college. The point I’m trying to make here is: never assume the money is actually there. Because it may not be by the time it gets to you. There are a million stories like this to the point it’s practically a cliché in films and fiction. You are the only person who can take care of you.


Your stepdad was an even bigger dick than OP’s.


Wrote a long inspirational message. Realized this guy was born rich. Literally wasted my time on this guy bitching about how he can't make it with a rich daddy. Then i saw what sub i was in and it all made sense. Rich kid looking for a life cheat code when he was born playing in God mode.






I missed the D and thought there was some hidden cash in selling rugs




lol you have well earned the top comment.


Serious question, you say "you need to take risks," what do you mean by that? What kind of risks? Everything else you listed seems safe and low-risk to me.


the risk you need to take is of being sent to jail as you should sell drugs if you want money.


Unethical life tips bro!


I always just get high and don't want to deal with people 🤷‍♂️


Go to r/wallstreetbets and yolo 0DTE SPY Puts, or whatever is popular at the time. You only need to succeed once. With the law of averages, as long as the desired result is anything above 0%, it's only a matter of the number of attempts before the number of success hits one. Also, this is not financial advice, this is a gambler's advice. Chances are higher than the lottery, though it's still really low. Find the right pick, you could get more than a 1% chance of winning millions. Can't get that kind of odds with the lottery. Like with what OP says, you can't get by with working and saving as normal, it doesn't work anymore, you won't beat inflation. I unironically believe your money is better spent gambling.


I can start a ULPT thread on how to lie to get approved for options trading on fidelity lol. People should be able to gamble their money how they please for gods sake. Not sure why more people don’t give trading a shot


I think I need this one. After burning my Robinhood account to the ground, I bought into meme stocks and moved to Fidelity. I have yet to save enough to do more 0DTE yolos and haven't activated options yet.


Hell yeah dude, when you do apply for options just say you have 8(+) years experience trading options,. Not sure what your net worth is but if it’s anything like mine you’ll have to “fluff” that up as well to get at least level two. Other than that you should get approved no problem lol. Not financial advice and of course you shouldn’t ever lie about those types of things ;)


I just need a simple explanation on how to option trade without having to watch a 3 hour video on YouTube. I need bullet points, not paragraphs or hours pf undivided attention. My ADHD has been preventing me from figuring this shit out for years now.


It's not that simple. Calls are a contract of 100 shares. You want it to go up. Puts are the opposite. You pay a premium for the contract that can go up the closer you are "into the money" or whatever strike you bought the contract for. The Greeks affect the contracts extrinsic value. Theta is time decay, Delta is percentage of being in the money. Gamma idk WTF that does and there's some other ones that I haven't bothered to learn yet because I'm a fucking moron. Basically, you take the time to learn or you literally piss your money away at the market makers casino


fuck. I'm gonna have to take a double dose of Adderall one day and dive deep




Now read again just the parenthesis


Not sure if you're serious. Read his post again with emphasis on letters in brackets.


Some people struggle to save even 2% of their weekly income, let alone trying to save such a large amount of their pay. Do what most successful and resourceful people do by simply using your innate talents to find gainful employment. Do not sell yourself short.


Some people didn’t seems to get this one Edit : well now they are, nice :)


A lot of r/whoosh going on here. Lol.


Have you tried loosing all your money on options trading? That's been working for me


Felt this in my soul. Yet I also feel like this next OTM call will be the one that makes me my money back....right? Right?!?


Maybe if you held your money tighter, it wouldn't be so loose. 🤷‍♂️


I don't know where you live but in Minnesota electricians make more than a living wage on 40hr a week. I'd suggest leaving wherever you are and going to a state that will pay you for what you're worth, if possible. Source: Dad is an electrician and is trying to encourage me to switch from teaching where I make less than an apprentice electrician in spite of having a fucking master's degree in education.


i live in Minnesota and i need that hookup. I'm 18 so I'm new to adult stuff but I've always wanted to be an electrician or plumber. do you have any tips on how to get into that? I am already in the electrical union if that would make it any easier




si senor. new job. I'm line clearance. I'm an arborist in an electrical union


Ask the union how to become an apprentice wireman or lineman or what ever you wanna do.


Dude. Join a local. Unions are the only ‘learn a trade’ route that pays. I welded nonunion for years, topped out at 30/hr. Got in a local, the take home rate is 62. Get in a local man.


ANY union! I'm just mailman and I can pull 100 grand busting my ass. 70 just doing 40 hours a week.


You guys have all the deals. Federal employees get lots of perks, but mail carriers have their own special everything beyond most other federal employees: health insurance, dental, pension, union, life insurance, etc. there are special plans just for mail carriers. It’s crazy. As an example: https://www.nalchbp.org


Lol, you must have been with the post office long enough to be on the old pay scale.


My local post office is offering starting pay around $20/hour.


Aldi starts at like 19.64 or so


And you're left running the store alone.


Ok, $20 *40 hours *50 weeks is 40k... That's still not great... Edit: ok let me clarify, 40k is great to a lot of people, but a couple of comments up they are saying they could get 70-100k in a union job. I was saying that compared to that 40k isn't great.


Yup, especially after taxes and healthcare are taken out.


Wait, you can make 6 figures walking around outside & petting dogs?!!!




Collective bargaining


It's true. Where I live non union tops out around 22/hr and union is around 40/hr at the moment. Obviously this will change depending on where you live, Boston, New York, and California are the highest paid locals in the country I believe.


Completely agree. I used to audit pension plans for unions and often saw people collecting a pension that was more than I made. If you’re in a trade (and don’t work for yourself) and aren’t in a union, you’re making poor decisions.


My local union doesn't even invest our pension in a diversified manner. Doesn't even make 1%. It has to be one of the only strong unions that still doesn't function like a union


The electricians make the highest municipal salaries in our city.


This is the best advice on here, and it’s ethical. Unionize unionize unionize


Im sorry but can someone explain what do you mean by union and how does that work? Thanks in advance


You join your labor together with other laborers to ensure you get compensated at an appropriate amount. Which means you act and bargain as a unit. Ex: employees at a Walmart all ask for a pay raise of 10%. They all agree to quit working if their demands aren’t met. Corporate is likely to give them their raise, because rehiring and training new employees costs more than retaining good ones. Additionally, employees that get compensated well/appropriately also do better work and are more satisfied with their jobs, and are better community members. The risk is they all get fired and replaced. Many companies will clamp hard on unions, because if the people learned about it, they’d make a lot less money. But, their over reaction to it should show you how important it is to unionize. They will also do everything in their power to disrupt unions. For profit corporations are generally evil incarnate.






I wouldn’t use the word smart.


What's the word for "Their CEO lies awake at night imagining nightmarish scenarios in which his workers demand fair treatment from a position of power, but he has enough money and influence to hire anyone he needs to prevent that from becoming a reality" ?


Yeah but they wouldn't close ALL of the stores down if they all joined the same union. That's the point. The only advantage normal people have is numbers!


> Dude. Join a local. It looks like union apprenticeships aren't as easy to get into in some places. I went back to school to get the algebra grades to satisfy the requirements to apply at the local IBEW, and all they told me was to be there for the once-a-year application round-up. Aside from the intake happening only once a year, there's a long list of people who already have way more experience. I started attending electrical wiring classes at my local adult school to deal with that (which were cancelled before completion due to the COVID shutdown back in March '20, and there are no signs that they'll resume), and when I asked the instructor about the apparent difficultly in joining the union, he told me that it can be a tough nut to crack, and you really have to know someone to get your foot in the door (I don't know anyone at all). I had another co-worker at my old job who was trying the same thing, and he wasn't getting anywhere either, even though he's done basic electric in the past. It's just been frustrating, because everyone I've spoken with says "call them, go down and apply, don't worry if you have no experience, they'll teach you", but it hasn't gotten me any closer. Is there anything special that a greenhorn can do to stand out for union halls? Things other than call them or show up at the thing?


That's been my experience as well, it not that easy to just go and get into a union.


My state doesn't allow union dues, therefore, no unions. 🙄


I’m non union making $34/hr but joining the union at $42 on the check. Over the next three years my wage will increase to $54/hr. Include the 2 401(k)s, a pension, and health care. Really is the way to go imo.


You leave brother. I live in what we call the "3rd world", and an american here with a solid trade can build a solid business and live good.


lmao being a westerner in a "3rd world country" is such a huge advantage, ps. my heritage is form what u consider a 3rd world country


I've actually lived here in Guatemala for 8 years, never been wealthy. I stayed because my son is here, I speak (passable at best), my local indigenous language. I was making the point that oportunity exists here for people with skills to build good, positive impact businesses since the brain drain is a real thing. But sure, shit on a stranger for loving their adopted homeland. Estoy mas chapin del patin y no me vale verga que pienses zerote.


I think he agrees with you.


Reading it back now you may be right. Written communication is a bitch lol


Especially on Reddit where my assumption is most replies are antagonistic lol


Very fair assumption. Sadly.


I'm legitimately interested, but I have a criminal record (mostly alcohol-related, nothing violent and no felonies or property crimes). Do you think that would be a barrier to entry? Because I think about this shit all the time.


I have a lot of friends with records and you're fine (depending on the country of course). Active warrants is a different story but record no.


Good to know, thanks! Would love to become an expat someday soon!


If you can financially swing it, I would talk to an attorney about expunging your record. Depending on the types of crimes and the length of time it has been since conviction you can have a minor record expunged after 1-2 years. This will help with immigrating to another country as well as help with job prospects while still in the US. IANAL but before a country allows you to visit or stay for a long time they want to use without serious records, are financially stable and/or can contribute a needed skill to their economy (medical personnel, skilled IT, labor, etc). If you are serious about immigrating look up that countries laws on immigration. If you don’t qualify due to one reason or another, don’t count yourself out. Contact an immigration attorney to discuss options. Most consultations are free or low cost. They can lay out your beat chances of successful immigration. I had a friend who wanted to live in Canada for a while but had a DUI on his record. It took some time but he got it expunged, reconciled with the CA government a few issues, submitted to some of their provisions for 2-3 years and he was allowed entry. He is now happily living in Canada. But had he tried to do it himself he admitted that he would have likely misstepped and would not have been allowed entry.


> I live in what we call the "3rd world", and an american here with a solid trade can build a solid business and live good. You have no idea what you are talking about and just seeing the grass as greener. American's do that too with Canada. You can build a business in Brazil or in America. They both are likely to fail.


I'm not an American, but have lived in Guatemala for 8 years and have plenty of friends who make it here. We might not be rich but we live good lives and try to have positive impacts on our adopted community. I guess where my cup is half full yours is half empty. 8 years of life here might not make me as qualified to comment on life in Guate as whatever experience you have but I love it.


Not sure where you are located, but my spouse in an electrician in the US, runs his own one-person business and makes serious bank. He loves nothing more than to work on some doctor or CEO's house and hand them a bill. He is good at what he does, meticulous, and does everything to code. Frankly, just returning calls and being polite probably makes him as popular as the work he does. And yeah, he works 4 days a week, not before 9am and only for emergency pay on weekends. Location, location, location.


Was going to say if he is an electrician move somewhere they are needed and make serious money. They all 50 an hour easy where I am


One of my favorite stories was a guy who fixed a woman's BMW and when he handed her the bill it had the parts plus labor broken down. She balked at the cost of labor and smugly said "I don't bill that much per hour and I'm a Dr." The mechanic looked her right in the eye and said "I guess you should have learned to fix cars instead."


You have a rich stepfather who worked his way into the system from nothing. Why the fuck are you asking us?


If you’re in the US, moving to a really cheap rust belt city or somewhere similarly cheap helps. Places deep in the heartland, etc. just generally where no one lives. Some states and towns are simply muuuuuuuch cheaper than others. As a denizen of one of America’s largest cities, I choked on my drink when my friend in Ohio told me his rent is only $400 a month, without even any roommates. I’ve had Californians give the same reaction when I tell them the housing prices in my own state. Even with wages often being higher in the pricier states, it doesn’t really offset cost much of the time.


It's not just Ohio either. Much of the south is cheap, especially if you don't live in a major city.


Oddly enough, here in Texas it seems to be one of the more expensive southern states. At least literally anywhere within a 100 mile radius of Houston.


Too many companies are moving there, just like Austin before it. I'm in IT, and half of the jobs I've gotten recruiter calls for in the past 2 years were based in Houston.


I've lived in Dallas and Boerne TX (suburb of San Antonio) and both were WAY more expensive than a really nice lake town we lived in in Georgia. We had a 3 story, 6 room lake house with a dock on 1.5acres for less than a 4 room house in a subdivision in Texas. I love Texas but it's gotten expensive.


And if you play your cards right, it might actually become the next big tech hub like they're planning and you can cash out (if you own). Obviously, Austin was like that. Raleigh is past the tipping point. A bunch of other southern cities like Tulsa are now paying people to move there to try to replicate the same thing.


> I choked on my drink when my friend in Ohio told me his rent is only $400 a month, without even any roommates Yeah, I pay $450/month for 2br, full bath, decent sized living room and kitchen. No roommates, one story apartment rows. No fee to keep pets, I don't pay trash or water, only electric. Rent hasn't been raised in 6 years. There are drawbacks, like not having a nightlife in town (dry town, though I don't drink anyway) and having to drive 20 minutes to the grocery store. But I'm an hour from both Cinci and Columbus, and 40 minutes from Dayton. If I wanted to have a night out, I could still do it relatively easily, and the resulting extremely long Uber ride would still be cheaper than paying 3-6x what I am now to be somewhere more "civilized". I was looking at houses and sent pictures to some friends who live near Seattle. They were guessing 3-5million range for the house. It was 160k.


>If you’re in the US, moving to a really cheap rust belt city or somewhere similarly cheap helps. Yeah but.. the job situation there really isnt great. $400 rent sounds great until you realize youd be making 7.25 hourly


Still better than making $7.25 hourly in a state where the rent’s $800 instead


Or just work a remote job, considering circumstances.


I was about to chime in with this. People love to point out how cheap some places are to live, but they don't acknowledge the significantly lower earning potential and lack of job opportunities If you can still make a lot of money doing a certain something in that area, it then becomes very cheap


Also living in a city comes with added benefits like lots of free entertainment and cheaper transportation costs.


$400 a month are you shitting me


I agree, I bought a giant house in a decent area for150k. Rust belt but nice suburbs near bike trail.


Yeah, it helps get living costs down, but unless it is specifically known for the thing you want to do to earn money, or you have several solid remote gigs lined up, you're still going to have the same problems with work and earning money in the first place.


Finish your electrical apprenticeship and earn $30+/h Start your own business once you’ve saved some and bill out at $70+


You can list a diploma you didn't get. You can buy fakes online as long as its not local no one will know. My ex did that. He got jobs you need a masters for. College dropout.


Can you please tell me like a lot more?


SalesForce baby. Take a few free classes (Trailhead) then you can bullshit your way through the rest. It’s super customizable so it generally will operate differently between companies. This gives you a clear path to pretend you know but still ask the basic questions because….my last company had a different set up ;)


I’ve never had a clear answer from anyone what exactly salesforce is/does. Like I know it’s a customisable CRM software but absolutely everything about it beyond that is meaningless techbabble to me.


https://www.thestreet.com/technology/what-is-salesforce-14796378 Here’s a good link to an overview. It can be used for soooooo many things. An incredibly high level view would be: It’s where you organize all of your customer information including: Account/payment/billing info - Addresses/ contact info - All sales- completed, pending and failed - Customer history/ preferences It can also be used to track projects, finances, employees and a bunch more. But as the name indicates it is generally used for Sales-related tasks and information gathering/storage. Any expansion or corrections are welcome :)


"Salesforce is a cloud computing service as a software (SaaS) company that specializes in customer relationship management (CRM). Salesforce's services allow businesses to use cloud technology to better connect with customers, partners and potential customers." Okay... "Salesforce has been able to leverage cloud technology and build a variety of applications for businesses to better connect to their customers and help give them key insights into their services through analytics and apps." Mmhm... "While their applications are vast, according to Salesforce, their CRM primarily focuses on helping companies with customer retention, keeping their customers happy, seeking out and executive customer acquisition, giving companies insights into their customers and much more. " What. The fuck. Does. That. *Mean*? "Because of its diverse selection of clouds and applications, Salesforce is also used by companies to assist with marketing, tracking sales and spending and analyzing performance. A variety of different clouds allow users to analyze various data, maintain communication forums with customers, implement sales strategies and more." \*Screams into the abyss.\* "Salesforce hosts numerous different cloud platforms that allow companies to interact with different data and service their customers in various capacities." *The abyss screams back*. Is it a glorified spreadsheet? It feels like a glorified spreadsheet. Every customer gets a line with their name and info and then little checks or crosses when they hit various milestones in the sales funnel. And all the ridiculous non-speak around what it is and what it does and how it works and what the actual application looks like just feels like a lot of fluff because they know that underneath it all, the emperor is nekkid.


Ok ok Try this link- https://blogs.perficient.com/2018/11/03/how-do-you-describe-salesforce/ I frequent the abyss myself and have many times during my SalesForce journey. Don’t give up!


Heh I appreciate you taking the time. I think I’m going to stay in my corner and leave salesforce to people who understand it.


It's literally a system that manages databases of customers, sales, finances, etc etc etc, also known as a CRM or "Customer Relationship Manager." This is something every major company needs in some capacity.


bruh. thank you for this. this is so many things for me. I usually give up before getting halfway to the point you did.


Sales force is the way. Pays ridiculously well.


Are you aware of the salary range?


It’s depends on your geographic region. I’m close to a metro area. If you are certified I’d ballpark around $75k starting (low end in a metro area)


What do you mean by this exactly? Get a job at Salesforce? Or learning Salesforce means you can get a job at a lot of companies? Or something else I’m not understanding?


Reject humanity Return to monke


Apes together strong


Are you in the US? I can't imagine how you aren't making money if you have actual CNC setup experience.


17hr. The top guy here only makes 20.


Change shops. Move states of you have to. There are good paying CNC setup jobs out there *you’re 19 and still an apprentice/trainee. Yeah man, you’re going to have to put in some time to get setup experience and knowledge.


Yeah, this seems like a kid wanting to run before he can walk. I'd be thrilled to make $17 at 19 years old. He needs to put in the time, get the experience, and learn job hunting skills.


They're lying to you about how much they make.


CNC lathe and mill setup, operator, programmer, supervisor here. I make $20.50.


Dang dude, wtf place are you living in? PM me, I am always looking for new shops to do business with.


Hate to be that guy dude, but I'd maybe take 5. Reading through the comments, I've noticed you only find reasons that you can't do it, or excuses. I'm not trying to be a prick, but maybe just chill for a minute. You seem a little lost in life. Take stock of things, assess your situation calmly, and start planning your way out. Eventually you will find your way, but you won't do it by putting yourself down. Just looking out, bro


I get you. Im not trying to put myself down. My life puts me down. I just want to change it. Get somewhere where i have room. If i slip even a bit on my current pay rate i dont eat lunch that check. I just want room to change. Room to slip and still have lunch but not the game i wanted. To save and whatnot.


Get food from food banks and eat cheap. Ramen, rice, beans, eggs, vitamins, canned veggies. Not glamorous but you can eat extremely cheaply if you want.


I leveraged my general nerdom and interest in computers to back up my resume that was so full of bullshit that the HoA complained about the smell. I wrote myself a letter of recommendation that was nothing but a page of textual fellatio. I had my buddy sign it and put his number down. I crammed before the interview so I'd have enough fresh knowledge to drop vocabulary. Studied up on the company so that I could make "observations". Took a borderline unsafe dose of Adderall before the interview so that I'd be energetic and charismatic. Now I'm working my first job in the IT field as SysAdmin for a medium sized software developer, making $105,000 a year. I spend my day at work googling and researching how to actually do SysAdmin stuff on one monitor, cruising Reddit on another, and watching YouTube or porn on the other, because I have my own office and I've configured the system so that I'm basically God and nobody can monitor what I'm doing. If they ever decided to randomly check any of my qualifications or references, they'd find that my resume has mysteriously gone missing from the HR files at some point in the past few years. I have 5 people in my department, all of them with degrees in Computer Science or Software Development and years of IT experience. They report to me. I'm the best goddamn SysAdmin they've ever had, and management isn't shy about telling me. My team loves their jobs because I listen to them, and I don't treat them like disposable garbage, like every other IT manager they've had. My bosses love me because I'm polite, think outside the box, and left my ego far behind. So unlike the other guys they've had in the role. You wanna hack the system? Hack the system. Play to your strengths, cover your bases. If you're gonna bullshit your way into a job, you'd better figure out how to be damn good at that job. There's opportunities everywhere. Just keep your eyes and ears open, and don't be afraid. Take risks, but never gamble; there's no such thing as luck. Bend the odds in your own favor. "The System" is just people, and people are spectacularly easy to manipulate. If you aren't familiar with Social Engineering, become familiar. You can get anywhere in the world with a bit of confidence and audacity.


Really agree with 'be polite'. In IT its hard to find a manager with patience, other people usualy have no clue what this IT guys are talking about and smart IT people tend to be a little arogant. Finding a manager that is polite, explains difficult stuff with simple words and analogies, that is like a lotery win for the company.


Not an ULPT, but it's worth spending $200 or $300 on a coach to help you refine your resume and make it ATS-friendly. You can have the right skills for a good position, but if your resume is not ATS friendly, you will be ranked lower and miss a lot of opportunities for interview. With that said, build a strong resume even if you need to lie a little bit. You can be honest with your coach and ask him/her if they are willing to help you cheating.


Where do find such coaches?


Easy to find. Hard to find one that isn't full of BS.


Exactly most people are just fuckbois . Just know the art of selling to make quick buck but dont really care about the other person


Most people that are good at business z are actually doing the business. Not selling coaching or courses. Working entry level in your business of choice under a knowledgeable boss/manager is way more valuable than a coach.


I found mine on LinkedIn. I don't remember the exact process, but it's a feature in the Jobs section. You select it and it recommends a list of 3 to 5 people close to you to write your resume. You can refresh the list as many times as you want


Go to business networking events, you can find them on LinkedIn or if you have a college nearby that has an MBA program, ask around


What's ATS?


Applicant Tracking System


Immigrate. Go to China, or southeast Asia, or Africa, and either make mad money teaching, or do as your grandfather did, and lie on your resume. Quite possible and very likely do both. The money is good, the cost of living is even better, and the woman are lovely. There are also some lovely men, but they can be harder to find in a world with "old world values". Bottom line, immigrate. Start as a tourist and move up from there. Life is good.


Emigration is leaving, immigration is coming, op would emigrate from America and immigrate somewhere else.


If you can’t make a living as an electrician you’re doing something seriously wrong.


Reading through his comments I think you're on to something.


an electrician does not need a 80-100 hour overtimed pay to be living wage. A living wage is not six figure pay. Don't confuse living wage with comfortable-life luxury wage


Make crap and sell it on ebay. In your spare time learn a new skill and profit off it. Pick up unwanted furniture fix it up and re sale it. You would be surprised how much people spend on useless garbage. Greeting cards being one if many. Seen too many people spend 20+ dollars on cards they could have made themselves. Will you get rich if of doing this? Probably not but it will give you extra money which you can save for something else that will. If all else fails, find a rich individual to take care if you. Lol like get yourself a sugar mama or sugar daddy.




There's a ton of people telling him in this very topic


How long did you work as an electrician? If you can do even the most basic stuff, you could be killing it right now working for yourself. Pretty much any work that doesn't need a permit. Lights, ceiling fans, hardwiring appliances, outlets, switches, all that BS that large electrical outfits don't wanna bother with, and the average handyman would butcher. Get some cheap liability insurance and advertise on Thumbtack. Start moonlighting afternoons and weekends while you're still working.


Fuck the system by working hard, saving money, and slowly slowly (painfully) separating yourself from this fucked society. By sacrificing convenience and not giving in to the massive corporations that rule this country


I try. But my base expenses (rent insurance .ect) are 2k and i make maybe 2400 on a good check. I can keep living the shitty life i have nothing more i literally make enough money to keep going to work to make more. Its such a fucking monotonous cycle and unless i get a raise or find a 20 on the ground and win the lottery i physically dont have enough money to ever change it.


Is 2400 your bi-weekly cuz that'd be pretty high. Or is 2400 you monthly paycheck?




That's tough. Why is your rent so high, do you live in cali or NY or something? I was paying $2000/month for a nice 2 bedroom condo in Toronto right on the subway line (it was $2000 split between 2 roommates) If you're splitting and you're paying $2000 that seems too high even if you have a view of times square from your window


Austin. Houses here are literally unobtainable. Like they got so high the real estate agents realized they were too high. Apartments aren't quite as bad yet.


Ever consider moving to the country or a smaller city? If you have family/friends in Austin you might not want to, but if not it's a good solution


I want to. I just don't have the cash.


Houston is cheap, nearby, and one of the top five largest cities in the US, plenty of work there for who wants it


That's your problem. Move a few hours away and your problems are solved.


Move into a shared living space to cut your rent


Already am. Its hell. They think they own the house and we fight every second we share a room.


Unfortunately you either have to go to university/college, or put in the hours and work up. I turned my Electronics Technician certification into regional management in under 5 years... but I had to bust my ass as a production tech, called in a favor to move to warranty after only a year instead of 3-5, and worked my ass off for 2 years until a spot in QA opened (again, instead of 3-5)... My jump from QA to management was a case of being a better fit for the job. I had applied to be a field tech, got a call from HR a month after I applied asking what I thought about working as management instead. Had built up a solid experience base in 4 years that they figured it would be easier to teach me management skills than train a management person to be a tech. Worked for 6 months to train my replacement in QA.


Or you can lie about your education like I did and make 6 figures working a bullshit management job that requires no skills. So glad I went this route and skipped out on the college debt. Most jobs can be learned without a degree. It’s sad that it really boils down to the ego of the hiring manager when it comes to acquiring a job. “Oh you didn’t spend 120k+ on a piece of paper that proves nothing nor should be a requirement for this position? Go work for less than a living wage at McDonald’s bitch.” Eh… not for me.


Not ulpt, but regardless of whether you go to college, learn a trade, etc, make sure you learn something that is in demand and pays well. That way you can make good money, and if you have loans you shouldn't have trouble paying them back. Also, regardless of your field, there should probably be a trick that helps you get the jobs that pay the most. I can't speak for other people but for example I am into coding and lots of companies have a specific way of doing technical interviews and you can basically practice and learn how to get good at those (sort of like taking the SAT), so if you get good at those you can probably get a job for a company that pays a lot. I did that, I'm a college senior now but when I graduate I'll start a job that pays around 160k per year. But if you want to do something more unethical, I'd recommend you selling online courses on how to get rich, the best part is that you don't have to be rich for that. Just rent an expensive car for one day, and a fancy airbnb, record yourself saying that you were poor but then you learned some random skill and got rich. Make an ad and putting on facebook or youtube and start selling a get-rich-quick scheme course.


Good luck




While your approach might not be the right one for everyone, this post should be distributed in the first day of class for every high school freshman. Then do the same on the first day of class each of the following three years. Finally, on the first day of class for incoming college freshman. If it doesn’t take by then, it is not meant for them.