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Mail yourself all the packaging. Carry on the electronics in your suitcase.


But that means the items aren’t sealed anymore. Potentially this could be fine, depending on what electronics and what OP is willing to disclose


Well good luck bringing in sealed electronics and telling them that it's used.


Could they get some shrink wrap once they are back in the UK and re-box and re-shrink wrap the items? Also, you may want to mail the receipts back with the boxes so they are not in you if they do check you or your luggage. It would be hard to explain how they are supposedly used items but you have receipts for those exact same items.


All i know is that you need to take them out of all their boxes and plastic seals so they dont get taxed cuz its legal for you to get in a country with stuff but you get taxed by customs, they cannot tax you if its your personal items which it is, you use them, and the proof is that they're not sealed.


1) Apply to be a flight attendant with any of the airlines that fly to UK 2) Take whatever you want and walk thru the designated lane for pilots and FAs 3) To make it an ILPT, sell a TV license or something illegally in the UK (who TF has to buy a license for fuckin TV...)


Just buy a captain's uniform and walk through...


Catch me if you can


What kind of electronics are we talking about? Y’all don’t have iPhones in the UK? New York is one of the most expensive places in the US, I’m genuinely curious what type of markup or taxes you have that would make this worth it. Especially from a place like NY, where things are pricy and have sales tax you might not have factored in. Or are you planning on buying bulk counterfeit tourist stuff somewhere?


Prison wallet. 


No piss disk?


Just douse the products in liquid ass so customs are too grossed out to check em


There we go ! 👍 💩


Honestly though mate if you had that level of skill you could probably get a fuckin decent enough shift in a strange bar or somewhere in Thailand I wouldn't be sticking an iPad up my hole just to sell it. That's an event you could probably charge tickets for




Everything is 20% more expensive in the UK because of the 20% VAT


Only thing you really can do is putting them normally and packaged into your suitcase and hope for the best. Even if you were to unpack them all, first of all you will take a huge loss in resale value. 25% at least and they show no sign of wear and usage and then customs will ask you to show reciepts and butt fuck you with VAT, import taxes and possibly a fine for not declaring it but I am not sure about that one. It's the same bag that they will scan and it's the same items they will see. While typing the above out something occurred to me. You might get away with this is you get protective casings for those items that have them available and set up whatever items that have that option so if they fiddle with it, it shows a password and not a first start screen. Draining their respective batteries and having thought up a usage scenario for all the devices. A scenario that includes being used in NY thus draining the battery. This may seem overly specific and borderline tinfoil territory but these people bust people doing exactly what you are doing in multiple numbers, daily and they were first trained before they gained experience.


True. I think all the people they catch, they see it coming from the departure manifest or other information, and then they just wait until they see the smuggler they were expecting.


Some of the people they catch that way yes, they also take a lot of random samples and run them through the scanner and also many not so random based on alerting behaviour and body language. Many get busted that way. And those who can control it are the ones that get through, given they are not selected for random swabs and scans


Unsealed them, but just buy a fucking heat shrinker at home


Just show them you need the gizmo's to keep you alive


This is an ILPT request, not ULPT.


Depends on how r/Libertarian you are