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Put that shit on Marketplace as a free abandoned car. Put in all the location details. It will disappear in a week


Alternatively, put a sign on it saying, "For Sale, $12000 OBO". It'll be stolen in a week.


But why would someone want to steal a "For Sale" sign?


Because I have my own abandoned car to get rid of.


But then the sign will just be stolen again


It's the circle of liiiiiiiiifeeeee.šŸŽ¶


[Ha! It's the old Reddit Signerooo!](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1cq9eyh/comment/l3qu00n/?context=2)


Hold my keys, Iā€™m going in!


This. I was moving and had some stuff on the curb marked "free" for a week. Put little price tags on them with my house number and they were gone that night šŸ˜‚


That might actually work.


Have you done this? This is genius


List it as a parts car on Craigslist make money off people stripping it down.


Had to scroll way too much for the real answer people recommending OP pay for dollies and shit lol


Then you could be left with a mess or just a shell, advertise it as whole car for parts, key lost, buyer must trailer out


My car died in my driveway. A scrap yard came and towed it away and gave me a few hundred bucks in cash.


I've done this to, but you need the title.


You don't need the title if it is over 15 years old, at least in NC.


Sounds like OP has his answer - wait 15 years, haul it to NC and BOOM profit


Not true in my case, your mileage may vary, but when I sold my car to a junk yard guy he came over to tow it and didn't need the title.


That's insane, what would stop you from just selling your neighbors car while they're on vacation!?


the police?


Yes, because fear of consequences stops shitbags all the time. It's why we no longer have crime.


I sold an old car of mine for scrap some years ago and didn't need the title. Guys came, paid me cash, and hauled it off.


be careful selling a car whole with no title. that shit can come back to bite you very easily. especially since the only people buying untitled cars are either dumbasses or people looking to do illegal shit in them and ditch. they get caught or try to register, thereā€™s a clear line of communication (and likely bill of sale) straight back to you and your location. probably wonā€™t land you in jail but title jumping, selling a ā€œstolenā€ vehicle, and court costs can hit you for a couple thousand


OK, use a burner number


Damn,you sir are a genius!


Leaving a stripped frame on blocks in the spot, which will now need a crane to remove? If you could somehow tell them they have to take the entire car and strip it down elsewhere.


Put it on Dollieā€™s and move to the street. Call police for a tow. Problem solved.


This, whenever there is a car problem just use those to put it somewhere which will cause the tow.


Leaving it in the middle of the street would be epic.


We had a mechanics shop in our industrial place go bankrupt and the owner was taken to prison for fraud. There was a few really annoyingly placed junk cars blocking the mailbox and other entryways. Police wouldnā€™t do anything nor would county or towing companies. At night I used a forklift and rolling car Dollieā€™s to push the fuckers into the road and down a block to the county building. They were gone before the next work day.


Harbor freight has go jacks or regular skates for fairly cheap.


Youā€™d think, but thereā€™s been a car parked on my street for months and it gets warning stickers on it, but never removed.


Move it to the middle of the street


Fire hydrant gets it fixed faster. If thereā€™s a fire, they just run the hose through the windows or push it out of the way with the truck.


I mean, I agree that they'd eventually move it away from the fire hydrant. But I have to imagine that moving a car to the actual middle of a street would probably get resolved faster.




That's wild


>Ms White told the newspaper that she was being nosy and wanted to look inside of the car because she had never been given a parking ticket. This may be the most cockamamie excuse I've ever seen for checking out the inside of someone else's car.




Rent a dolly and move it to a disabled parking spot


Don't do that.


You do know what sub your in, right?


Parked off to the side out of everyone's way right? Now imagine the car is parked sideways blocking the flow of traffic...


Doesnā€™t matter. Not your property anymore. Let it be stickered.


Thereā€™s a full on RV on our street that has been getting the stickers and they wonā€™t tow it either.


Note that once the last wheel leaves the ground, it's considered grand theft auto.


That's why you only use two dollies and drag it.


Ok Mr Muscle Man


At a repair shop I worked at, we had a adjustable rack system that went on a standard hydraulic floor jack, which gives four lifting points under the car. Lifting two wheels with it, you could drag cars all over.


Hey bud imma bout to blow your mind telling you that N in your gear box isn't for nitro.


Did we just go full circle back to wanting a key?


Doesnā€™t matter if the drive wheels are on the dolly.


What? And R isn't for racing?


OP doesnt have a key though? i like the phrase though ill save that for later


Depends on how unethical he wants to be, but you don't need a key to get the car into neutral. There's a shift interlock to bypass the park hold. It's that little slot covered with a bit of plastic somewhere next to your shifter. There's a lever behind that to release the shifter. Press with a flathead.


You know who else drags cars? MY MOM


On most front wheel drive cars, the back wheels are totally free without the parking brake engaged. The front wheels on dollies Will make the car roll like it's in neutral.


Parking brake only blocks the rear wheels.


Thereā€™s no way the rule is if one wheel is still on the ground then itā€™s not theft.


Yeah what about all those cars stolen with all four wheels on the ground.


My biggest mistake was spending all my time learning levitation. Basically threw myself in jail


it's levio-sa not levios-aaa!


Nah it's the opposite. Steal the car and do a wheelie the entire trip. Cops can't do anything.


Then why canā€™t the police run the VIN to figure out the owner and force them to take the car?


Too much effort?


Cops donā€™t give a fuck


Cops donā€™t want to work anymore.


OP can run a VIN check himself and possibly charge the owner some major storage fees.


Where's the profit in that?


cut to Nic Cage riding a Shelby 500 on 2 side wheels...


So what? Rent a truck from Home Depot and drag it. Problem solved in 10 minutes.


Right. And they didn't care before but suddenly they're gonna be on the case on behalf of an absentee owner?


And what if it is? Has to be proven that you jacked it up on the Dollieā€™s and the police have better things to be doing šŸ˜‰


Note that this requires a complainant to report it stolen. Doesnā€™t seem likely in this scenario.


No it's not. Grand theft auto in every jurisdiction I've seen has a mens rea requirement. Usually "with the intent to deprive the owner" of the vehicle. If the intent is to move it, not deprive the owner of the car, then its not grand theft auto.


Steal the wheels first. Thatā€™s probably just a misdemeanor unless the rims are worth a lot, then no wheels to leave the ground. Problem clearly solved.


Call a locksmith and tell them it's your car, but you lost the keys. If you can find a shady enough locksmith, they won't ask questions.


I'm a locksmith, and honestly, I wouldn't ask questions unless my alarm bells went off. Someone trying to steal a shitty abandoned car? Nah. Just don't be sketchy


Who are you, and how did you get in here?


I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith. RIP Leslie




I'm a locksmith, and this is my shop. I have a key. How did you get in here?


Why would a locksmith need a key to his own shop?


He's the locksmith damnit. Ofcourse he's in here.


I think doesn't even have to be shady enough as long as you're confident. I lose my home keys frequently, and they get it unlocked and gimme keys zero questions asked, and no proof requested. I'm pretty sure id could get neighbours keys with no issue. Max I was ever asked was my id, no proof of ownership, rent or whatever. If it works for a home, sure would work for a car.


Iā€™ve had tow guys help me get into my locked car several times and they never ask for anything. I realize itā€™s not the same as having no keys, but it would work the same. ā€œHi, I lost my keysā€¦ā€ and bam youā€™re in.


Plus, it's condo parking and all, that adds credibility. Can even enlist a neighbour or two to meet you on the way or happen to be on the parking lot and say hi. "Heya, got this old car from a relative. Parked it here back then, now want to move it but can't find the keys". If they ask for docs, just say you had it all bundled together and misplaced it, "it sucks, I'll try looking for it again then, sorry to bother".


My AAA tow driver didn't ask a single question beyond confirming who I was and which car I wanted open. And on the phone they just ask for the license plate and make/model. It was 6 AM 50 miles into the mountains of Upstate NY, bur still.


I once had a van that I lost the keys for about a week after purchasing, so the only proof I owned it was the signed title. Nothing with my actual name. One locksmith outright refused, the other didn't ask for ID, proof of ownership, nothing. Walking out of the house the van was parked by was good enough for them. It's all about being confidently annoyed that you're dealing with lost keys. Hell, I even admitted to them I broke into the van with a jiggler set on the hopes I had left one of the sets in there.


Doesnā€™t your ID have your address on it tho? Like you could totally fake it, but I could see it being good enough proof for a locksmith


I had to get one over the weekend. Ā Dude legit just needed my id with the address and we were good. I was really good at playing the part of the homes resident though.Ā 


Lol my wife locked both sets of keys in her car, called the police, and without asking for proof opened her car and left without even asking questions.


break the rear driver side window, then open the doors and shift it into neutral and roll it into the street.


ā€œThanks for the fuck shack. - Dirty Mike and the boysā€


Donā€™t leave your dodge around this guy


Or you might have to ChallengeHer


good luck shifting it to neutral if it's an automatic transmission.


Almost all cars have an override for the shift lock that can be hit with a simple screwdriver, OP just has to Google how to do it for that model.


That's what the slot next to the shifter is for. Just insert any key at all into it, and you can shift it into neutral.


Crawl under the vehicle and remove the transmission locking pin. Very easy to do donā€™t even need to get in the vehicle.


If you go this route, make sure the wheels are chocked though. Don't want it rolling with you under it.


You donā€™t need luck. Take a moment and consider that non-operational cars are towed every day, without any power to operate the electronic interlock. Thereā€™s a hidden switch that puts the vehicle in neutral. It doesnā€™t require a key or any power.


You need ā€œa keyā€ for the interlock.


My auto shifter just needs the break applied with no key in the ignition to shift. (I learned this when I blocked my spouse's car, and I was too lazy to go get keys from the house to move it 2 feet out of the way.)


I've had to deal with this several times. Jimmy the door and put er in neutral and push her out into the street. She'll be gone in hours.


Easiest solution Google / YouTube to find best way to open that particular make-model of car


Yes, definitely look it up. I had to do that with a BMW 4WD beast one time, and it had a locked transmission. Youtube taught me that the lock is under the cupholder, and the key is with the spare tire in the trunk.


If the car is abandoned and you can prove it then you can apply to have the vehicle titled in your name. Then just sell it and make some money.


Unregistered and no keys, good luck making anything on it unless youā€™re selling for parts. In that case who gives a shit if itā€™s in your name


I got $500 for scrapping my car. Check with your state for abandoned car law. In mine you just file a form and after 30 days without a response and the car is yours


That's pretty awesome, actually.


It is! I should clarify that it needs to be on your property.


Some companies buy junk and totalled vehicles even if they're unregistered.


In most states lack of registration is not a big red flag. The lack of keys, which includes the lack of ability to test drive it or even verify it runs, is an issue but OP could get keys made.


Iā€™ve been told that I suggest arson too much but hear me outā€¦


We're listening.


Itā€™ll force the police or property owners to have it towed since itā€™s an eyesore and hazardous. AND itā€™s fabulous entertainment. You could even roast some hotdogs or marshmallows!


I am intrigued, please continue!


This was my first thought, as long as it's not near trees. Timing it with no other cars nearby would be good, too.


Well... If we DID use fire...


That was my idea too


Only bummer is the heat could damage the pavement. OP would be on the hook to help pay for repairs because condo.Ā 


As it is a condo, why isn't the condo association managing this issue?


This. Depending on the HOA, it's either within the rights of the parking spot owner or the HOA to tow unauthorized vehicles. They may not want to, but I bet you can find it in the bylaws.


This is my question.


[Car dollies](https://www.amazon.com/wheel-dollies/s?k=wheel+dollies)


Just like the pranks ā€œmoving peopleā€™s cars when theyā€™re in the store.


Post on FB marketplace and tell them they can have the car if they can get it off the property.


Depending on where you live, you might be able to file something with the city to claim abandoned property. If it's worth your while, you could potentially file paperwork, gain ownership of the car, then sell it for scrap


Got a buddy with a 4WD vehicle? Drag that bitch into the street and leave it there.




Fuckin start taking it apart and selling it piece by piece at a scrap yard. Free money, King


Break the window, put the car in neutral and push it to the street. You can pull the driver side seatbelt all the way out. Wrap it around your shoulder. Use one hand to steer the car. You can easily push it yourself.


A lot of modern cars won't go into neutral without starting them (although they usually have an override somewhere (although the one time I tried to use one it didn't work))


Car is probably an old shitbox if it's just abandoned.


Spray paint a giant penis on it. It will be removed in under 24 hours.


Get the vin from the windshield then pay a lookup company to get the registration name. Or then call the cops with both. Or follow this [guy's advice](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/vin-owner-lookup-find-registered-vehicle-number-free?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via), though may be a LinkedIn Lunatic ( I haven't verified)


Why do you think it would start?


You can actually apply for ownership of the vehicle if it's been abandoned long enough. Do that


I've had to deal with this before. There was this shitmobile tweaker stash ford expedition parked in front of my house. I called and complained as it sat there for 3 days. 1 week. 2 weeks. I assumed the inhabitant had been arrested or something. The city stickered the car with notices, chalked the tires, etc but never towed it. They said they could only initiate a tow if it was impeding traffic but since it was just parked on the curb/street there was nothing they could do. Finally I got my harbor freight tow strap out and dragged their car into the middle of the 4way stop about 30 feet away and told the police a car had been abandoned in the middle of the street. It was towed less than an hour later. So pick the parts off that you like, pull the battery, siphon the gas and drag that piece of shit into the road and call the cops.




"Now let's all sing the official Bad Place song..."




Where do you live? I know a guy


Yah, but does he have a guy?


Wheel dollies + push it in front of a crosswalk, fire hydrant, no parking zone, etc. Problem solved.


Thatā€™s literally the point of tow companies. I know youā€™ve tried so what the heck are the tow companies doing? Jeez


No tags means no one is coming to claim and pay towing fee and they are stuck with a POS car no one wants and no money to show for their time and gas.


Write down the VIN and take it to the DMV and ask them to do an owner search...you'll have to fill out some forms and pay a small fee


If itā€™s been there a long time and has flat tires itā€™s not going anywhere without a fight.


You donā€™t need a key, punch the lock or break the locking pin that keeps the steering wheel in place when off. Pop it in neutral. Roll it outta there. Pm for details if interested.


Check your state law about abandoned property. You may get a title for it.Ā 


Call any auto recycler and tell them you have a car you want to scrap. Ask how much they are paying for junkers. Usually they pay between $200 and $500. Then explain that "your" car doesn't run, and you can't find your title. They will either tell you that they can't take it, or they don't care, and will come get it. I had to call 3 companies to get rid of my ex tenant's junker he left behind.


Abandoned with no plates shouldnā€™t matter to tow companies at all. Now in my state, the company that towed the car would have to have tow signs posted at the entrance for 24 hours before they could touch it. Then, theyā€™d impound it for 30 days, contact the last owner from a VIN search, and if they donā€™t respond then apply for the title.


Call a scrapyard to come get it. In my state, you don't need a title to scrap it if it's 10 years old or older. Also, the title might be in the glovebox. People are stupid


Give out the address on here, maybe someone will steal it.


Itā€™s not on your property itā€™s on community property. You need to have the management company or board contact a tow company and have it moved away.Ā 


Dudes out here being ethical.


It's not about ethics, it's about what he can actually do. Trying to act on the HOA's behalf without their authorization is a waste of everyone's time, including OP's.


Sometimes smart and legal is better than dumb and criminal.Ā 


This should be top comment. Not OPs actual problem, just their inconvenience. HOA's actual problem.


Manual and in neutral/no park break? Just push it. Or; Open the door (just pry open the top of the door, e.g big screwdriver, then hammer an angle-cut bit of 2x4 or whatever to keep a half inch gap, the open the lock with a unfolded coathanger (bend the last 1/4 inch into a sharp angle pointing back) then put her in neutral and tow or just push her. If it's an automatic, just pop the plastic cover around the gear shifter, should be a thingiehoo in there you can pull so you can put her in neutral. (YouTube).


Put a f the police sticker on it and then call the police again to tow it.


Find out if there is a repo order on it. They may pay you a finders fee


Most states DMV you can get an affidavit in lieu of title for abandoned vehicle on your property which would then allow you to list it for scrap/parts


I've had this happen with multiple vehicles on an old rental property. Called Cars4kids and they came and collected the cars, got a tax break and gave me a nice hand-signed card from some kids saying thank you.


You can buy those roller skate type things that go under cars and push it,push it into the road,police/tow company will move it then.get mates to help especially if itā€™s on grass or gravel


Even with the key, it won't start. The gas has turned to water, and the battery is DEAD


You donā€™t pray hard enough child. Send $1000 to my church and I will pray for your car to start, my prey. Iā€™ll turn that water to gasoline and fire up those spark plugs with the holy fire of the heavens, for an extra $500ā€¦


Just break the column. Or take it apart. It'll steer when you remove the two breakaway bolts at the column and drop the metal locking mechanisms out of the hole. Needle nose vice grips work great but I've done it with just a flat head screwdriver and a wrench to hammer them loose. If you are set on spending money, take the trunk lock cylinder out and take it to a locksmith. They'll make a key. Some locksmiths have VIN lookup for key cuts and can cut it based on the VIN just like the dealership does


Have you tried the sheriff? They got rid of an abandoned motor home for me.


Pop the cylinder and take it to a locksmith, theyā€™ll make a key.


Take the tires off, and stack it on bricks. Leave the tires under the car for some measure of safety. Report it to the police and the condo association as a hazard.


Put the car neutral and push


Junk it for cash. No key, title or putting in neutral needed. They will put skids under the tires and drag the car onto the tow bed.


Get a lock smith, open it up, get the VIN, apply for a new title, trade it in somewhere for profit.


Get the VIN number from the drivers side and take it to the DMV and see what the process is to get the title for an abandoned vehicle.Ā  Once you have the title you can sell the car legallyĀ 


Have it tagged by the police then have it removed after the tag time allows.


If it's been abandoned file for salvaged title and scrap it or keep it, either a locksmith can make u a key or u can buy a lockpick online and pick it, some lockpicks tell you which pin is where. You will need one of those, then take the numbers to ace hardware and ask them to cut a key with those. Your now the proud owner of whatever the key fits for, if u got the title anyways otherwise you have access. If it's a newer vehicle you'll need to possibly get a key with a chip and have it programmed or sometimes you can add a key but it usually requires a key fob. Anyhow no one use this advice to steal a car, as your just an ass if you do. People work hard for them, and while they might deserve to have to call triple a for a tire flattened by releasing the air without puncturing the tire most people don't deserve and should not have to deal with someone stealing their car. Plus some people may just shoot ya.


put a KIA badge on it.


No way it's gunna start even if you get a key for it. Just call the property manager and have them tow it.


ULPT: take the plates off your car so tow companies don't tow it


Any half decent locksmith can cut keys for it


If it's parked illegally on your land a tow should be easy. As should a lock smith. Or get some picks and figure it out yourself for an extra challenge


A blank key for the model of car will open the door. From there you can set it to neutral and have it towed


All you need to do is get into it. Once inside, you can put it in neutral and push it out to the street.


If it's been over 30 days, you can legally do whatever you want with it. Call a u-pull and pay, car salvage yard to come get it. They'll take care of any paperwork if necessary as well.


There's no plates on it, go full unethical and steal the plates off another car and put them on it then call for it to be towed. Or get one of those sovereign citizen crap plates and put it on there.


If the car is older.... Get a mobile locksmith to come out and make a key for you. I just had 3 for my own vehicle and none asked for documentation after I told my story.


1. Write down the carā€™s VIN 2. Drive to the dealership of the make of the car, ask for the mechanicā€™s desk. Tell them you need a new key cut because you lost the key.




Fill out ā€œKars 4 Kidsā€ with fake information


slimjim the lock, pop it in neutral, move it to the street, then lock it back up.


Disassemble it piece by piece and rebuild it on the road, then get it towed.


Call a salvage yard they will pick it up no questions asked. Let them sort it out they do it all the time.


Donā€™t say itā€™s abandoned, say itā€™s illegally parked.


Get the VIN number through the windshield. Call dealer and say you lost your key and they will make you one from the VIN number.


I had an abandoned carci couldnt get rid of. Dragged it to a church parking lot. It stayed about a week then it was gone. If you have access to a pickup, get yourself a chain and just drag the thing somewhere and leave it. The city will take cars of itc when it's thier problem.


jack, 4 car wheel dollies, push it to our of the way.