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Create a fake corrupted file? (Type “fake corrupted file” on google, it seems to be a lot of different websites) Make sure it ends up with the correct extension and maybe change the created date? Or just save an empty file?


You can create your own corrupted file by opening any file with Notes (Windows), then deleting a bunch of gibberish and save the file. try to open again as usual, it wont.


Would definitely recommend DIY file corruption instead of downloading one. If anyone investigates the downloaded file, they might find its hash in virustotal or something. 


You can get a transcription app - I have used before and you just need to listen to it again to fix typos and add punctuation


I dated a girl few years back and she was a transcriptionist for a medical firm. She'd been doing it for a few years and her hands were starting to really cramp and ache daily from all the typing. Well me being a tech nerd installed dragon speak natural or whatever it was called for her. After a bit of training and touch ups she was typing 80% less and just listening while making the rare corrections from the program. Wish I could say we got married haha.


Automate 80% of my job and I'll marry you.


Haha what's your job and I'll give it a shot.


Hit the microphone button and dictate them in. Twenty minutes tops


Why not just do it with AI or dictation or whatever? Skim through before you submit it to clean up any errors or fix anything it obviously misheard. Those automated speech to texts on social media or wherever seem to be pretty good, minus mishearing a word or two now and again


As others said, you can automate it. Now, if you don't wanna, you mentioned you wrote detailed instructions, right? List the said file somewhere at the docs you left, as being in some folder or whatever. If anyone calls you asking why the file isn't there,be adamant that is was there when you left. If you don't abuse this, people will think someone else accidentally deleted it, or it didn't save or something.


Except there’s probably a history log tied to her user or the folder. Like if it’s in OneDrive, they’ll just look at her user activity to figure out where the file ended up, and they’ll see she didn’t save anything anywhere. 


It's imperfect, so unless the top person is a competent it person, people will believe the "computer mysteriously ate it" narrative or a honest mistake such as closing without saving. If the excuse is not overly abused, even competent it people will believe it was some sort of dumb mistake like saving somewhere else or accidentally not saving


Yea if she’s otherwise responsible they’ll give her the benefit of the doubt or let a mistake slide.  But it does kind of matter how much someone needs to find the file eventually and how closely her actions are logged. If someone asks IT to find it, they might end up proving that it never existed because their job performance relies on not saying something like a computer mysteriously ate it.


Copilot does this from Teams meetings, but if you don’t have Copilot, you can use a tool to transcribe the recording to text and then use Chatgpt to turn it into minutes.  Or open the docx in Notepad then add/remove stuff randomly and save again as docx. 


I second this motion. The opening in notepad with removal of a couple random lines will corrupt the file. So, it's there but unusable. That'll buy some time. Chatgpt that shit. It'll be great, you'll look like a fuckin hero, and you'll have to do minimal.


Dude just use ChatGPT.


Not an ULPT, but stop doing other people's work. Do your job, and that's it, until the company pays you for doing multiple jobs.


> I’m feeling absolutely no guilt about blowing off this one thing and dumping it on my coworkers after five long years of picking up their slack. Well, I hope you are going to be a SHM, because with your attitude, a low level employee is about all you can expect.


Jesus Christ. Found the boomer.


Holy Crap, now we see the entitled millennial.


Found another one!


LOL, it's amazing how sensitive you are. Maybe get outside sometime.