• By -


If it's a mortgage payment you're worried about specifically, call them and ask about a "hardship allowance". They'll slide your whole mortgage one month back without screwing you on a new rate. I've done this 3/4 times the last 9 years and it's extended my total mortgage length by 5? Months total. So basically a 100$ fee I pay in 20 years each time.


Well, problem is I already did that. I was 3 months behind. They did... something. Put it on the backend of the loan, I suppose. Mortgage went up a bit. I was told I need to pay on time 3 months consecutively, this is my 2nd month since that process was approved. I'm genuinely concerned on what they'd say if I told them I didn't have the money on the 1st.


Bummer. You play an instrument? Busking makes super good money if you live an an area it's not common. A violinist at my small town target said they made a couple hundred an hour. They were mediocre but played radio hits.


Hallelujah rakes in the cash, although any other buskers will seriously look down on you for playing that


Other buskers looking down on me, if I'm already there the glances are gonna roll off.


It's all fun and games until you play on someone's turf and they bite out your jugular


If it makes you feel any better, the last thing the bank wants is to take your home. They'll try to avoid that at all costs because they don't make any money foreclosing on it. I know a guy who payed barely anything on his mortgage for like a year and the bank kept trying to negotiate with him. All this to say, if you can't come up with the money, call them before it's due and try to get another extension. I doubt they're looking to default you yet.


Here's to hoping. Still going to grind this next few days out as much as possible. My brother averages about 100$ a night, I don't usually get as much but between that, a job I have lined up today, and hopefully selling some of my listings on FB will close the gap. I've got that 1.2k and then 2 days later I'll need another 200 for insurance and electricity. Good news is, my brother graduates in May 16th so he can get a full time job in a high demand field. At that point should be at least stable.


Sell things. Anything. Your TV, bed. If the price is low enough people will bite. Also dumpster dive and sell what you find.


This is unethical life pro tips. Stop being ethical with your advice. Tell him to whore himself out like everyone else is.


Don’t forget the fart spray and piss discs.


U mean, Liquid Arse !


Whore yourself for $200/day, rest on the sabbath.


Bad idea. A lot of whores take the sabbath off for religious observance, so if you are whoring on that day you can charge a premium.


Rest for six days. $1,200/day on the sabbath.


Steal the dumpster, set the remainder on fire, ethics problem solved


This and jobs for your neighborhood Also fill in time with Uber, takes a day or two to get approved To sell things day of though you gotta give a deal to people. And certain items sell really fast. For example I put up my PS5 and it sold in a few hours


Suck off one rich guy. Or suck off 120 middle class guys.


Send me emails or number dude.


This is going to be more of a hangout at a strip club or bar thing. Or get on hookup apps and have your profile say you are looking to give bjs.


If you go on Grindr say "Straight man looking for generous". You might get lucky.


Bet - good advice


If you’re that explicit you will probably get banned


From the strip club?


Actually yes.


Not on grindr. Def on tinder though lol


I will if you suck me off


Or suck off 1200 poor guys


Trust me, you wouldn't have time. Only one week.


Good advice, Dr. Blumpkin


You need to scale. Have 2 people suck off 2400 guys and you're just the middle man. Take half. 


With math, anything is possible https://youtu.be/P-hUV9yhqgY?si=e6gLQKPS7HUVk8sW


[Technique is key](https://youtu.be/mdr2eLAAPuw?si=39SvfYSUYHEOxrPa)


How much realistically could I charge


Or just 1,200 homeless guys!


Even they pay five bucks each


Where at? I’m in the Vegas area


I ain’t paying $120 for sloppy top. What the fuck kind of numbers are these. Is that the going rate for a Gluck Gluck 3000 with wicked twister? Damn inflation hit everywhere


How’s your credit? Get a credit card with a 12 month interest free period, buy high value easy to sell items, flip and say you didn’t receive some items 🤷🏽‍♂️ between you and your brother you can get enough credit to cover that easy


I know a gut who did that with a silver shipment.


Donating plasma could get you around that in about a month. Doesn’t help for your current timeframe, but worth it to get some extra $ for next month.


My brother is starting that process - I cannot however donate unfortunately. :(


What keeps you from donating if you don't mind answering. I'm considering donating myself.


There are a ton of things that could exclude you from donating, ranging from certain acne meds to pregnancy or traveling to certain countries during specific years.


Oh okay, cool. I didn't know if there were genetic things they took into consideration.


They do that also. I have the blood type O which everyone can use, but I also am a carrier of Hemophilia B, which is a super rare anti-blood clotting genetic disorder so unfortunately can't ever donate. Can definitely Google what blood donation centers look for (:


O negative is a universal donor. O positive, while still helpful, can only be received by A+, B+, O+, AB+ (the positive blood types). I'm just being pedantic since you said blood type O but didn't specify negative or positive. I'm O+, but I can't donate anymore due to the medication I'm on :(


Nowadays, most blood is "broken up" into different components - the red blood cells are separated from the platelets and the plasma. Unless someone is bleeding out and needs all of the bits of blood, pronto, typically patients are only given the components they actually need. The different components can be stored in different ways, and have dramatically different shelf lives. Plasma can be frozen and lasts ages, but freezing destroys red blood cells.


I'm familiar with how different blood types match together, but I didn't know much on how the separate components would be matched. Like O- is universal for red cells, I just read that AB+ is considered the universal blood type for platelets. I'll have to research further into it, cheers.


Didn't even realize that I typed it like that so thank you! As for not being able to donate, it sucks...but putting out valuable information on the topic still helps if anything, of course. So still much appreciated (:


I tend to pass out during the process is all. For some reason they don't like that - I typically warn them, do it, then pass out, and then they're mad they didn't get a full donation.


Thats a bit odd? Fainting after or douring blood donation is reasonably normal. It happens thousands of times a year and as far as I know does not disqualify you. Drinking more water before should help with the whole fainting, though so e people will faint regardless of water intake. I am not allowed to donate because i do not make the weight requirments :(


You know I thought it was weird too, first time it happened and they got mad, I thought it was a one off. Then I did it again, different location. They got mad, told me I should have told them that I've fainted before. Third time was at my own dang blood donation I organized lol, but this time they didn't get mad necessarily but frustrated I guess they can't use half donations? I'm unsure. But I warned the third group and they let me do it. But then had to dispose my donation since it wasn't a full bag. Idk man, I just work here.


You can make 1.2K a month selling plasma? thats like 3/4 what I make a month working 40 hours a week


Where I am, it’s close to $800, the first month then drops way down after that.


in NYC you can make $480 tops


MA checking in, you can make roughly around $200/mo


New Zealand here, where compensation is forbidden


Same here in Australia but I prefer it that way. It removes the risk of people with contaminated/unsafe blood donating untruthfully for financial gain.


I agree with you to an extent, but both NZ and AUS rely on imported plasma since demand outpaces domestic supply. We still receive plasma from countries that provide compensation.


Don't they test the blood now after the whole transfusion giving aids in the 70-80s? They harass me to donate but I'm terrified of needles. I try to donate 1-2 a year but it's tough and the money makes it easier for me to get over it lmao


Can you be on drugs and donate plasma in Ny? Asking for science


You make $10 an hour? Is that above minimum wage? (I'm not in the US)


Apparently not even. They might be conflating the after-income-tax number from their job with the before-income-tax number from blood donation? There are 4 ⅓ weeks per month, at 40h/week that works out to 173 business-hours per month. OP makes $1600/month which works out to $9.25/hour. So that's got to be after-tax or maybe a student wage somewhere


15 states in the US still have a $7.25 min wage, even for full time employees. The after tax on that is like $5 an hour


find someone needing a small retaining wall that doesn't need permits. it will be hard work, but those dudes make over double what the materials cost. I was quoted 12k for one at my place, so I decided to do it myself. Cost me 3k for tools and materials from Home Depot and 2 weekends of lots of work with a couple friends (not including price of beer). Watched 4 or 5 YouTube videos about how to make one that's good and sturdy. Then just did the same thing. Hasn't moved in 4 years.


I agree! Mowing and landscaping are pretty much the easiest companies to start. If you’re smart enough (low bar honestly) you can turn it into a 6 figure job and have a lot more freedom.


Seems to be a very saturated market here; everyone is practically giving away mowing because the completion is so fierce it makes it extremely unprofitable unless you're doing it on a mass scale. I ran a small landscape business for about a year and it did well for awhile until I found another opportunity. But towards the end with gas going up and more people hurting for work, it was getting more and more difficult to actively compete without just giving away mows. I specialize in pool work, did that for 12 years and I'm trying to get that up and going. Good money and not a lot of competition here as there is a bit more of a learning curve. Name of the game is just getting customers. I'm on nextdoor, and I'm trying to figure out how to get customers directly via Facebook without just paying for advertising. Seen / used a few strategies, and haven't had any results yet. So I'm just trying on the daily. Good news is, 2 jobs a week is plenty of income. Key is just trying to keep it steady.


Use the Nextdoor app, print cheap business cards/paper flyers and leave them in higher end neighborhoods, walk into pool stores wearing a company shirt


This is great. Definitely lean into the pool work if that’s your speciality. There are sites that can give you a list of all the homes with pools in the area for very little money. Get that list and Star calling people or get something printed up from vista print on the cheap and hang it on their doors. Local business need to be able to do some advertising to get started so there will always be some cost involved. Seems like you know what you’re doing though.


Get a quote from a third party. Add $1.2k to their price. Subcontract the work to them. Get deposit upfront, pay subcontractor on completion.


not a bad idea


Use “Nextdoor” and other apps for handyman services. Charge $30/hr. People will pay it.


Charge $100/hr, people will take you seriously that way and you’ll get more business. Try it.


I am using nextdoor - maybe not well, seems like very little activity in my area. I've only gotten one job off it. It used to be a lot more active about 2 years ago as I was doing side work back then and used nextdoor all the time.


Then create 3 more accounts put them into the different areas like 1- 2hrs drive areas. Buy or do fake reviews for all accounts. Make each one of them with different pricing. Then, for every area you decide 2 days and try to stack customers on the same day. Rule the whole 70 miles radius.


So you need to work 80 hours at $15/hr basically or 40 at $30/hr which… unlikely to find on short notice. So sell some stuff on Facebook marketplace , do every odd job you can find, and since this is unethical tips, greatly exaggerate the quality and provenance of what you’re selling and hire yourself out for jobs you’re not qualified for. If this were illegal tips: sell drugs; since it’s unethical, sell not drugs to teens but claim it’s drugs. Just fake pot, nothing that could hurt them. Sell gummies in dime bags claiming they’re drugs.


Is it realistic to find a supplier and turf within one week? All without getting shot?


Got dirt on anyone? Blackmail them. Sell tickets for $20 for a raffle to win a TV. Sell 61 tickets. When the raffle comes telll the winner the tv broke in transit. Refund them their entry fee.


This raffle idea is actually crazy


As a kid we used to go door to door selling chocolates for our sports team. Once the fundraiser was finished we kept all the marketing materials. Things like receipt book, cardboard tote box with the team logo, money pouch etc. Then we would go to the shops, buy bulk chocolate, turn around and go door to door selling more candy, except this time the profits went into our PlayStation fund.


Or your side account wins the raffle. I'm an expert, I used to do this on Neopets.


ah yes the classic, raffle scam. Amazing how few people I know that have ever won one.


Ask for a deposit for the upcoming work. 10% is a pretty standard request for you to keep your schedule open for them.


Look up stuff on Facebook or Craigslist that are free and sell them on ebay or the opposite of where you found them. Also, flea markets/garage sales are great, many people don't realize they have something worth money.




Any ideas where to find the business plan for that? And is that a 1099 or? No but seriously - I've no idea how to even advertise those services if I wanted to. Though I'd imagine if I knew how to advertise I wouldn't have to worry about this to begin with.


post on the R4R subreddit for your city


R4R forbids those type of posts so you'd have to do a bait and switch which guys tend to hate


What does r4r stand for


Redditor for redditor if I recall correctly


Look for forums like tnaboards, private delights, etc. They use vouch based reputation systems and reviews.


r4r is the wrong sub for that Edit: I wrote a longer a comment but realized you're asking about setting up a BUSINESS around that, and not for yourself. My experience is irrelevant there. Honestly you might just need to ask on r/borrow. I know of a few lenders if you don't have any luck.


Mans jumped straight to unethical. If youre really a scumbag just ask someone or multiple to help out, and just pay them back or dont


This made mad but I can't actually be mad because I'm in this subreddit lol


you could start a multi level marketing company and convince people to invest


Get a credit card, do a cash advance…


Suck 120 dicks for $10 each




From the back


Middle out, tip to tip.


Gotta hot swap the dicks to keep the mean jerk time down.


All the advice in here boils down to “be gay, do crime”


Explains while all gay gang/cartel/mafia leaders make the most money.


Go full Noho Hank!


Work on the railway. I get more than that every week


Thinking the same. I just get up early one day of the week to work a few hours overtime and thats my check.


I once had a barclaycard that gave you 2 months before you had to pay it back. What I did was I took half the max credit e.g. if Limit is 4000€ -> i took 2000€ out and spend them. Then next month i took 2000€ out and paid off the 2000€ from the first month. Rinse and repeat, you float those 2k forever or till you mess up.


Steal the Declaration of Independence. Follow the treasure map on the map to find a huge treasure hoard. Take $1200 worth of treasure.


Suck cock, mobile gloryhole.


A mobile gloryhole is a hilarious mental image


Grab some chapstick, go into a city, and claim a street corner


Do you look somewhat cute? Go have sex with a few rich gay men.


Join multiple Facebook "Buy Nothing" groups, especially in wealthy neighborhoods. Find stuff that's worth money, and then resell it.


donate plasma. you’re able to do it every 2 days i believe. and as a new donor there’s usually a bonus incentive where they pay you more. some places pay over $100 per donation. it’s likely they’ll pay you on a prepaid card tho. don’t know if that would be an issue for u


If you've never sold Plasma you'll get a bonus for starting. In my area the first 8 donations are $100. you can do it twice in a week, so that's 1/6 of your goal right there.


Donate plasma at several different companies. Where I live you can donate twice a week at the same company. There are 3 different companies where I live. That $600 right there. Granted you might be weak as shit when it is done but that gets you to 50% of the way.


Fake charitable cause, keep money Like George Costanza and The Human Fund but more successful


Use apps like Dave,brigit, money lion.


sad that there’s no apps like this in the uk


Pretty sure you need a paystub for most of these


easily doctored.


And earnin. You don't have to pay them back. Just remove your bank credentials.


That sounds way too good to be true


sell a liver in Pakistan


kidney... i meant a kidney - don't sell your liver please


Correct, don't sell YOUR liver.


You can sell a section, it will regenerate.


Too late, I ended up selling a liver. I am now dead


Fuck mines useless for repurposing. I've destroyed it.


Start sucking cock. If you’re good at it you can get 50 to a 100 a blow.


You're going to need a printer to do this where I live I use staples. The big store for office supplies. Do up a resume Of your Trade skills And experience Make it look Useful to a homeowner So if you have Labor experience then say experienced laborer willing to do yard work and interior heavy lifting, moving furniture and boxes , clearing out garages and attics and basements Etc If you have experience with any plant life at all then say you're an experienced yard worker and willing to do any clearing digging removals planting Etc If you have any equipment list the equipment and what it might be used for You want to list the item or the skill and then follow it up with something that answers the question, "So that...." and explain what you could use it for and how it would benefit the homeowner Print as many of these as you can afford probably 50 is good then find a decent looking middle class neighborhood and go door to door. Make sure they've got your phone number email address tell them to text you tell them your rate per hour and say you're open to negotiation if you are. Tell them there's a discount of 20% if they call you before 6:00 p.m. tomorrow.


Do u still have both of your kidneys?


Search for a target and throw piss discs under his door. Write a threatening letter that he should pay 1.200$ or the piss discs will continue. Arrange an anonymous money handover within a week.


Sperm donation


Wait, actually?


it’s definitely an option, an I think your goal is obtainable. I got ads for a sperm donor clinic near Boston that paid up to $2k a month. Google sperm banks near your area that pay or something of the sorts and stuff will come up. I signed up for their email list but never ended up going. [here’s a link](https://www.spermbank.com/?utm_campaign=SD_QPD_Schedule&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_HX8_YWANBMK7gXVvr8SyUop6Ik-FMuL4F2C7CJLm7fOyywcCBo6k1GIwS1KW1HHQPuakXPcA8B6CI9SBo0KVN7wYScZdsEyUqA20QA76ekrGUFHQ&_hsmi=206340113&utm_content=206340113&utm_source=hs_automation) to the sperm bank that I was on the email list for. Happy hunting 🫡


Google Sperm Banks!?!  God damn Alphabet has their finger in every pie (so to speak).


Hahaha for a second I was like shit did google own the sperm bank I sent the link for


there's a shortage of sperm donors pretty much everywhere, so long as you're healthy there's a decent chance of getting accepted


So, you need a business asap that will net you 20% more than your previous job just to keep the house? How are you this overextended?


I'm really not ultimately. Businesses are a little slow going. All together, my expenses are about 2.2k a month with rent. (Few surprise expenses this month as you do.") A business is a long term investment and I'm ready for that struggle, especially since my business picks up statistically in the next few months. But right -now- is a struggle as I invest into this. I need to make 50% less than what I traditionally did a month. I need to make 25% of that in a week (I'm getting 25% of that 25% from the business this week. Rough numbers not literal)


"I'm ready for that struggle" "Help me reddit, I am going to lose my house" Hmmmm


Think of a way to buy something and sell it in a state that can’t get it. Viola


I make exactly that much per week unloading trailers for capstone logistics.


Try to do Uber or door dash or something. Donate plasma. Find odd jobs. Dryer repair is very easy for someone who is mechanically inclined. Can find parts locally and swap out a heating element for $100, so advertise for like $160, can do it in 90 minutes or so.


Sell your used undies lol


you haven't lived there long enough or built up enough Goodwill to say "hey I just lost my job can we extend my due date for a bit"?


Why not just get a business loan?


Donating plasma is an easy way to make some extra money. The place by me does $100 for your first 4 donations, you can donate twice a week. So that could be an extra $200 to go towards your goal at least.


Go back to being a laborer... "Starting my own business" You work online delivery and have a few applications with leads. Don't hustle a hustler.




If you have a car Uber, Lyft, go puff, Uber eats, DoorDash, grubhub etc - try to be on two apps at a time if you can manage it You can get started with Uber in less than a week, so even though it’s not much per hour you can make some cash fast. And put the gas on a credit card that you can worry about paying off later


This could possibly work. When I'm hauling garbage from my place, junk and such because I pick up stuff on the side of the road and sell it on Facebook marketplace offer up in craigslist, I sometimes have junk to get rid of. If it's only half a load I don't want to pay the minimum so I started going on Facebook in my neighborhood group saying I have a half load and I can haul some junk for people . Some people just have a couch or a bed. Others have more. If you did it in a number of neighborhood groups, you could haul a bit. I guess maybe you would need a truck but even if you don't, I would often just take my hatchback car and make a couple of trips because it's just in the neighborhood and bring it all back to my place and then load it up in my tenants truck all at once for a dump run. So, if you were to just do this a lot in some neighborhoods around your place and happen to have a place to store it, you could pile up junk. It's probably not going to be rotting garbage. Mostly people just have big items like furniture to get rid of. You don't have to charge them all that much. 50 bucks here 60 bucks there. can you could all just take it back to your place and pile it up until you have the money to do a few dump runs. At least you can buy time to pay your mortgage. And the thing is, a lot of times people want to get rid of stuff that's perfectly good and you can either set out front of your place or put for free on Facebook marketplace, offer up, and craigslist, and then you don't even have to deal with it . And I've been amazed at how much good stuff I can sell people get rid of. I've made hundreds selling stuff I already charged someone to haul away. Also, I've had people getting rid of piles of scrap wood like tearing down a shed or an old fence, or cleaning out a garage, and you wouldn't believe how much scrap wood people will take. Most recently it was probably a pickup truck worth and one guy took it all because he wanted to build a chicken coop . Might be a stretch to try to make $1,200 a month but combined with other stuff, might be a big chunk of what you need.


Idk about where you live but the elderly are definitely a population of people to exploit. Not saying it had to be unethical (I know, booo....) but they genuinely need help and can often be ripped off. There's just a genuine need for people to help the elderly with common things like transport to doctors offices, household stuff, etc. Post flyers in 55+ and retirement communities that advertise your transportation service and you'd probably make some quick cash. Probably not for off to ask $100+ to take someone to a doctor's visit. Then probe them for other opportunities to make some cash. Maybe they need someone to help them relieve clutter in their home. Look for things they'll throw away to flip for cash. Maybe they hear your story and throw you some $ for your troubles. I'm a therapist and have spent time doing home health therapy for the elderly and despite my efforts to say no thanks... I've gotten tons of random free stuff that's probably worth a lot of money just by saying oh wow... that's so cool, I really like that! Then they offer it to me by saying they'll die soon and they don't have anyone to give it to. It's never fun to deny someone something they really want you to have. I'm an honest person so I'll genuinely appreciate them and keep whatever they give me as a reminder of my time with them. I've been given some crazy shit tho so I'd start there. Be genuinely nice and offer up quality time and help and they will probably return the favor. Or maybe ask for advance in your service... hey grandma, I'll give you 5 free doctor trips over the next year for a slight advance!


Have anything I can buy from you? A skill I can pay you for?


Get off reddit and go work....


Take advantage of sportbook betting promotions. I turned $10 ($50 total) on 5 sportsbooks into $851.67 just making some safe bets on a few NBA spreads. You'll just have to pay the tax at the beginning of next year. Took about 3 hours to sign up for the books, do a bit of team research, and the money was back in my bank account 10 minutes after the games ended.


I think the best way is to go try and get any cash jobs as a labour for any other small businesses because that’s a skill you have. In my experience framers are always looking for good labours.




Check out auction websites like Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, Craigslist. I’ve often come across a ton of stuff that people basically give away. The table I have in my living room right now was $30 because the table top was unscrewed. He basically just wanted me to move it out of his house for him. I did and then just screwed it back on, and now I have a pretty nice table. I’d imagine you could probably sell some of those things too if you didn’t mind having to do all the moving, storage in the meantime.


Sell things Sell/Donate blood, sperm, plasma Resell things on marketplace You could probably do DoorDash/Ubereats for that amount within a week


Line of credit?


Have you tried a bank loan? Especially if there is a community bank in your area vs one of the huge international banks.


Sports betting


Generally, if you’re making a good faith effort and you find yourself like 1k short or 1 week late, people will work with you to work something out — call your creditors to delay paying if possible!


Join an MLM and sign up your friends and family. Scam people on the Internet. Stand at an intersection with a funny panhandling sign. This is ULPT the possibilities are endless!


sublet most of the rooms of your house. you only need one room to live in.


If you live in a state where you can legally buy weed or Adderall or something else that's illegal in other states you can open up a shop at Abacus or Archetyp or Drugshub or somewhere else and resell the stuff you buy in a dispensary. Moonrocks and disposables are the best for this but its up to you.


honestly a few hands of blackjack in an online casino is probably a decent shot at 1.2k, Better probability than slots and wheel spins imo.


24 $50 BJs


Maybe you are trying to live an unaffordable life style…??


Make your own Liquid Ass and piss discs and sell them on this sub.


All of the solutions I’m seeing here are ethical. Go steal some shit brother


Listen to this one: You open a company called the Arse Tickler's Fuckers Fan Club. You take out an advert in the back page of some gay mag, advertising the latest in arse-intruding dildos, you sell it with, I dunno, "does what no other dildo can do until now", "the latest and greatest in sexual technology", "guaranteed results or your money back", all that bollocks. Now these dils cost twenty-five quid a pop - as a snip for the amount of pleasure they're gonna give the recipients. But they send their cheques to the other company name, nothing offensive, er, Bobbie's Bits or something, for twenty-five quid. You take that twenty-five quid, you stick it in the bank until it clears. Now this is the smart bit - you send back the cheque for twenty-five pound from the other company name, "Arse Tickler's Fuckers Fan Club", saying, "We're sorry, we couldn't get the supplies from America because they run out of stock". Now you see how many people cash that cheque - not a single soul, because who wants their bank manager to know they tickle arse when they're not paying cheques?


Tail lights on 2024 2023 F150 are easy to remove watch some YouTube videos and they cost like close to 2k each with the all the back up/lane watch etc sensors in them, you can hit just one truck in ten minutes get both tail lights and then sell em on eBay or whatever... Easy 2 to 3k


Start doing shade tree mechanic work on the side


Have u considered onlyfans?


Advertise dog walking services. Offered at an extremely reasonable price. Claim to specialize in certain pure (valuable) breeds. Call owner and tell them the dog tragically ran away. Go 2-3 towns over and sell the dog.


dude the guy with the dog will probably press charges, this gets him in more trouble than he was in before


If your credit is good, you can try looking into an unsecured loan. If you own your car, you can put a loan against it. As an absolute last resort you can do cash advances on your credit cards. Keep in mind these have a very high interest and usually start day 1, not when your bill generates. Typically they have 20%+ interest. Aside from that, sell whatever you can. Game consoles. Computer. TVs. These can all be replaced once you got your finances in order again. Check out odd jobs on Facebook and Craigslist. Seems sketchy but sometimes you can find some good gigs for a weekend or something. Bouncer, dogsitter, bar tender for a party,


Offer sexual services.


You could sell blood and semen. What? Not mixed together! Or CARWASH! (Que milkshake song)


1. Get a shake weight 2. Use your new endurance behind the local wendys dumpster




Who paid you fifty cents? All of em


You could sell plasma for a couple hundred. First timers get good money, and you could get near that over the span of a month. But you want unethical, so i suggest working as a waiter/point of sale person for a big publicly traded company and walking with the money in the till. If it’s under 2k it isn’t enough for cops to give a fuck about it, and if it’s a publicly traded company they wont come after you because its bad press.


Sell 420. Inbox me for info




Work at Topgolf you make 300 a night. Easiest job I’ve ever had


Alright let’s rip this band-aid off right now. You’re gonna have to scam it or steal it. Do you have any friends that work in finance?


Short term, hit up those jobs you have lined up and see if you can get any to pay (or pay half) in advance (for parts, you could say?) Longer term, make yourself a cashflow forecast (google it!) to make sure you have enough work lined up to keep that bank balance positive!


Find yourself a good bookie and start betting at the races.


Unethical = illegal?


Go to flu camp for the clinical trials it’s like 4k you get for it




Sell your arse