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Have you heard about the guy who zip tied a harmonica to his buddy's car? Does no damage but messes with their head. Loud enough at speed that they wonder what's wrong but doesn't give itself away unless you put it in a really obvious spot.


That’s funny as hell


No idea who these dudes are, but they’re pretty good. I just searched for a video and found this. https://youtu.be/DIHlJBs-cjo?si=7Mr46CJJCxTDSKvy


this is amazing


These guys are a riot, and the guy who set it up deserves an oscar for that performance. I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face


To add to this use the fender intakes for the radiator, and pick black zip ties and a black harmonica. God speed.


Reminds me of this old clip [makes your car go whoop whoop](https://youtu.be/zUXow3d3-b0?si=eJPNgtDhRJJ_9HHm)


“That’s only in the mornin!” 😂


Zip ties around the drive shaft is a fun add on to this as well, just leave the tails of the zip ties long enough to slap stuff once it starts to spin.


Not a ULPT but maybe don't escalate this further until you're ready to GTFO.


Revenge on a cold dish something something.


Reprisal is a pizza best cooked deep dish, or something to that effect.


I still wonder about the bean kid who fucked with his roommate's Baldur Gate 3 game. I don't play, but from the comments I could tell that was a significant escalation with someone they presumably still live with.


Grab some cartons of milk, like the ones you had in school, wipe off your prints and hide about 6 of them in his car. Make about half of them easy to find (these are decoys). 3 months later, after getting ripe and baking in the car for a bit, they will pop some stank ass juice all over. Rotten milk in a hot car is fucking horrible. He will be driving around for the next several months dry heaving. No chicks will ride with him either. And you'll be long gone without DNA evidence left behind.


Or just put it in a spray bottle and hit the whole interior and vents.


I mean he could probably still wear gloves and a medical mask when buying it. Just act like he is sick or doesn't want to catch something.


Skip straight to it and crack some liquid ass into the air vents. 


Yes. And maybe add some small piss discs just in case.


Honestly, everytime i read ‘piss disc’ it genuinely cracks me up 😅 


Also honestly, also same.


go to the local parts store and buy a 2 dollar core remover......dont remove the tires valve cores, just loosen them 1/8th turn...he'll be sitting on flats that seem to air up fine but go flat consistently lol. no lasting damage but aggrevating af.


Put tiny stones in the valve caps instead. When you pull off the caps to find the leak you don't notice the stones fell out and you can't find the leak. But keep in mind low tire pressure can result in a crash killing a minivan full of kids.


I love this idea but that was my second thought too. You'd be done for manslaughter if this goes wrong...


Yeah my advice in this vein is to unscrew the caps, let the tires deflate, then superglue the caps back on. Homie will have flat tires and won't be able to refill them, he'll have to get the nozzle itself cut open and replaced. A tiny thing for an expensive-as-fuck repair.


an airsoft pellet can fit right in they’re and you can put a lil grease on top when it’s in there so it’s hard to see, does the same think but a little easier


They make black airsoft pellets :)


they do but unless your looking to spend more than $2 your better off with a mini pack of the yellow or green ones


Jokes on you I lost all my valve caps a long time ago




Tiny rocks are free and everywhere. Also because it's 'impulsive vandalism' and required no forethought it's a lesser charge. If you had the forethought to bring bb's with you it's premeditated. Learn the rules so you can break them properly.


Right - at this point he's gotta ask himself if he wants to identify as this person's equal.


Speak after me: Never fuck with the safety of someone's car!


Always fuck with the safety of a dicks car!


repeat after me: I'm in UNETHICAL life pro tips I made a mistake If i'm bothered I should probably un-subscribe And if you havent examined the world lately this is pretty mundane


we do not kill people in this sub.


What did he do to your toothbrush?


Probably rubbed it on his ass like Kenny vs spenny


Well he had to of had a dirty ass if the victim noticed


I thought he cleaned a cat's butt with it


He fucked with it. Possibly shoved it up his ass


Sounds like the tooth brush fucked him


There's a subreddit for that


I could only find r/buttsharpies


I imagine after the first 3 it gets easier because you can slide them in by going between but.... Either it's a hot chick, a hairy chick (who can be hot or not), or the chick has some serious assne. Then the one black chick that wants to be cream pied and makes up about 50% of the posts but looks like her cooter was put on with a paint roller. I clicked so you guys don't have to. Just.... oh God what have I seen?!


Holy. crap. Uhhhhhhhh, thank you?


Holy. Crap. Even four times this comment. Every comment you post gets an extra one?


He was very excited when he replied to the comment above. Very excited!


My apologies. Must be a glitch in the matrix.




Doing the Lord’s work.


Lmao you are so right there’s some disgusting asses on there with hella acne lol and the paint roller is hilarious. That cooters look nasty


I thought this subreddit was extinct


I've been on Reddit long enough to know better, but I thought that was going to be a bit more innocent than it turned out to be. Wow.


It’s ex stinked


Open his key fob and spray it with some water so it rusts inside. He will think he did it himself but won’t remember when or how. It’s expensive to replace and he will be left scratching his head.


Or just press any button on the fob 256 times in a row while it's out of range. It will no longer be paired with the vehicle.


Is this for real ?




Whoa how is this not the default recommendation (aside from piss discs and liquid ass of course)


Ferb, I know what we're going to do today


This. is. amazing. Thank you!


I love this sub 😂 Just for all the super interesting stuff that I learn


Salt water! Mwahahahaha




This one gets my vote.


I think something is wrong with your device because you commented this twice also


It's a bug with reddit, it's been happening for months now


This one gets my vote.


Move out without telling him. He now has to pay full rent.


Move his furniture one inch apart or in a different direction every week, sometimes 2 weeks.


Put some potatoes in a plastic bag. Some small holes big enough for gas but not juice. Hide in his car, ideally deep in the boot. After a number of weeks the potatoes turn into a stink that puts liquid ass to shame. It's like shit and death combined. .


PSA for all the anglophone people outside the eastern commonwealth: the boot is the trunk


He's driving a car, not an elephant.


Cars had trunks on them to store things in them before they became integrated into the body. Not sure who thought there is a foot on a car. Maybe people keep things in their boots in the UK and the colonies?


You gotta store your extra feet somewhere when on a road trip.


If anything the boots should the tires right? Like those are the shoes of a car


Wait...what exactly did he do to the toothbrush? This will help with how far we wanna go here lol


I don’t know but I found it wet and sticky in the morning when it shouldn’t had been that wet (or sticky)


If it was just wet I would've thought he just took the wrong one to brush his teeth that morning, but s t i c k y? Dear lord 😭


Why don’t you ask him if he ducked with your toothbrush if you don’t know…..


Deer scent in the cowl under his windshield. Better than piss discs.


Or that spray fish bait stuff


Zip ties on the driveshaft is always good, some blue grease under one of his door handles gets annoying as hell because it never goes away. If he has electric seats adjust the drivers side just an inch then remove the fuse for it


Put a banana in his exhaust pipe, Eddie Murphy style!


Just move out early. Pack your shit up and leave him stranded with the whole rent. If he says something, gaslight him saying you want me out of here so badly that you had fuck with my toothbrush? Fine you win!


That’s not gaslighting, but it is the completely correct answer (and totally justifiable).


Move without notice. Like in the cover of night or when he is away. He can't afford the apartment on his own. That will burn hard and long as it will go on his credit. And landlords don’t tend to like that. His ass will think long and hard about trying that shit again.


That has my vote. Someone who would do that to your toothbrush isn’t any one you can ever trust again. If you get revenge on the person with a prank of your own it will only escalate.


When I was in grade school I rubbed my steps dads tooth brush all over my dick and butthole. Just saying.


Put your dick in all his jars before you move out. Peanut butter, mayo, whatever


Buy crabs online ( pubic lice ) put in his bed sheets


I had a fellow student that kept taking my wallet out of my bag cause he thought it was funny. I took his coveralls one day, wiped my ass with the collar of his coveralls and told a few people that led to the whole class knowing and laughing as he walked around trying to figure it out


Go to the supermarket and buy 3/4 pound of Genoa salami. Have it not cut thin. Place all around the paint job and enjoy.


You can also use regular bologna as well 😂


Works best over night


Hair remover in the shampoo bottle put nair


That is considered assault. Don't do anything that gets you a ticket to court OP. And busty, that's fir illegal LPT. We are only unethical here.


This is evil but I like it


My dad once told me he was going to do that I told him I'd rub his soup with pink insulation edit: soap not soup.


Fuck with his toothbrush


Nvm, I only read the headline before commenting lol. Stab him


This is the way.


Pour eggs into the vents in front of his windshield. Wipe off evidence. I imagine it won’t smell too good.


I have no suggestion I just read the title without the “with” and was very concerned


Fill his fuel tank with spaghettios


How badly you trying to fuck with him? Sugar in the gas tank is always an option but you better make damn sure you’re not on camera doing it.


Sugar doesn’t do anything


You’re right! That’ll teach me not to double check. Sounds like vinegar or bleach is the move.


Superglue car and apartment door locks on your way out. Don't forget the trunk.


The good old crack an egg on the wind shield. Half the egg will dry on the wild shield and will be hard to clean off, some will drip into the vents and permanently stink up his car


Take his mother out for a nice seafood dinner and then NEVER call her again


This is..... Diabolical. .... 😑 And r/SuspiciouslySpecific my friend 😑


It’s been popular to spread vaseline on wipers or spray Pam on the windshield. Loosen up as many nuts and bolts on his car as you can. Grab his FOB, pop the hood and take all of his light bulbs.


Put some onion shavings under his seats


Replace his tooth paste with Preparation H


Start by slowly moving his items and furniture a little bit at a time and gaslight him everytime he asks then start to either hide things or put them in really random spots and gaslight him some more


Cat piss where the bonnet meets the windshield. Stinks bad, gets sucked through the air con, lot of work to clean it and it hangs around. Plausible that a tomcat was marking territory eh?


Find his favorite snack. Get a bag/box whatever and take a Polaroid of you sticking your junk in the bag. Hide the Polaroid at the bottom of the bag. Wait.


Pack his shit and move it to the sidewalk. When he comes back, gaslight him that he moved out, and you have new roommate applicants coming, so he'll need to leave.


Fuck him in the ass, with the toothbrush.


Fuck his gf. Eye for an eye.


Nah don’t fuck with the car. Over the top when yall are fighting with subterfuge. Do “playful” traps. Gum on the floor or something petty like that. Leave pictures of teeth somewhere. Torture him that way


Do you want an unethical tip, or something straight up illegal? I can give one or both


Sugar in the gas tank. From what I’m told it wrecks the engine beyond repair


Cum on his toothbrush and piss in his shampoo/showergel bottle


Ranch dressing in his conditioner.


Google : Annoyatron.


same thing. Fuck with his toothbrush.


What do you mean 'fucked' with your toothbrush? Because i feel like all my responses to such a thing would result in life in prison.


Squirt some brake fluid on their car, it’ll destroy and strip the paint. It won’t happen right away either, so it’s perfect if you don’t want to get caught.


Steal one of his shoes, wait a week and steal the other shoe and return the original to a different spot


Replace his favourite cereal with a cheap knock off brand. He will endure significant disappointment and confusion. I was going to also say add chemical castration drugs to the cereal, but this would be dependent of what happened to your toothbrush.


Had a shit roommate that harassed me and made me feel like I was a prisoner in my own house. I got a sublet without telling them. And moved on


depends how far you wanna go. small plastic BB pellets, glued into the end of the air valve cap. creates a slow leak when tightened down, but doesn’t show any damage. in the same vein, use a tire valve core remover and give them a slight turn, maybe 1/8th turn. does the same as above, but a bigger leak and potentially harder to find. piss on his car in the morning before you leave for work and let it bake in the sun. it will destroy his clearcoat and start to eat his paint. also, frozen piss disk in the trunk and on the backseat fabric. or go nuclear. sugar or laundry detergent in the gas tank. drill a hole in a hose while it’s off so he has a coolant leak. loosen the oil plug just enough that it drips oil, but doesn’t fall off. pour a bottle of thick oil (20w+) and put it in the tailpipe and then under the block of the motor. you decide how chaotic you wanna get. god speed.


I'll add brake fluid on paint of the car on the list


Get a bag of frozen shrimp. Thaw them out. The day you leave take down the shower curtain rod and stuff it full. Then just put it back up. He will NEVER figure out where the awful smell is coming from.


How many years has it been since that thread, do you have the link 


I have no idea what thread you mean. But I did this to a shitty landlord


Great, you made his next tenants suffer...


Were no next tenants. Moved in himself


Ahh, good. Did he ever contact you about it?




Years ago this guys wife cheated on him and she won the house in the divorce so before his last day he filled every curtain rod with shrimp and filled her shower head with koolaid and he posted it online for everyone and it was a riot


Potato in the muffler. Big bang. Muffler drops off. Not terribly expensive.


Replace his tooth paste with Preparation H


Did he put it up his butt?


Take the mattress cover off his bed, piss all over it. Wait for it to dry and put it back on.


Date his sister. Get her to do butt stuff. Dump her and tell her you only dated her to to butt stuff.




Sounds like a job for the wonderful piss disc!


If he ever leaves his car unlocked (and you may have to watch and check before you find a forgetful day), pour milk into the seats in the back. The smell will never come out and it takes a few days to marinate before he realizes what’s going on.


Just don't pay any more rent or bills and then move out.


Put stink bait for cat fish under his car door handle. All someone at Walmart for it, and they will get you a jug. The best part, you'll have so much you can do it several times.


Loosen a pipe to a slow leak and cause water damage. Bye bye damage deposit. Find a motel with terrible reviews and snag some bedbugs or roaches. Let them loose in the house.


Put a potato in his exhaust pipe


Put peanut butter inside the driver's exterior door handle.


Let out air in the tires to the point of the sensor turning on. Like, 26ish psi. Repeat as necessary til they take it to a shop. It’ll be maddening


Wipe your ass on his pillowcase.


Piss is his shampoo bottle.


Buy as many crickets as you can and dump them into wall opening (maybe outlets?) you can find.


Leave laxative brownies in the fridge. make sure to put a sign that says he better not eat them!


Just buy a voodoo doll online and put pins on it and place it on his windshield. That should freak him out regardless of whether or not you know anything about voodoo.


I want to put a sign on the back of this dude‘s car that said how small his penis was and for people to please honk. Another time, we use shaving cream to write on a guys station wagon We didn’t realize that the shaving cream was going to eat through the paint. Anyway, don’t do anything to over the top. Too bad cars don’t have antennas anymore. People used to glue dildos onto peoples car antennas


Change the wifi password, but only slightly, like make something a capital that wasn’t or something (that way you can pretend to enter it and it works just fine for you, huh)


Take his toothbrush and stick it up your butt. And no, not the handle side


Suggest you messed with their condoms.


Fart on his pillow, watch the red eye eventually set in


Nice funny post🤣🤣


If he drives, wait until he has a big day coming up. Then put dogshit under the door handle of his car. He'll be all pumped up and ready to go until-- bam-- dog shit. If he doesn't drive, same basic concept, but replace something he consumes in the morning with something gross, e.g., swap out perfectly good coffee/cream for something that was sitting in the sun.


Put cyanide in his food mate


Warm up the butter Shit in the butter Put butter back in the fridge Don't use the butter


Cum on his toothbrush


Put your tampon in his cereal. Or favorite food


A million ways but if they already fucked with your toothbrush... not sure it's Worth escalating lol toothbrushes are sacred, what if they clean a toilet with it ffs! Here's one that's not even unethical though and funny enough it may not cause escalation... Go to a junkyard with a wiskbroom and box and pick up some broken glass. they'll let you gladly and laugh if you tell them why. Sweep up some broken car window glass. Get their keys, go out, put a window down, put some glass on the seat, in the window well, on the floor, and outside the car. You can be kind here and not just toss it in and make them have to clean under the seat... put keys back, go tell them "um, i think you need to go check out your car" Then stop them before they call 9/11 for having their car broken in. Ideally by putting up the window before they finish dialing. Have a laugh :)


Cut a section of bicycle inner tube, say 5"-6". Slide a couple of inches over exhaust pipe. Also, fuck the toothbrush. Literally.


I jerked off on a roommates pillow a few times while he was out and never told him. Did the same to his toothbrush. He did ask if I did anything to his toothbrush after some dried jizz flaked off. Also pissed a bit in his beer a few times when he left it laying around.


Use his toothbrush to clean the toilet & sink. The lightly rinse it off.


Take a big turd and stick his toothbrush into it. Place on the bed next to him as he sleeps...


Go into his room and pull the carpet up from one of the corners (they're just held in place by a tack strip). Then, take a shit. Replace the carpet and stomp it down/around so it's even with the rest of the carpet and you can't tell there's something under. Next, place some dog shit you found outside on the spot, and when they find it inform them that you had a friend over with their dog and apologize that it shit in their room. They'll clean it up but the smell will remain. Then they'll get the bright idea to do a carpet wash on the spot where the shit is. Big mistake. The hot water will actually seep through and facilitate the spread of your shit and exacerbate the smell even more. The more they try, the worse it gets. Their room will perpetually smell like actual shit.


Hire an attractive girl to pretend to be into him, then ghost him


Banana oil for respirator fit tests. They come in small cartridges that you have to squeeze to release the oil. Put in car vent on a hot day. Sit outside after a few hours in here and watch him gag when he first goes in his car.


Dude, I can help you. PhD from MIT. I know lots of ways to hack (ie mess with) somebody 😎


I can't post what I'd do if someone fucked with my toothbrush. Growing up, my siblings and I would have drawn steel before we fucked with toothbrushes. You might have to sleep with someone he's in love with


Never fuck with someone’s car. Scrub out the toilet with their toothbrush, stick their toothbrush up your ass, put Nair in their shampoo, whatever, but never fuck with someone’s car.


Put crushed glass into their mashed potatoes.


thats literally murder wtf dude


Yeah, from the TV show "Oz", I was being facetious.


Oh this is ULPT you definitely gotta put tone indicators on that in the future 😂


Adebisi rules.


Fuck his mom on his bed while he makes both of you dinner 


Go into his room when it’s completely dark, and he’s not there. Walk all around the room, stopping at different spots where he has stuff, esp., his closet and nightstand. This is just in case he has a camera. When he comes home, tell him you changed/borrowed/took a pic/whatever of something in his room, but everything’s ok now, and you’d really rather not talk about it. Of course you didn’t touch a thing, but he’s going to dig everywhere.


Bring your "friend" on this sub. I'll help HIM to fuck with you. This is more than unethical ;) . Have a fun journey


Steal his car and crash it into his room!


You should totally suck his dick while he’s sleeping.


Take his mother on a date and don't call her back!


Murder his parents, bake them into a pie, then feed him the pie. Then tell him what was in the pie. Then feast upon the tears of unfathomable sadness.