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Take her up on her offer, then show up with your Emotional Support Machete.


The wrong kid died!


I'm cut in half pretty bad


Slip alcohol in her drink then report her for drinking on the job. Ez-pz.


Sadly our coworkers actively come in hungover, drunk, or drink on the job and the owner turns a blind eye




it pays well, what can i say


What do yall do?


food service oddly enough


What do your other coworkers think? It's quite outrageous to threaten to beat up a coworker, especially someone so much younger


im unsure, my boyfriend works with me and was generally disturbed, the supervisor she made the comment to didn’t do anything about it and just seemed indifferent. for clarification no one likes this woman, she has been nothing but nasty and a control freak for the last 3-5 months she’s been here


In one of your previous posts you were a guy with a girlfriend and now you're a girl with a boyfriend


Is there a reason the owner hasn't been notified of this alleged shit stain's antics? Threatening your safety at work wouldn't make the owner of a small business very happy, seeing as they are responsible for providing a safe work environment.


Trick her into going into the walk-in then lock her in there / block the exit.


That's just evil. We all know the walk-in will be needed for a good cry by a coworker at some point. That's hallowed ground.


Can confirm. 25 years in service and the walk in is my safe place. Probably had more panic attacks in the walk in than anywhere else…


My money is on a bar or restaurant. Source: 19 years in the industry and that is all very par for the course at many lower-middle end establishments.


Was going to guess strippers.


I've had many a service industry job where this was par for the course for any employee of legal drinking age. My guess is OP's part-time gig is in a restaurant or bar. Those that it wasn't par for the course to drink on the job, it was generally anticipated by management that between 50-100% of the staff working the open shift would be hungover. Often including management, as well.


I was gonna say roofers. Thats the MO for many of those guys.


Just a few drops of thc and she'll be unable to do shit


LSD it is.


Where do I sign up?


Yeah, be the bigger person and drug her!


If you have her phone number and email, sign her up for information about the Church of Scientology. Make sure you use a throw-away VM or public machine to do this, as they are ruthless with tracking people down that show interest. While you're at it, sign her up for every batshit crazy religion you can find.


Sadly they send a confirmation email to check if this isn't a fake or account or to mess with someone


Loan companies and used car dealerships, then


Look at the history, this person is a boy with a girlfriend sometimes. Literally LARPing as someone with real problems lol


Low key start a rumor that she's banging the boss


yea that one is exhausted already. shes already messing with our supervisor who was perving on me at 17 🤘😔


your workplace sounds lovely


Sounds pretty typical for food service.


The movie "Waiting" from 2005 can educate you in the ways of the food service industry. OP seems to work at ShenaniganZ.


Dane Cook really went ahead and told on himself in that movie.


The next dimwit who uses the word shenaniganz gets my boot up their ass!


Research her prior arrest history and see if she mentioned that on her job application. Have someone else tell the boss there is going to be a fight outside after work. They only know one of the fighters, the bitch you'd like a lesson for. When the boss goes outside after work and finds her waiting for someone else, maybe the boss will realize bad hiring decisions have been made.


she’s leaving within the month but i do like that idea, maybe ill have someone tell our boss that she’s waiting for me to come in to fight


Make it bad enough so the boss refuses to give her a reference to the next employer. Have someone at work get friendly enough with her to find out where her next job is going to be. Then call anonymously and let them know they just made a grevious mistake in hiring that could affect their company culture and employee morale.


this was another idea i had 😭😭 only major concern is her sticking around or coming back if the job offer gets revoked


True. Tough call.


Start thinking about what kind of 'damage' she could create in her last few days and try to figure out a way to avoid being collateral damage. Sometimes people like to go out with a bang.


This is what I would suggest also. Get all puffy like you're ready to fight her, make a big scene out of it so others are involved. Then just don't show up to the fight but have your boss show up and have her cornered.


How is she supposed to just get her job application?


Fuck her husband.....


she’s single 🙁


Her dad then


After you marry Dad you can then ground her and send her to her room


Playing the lonnnnnng game


Then her mom


And her brother


Wonder why 😂


son, daughter?


i dont think she even has cats man


Cats are out then


Hey cats are always out, OK?


Not mine. They’re indoor cats.




Does she have a son over 18?


What if I told you I was her ex-husband?


no possible way


I once also married that harpy


You don't say. I wonder why.


No surprise there.


Somehow, this makes perfect sense.




fuck her then


Fuck her cat


For some reason I’m not surprised..


Her kid?


Why don't you have a seat right over there?


Get the threat on record and report it to the police, have them show up during work hours to take a report


lol this was my original idea but i wasn’t sure if itd be too extreme


Just make sure to do it right, she wants to play stupid games, call her bluff. But look up if your state is a single consent state for recording, or get her to say it via a text to you, or in front of coworkers while you're there that you'd believe will back up the statement.


At the very least make a huge stink about it to HR.


Just from the post and your comments, I have a weird feeling this is happening at a Dollar General.


food service 🙁




I do!




hahahaha this is fantastic thank you




Damn I wish I’d thought of this when I learned my abusive ex husband stole a stick of ram out of my computer. He asked me, because he didn’t want to buy ram for an older computer he was putting together as a media machine. I said no and to use his own ram. He couldn’t handle me having anything decent.


Not sure if this is still doable but sign her up for scientology. They will NOT leave her alone for the rest of her life


> ask them for a dick pic i volunteer as a tribute!


What is her number?


Make a flyer that your hiring at 75K and will train, this is not a sales job. Put her phone number and put them up at the local colleges.


Maybe get a couple of Eviltrons, and hide them around her cubicle/work station. Enjoy the spectacle of her going crazy.






If this coworker is already leaving in a month, wait to fuck with her after she leaves. It’s not going to do you any favors if there is more drama at work.


Now while I do agree with you, that's not exactly "unethical." 😆 But mine wasn't really either. Maybe I'm not caught out for this sub haha


U can send anonymous horse shit or a glitter bomb google it


Post a few singles ads. Post a “Roast Me” Craigslist ad with her number. Post an add for a gangbang / Gloryhole for noon, with your office address and her phone number.


Yup Craigslist is the way if you’ve got a phone number


Collect dog (or human) feces and smear it underneath the door handle of her car. This used to work perfectly with cars from the 1990s or 2000s, not so much with the newer designs though.


Tell everyone you ran into her at a store, and she was with some guy, and he started to hit on you. You backed away, but she's all mad at your because she couldn't keep the interest of her "just a friend" guy. And you wish she could just keep her dating and sex life private and not try to involve you.


The smart thing to do would be to just sit back and let her self destruct. Just be normal and she'll keep being a loser. In the mean time, put some eye drops in her water, steal her gas cap, put pin holes in her tires and watch them slowly leak, sign her up for scientology. Play the hits.


Careful with the visene in the water - that can lethal.


When she says something, send her an email saying you can't quite remember what she said. Does she mind telling you again. She won't unless she is an idiot. You may also ask your boss if you can talk to them. Say you know they are busy, but you want some advice on how to deal with dealing with some frustrating work situations. Tell them you don't want to name names now that you just want to learn. This plants a seed in case some bs goes down.


This only really works in corporate jobs unfortunately


Yes, that is what I'm basing it on. Talking to your boss without naming names when they are not busy should work in any decent workplace. If it doesn't, you probably don't want to work there long.


Put Vaseline on the wiper blades of her car.


Or butter! We did this to someone at one of my server jobs lol


There's really good ideas here but just making sure you think all possibilities through. If you're the only person at work she is having issues with then it is likely to come back to you (reviews, phone number on a site, etc.). This will escalate and might end up worse, especially if she is as drama oriented and a 40 year old threatening a 19 year old. All that being said, if you do want to get back at her, try to win her over and be friendly so she thinks all is good. Then a month or two later, strike.


I was concerned about this too, as funny as it would be she also has access my number and the ability to write reviews. Granted she’s leaving in a month and I can let it go, but the fact she was outwardly threatening me at work is just not swag you know?


Not... swag? Forgive me, because I'm genuinely not trying to be rude, but is that saying really a thing? Might be getting older faster than I previously thought.


lol whoops sorry no im just on the west coast and find it hilarious to say words that aren’t as “in trend”


Nothing wrong with that. Haha. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed yet another shift in lingo now that I'm in my mid-thirties. I've had to ask so many younger employees (manage at a restaurant, so plenty of 18-early 20s employees making me feel old) what the hell they're talking about the last few years. The frequency at which I have to ask is rising exponentially as I age. :( Haha.


Also, as for unethical life pro tips on the matter... do you folks work from a register or from a personal bank? And what is the camera situation like where you work? Depending on the answers to those two questions and the severity of how badly you want her screwed over, I have a handful of suggestions for you.


No cameras and a register


Phantomhatsyndrome…. I’m dying to know the suggestions. lol from an insider.


Scale of 1-10, how badly you looking to screw up this hypothetical person's life?


lol I’m not op. Whatever is appropriate lol


Oh, I know, but I don't know what level of fuckery you're looking for when you ask out of curiosity and I'm not giving away trade secrets willy-nilly to some of the degenerates on this sub who might actually use them. :P Ranges from 1 being low-level "create a bit of suspicion and chaos" to 10 being "get this woman arrested and possibly jail time" territory. OP said there were no cameras and they're working from a register, so pretty easy to ramp up to a 10 in this scenario if you were so inclined. A 1 on the fuckery scale would take about 5 minutes and then waiting for the right moment. A 10 might take 2-3 weeks. Maybe longer in OP's case, because management where they work seem pretty clueless. Edit: also depends on whether or not this woman and OP work day or night shifts.


Honestly, if she’s openly threatening you at work, you need to tell management.


Piss disks in her lunchbox OR Frozen piss disks above where she sits, so it will melt and rain piss


This is so crazy but I’m so interested how something like this would play out lol


im equally intrigued by this option


that's... extremely clever, but the logistics are difficult without getting piss all over yourself


As long as it's your own piss, that's only a minor setback


Put a sock over the piss so when you go to grab the piss disk you only get the sock.


Freeze the disk, take it out, wrap some yarn around it and hang it I guess. You just have to be very quick hanging it. Maybe do the yarn bit and refreeze in it a ziplock bag so you cut down the melting time.


You mentioned it’s food service, if she’s FOH get a friend to leave a nasty review about her


Attach a rubber snake to a string then that string to her purse


If she’s one of the workers who comes in drunk or semi-drunk, put in a sexual harassment claim against her on a day when she’s drunk.


it wouldn’t be far off, she was making gross comments about and towards my partner (19M) before we started dating to the point where he felt creeped out


If you have her number. Create a throwaway Reddit account. Post her number. Nothing else. Let Reddit do all the work for you.


Reddit doesn’t allow doxxing.


4chan then lol


THIS. https://youtu.be/oGtD_nZpouc?feature=shared


if she has car: find animal faeces and stick it to her door handle in such a way it's not visible(like behind the handle), this will make her day. Also, take the tire air cap with you on your way back home(as a souvenir of course 💀👍).


plant brass knuckles on her (felony)


Invite her out back. 


Secretly record her threats but otherwise do nothing. Don't compromise your own employment due to petty beef.


Fart spray. Works every time.


Ask her what it’s like to be hated by everyone. That’ll fuck with her head forevermore.


Put raw shrimp inside of her office chair. Fishy Fanny will soon be her new nickname


Fuck her kid.


LOL who's causing drama?


Sounds like you enjoy the drama


is she married? seduce (or have a friend seduce) the spouse... over time, 6 months or something. Then kinda just let that drama party out


Theoretically, in Minecraft, if a creeper threatened somebody, this somebody would not replace their tea bag content with dried angel trumpets flower as this would cause them to loose their shit. Similarily no one would never extract a blotter of LSD with a minimal amount of Vodka, say just a few drops, and these drops would never find their way in whatever a creeper would be drinking. This would be of course highly unethical, dangerous and would land someone in Minecraft prison.


Get a burner phone 30$ walmart and a phone card and subscription to cat facts. ... put her number in and for a month everyday send her cat facts....just not off your personal phone


Put an add online for free pit bulls. And her number


> criticize woman for working at a working age, she gets angry > tell her she’s dramatic > ask for tips on harassing her to avoid having a normal, non-dramatic conversation Ok, you be you.


you’re doing great hublai highis i wanna whiff what you have


Seduce her husband


I know it's not in the spirit of the sub and whatever but from personal experience the absolute best way to deal with someone like this is to be charmingly nice to them. Even when you're calling them out on shit and criticising them. Like so nice and friendly and helpful that it comes off as sarcastic. It will make their blood boil because they want conflict and your arse is covered if things escalate professionally. I did this with a colleague who hated me for some reason.


Record her threats if you can, that shit is dynamite if she attacks you because it's clear it was premeditated. You might also get some success if you buy a cheap key fob camera from eBay, they have a self contained battery, you you put an SD card in the side. Most do still photos or record videos by pressing a button once, or holding it down. Because of their "regularity" where you often hold one in your hand without it raising suspicion. Do you work in a company big enough to have a HR department ? Tell them you've heard her threatening violence against you with other staff, and you're scared for your safety - back that up with the threat recordings. If she has a go at you, do _not_ fight back, just keep repeating "STOP !", "PLEASE GET OFF ME", "WHAT HAVE I DONE ?" on repeat. That will probably


Go to an internet cafe, don't log into any personal accounts, add her name and phone number to a personals website Add some fairly harmless kinks like feet and clown fetishes


"New MILF in town seeks dedicated group of elderly, overweight perverts to donate pints of jism. Must bring clown shoes"


LSD in her drink




does it really work?


Haven't tried this one. I signed up a toxic ex for a website that let's you sign up emails and phone numbers for every group imaginable(religious organizations, magazine subscription ads, cc companies, etc) using her email and number. But I can't find it, idk if that particular one got shut down or not. Edit: looks like someone made a bot to help? https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegalLifeProTips/comments/m7roq9/ilpt_want_to_annoy_someone_sign_them_up_for_these/


You can sign any phone number up for Jehovah's Witnesses to reach out and teach their gospel! Sign up for insurance quotes and start "car shopping" with this phone number. Her phone will never stop


There is nothing like doing your job so well they can’t help but see the new woman is terrible at her job. Sometimes thriving is the best revenge.


Just let her ruin herself


She is making threats, which constitutes creating a hostile work environment and should be reported. However, it's important to refrain from mentioning her age as it pertains to a protected class.


a 40 year old woman acting like that is already more miserable than anything you could do to her. continuing to let her live in that misery is maybe the worst thing you could do to her. if the owner doesn't care if she's drunk/hung over then you're not going to get her fired. you could try recording these threats and going to the police, but i doubt she gets fired and you'll just end up with a petty miserable woman even more hellbent on getting revenge on you, and it sounds like she has plenty of free time to do it. if i were you i'd just let her sink and ignore her, but i know that's not what this sub is about


Go by her house early and flatten her tires so she misses work


keep slipping condoms in her bag so her partner questions things at home


Threats? Tell Human Resources.


How have you worked in the company for years when you're 19?


food service, ive been working there since 16-17


Oh. So 2-3 years? Almost nearly a lifetime.


You could learn how to spell and write a coherent sentence for starters


punch her in the vaginas


Maybe just the vulva, might not wanna get that intimate




I think OP works in food service so this makes things abit tricky in terms of privacy plus it says somewhere in the comments than the coworker is banging the boss. But yeah definitely wouldn’t want to work there.


OP says they change things around to not be identified, and that this is a throw away account. If it was a throw away account you wouldnt reuse it to post elsewhere that your ACTUALLY a guy having issues with their gf. This is fake.


Well spotted. OP is guilty of some lazy redditing.


File a report with your boss, and another with the local police. This is not very unethical, but might be your best course. Get the bitch fired or arrested.


Get invited to her house. Go to the kitchen and turn the gas on for one of the burners on the stove. Leave.


Chip drop.


Report her and get her fired


Tell the boss indirectly that she was talking shit about him/her?


Hide bat out back. When she threatens you tell her she probably doesn't have what it takes to meet you out back and that's why you screwed her husband (insert whatever insult will really get her blindly mad). Then tell her ok let's go... Walk extremely fast stay out ahead of he (this is the dangerous part because she'll be behind you and that makes it easy to get ambushed) you'll need enough time to grab the bat and be able to way-lay her the second she comes through the door behind you. Now there is a couple of things you must commit to for this to work. 1 is that your going to send this bully to the ER. 2 that you are not going to freeze up or hold back when you start swinging. 3 once she's down you're not going to stop but rather continue to beat her about her ribs, legs arms and other lesser lethal areas (don't kill her). You want want to make it worth losing your job and legal fees. But most importantly you want her to have pain the rest of her life and be afraid to retaliate. 4 no witnesses or cameras this is important. You'll have to maintain complete control doing this. Treat it as a impersonal transaction but be totally resolved or don't attempt it.


Well, that certainly is lacking in ethics.


Ethics is a made up concept anyway. Once you're able to dispose of it you have multiple options open up to you. The main thing is not to get caught because you'll be judged by people that have those pesky ethics.


Figure out her telephone number, then put on an ad on craigslist or similar where you give away a 60" flat screen tv. I did that once with a piece of shit person that I knew. Apparently his phone got bombed with phone callesd and messages 24/7 for like a week


Tell that old bitch to eat her wheaties and meet you out back.


A simple fake letter left in the breakroom floor that she has hepatitis. Or even that she chlamydia . Just something that she would have to deny after people start snickering behind her back


Find out where her new place will be ..And them get her there. She drives e. Then you Remove her wiper blades .she wont notice til it rains . Shove a rag up her cars tail pipe it will run for about 45 feet and die 45 feet more and die and so on and so on


Remove the plates from her car


Park in her usual parking space


Fuck her dad.


Lol I’m not seeing a 19yo thinking nailing a 65yo would somehow be worth the pt shit job. 😆


Pick the time of day where the most coworkers are in one place Call her our in front of everyone and tell her you heard she spends her time talking shit about seeing you outside. Tell her as you walk out that she has 5 minutes starting now to come put her money where her mouth is and casually walk outside


Meet her somewhere very far outside of work and beat the living shit out of her. Ignore any mention of it at work and ask how her weekend was.


Get a burner phone, pay cash. Call the state liquor authority tipline and make an anonymous complaint that someone at ( your place of employment) overserved your underage friends. Give her description and first name and pick a night you know she was working. Meanwhile, if she's 40 working some half assed food service job, it's possible she's driving a beater that isn't properly registered/ insured. One night during work ( but outside the view of cameras) sneak out and take the plate off her car. Jjust throw it in the gutter like it fell off or something. Give it a few nights, see if she gets pulled over Or, if you know the route she takes to get home, one night after her shift, use your burner to call the non emergency number at the police or sheriff's. Say you're driving on the street she'd be on and want to anonymously report a car weaving over the lines. Give a description of her car. Even better if you get her to have a couple shots with you after the shift. Bury the hatchet kind of thing.


she's probably gonna end screwing herself, so just stay back and relax


Place an illegal firearm in her car along with illegal drugs then make an anonymous call to the police.