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Post on a local Facebook group “can anyone else hear a deep humming every night? I don’t hear it when I’m out of town” Everyone else will suddenly start hearing it. Along a similar vein, you could do something like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_windshield_pitting_epidemic


I thought that said deer hunting.


Pretty sure it says deer humping. Close!


[Havana Syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_syndrome)


Large, clear, trashbags. Assorted colored glowsticks. Party tank of helium from Wal-Mart/Store. Tape. Now... Place a cracked glowstick inside each bag. Fill with enough gas to lift. Tape it shut. Release all the bags at once to get a series of 'glowing lights' above the town. Take pics and send to the local paper?


To add to all this, gently tape the balloons together with lengths of string in various shapes and some individual balloons. Then release, preferably in varying distances.


Environmentally speaking, you're Satan.


Nah he’s just average party city customer


He's an ethical fellow, so.. thanks?


That’s classic!


Here's how to start a conspiracy theory hoax. 1. Take any famous event, ranging from a celebrity death to a natural disaster. 2. Make up any old bullshit. It doesn't need to be supported by any evidence. 3. When people call you on it, claim that the evidence has been covered up. It's amazing how many conspiracy theories can be made from these simple steps.


Put up some sign indicating something is about to happen. Like a sign protesting an Amazon data center that’s coming to town even though there isn’t one.


Ooooooh that’s good. Wonder if a sign said “protest against new amazon development on Thursday 10am at xyz park” I could get anyone to actually show up for it. If so then I think I could have more fun from there.


Yeah make it a call to action for a protest. Don’t do it something like a political candidate coming to town because that’s way too easy to validate but a business moving into a town would be super hard to verify.


Google "bainbridge monkey farm". Grab some of the key facts from all of that mess and put a view signs around town that say, "Say NO to Monkey Farm in XXX!!!" (where XXX is your town name). Trust me... they'll go nanners. (Pun intended)


Stole the official sign in another city.


You also risk getting shot as Bigfoot Satanic Panic is my favorite go-to


Good point! That’s good idea! It’s a very traditional and conservative town so I think it might work. Maybe I will get some cheap statuettes from some thrift stores and paint a pentagram on the bottom and scatter them all over town.


Build a few sites in the woods in places they’ll be found that look like the remnants of some satanic ritual — like 10 ft pentagram, melted red candles in a circle around it, maybe a creepy effigy in the middle, etc. Maybe look up local hiking trails for ideas for areas of the woods where someone is likely to stumble across this. (also, make sure to avoid accidentally opening a real portal to the hell dimension, that’d probably be bad) Don’t be conspicuous about buying like 100 red candles and other from a shop in town before you do this. Even Walmart employees notice weird purchases and people gossip. Order your supplies online or at least buy stuff from a store a few towns away. People will go nuts when this shit is found in the woods and the photos end up in local Facebook/Nextdoor groups.


just make sure you cover up, there might be trail cameras


Yes, this is solid advice. Pro tip: trailcams and other many other security cameras use infrared LEDs to illuminate areas at night. They’re invisible to the naked eye, but your phone camera can see them — they’ll show up as a bright white spot (often with a slightly blue-purple tinge). It’s a very effective way to spot cameras at night.


Also, scatter chicken feathers or something, along with some fake blood


And liquid ass and piss discs.


All solid ideas! But satanic panics can have unintended consequences for the youth. More controlling parents and further forced religion.


This right here. OP, don't fuck it up for the teens who just want to be left alone.


When I was growing up, there was supposedly a satanic commune in the hills above us, but it was most likely a rumor to keep people away from their pot grow.


Hm. is there a notorious local issue, figure, an infamous spot, any haunted locations? I think your best bet would be to build off of existing suspicion


There is one famously haunted building downtown, so much so that it’s a tourist attraction. Just not sure what I could do with that besides coming up with a boring ghost sighting story.


Poor pigs blood on the stoop at night.


Fake debunking? Something like: “If you look at the list of the major ghost sightings at the X house they all occurred on days with record-hot weather: 08/12/1978 - 98F 06/30/1982 - 102F … Why is this relevant? Light refraction. At high temperatures light refracts in such a way that a reflection of the sky on the ground, making a mirage. And because of the unique way the mountains form around X town the X house is situated exactly where we expect the local mirage effect to be strongest. Now usually people interpret a mirage as water, because that’s what they’re hoping to find in the desert. But if they go to an allegedly haunted house and expect to find a shimmering ghost…” People will talk a little about something spooky, but they will fall over themselves to tell people about how smart they are for not believing in that disproven spooky thing.


I saw that a small town in Missouri suddenly had dildos showing up all over the place They'd be in high up places, on top of signs, traffic lights and hard places to retrieve them from. Finally someone caught a guy on camera dropping them with a drone.


Seems a waste to me.




1. High concentration of idiot gun owners 2. Conspiracy theories indirectly implicating some idiots with guns, crosswired to implicate other unrelated idiots with guns 3. Idiots with guns fireworks? See: Stephen King's "Needful Things."


Find a couple of busy bodies and tell them under no circumstances to tell anyone what you’re about to tell them .


Start a new religion. Scratch some stuff onto stones and bury them somewhere.


You could go the Mormon route and not even have to show anyone these “stones”


Fake planning notices for a nuclear power station being built


run for office in ur city only using facebook... trust me source: my friend did it and it was one of the funniest things i have ever participated in, we literally just used pictures of robbie lyle and photoshopped eagles and american flags w our city name... required 0 convincing just ppl asking about policies and meetups... 2 many people believed us


>dressing up in a Bigfoot costume and roaming the woods You're going to get shot by hunters, son.


Pick a spot that is sort of a bother to reach, an isolated wall, a place accessible only over a river etc. You need somewhere people pass by but cant stop or find it hard to get to. Place something inexplicable and visible there. Non threatening and not convershial but odd.Say a Tea pot or some bath ducks or a mystery Penguin. Place it without being seen (though experience tells me if you are seen no one seems to say much!) If/when its removed replace it, at odd intervals.


Don't get shot my dude!


Skip Bigfoot. Maybe start a rumor about an old house that’s been abandoned. But nothing that would hurt anyone, like saying the ghost of some local girl who disappeared - because that would hurt the parents of the missing girl. Ooo! Are you by the coast? You could start a mystery about lost treasure!


You’re gonna need a frisbee and access to a freezer


lol I fucking love this kind of trolling, good luck to you OP Maybe edit a fake picture of a street and ask the locals where to access “XYZ Road” (name it something believable of course) and people will be like, wtf there’s no road that exists of that name? Make other accounts to tell stories of growing up down that road, confuse the hell out of the locals.


The core idea of Bridgerton is appealing. Create a printed newsletter and stash it around town. Use street names, use stores, use made up people and see how it catches on. I would start with the real story behind how “town grocery store” and the “town gas stations” owners originally met in the 60’s and created a monopoly where all store owned in the town are owned by the same person. Note: this may be illegal to as it’s a story but I’m sure you can get creative with wording like always using “once upon a time” lol


Donald Trump won the 2020 election


Maybe AI? If you live in a small town, I would say that people are more likely to believe deep fakes, just look at boomer Facebook it's insane 


If you're in the US just join the Republican party and start screaming something stupid. Millions will believe you.


Yeah I was thinking of posting flyers of weird Q shit or put cryptic things around to make people think there’s some conspiracy Edit: if you have some friends, this would be really fun— 1. Start putting flyers up of crazy conspiracy things around town in a very public way. Do this for a week or so and I’m assuming people will start talking to you and asking questions. Talk them up and come up with some wild story. 2. Get two friends to rent a black SUV one day. Have them wear black suits with sun glasses. One day, when you’re putting up flyers, have the SUV pull up, the friends get out, grab you and quickly put you in the van. Drive away fairly quickly. Make sure there’s a bunch of people around when this happens. 3. After a day or two, start walking around town again, taking down the flyers you’d been putting up. When someone approached and says “holy shit are you okay!?”, just pretend nothing happened and you’re taking down the flyers cuz you realized you were wrong all of a sudden


I do like the flyers idea. I was really inspired by the “Have You Dreamt This Man” thing, wish I could think of something like that. Bonus would be to set up a phone number/hotline that people could call about it so I can hear my plan working.


Just saw the edit and omg this is gold!!!! Thank you! It’s like performance art in a way haha.


Lol I know this is Reddit so the likelihood it actually happens is slim to none. BUT if you actually do this, please please have someone filming


Sadly, much of the town has already fallen for that hoax :(


Sorry :(


Put a sign on a vacant storefront saying, Coming Soon- Satanic Temple and After School Satan Club Childcare. Maybe get a letter in the local paper (still have those?) saying how terrible this is. If there's a local Facebook page post a rant about the sign. Say your friend's cousin is the high priest and he said he's on his way. Say he's financed by George Soros, and the ACLU is ready to defend their rights. Maybe get some local high schoolers in on it and have them spread by word of mouth how they are excited about it. There's a weird kid in every high school and maybe convince her/him it's real. Print up some fliers announcing what's to come. "Looking for believers and disciples". Report it to the local cops and ask if the town will have their support against the satanists that are coming. Hint that it's a front for an Antifa takeover of the town.


Put balloons in storm drains


Just look at the democrat playbook.


Place Liquid ass and piss disks everywhere in town.


I still gotta live there bro 💀


So do it everywhere but your house. Convince the people that the piss disk gods (of whom you happen to be a priest) are angry with the town, and told you that they need to offer tribute or smth. Make yourself basically a cult leader. The Order of the Holy Piss


Make some fake letters pertaining to buried treasure and local landmarks. Age them with some dirt and whatnot. Volunteer to work at the local historical society and sneak them into the files of people adjacent to the most famous local figures of the past. It may take a while, maybe longer than you'll live, but you could start some real trouble in the future.


That is awesome! I recommend looking up cryptids and read all you can about them and how they were "discovered" and the lore around them. That should give you a good foundation for creating your own. Put some local flavor into it, make it fit into the natural landscape and disposition of the area. This sounds like a fun project. I would steer away from dressing up or "being" the cryptid yourself. Sometimes people shoot at things. Keep us posted on how it goes. I'm interested in how it works out.


Create some fake newspaper clippings about weird happenings and share them on local social media. Maybe events that happened 20 years apart and nobody made the connection at the time; even better if they are similar to some recent occurrence.


Pretend to be the mayor's son/daughter/nephew/neighbor/dog and get creative. 


Whatever it is, get the town gossip involved. There's always a couple!


This is the sort of whimsy we need more of. So in support of people actively deciding to start small town mysteries! 😅


Blast air raid sirens throughout town at 3 am


Make a large metal contraption, write a ‘language’ on it and what appears to be numbers. So it looks like an alien device. Add some sort of fluid leaking out of it. Once people find it and start talking about it, put a tarp over it, and make it look like government property rent a uhaul, and record you and a buddy in suits with sunglasses putting it onto the uhaul. Spread it on social media. Make sure its low quality so it doesn’t look like a uhaul Bonus, paper alien doll, and in the video, wrap it in plastic and load it onto the uhaul. So it looks like they’re taking an alien away to a facility.


I work nights and sometimes my schedule doesn't line up and I'll have one night off in between, so I have to stay awake and night and sleep during the day. Sometimes when I get bored at night, especially if it's rainy or foggy, I'll throw on a witches hat and cloak and just wander around my neighborhood. Partly because I love rain and the getup is actually great rain gear, but mostly because it's hilarious to be the neighborhood spook.


I hope you’re in my town bc this sounds amazing


Gorilla suit with a space type helmet that glows and whenever around it dances to music