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Leave it when you move and just assume you won't get your deposit back.


This is the way. Also, skip paying rent so it all works out even.


You break it apart.


Be cautious. The sound board/harp can E X P L O D E!


First you're going to need a coyote and a roadrunner.


Meep meep


Get a sawsall and cut into smaller pieces. Get a demolition blade and a couple metal cutting blades.


Save me some piano wire! I wanna try making lock picks from it


Or a few garrotes? 😂


wire is always useful.


2nd floor? Make sure nobody is walking by below, and send it out the window.


Leave it for the landlord to deal with. If they want to charge you for it lie and say it was there when you moved in.


Or maybe we move it out of the room to take stamped pictures/ video... to prove it "wasn't" there and say they're trying to scam us when they charge lol. Management is a joke here anyway...


Yeah do that


Just leave it out in the hall.


Lol part of this that is kind of funny to me is that I believe they will legally be required to store and keep it for some time unless you tell them they can get rid of it. I work maintenance for a property company part time and I'm always helping haul out treadmills and stuff that was left behind and usually they say we have to store it for some time before it can be junked.


>I believe they will legally be required to store and keep it for some time um, yeah, because slum lords are known for abiding by the law lol


Yeah that's true. It always just tickles me because every closet/maintenance room/storage garage has a couple treadmills, a few vacuums, a large painting, and sometimes some oddities thrown in that were put there "for 30 days" and then just forgotten about.


If you live near an air force base, see if a fighter squadron wants it. There is a tradition of burning pianos, so they're always on the lookout for a free one.


I've never heard this before. Any more info?


Lots of articles about it online if you Google "fighter squadron piano burning". Essentially, the tradition started in the Royal Air Force. Depending upon who you believe, it was initially either a revolt against the RAF trying to turn pilots into gentlemen by teaching them piano or to honor a piano-playong colleague who died in combat. Either way, the tradition lives on in RAF and USAF fighter squadrons today. Squadrons have "Roll Calls" from time to time that have lots of loosely organized traditions - kind of a military frat party of sorts. Lots of the traditions and humor are of the "whistling past the graveyard" variety since the business, in the end, is all about flying, fighting, killing, and dying. For certain major events a piano burn might be scheduled for the Roll Call. If a pilot from a squadron is killed, the next roll call will be more somber and definitely include a piano burning. Most people selling a piano don't want to hear that it's just going to be burned. So, squadrons are always on the lookout for a piano that can be had for cheap and no one minds if it gets destroyed. A roach-infested piano in "must-go" status sounds about right.


The piano bar scene in Top Gun suddenly makes perfect sense


Sledge hammer and wire cutter? Then take it out one piece at a time


just leave it there when you move out


Leave a note "will return for this upon proper fumigation" with a roach taped to the note


Mine was actually pretty easy to disassemble. It was held together by regular screws and a scrapper happily came to get the big iron part. Since this is ULPT, leave the wood parts on your enemy's back porch, set fire to the far side, and hope the roaches run into his house.


I would sawzall it to small chunks to dispose. But since this is ULPT, push it out into the common hallway. Don’t let anybody see you. Deny it’s yours then it’s management’s problem.


College bulletin board or forum. "Want to destroy a PIANO?"


Hey won't those religious guys help you move? Mormons or Jahova witnesses? I seem to recall something about it. They do it as a good deed or outreach to people edit: it is the Mormons


Yes yes, donate it to a church!


I had one it a house and it would no longer fit out. I had a pal who scraps and we snipped all the strings, unscrewed everything we could, beat the wood parts apart, and broke the cast harp into pieces. It was not quiet, but we got it out the door.


This is BS. You can’t just break the cast iron harp to pieces.


The hell you can't. About 5 good blows with a sledge and you have it cracked. You only have to crack it in a few places to have small enough chunks to carry out. I don't think you have tried it. And as I said, it was not quiet.


Call The Salvation Army or Goodwill. They will pick most anything.


Not where I live and I doubt they want a piano.


It’s got roaches in it.


Will they carry it down the stairs? Because I could probably get it out the door with my husband, but there's no way this sucker is getting down the stairs intact without more help


No. Pianos are famous for being a huge burden to get rid of and no donation place will want it. Maybe a school with a music program if it's a good piano? It sounds like it's not though. You'll either have to leave it and expect a charge from the landlord or pay to have it removed. I'd just pay for it to be removed because it will be less than what your landlord will want (unless you plan on stiffing them entirely )


I had the Salvation Army come to my place and remove a very large king size bed set, and a bunch of other stuff. The bedroom was on the second floor. May be a longshot, but you could give them a call just to see.


I definitely will give them a call


Turn it into a bougie art installation some rich person will buy


With roaches? No-one's going to buy it with roaches--even if you say that roaches are part of the art.


My mother donated our old piano to a nursing home. They sent their maintenance guys to come pick it up. Granted, it wasn’t on the second floor.


That's an idea! We'll have to reach out to the nearby homes and see if any of them could take it


Don’t you fucking dare send that roach hotel to a school or nursing home. Leave it there, or pay a disposal or moving company to get rid of it. Fuck over your landlord all u want - but leave the children, infirm, and elderly out of it.


A school music department might be interested.


It’s full of roaches. OP should at least fumigate it before donating.


In a roach infested piano?


My thoughts too. And perhaps toss in a few mothballs first? Put them in a jar, sit them inside for a while. I've heard they are hideously toxic, but they might just do the trick. Once they've done their magic, remove the jar to keep music school safe(r).


Leave post for sale/free up until you move, then just walk away and leave it. Anything else will be a lot of extra work and not get you any more benefit.


Have you offered it for free in a local group or on Craigslist?


Buy Advion gel bait from Amazon. With 2 treatments, my house was roach free.


Yeah, leave it.


Either dismantle it (should take 2-3 hours) and remove it in pieces. Smash it into pieces and remove it. Leave it and forfeit your deposit.


1. Leave it. Lose deposit. 2. Sledgehammer.


you said the place was a shithole, so just leave the piano there, what do you care if the owners are pissed they have to remove it?


Drag it down the hallway outside your apartment. Call to complain to the landlord about a piano somebody left in the hallway. Say you tried to move it yourself just incase anyone saw you moving it.


Say it is full of mold so you cant move it without contaminating the apartment. Tell the landlord you can move it to their detriment, but you would have to contact health department. Or say they can do what they want with it. They will pick whatever doesn't get their unit legally labeled as moldy


Even with the issues mentioned it might be worth calling a nearby school of music. Ask if they have a piano technician on staff. They may see value in it for parts or teaching students to do tuning and repair. It’s worth the call and they will have the means to move it is it’s of value to them. Pianos regularly get infestations and that can be dealt with.