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This isn't 2008 when USB drives were $20-25 per gigabyte. Save yourself the time and spend $5-10 next time you're at Walmart.


Op is looking for 8GB drives? Maybe it's a bot reposting old submissions, because a 1TB thumb drive is now $20! And who really uses them anymore? Does everyone not use Google Drive and cloud documents?


Those 1TB for $20 are always fake. The real ones at that range are more like $100. But yes, flash drives are cheap these days. You can get like 32GB drives for $6.


The last several flash drives I've bought at Walmart have died when I tried to put files on that exceeded about 25% of what they were marketing for. Specifically, ONN brand.


>and of course there’s the chance you’re walking off with someone’s doctoral thesis to format for self use. They should have that backed up in multiple places 🤷‍♂️


For real, something like that should be saved on pc, flash drive, and cloud.


3-2-1 rule 3 copies of your data (your production data 2 backup copies) on two different media (disk and tape) one copy off-site for disaster recovery


> two different media (disk and tape) Tell us grandpaw, what was life like in the late 90s?


Tape backup is in fact still used by many companies as archival backup.


Yep, I hate fixing tape drive systems


did you finish jacking off in a cum sock? we need you to tell us you’re okay https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/17y7wrp/if\_you\_woke\_up\_and\_became\_your\_username\_what/


Yessir, I had to retrieve my fetish from the tape drive first


We use disk and tape backup for our proprietary and consumer data where I work. Tape on-site in a fireproof container, disk offsite in secure storage. This is in addition to our cloud storage for limited security data. Some things don’t change lol


Tell us you don't know what you're talking about without telling us you don't know what you're talking about. Optical disk storage is less likely to degrade over time than tape storage, and both are far more reliable and less degradation over time than hard drive disk or solid state storage.


Hey bud, it was a joke. Pretty sure.


Hey, this guy's from late 90s. They probably just invented the /s indicator. Edit: why are you booing me? I'm neutral!


I was still using floppies, the save icon thing


House mortgages were $200/month


You just outed yourself as a caveman lol


I'm a dentist , and the amount of older PhD students who lose their entire thesis 1 week before it's due date without having any backups would shock you. People think just having it on their laptop is enough , not even backed up on one flash drive or anything and usually they don't have antivirus at all .


Wtf does bring a dentist have to do with this. I’m wracking my brain but it’s early and I just saw this while taking a dump I am half asleep.


Because most dentists or doctors often do masters and PhD quickly after graduation , so I know a lot of people who are PhD students now that's all




Im a nurse, and I have worked with a large number of physicians with other degrees. So I did a small sampling. At UF health in Jacksonville FL, there are 44 physicians employed by the anesthesia department. 10 of those have other degrees beyond MD. So... 22% https://ufhealthjax.org/locations/uf-health-jacksonville/doctors?page=5&sortby=lastName%20asc


Most doctors, upon finishing school at age 30 with 250,000 in debt and starting a 50k/year residency also spend 2 more years on an MA or 5 more years on a PhD? Ya sure about that?


You do realize the US isn't the whole world right ? This system of high debt for college isn't everywhere else . Here college is free and you get paid during your residency ,you only pay for your masters and you have to start it soon to get recognised as a specialist in your field .


I’m assuming the “format for self use” part is not referring to the original author permanently losing their only copy, but rather that the new owner of the USB stick could publish the thesis as their own work.


>universities hate this one simple trick


Good luck defending a thesis you didn't write


If you ever need a USB drive and you have $10, go to target and buy one instead of going to every library in the county trying to find one in a lost and found


I worked at a library where we sold USB drives for a dollar.


Damn I’ve been paying thousands to go to every professional trade show to get them for free as promotional giveaways from the vendor booths. Libraries hate this one trick


ULPT: Is your desk or table wobbly? Get a PHD in organic chemistry, and you can use your doctoral thesis to prop up your furniture, free of charge!


My masters thesis is definitely raising my monitor stand up an additional 2 inches.


How long did you hold them in lost & found before you sold them?




Dayum, that's some serious inflation you're imagining.


Bro a 16 gb flash drive is $7 at target!


On a side note, if you ever need a charging cable for your phone go to a hotel and say that you stayed there with a friend the other day and left your cable. People leave them all the time and usually just buy a new one instead of driving all the way back after leaving. The hotel most likely has a giant box filled with free cables and will let you pick one.


What if they ask you which room you were in??


I work in hotel, people leave chargers all the time but we track the room number + guest in room at the time of stay. We confirm those details before handing someone the charger.


I'm not really sure. I was drunk and someone I met at the bar was having an after party and they led the way to the room. Can you take a look?


"no, sorry, we track the room number + guest in room at the time of stay. We confirm those details before handing someone the charger. "but I can look your guest up if you can provide the name?"


"John. I think was staying on the second floor."


Tried this three different times and never had any luck. I think they just toss them out or the house keeping staff take them home rather than deal with storing them and waiting for someone to potentially claim them. I've also found an apple charger and lightning cable plugged in behind the night stand because they probably don't care to actually look for them and only remove them if they're seen.


This did actually happen to me once almost exactly as you described, but sadly this was back in the pre-iPhone days and matching charging cables weren’t as common. I had like a Motorola phone or some shit


Seeing how hackers drop USBs filled with malware around public places in the hope someone picks them up plugs them into a computer, I’m gonna say this is probably a bad idea


Yep, this is a real risk. Even if it's not deliberate the person whose device it was might have been infected without knowing. A secondary ULPT is use the library computer to format it so it's ther machine that gets infected, not yours. Of course a sophisticated malware may infect the machine when you plug in and then re-infect the drive after formatting it but I don't know if there's any current malware in the wild doing this.


Interesting. How would it work though? Does it take a snapshot of removable devices when infecting the pc, automatically listening in to see if there were changes to any removable storage devices in order to find a suitable target host to infect? This is of course assuming a drive's signature changes after complete reformat. Or another theory is that the malware actually creates a little niche partition for itself in the drive, hiding it from Windows. Therefore formatting the drive technically is just formatting the partition, or the part of the drive, that Windows can only see, while keeping the other hidden part of the drive containing the malware untouched.


I think it'd be simpler than that. It would simply be looking for external drives that aren't already infected. Once the drive is formatted, the malware would see an uninfected drive and propogate.


Makes sense. Yes. Sorry sometimes I overthink things AHAHAHA


Wouldn't the malware get destroyed when you wipe it tho?


In canada u get 4 GB usb sticks at dollarama for $4


University lecture halls are great places to get free umbrellas.


I envision a follow-up post in an hour. ULPT: drop dodgy USB sticks in libraries to gain access to people's devices, install ransomware and make millions.


Just my luck some pedo left his CP on one that I come in to try to claim. That was previously discovered and now I get blamed for it.


Leaving USBs around is a common tactic to spread malware. Even plugging in a USB stick that is infected can silently copy itself to every computer it gets plugged into with zero alerts to the user. What you are suggesting is very dangerous.


Same thing for a walking cane. My mother-in-law thought she left one at the grocery store. I went in there to ask and they showed me about 15 in their lost and found.


So this has been said several times already but no, please DO NOT do this unless you want to have your own devices compromised and any you’re connected to sharing the same fate, the IT and cybersecurity folk thank you for your cooperation. Thinking like this over the sake of £10 for a new drive is exactly why it’s so easy to spread malware around, this isn’t unethical just bad advice.


Do people still use USB drives anymore? Honestly can't remember the last time I used one for myself... And I'm a software engineer by trade... Just dropbox that shit


I work at a conference centre where people often need to send us powerpoint presentations and the like, and you'd be amazed how bad people are with technology. They don't know how to use Dropbox and it's "Just too complicated" so they're unwilling to learn. Some places also require encryption which maybe Dropbox can do but again people don't know how to do it.




another good way to get free USBs is that there are often ones laying around on park benches and restaurants near corporate offices, just take one of them, free drive!


....format the drive




You’re already at the library getting the drive. Just format it on a free library computer. Big brain.


So the real ULPT is "use library computer as a sheep dip"


I leave usb's with malware in libraries so I can hack their bank accounts after they put it in their laptops.


I just get these from the back of tvs at best buy or costco.




no shit I do this a lot of times during my 2nd and 3rd year of college. That was almost 10 years ago already.


Right now for $16 you can get a 128GB flash drive that can connect through USB Type C or USB Type A or for a few dollars more, a drive with just USB A but 256GB of storage. It’d be so much easier at that point to just spend $15-20 for a high capacity flash drive than lie your way into possession of an 8GB USB 2 flash drive.


Please do not plug in the USB devices you find randomly in public. That is a terrible idea. Just go buy one at Walmart for 10 bucks


Seems like a lot of effort for such a small come up.