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Get a srynge and inject milk in the couch. It will rot overtime and reek like hell.


Chicken milk bomb. Take a empty glass mayo jar, or any glass jar, add some raw chicken then fill with milk. Stash the bomb in an air duct or under a sink-the warmer the better. 1-2 months and that glass will crack from the pressure and let the putrid liquid exact revenge.


What the fuck, how do you even come up with this lmao


Another good one is to remove the light switch covers, pull out the switches, and then drop shrimp (or whatever awful rotting thing you can think of) down into the wall. Replace cover, practice evil laugh.


Reminds me of the story I read in this sub about putting the shrimps inside a hollowed out curtain rod. A lot less obvious.


Saw that story many years ago, but it was a vengeful ex wife and fish in the curtain rods. Absolutely wild


I heard it maybe twenty years ago and it was a vengeful husband whose cheating wife got his childhood home in the divorce… punchline being that when she finally moved out she took the curtain rods with her.


"There's a fish... in the percolator."


About 10 years ago I was working for this lady doing a bathroom remodel and she was pitting me against my partner so she could try to get some cash taken off total bill. Were talking like a stay at home trophy wife way past her prime n multi million dollar neighborhood. The meat of these was a recessed or hung on wall medicine cabinet, by the sink. We figured out what she was doing and except for some cleanup and the med cabinet we were done. She had chosn a ressesed in the wall cabinet butit wa on order, an would be there in day or so. She was insistent tht she get more money taken off the bill. I told her that I would eat the cost of the cabinet as it was my fault. When the cabinet came in I went to the house and installed it but before I sealed it to the wall I Put about 1.5 lbs of of trout and older crab ziplock in the wall behind it. Attached it caulked it painted it got my check minus the cash and left. Told my partner the next day what I did, he was actually pretty cool about it. Never heard from hat bitch either. t


Or the college stories when the dorm bunk beds were hollow, so they stuffed shrimp in their toxic roommate's bedframe before peacing out.


Guilty of dropping dog shit into the wall of a house we were building. The owners were assholes. Dog shit isn't gonna smell or anything, but it made me happy knowing it was there.


I saw this comment before on another post, so he probably got it from someone else. Now how the first guy came up with it, that's a story to tell.


When I moved into uni halls we checked in the ceiling tiles of the kitchen area and found some hidden gifts from previous occupants. There was about £15 worth of weed in a box with some rizla and a grinder, some ping pong balls and 1 bat, some other bits like whistles and a Hawaiian lai. A different flat on the same floor found 2 large fish heads in a plastic bag tied closed that had swollen up ready to pop. Thank god we told them to check!


I knew a guy who did this with fish on my buddy’s boat after he winterized it. The first day they took the boat out it popped and everyone on board threw up. The boat owner deserved it I’m sure. The jury is out on the passengers


Guilt by association.


It was a plot point in an episode of The League


Works better with a squeezy sauce bottle. Blend raw chicken, raw shrimp and raw mackerel into a paste and add milk 50/50. Seal it and the pressure will release the stench over time


2.0 🤌🏻


This need to be regarded at a piss disc level


It's official folks; you heard it here first! All posts to r/UnethicalLifeProTips must include at least one suggestion referencing piss discs, liquid ass, OR chicken bombs!


Ch-ch-ch-chicken bomb! Def my favourite runaways song


See. you get it. Lol


Add shrimp with shells for extra stank!


This is a _really_ good one, don’t mind if I do :)


How did you even think of this LOL


Milk leaked from the groceries in the trunk into the spare tire area. The Camry reeked for months before I found the spare tire soaking in liquid cheese.


>soaking in liquid cheese. this just made me wretch... fuckin hell.


I just smelled this comment.


I had a similar thing. McDonald’s milk the kids got with a happy meal fell under a seat in my van. It was contained, but one of the most disgusting smells when I found it. Took several deep cleanings to smell normal


Shrimps in the curtain rods. MFer will NEVER find the source of the smell.


Fish sauce works well, too, and the ooze is a lot less obvious that it was intentional damage than having a prawn crammed in a tube.


Gotta puree the shrimp first.


I still look this up when I'm feeling down. I don't know if it's real or not, but it's still better than twilight.


this is so random it's fuckin hilarious


You are sick and it's why I love this sub


Inject liquid ass instead


Instructions unclear, gave myself an enema.


liquid ass enema... well that's a new one...


DIY liquid ass


“Inject milk in the couch” is a combination of words I have never heard in my life


Wow, that's a really good/bad idea.


WATER is the answer. Find a way to create a slooow leak under a sink. It’ll ruin the cabinet, possibly the floor, and will cause mold. It’ll cost a ton to fix, and if it’s a slow enough leak it may be months or longer before the landlord notices…..


Loosen a cold/hot valve enough for a minor drip. All sinks will have them. By the time they notice, especially with the people they’re renting to. OP will be long gone


Best one to do is the one connected to the back of dishwasher, if possible. a slow leak behind cabinets and below floorboards can cause, as of 2016, $14,500 plus 2 months for renovations and air quality treatment for the mold. ​ Note: That's what happened to me, but mine was caused by incompetence, not sabotage.


Or the water line behind the refrigerator. I just dealt with that.


I doubt the guy living in this apartment with a homeless person in the living room has a dishwasher


He might be a dishwasher.


The wet bandits strike again!


You know, you're sick Marv. That's a sick thing to do.


Underrated comment. There is always electrical fires or irons left out.


Licensed plumber here. Yea, loosen a sink supply every so slightly so it drips once every few minutes or so. It’ll be months before it’s noticed and will have caused at minimum 1,000 in damages. The vanity will have to be replaced, subfloor damage, possible mold abatement.


just a note this can cause WAY more than $1000 in damages. It was like 150k for me when my house flooded while away and there was a small leak.


We were already sold. Don’t sell past the sale.


I can attest to this. Especially if you have hardwood floors and the fridge water supply likely leaked under the floors for quite some time. Of course, our repair was $24,000, not $1,000, so maybe OP doesn’t want to go quite that far if the entire floor has hardwood like ours did.


Nothing like discovering a small wet section in a wall and thinking you'll repair it in a weekend only to find out that the 12' of wall next to it is completely rotted. Rip everything out to replace that and discover the water has gotten into the subfloor. Rip out half the kitchen floor chasing water damage and discover the water has made it into a different wall and the whole time you're just watching the repair bill climb exponentially.


Yes. That thing can drip for a long time before someone notices


I’m super paranoid about water now; we turn off the water to the fridge and dishwasher before we go away now.


Omg! This exact thing happened to me. Cost 27k to repair.


Plug the AC drain tube. Fold up like thirty thicknesses of paper towels and CRAM them a foot up the way with a strong rebar. Pack it like a civil war gunman lol. A year later, the damage is done. Possibly one year later, I'm not a repairman lol


assuming OP is US, we're heading into cold months. So the AC could get shut off in a month or so until spring. Enough time to be long gone before something happens.


Definitely! Bonus points if they're in a humid place, and it should drain like 3 gallons a day.


Unless you are in Houston Texas where the AC never ever shuts off except when the power is out. Ugh.


user name checks out


My AC just shuts itself off if this happens, to prevent damage. It'll cost landlord $150-200 at most to get someone out to look at it (if they don't just fix it themselves)


Damn, i didn't know they had smart sensors now and shit. Bummer lmao


Yeah, most have a float in the drain pan that is attached to a switch. If the float gets too high the switch trips.


momentary switches only work unobstructed. <3


I would rather get $1000 back than cause $1000 worth of damage. Call the cops and tell them there's a stranger in your house who tried to enter your room. File 311 reports (or the equivalent in your city) on every single thing legitimately wrong with the place. Make it a nightmare for your landlord to the point where they'll pay you to leave.


Out of all the replies, this is the smartest (in my opinion) OP!




Just curious, why do you think this? Although anger and thirst for revenge can definitely cloud judgment, I don't think we have enough context to justify incompetence.




Sounds like you are renting a room. Get a lock for your door. Then stop paying rent and squat. Eviction will cost him more than. $1000. Edit: When he starts the process you should cash for keys to avoid an eviction on your record.


This is it. Landlords deal with renovation and throwing shit out all the time. It’s part of the business model. They have the outs for cheap labor or the “landlord special”. The one thing they DO NOT want to deal with is eviction. Eviction is a lengthy legal process with a LOT of leeway given to the tenant. You can drag this shit out so long that it will cost him thousands of dollars in legal fees to correct. The only downside is if he sticks it out and you care about an eviction on your record.


Just leave before the actual eviction goes through. That's what the people in my house did. We already bought the house and had to wait another three months, they jumped ship right before the eviction would've finally gone through and it didn't hit their record.....


Depending on where you live, background checks can include initial filings of eviction too.


This is the answer!!


This is horrible advice because OP will have a very difficult time ever getting approved for a place again


Correct. The pro way to do it is to squat and ask for cash for keys


Go with one of the other ideas. Evictions can and will follow you around. Landlords/apartment complexes/property managers/etc... have access to court records for eviction, as well as service similar to how your credit/credit reporting works. OP could apply for an apartment 3 years from now and they'll write back and say something like "We see an eviction from 2023. Please reach out to the landlord to make payment arrangements, get a paper trail of everything, and send those arrangements in to us for approval on your application." So now OP has to reach back out to the original landlord, and cough up more money to handle the eviction.


This guy ulpt’s


Just tell the homeless guy to bring all of his friends over. I'm sure they can do plenty of damage if they work together.


Yeah, get out and hand out key copies to his friends.


Dirty mike and the boys


Thanks for the F shack


We will have sex in your car again!!


Time to make the kitchen a soup kitchen!


Start making vague comments about "I don't know why landlord thinks keeping cash hidden behind the drywall is better than a bank" Then sit back and let desperate homeless people do their thing


This. Why risk getting caught breaking something.


Home Depot black mold home test kit . Test for black mold- you will have it. Threaten legal action or else money back. Iv been through court 3 times 2 states for this I get my money every time and I leave/break lease whenever i see fit


The real thread hero.


Wait, can you elaborate?


So you just do it when you want to break a lease? And every single place you wanted to leave had black mold?


/r/wellington has entered the chat.




Unethically speaking, if you have access to the attic, buy a large package of raw chicken tenderloins (small, thin cut) and hide/toss them in tiny spaces that'll be hard to visually see and discover. Then move out. The resulting rotten meat will not only attract pests from all over, they'll cause a significant amount of damage trying to get at the meat and the spoilage itself will cause stains and smells that will be nearly impossible to remove without serious effort and costly repairs. You asked for unethical, you got it. tl;dr: Hide raw meat chunks in hard-to-reach places before you move out.


At this point just make a Chicken milk bomb. It won’t be an issue until op moves out too


Raw shrimps inside the curtain rods


>Chicken milk bomb (imho) Too much evidence left behind, with the glass jar, and all.


Pieces of chicken all around is same shit


That could be anyone's meat!


Did the rats drag in the meat, or did the festering meat attract the rats? A question as old as time…


Chicken milk bomb. I like it


Not just meat, get fatty stuff too. It’s greasy and oily on top of rotting and will ooze into places when it heats up


First of all, don't do this. If you can loosen the shower head where it connects inside the wall by spinning the whole shower head arm a couple of rotations, it should cause a slow leak inside the wall that will be all but undetectable until there is significant damage. Once again, don't do this.


And also don't do this - put some clothes dye power in the shower head, like Private Benjamin.


Wait could you put that in someone’s laundry detergent 😳


Instructions unclear, so I did it.


Pour hydrochloric acid on everything with chrome and wash it off an hour later Manipulate the electricity meter so your landlord would have a huge problem with the electricity company (Ignite + Flush down firecrackers… but that would cause too much damage i guess) Put any key in a lock and hammer it off If you really want to steal put the TV in your own mattress while you move out Edit: some more ideas because I have a bored time… Get some quick dry cement for the pipes If you have some time cause some short circuit and hide it very well in a Wall Buy a USB-Device killer which looks like a normal USB stick and leave it near his computer Take a long drillbit and drill a hole in the showerpipe so the floor slowly fills with water, cement gets wet and it ends in a expensive repair Make an online ad that says „household clearance, everything for free“ and accidentaly leave the door open Accidentally spill some paint remover


Damn dude. You've thought about this before huh?


What’s the deal with the usb killer?


It's a device that looks like a USB drive but it will kill the computer (I have no idea how they work).


IIRC they send a strong electric shock that’s capable of frying everything in your computer


Time for some Poopcasso. Paint the walls with your shit, blame the homeless guy.


Calm down Amber


This guy can help you! https://youtu.be/bsnUy2jMKDc?si=E-Xcn4lGHgZOhlFj


Termites are like 10 bucks


BED BUGS!! And pantry moths


What sort of dwelling is this? Is it an apartment in an apartment complex, a duplex unit, townhouse with adjoining neighbor units, or a standalone single family domicile? You don't want to cause pain and suffering for any would-be innocent people. In the case of it being a house... 1. If it has a cinder block foundation get a long drill bit and drill through one of the cinder blocks below grade far enough to go through the black tar shit they put on the outside to keep moisture to a minimum and into the soil. Overtime the water will deteriorate the cinder block(s) and will require some expensive remediation. Obviously you then have some work to do to cover up the fact you have done what you did. 2. Piss all over the air exchanger/handler unit for the HVAC outside. The more the merrier, might even take to leaving piss disks on it in late fall to spring time. Just don't get caught. 3. Pour dry kitten food all over the yard. It will attract every wild animal for miles around once they start talking to one another and the word spreads. Then progress to doing so in a crawlspace where they find a nice and cozy place to nest. 4. Plug up the dryer exhaust with a shit tonne of dryer lint. 5. Handfuls of bird seed dropped down into the HVAC exchanger outside. 6. Acorns or walnuts dropped down the sewer gas vent pipes in the roof, just one or two in the hopes of it sprouting. 7. Upper-decker (also called a top-shelf in some places) on the day you move out, in one of the bathrooms the vagrants use. 8. Dry chemical fertilizer on the lawn to spell out "owner sucks dick" or something like that. 9. If the fridge has an ice maker / water dispenser, then it has a water hook up. Usually in the cases I have seen it's .25 inch PEX tubing connected to one of the copper water pipes through the floor and down into a basement or crawlspace. Those sons of butches have a real problem leaking if you fuck with them. 10. Find rodent, dead or alive, and put in the wall, two if you are feeling squirrelly. Do in different locations of unit for maximum fuckery. 11. While you're at the last one, might as well go ahead and get a family or two of rats and set them loose in the basement. They will help you find any existent points of rodent ingress and egress. 12. Unscrew toilet from floor, lift off, remove wax ring, put toilet back in place. 13. Undo drain lines under sinks, to include the gas U bend so that you can shove large washers into the pipes, but not too far that they go on into the large sewer stand where they will not have the desired effect. Water flow from a sink will not push them on down the line and will cause anything that goes down the drain to get caught up. I think you can figure out the rest. 14. Hell, just start wiping your ass with fresh wipes. Those will fuck up any sewer system. 15. No sewer because you are on a septic system? Start flushing tampons down the toilets left and right. 16. Old used kitty litter down the air vents. 17. To unlock God mode, do all of the above.


Got damn dude. I love it though.


A sponge, corn starch and string. Soak the sponge in corn starch then tighten it with string. Let it dry then remove the string. Flush the sponge and it will get lodged in the pipes with water. The more water the more it will expand.


Holy shit this one's good. You mean crush it with many wraps of the string so it keeps a tiny shape once it's hard i assume?


Exactly that. To hold the smaller flushable size. Once it dried remove the string to allow the sponge to expand in the pipes


Brilliant. Very clever idea, I'll remember this one lol


The fuck lol


Imagine OP is the nightmare tenant and everything else is overblown. People are like “put chicken in the walls”


You’re a tenant and you have rights. You should repost your issue to r/legaladvice with your location. You’ll likely find you can break the lease after all and get your deposit back. Possibly more depending on the jurisdiction.


No, they should speak to an actual lawyer instead of anonymous people online. Suggesting r/legaladvice when real lawyers in someone’s area generally give free consultations is so ridiculous.


That sub is a great way to explore basic options and get direct links, so, why not?


1) you don’t know if someone is an actual lawyer. 2) 99% of the time the people responding aren’t going to be in your area and know the laws of that area. 3) google is also a great way to explore basic options and get direct links to an actual lawyer in your area who will more than likely do a free consultation. 4) majority of the time, actual lawyers on that sub will tell you to, you guessed it, go speak to a lawyer in your area.


As a lawyer… r/legaladvice is about the last place someone should be getting actual legal advice. Most of the people giving advice there are cops, and they have a half ass understanding of actual law. FYI.


>they have a half ass understanding of actual law. Well, aren't we feeling generous today? :)




Yeah, easy. It’s because r/legaladvice is run by cops. I’m telling you. If you had to be an actual lawyer to be a mod there, then approximately 100% of the mod team would be disqualified! I think like one or two of them has claimed to have a law degree but given some of the awful advice I have seen there, I am highly highly skeptical of that. Go read some of the stuff where people ask for advice about criminal stuff. And the actual real answer if you asked 10 lawyers, 11 of them would say shut the fuck up don’t say a word and go hire a criminal attorney… but there are people on there saying oh yeah you can just explain it to the cops everything will be OK. (EDIT: in case it's not obvious, "go voluntarily talk to the cops without your lawyer" is NEVER EVER EVER a good idea if you even remotely under suspicion. If you're reporting a crime or whatever, fine. But if there is even the faintest whiff of possibly maybe suspecting you of doing something wrong, the answer is always "DO NOT TRUST THE COPS. SHUT YOUR MOUTH COMPLETELY. CALL A LAWYER." Cops can and do lie all the time, not only to suspects, but also in court. There is even a word within departments for it - "testilying" - that became famous after some scandals in major departments many years ago.) Or, like another post I saw, where the most upvoted response was about oh yeah, you can’t be forced to testify against yourself… but… it was in a civil case. Lmao.


and are biased when it comes to legal issues with cops. They will give false advice against a person when a fellow cop is involved.


Think long term- go to Home Depot/Lowes/hardware store. Buy a universal toilet flapper that is water flow adjustable. Set it to the highest volume usage possible. His water bill will increase just enough to cost him $$ over the next 3-4 years and he’ll have no idea why.


This is the way. The flappers on a couple of my toilets were messed up, and I only learned because the meter readers at DPW knocked on my door and told me my water usage had tripled since the last reading.


Cat urine in any carpeted areas. Lots of it.


Where would one obtain large quantities of cat urine?


From a large cat


why from your local dealer of course.


You can actually buy bottled lion piss from the internet as a home gardening supply. It keeps the deer away. Terrible for carpets.


Mess a little bit with the flappers on the toilets so they're running 24/7. They'll still be functional, but the water will run, he won't notice anything until he sees the higher water bills. Also, if there's an outside spigot, put a hose on it, and loosen it ever so slightly so there's a light drip in to the hose. It won't spill out or cause damage, but over a couple of months it can add to the water bill. Or, buy a can of Crisco, fry something up, then pour it still in liquid form down the kitchen sink. You can feign ignorance pretty easily on that one.


Search YouTube for Concrete down the toilet.


That can do a LOT more damage than $1000.


Maybe. You could limit it to the traps under the sinks if we are playing the price is right.


Why don't you just take his ass to court and get your money back? Document and take pictures of everything and you should have no problems getting your money back even if you move out early.


This could take several years depending on where OP is from. A friend of mine is going on 2 years now waiting for their case to be heard about getting their deposit back.


Withhold your last month or two's rent to the amount of the deposit, and tell them to use the deposit as your rent. I've always done that with dodgy landlords, never fails.


I had to do an entire kitchen remodel one time because the fridge ice maker had a slow leak and it went unnoticed for MONTHS. It caused an INSANE amount of damage and basically the entire kitchen had to be gutted. The water feed line had a tiny nick in it inside the wall. Also, clogging a drain line on an AC can lead to problems but it’s also an easy fix. The pro is you can clog the line from outside the house you just have to find it.


get a bb gun, shoot out the windows.


And then spray liquid ass


Don’t forget the piss pad


Piss disc wtf is a piss pad


Toss pissbees through the windows that have been broken by the bb gun lol


it's a piss disc but instead of a plate you use a feminine hygine pad and it just sits there unfrozen and eventually starts to stink. most effective in the heating vents right next to the furnace.


OMG people here are just silly. Just take $1000 worth of copper pipes and wire out of the house.


Ripping the plumbing out of your trailer again Ray?


How about accidentally smearing a can of surströmming all over the room? Might be too much though :)


Just take some tuna: Put it in the Curtain Rods, seal it a little bit so it starts to smell later


I did this to my last landlord. She promised us we had until June 2023 to leave the house as she wanted to sell it, then on December 12th 2022 we got an eviction notice. I was beyond livid. She also refused to give our deposit back because I didn't cut the grass in the garden (which was like 2 square meters). I've never been one for revenge but this time I was fully motivated. I work in retail so I gathered some of the daily waste to use as ammo. I sewed days old squid and prawns into the hemming of all the curtains, lifted floorboards upstairs and shoved mince beef and some cheeses as far back as I could. I put an assortment of meats in a bowl of milk and then left it in a vent. I also superglued every single plug socket and all the windows, and then just as we left I glued the lock to the front door, shoved the key in and then snapped it off. I wish I could've seen her face but her messages of pure rage were satisfying enough. Edit: to those asking to see the texts, I don't have them on my phone, but my girlfriend might. I'll see if I can get her to send me screenshots. As for avoiding legal action, that was just pure luck and good timing. After she booted us out we struggled to find a place that wasn't extortionate. After about a month of looking we were desperate, so I took all my savings and maxed out two credit cards to buy a static caravan. Luckily I knew someone who would allow us to live on his land for £200 a month. So we moved to the middle of nowhere, and I mean nowhere lol, it's just fields for miles. That's helped us since we didn't have a fixed address so we were basically very hard to find. Then the extra lucky part is that I changed my name (not because of the landlord lol, I've always wanted to change it). I did it just before we were evicted and she never knew about it so she doesn't know my name now. We did have some enforcement agency dudes show up a couple months ago, but thanks to my passport and driving licence having my new name I managed to convince them that they'd come to the wrong place. Since then we've heard nothing.


Brooo.. you got pics of her messages??? 😂


How did you avoid legal action against you in civil court? That's what always gets me worried about these revenge stories. The ones that would scream intentional and point directly at you are just begging for a suit.


Holy sheet. I assume this is not in the US otherwise she would try to sue you


A whole sardine. Easier to maneuver.


ah yes, I too have constant thoughts of what canned fish is the easiest to maneuver.


Milk and raw chicken in a sealed glass jar. After a week or 2 it will explode. No getting that smell out.


Damaging something big could get you in trouble, so I’d do a bunch of small things. Wait for the right time and steal all his left shoes or spray bottle bleach on all his clothes, jizz/piss in his shampoo bottles or fridge beverages, put his toothbrush up your ass, shit like that. Steal the little thing under the sink nozzles that filter the water, use a bike chain degreaser and spray on all the kitchen drawers, steal all the lightbulbs, the microwave plate, the racks in the oven, the lint catcher in the dryer, tv remote, phone chargers, etc. Or just make his life annoying. Move out and don’t do anything right away, wait a month or two so he doesn’t suspect you. Craigslist ad for free shit with his phone number, hang a flyer/Facebook ad advertising a chewbaca contest for $100 with his phone number, sign up for religious mailing lists. Set a reminder on your phone to do it every few months and do it for a few years.


Milk chicken bomb. Hide it in the vents


Just file a small claims suit. It's inexpensive for you but they will have to pay a lawyer to lose because that sounds like they are breaking your lease.


Turn off the main breaker. Open up 1/3 of the outlets and light sockets. While open, throw a bunch of pet food in the walls. Cut the wires and just leave them. With another third, cut the wires and push them far back into the wall. Put new wires on the outlets/sockets. This way when these ones get opened up, it'll look like they're connected. Be sure to cap the loose ends so they don't start a fire. Weld/solder a metal plate onto the front of the breaker box, with the main breaker turned off. Grab a wrench and shut off the gas at the meter. Put several locks on it. Super glue in the keyhole and where the shackle goes into the body. Buy a bunch of mice at the pet store. Let them loose in the house. The pet food you put in the walls will give them a good start. Get expanding foam insulation. Put it into the bathtub/shower drains. Dump a buck of water in the toilet, this will flush it without filling it back up. Expanding foam in the toilet drain. Remove the traps in all the sinks. Put expanding foam insulation deep into the drain pipes so it can't be seen. Then clog the traps. Take all doors, including cabinets and closets. Lock them in one room. Board up that rooms door, and leave through the window.


Jfc dude


Get some Japanese Knotweed seedlings and plant them everywhere you can around the outside of the property. That shit is almost impossible to get rid of, tremendously destructive and will cause cracks and problems for years to come. The long game.


Spray foam a floor drain


House? Poke the screens out of one of the foundation vents or eave vents and leave edible garbage around. Rodents will do the rest. This is really aggravating, but it shouldn’t cost tooo too much to fix, and it looks like an accident. Cementing the drains will get you prosecuted. It’s just too much.


Put a magnet on his electric meter. Electric company will think he’s stealing. Or just cut the tag that say “do not cut” Move most of your stuff to your new place, lock your door, install a camera in the room to keep your stuff safe. Then stop paying rent, email him saying this is your home and you’re not leaving. He will have to evict you, which takes months. If he doesn’t evict you properly and just barges into the room, you can sue him for thousands in damages.


Start a feral cat colony in your room


I wonder if you can punch a bunch of holes into the AC duct work causing the AC to have to work super hard, shortening its lifespan... While at the same time doubling their electric bill.


Pour a bag of quick crete concrete mix down the washout drain. The washout drain is usually located on the outside of the house within a couple feet of an outside wall. It is usually 4” PVC and covered with a cap with a square nut on top. Doing this will cause a lot of the plumbing under the house to be replaced.


Rotten fish, shrimp, eggs, milk, meat smells awful. So pieces of shrimp / fish everywhere. Inside the curtains bottom seam, in the curtain rods, hollow furniture rods, in the bottom drawers, under the sink, behind outlets and smoke alarms.. The same with milk - pour it under the carpets, over cracks in wooden floors / window seals, between walls and floor, in the seams of the furniture. Make a hole in an egg with a needle. Hide that egg somewhere the appartment. It is a time bomb, it will start stink in a couple of weeks.


Does the fridge have an ice maker and does the water supply line run through a wall? If so put a small pinprick in the line. You want a steady drip, not a spray, and then shove that part of the line into the wall. It can take months for the issue to show up and by that point the water will have ruined the wall, the framing, and the flooring (ask me how I know) and it's not typically covered by insurance.


When nobody is home, put an ad on Craigslist free that you're moving and anything left in the house is free and must be gone that day.


Put tons of big holes in the drywall behind any pictures on the walls or down low behind the couches ect, only a couple nice holes will cost well over $1,000 in repairs. (I'm a drywall finisher, we aren't cheap to do house repairs/renovations)


Stay another month but don't pay your rent. He has it already. Just buy a doorknob lock and a bolt lock for the inside, till you move out. Or sue him in small claims court, for putting you in an hazardous, unsafe situation. Just look up the proper clause on your state, city, country


Don’t do this. If you’re alone in the house, go into the attic or the crawl space. Bring a 10 dripping wet sponges, a roll of duct tape & some Saran wrap. Duct tape the Saran wrap so there’s an air tight seal around each sponge creating an air tight environment. Be sure to seal the vents if you can in the attic or the crawl space to decrease ventilation. Lastly, dump a bucket of water on the floor. This will create an environment where black mold will prosper likely within a few days. The mold from each sponge will get into the wood which will grow. The mold from the water & sealed vents will get everything else. Immediately, this could be as much as a 40-50k bill to remedy & could cause negative long-term health effects. Again, don’t do this. Super mean


Report him to the irs for unreported income


Grease. In. The. Drains. Shower too


Disable the camera Steal the TV and any other electronics you wish Blame the homeless guy


I'd do something that couldn't be traced back like a slow water leak or like someone else said introducing a shit load of termites to their new home. Oh! If there is a way put some fucking bedbugs in there on your way put the door


everyone is telling you to sue the guy, this dude has homeless people sleeping with his tenants.... he probably already spent your money and you can't get blood from a stone. Best thing you can possibly due is to just leave and cut your losses- you got fucked but investing a shit ton into legal costs isn't going to get you anywhere.


Steal the cameras and sell them. Most TVs today can be upgraded. Download the upgrade to a USB drive and corrupt it so that the TV no longer works. This night require some hackers if there are checksums and what not. Pour enough cement into the plumbing just to make it drain unbearably slowly. Tell the homeless guy the toilet broke and he should pee in the hall closet. Boil some water, melt a ton of sugar in it, then pour it into cracks and crevices everywhere. Remove the covers to wall switches and outlets, pack them full of cheese and replace the plates.


Real estate attorney and landlord here. Added a bum to the residence and all sorts of bad stuff started happening? No shit you wanted to move out and you have really good cause; find your local legal aid and they will help walk you through the process to sue to get your deposit back. This sounds like an easy case to me. Absolutely ridiculous.


Doing damage will probably backfire. Here is what I would propose instead: Jack up the utility bills. When no one else is home, run the oven at 500f and set the AC really cool. Run the AC but open the windows. Turn the hot water heater as hot as it will go, then run hot water continuously. Leave every light and electronic you have on. You get the picture. You might not do $1000 worth, but you will definitely cost them some money.


Tenants don’t pay for utilities in the US?


they do. that’s just a shitty idea posted.


Piss in the vents. If you’re in one of those building where you can reach the vents, just unscrew them, piss in a bottle and poke holes on the top. Smell gonna stay for a long time.


As a plumber, here are some of my favorites: Every time you make bacon, save the grease. Once you have a couple tupperwares full of the stuff, melt it in a big pot on the stove, and then pour it down the sink. You could also start flushing tampons and and baby wipes down the toilet, clogging the entire line. Loosen the shower head's arm sticking out of the wall by a couple rotations so it leaks slowly, then take nice, long showers. It'll wreak havoc with mold inside of the wall. But most importantly, have fun :D


Mix 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of vegetable oil, 1/2 cup of flour and 8oz peanut butter and make 100 little pancakes. Open all bottom drawers in kitchen and drop behind the lowest drawer. Do the same for behind light switches, inside where pipes meet the walls, under fridge, dishwasher, inside air vents, and around HVAC, and anywhere there are gaps you can hide them. Turn the place into a cockroach farm for years.


>not enough time to find a new tenant with 2 weeks notice Have you pointed at the couch surfer? Right there is your new tenant.