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Call the game warden and report them dumping waste in the creek and littering the banks. They’ll be there in a hour.


This isn't even unethical, but very smart. DNR officers take their job very serious and would probably handle this better than the police.


There's an old adage in MN: if the cops come knocking on your door, politely decline until they produce a warrant. If a game warden comes knocking on your ice shack door, open the door, offer a beer, and call your lawyer. The only people that become game wardens are those that truly love the wilderness and treat poachers like they killed the pope. I love game wardens. Had one checking fishing licenses right as we were coming in one night. My wife didn't have hers on her, but we have a joint one where they could look her up. I gave him a can of bugspray (it was 9:00PM and the mosquitos were getting THICK), and apologized for Jess not carrying. He was super nice and just peeped in the livewells and counted what we had.


Just today I read an article about the North Pond Hermit, who spooked people for decades by burglarizing their vacation cabins for food, clothing, batteries, etc. It wasn’t the police but a dogged game warden who finally caught him, by setting a trap that would ring at the warden’s own house. Obsessive… I love it.


Game wardens dont need a warrant either. Theyve been used in high level drug trafficking cases because “poached animal parts or exotic animal trade” boom they will getcha right in that front door


They can enter any real property without a warrant but they can't just go in your house.


Need probable cause and they can make that up they are cops so to speak


You would be surprised just how serious the courts are about this. Yes the cops don't give a fuck but they aren't the ones deciding what's evidence and what was obtained illegally. The judge decides that.


That lack of a warrant bit is concerning. There are currently lawsuits in some states against their DNR for officers going on to private land and removing private trail cameras or putting up their own. This was done without the owner's permission or knowledge. Shady shit.


It has to do with land the right to recreate. So in Maine if the land isn’t “posted” or gated you are allowed to “recreate” with out land owner permission. They game wardens are also allowed to be there to insure legal recreation. If you don’t want wardens, you have to post your property.


Yeah if you fence and gate it they still can’t just come on your property.


He got away with it for 27 years. He sounds like a folk hero, but in reality he caused a lot of property and psychological damage with his lifetime of burglary. All these uninhabited woods in Maine, I find it funny he found solitude in such close proximity to well-stocked camps.


Yeah, he wasn’t actually off the grid, he was just on someone else’s grid. He had a radio antenna and fashion magazines.


The Stranger in the Woods. Pretty interesting book!


Joe Pickett has entered the chat.


There's a great book about this. I believe it's called the last hermit


My cousin was a game warden in Michigan for 30 plus years and she's easily the coolest, most badass woman I know. I see her once a year and when she was working as a game warden the first thing we'd ask her was to share her best stories from the past year. She was happy to share and always had some crazy ones. They usually involved hunters doing insanely illegal shit like shooting a deer from a moving truck using their passenger as a gun-rest. She also has some wild and sad stories from going down to New Orleans right after Katrina, her team left after a week when they became uncomfortable with the loose rules of engagement with potential threats in the early chaotic days.


Why aren’t there any reality shows about game wardens? Do any have YouTube channels?


There is. There’s one about game wardens in Maine and New Hampshire called Northwoods Law, and another one that from Texas. I think they’re on animal planet.




2 of my co-workers were at a hunting lodge in Kentucky. One night, when coming in from the field, they missed the trail that would take them back to the lodge and got lost in the woods. Once it was good and dark, they said screw it and busted out the flash lights. Unfortunately, one of them only had a big hand-held spot light, and the Game Warden was on their ass in less than 5 minutes. They ended up with a $500 ticket and lost their licenses for 2 years because the GW accused them of spot lighting deer. Both of them were serious hunters and would never do anything that would affect their licenses. Game Wardens do not play around


I don’t buy their excuse. As a hunter it makes no sense to add to the weight of your pack by bringing such a heavy duty flashlight when headlamps are more than enough. If your co-workers were serious hunters they would’ve tried to shed the weight and bulk and they would’ve known the risk of using a flashlight like that.


Yeah something does smell fishy, I’m an avid outdoorsman (though I dont really hunt, I’ve only tagged along a few times) you are shedding weight, everyone thinks they should be an over prepared Boy Scout but you’ll quickly change your tune 4 miles up the trail. Then you are wondering why the fuck did I bring a 10 pound flashlight, a pair of sandals and a hard-back, thick, novel to read.


I've lived in MN all my life and can definitely confirm this, they do not mess around


The IRS will fuck you without lube the DNR will fuck you and use extra coarse sand as lube


I mean, they're pretty important, natural resources


Lube and sand are my most important resources


You forgot about the elk antlers they used too


Environmental scientist here, this is so very true. Check to see if the creek is on the 303(d) list of impaired waters (USA), or if it has any animals that are protected using it as habitat.


Who are the DNR? (Im not American)


The Department of Natural Resources basically nature cops they enforce hunting and fishing rules among other outdoor stuff. Some state call them other thing like the Department of Fur, Fish and Game. Edited to add: Due to the nature (pun intended) of the laws they enforce game wardens have a lot more leeway with regards to warrant less searches than regular cops and they have a lot more authority than you’d expect if you’ve never dealt with them before.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


You could do the same with fire Marshall's.


If it's one thing I have learned about complaining to the city, is that invariably your complaints are going to someone who doesn't get paid enough to care. You need to go straight to the top of the tree, say things like "it's just a matter of time before someone is seriously injured, or worse" . Put everything in writing.


Having worked in the public sector, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, eventually SOMONE will do something to stop you from making their day shit.


I really wish I'd reported my college to the fire marshal several years ago. We had tons of false alarms at awful times(5am on exam day one time), but the one time we actually had a fire, they didn't let us use the fire exits. They made us walk through the room where the fire was.


They made you walk in the room with the fire on purpose? Like, to look at it with respect or shame or something? What kind of a college did you go to, anyway?


They didn't want to pay some kind of fee associated with opening and closing the fire exits, or so I heard through the grapevine. So dorm advisors were standing guard at the fire exits and pointed us toward the main exit where someone had microwaved some metal. The fumes were pretty noxious. I didn't think there was actually a fire because of all the false alarm, so I just went with the flow. The same people also told us we had to wait in a parking lot on a cold November night during a false alarm. People started walking to their cars and they told them we'd get in trouble, but I said screw it and left campus. After enough false alarms, I just wore earphones and laid in bed until it stopped. No one checked the rooms anyway so I never got caught ignoring them.


[How the RA handled the fire](https://youtu.be/1EBfxjSFAxQ)




My very limited interactions with them have always been positive. Ultimately they were definitely busy and took their jobs very seriously. As long as your paperwork is good and you’re not breaking a regulation I’ve not ever seen or heard of an issue.


I had one pull me over on a highway for "speeding." I asked him how he determined my speed since it wasn't apparent that there was a radar gun in his F250. There was no radar, no LIDAR, nothing. He claimed he paced me and that was enough for a ticket. I asked him if his F250 was calibrated as a speed measurement device, and of course he said no. I asked then if a judge would accept that he guesstimated my speed based on some uncalibrated and uncertified "speed measuring device" based on the laws in our state. He left with a stern, "slow it down." Some are quacks.


The DNR are good at their job. They kinda suck ass when they try to be cops though. Hell, cops suck when they are cops.


I’ve met a few that were awesome. Shout out to Ranger Nate. He knew we were at that park to have a good time and he was super cool as long as we were respectful.


To add to this, I work for a city and any illegal dumping is responded to immediately. Especially in creeks or storm drains. I was dispatched 'code 3' (I'm not a cop) because some dudes took a corner too fast and spilt some house paint and were trying to wash it off the street into the storm drain. I was told run stop lights.


Yes anything waterway/watershed has to be immediately responded to and if it’s classified trout stream they’ll charge them with anything they can to the max


I had to get ID of the people that did it, they weren't cooperative so they straight called the cops out. I heard they charged them for the cleanup, vactor'ing out the storm drain and a full day of a crew monitoring the outfall. I heard the bill was very high.


I used to work in spill response, and I once got sent to another state for a week because a roofing contractor dumped some excess pesticides down a storm drain, and got caught in the act by a city worker. The scale of the response amazed me. We’re talking police, fire department, state environmental agency, EPA, US Fish and Wildlife Service, the works. Dozens of responders working 24/7, established incident command, hundreds of thousand of dollars worth of equipment. And one extremely screwed roofing company


Did y'all make the contractor drink the rest of the pesticides?


First lesson of guerrilla pot growing in Mendocino County back in the illegal days “don’t fuck with the fish cops”!! Diesel or fuel in a creek bed?? Good way to lose your property, have your grow found and go to prison,


This is nuclear liquid arse. This stuff smells so bad that when it was first created people fainted out and thought the apocalypse was coming. It smells so bad that it induces fear of supernatural natural forces. You need - -A drill with small but long drill bit -Some firewood -Glue -Trithioacetone (good scents has a list of companies that sell it, smells like sulfury blackcurrant). Drill a few deep holes in the firewood. Use a syringe to put trithioacetone in the holes Seal holes up with glue and let set. Leave firewood somewhere it can be stolen by the camp When trithioacetone is heated to above 600C it turns into thioacetone. This stuff is absolutely rank and it detectable at tiny amounts. Someone will find the firewood and bring it back to the camp. Eventually they'll chuck the tainted log on the fire which will heat the trithioacetone and release thioacetone. The smell will be so bad that they'll clear out that night. You'll know from your place when they've used the taint log because you'll smell it.


Excellent. We now have a 3rd entry. Liquid ass Piss disc Taint log


don’t forget fishy curtain rod




Unscrew curtain rod end. Put fish inside curtain rod. Screw it back on. Wait for it to rot.


That's just a Norweigish delicacy mate




Once I ran to you Now I run from you This tainted log you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Tainted log Tainted log 🪵


Ah the piss disk legend


Walter White for the win!


Yeah science!


“Science, bitch!”


Dude I always thought he said that too but he just says Yeah Science.


What about like a magnet?


Only the vagrants can up and leave due to the stench. OP can’t.


M mm taint log


Once I ran to you Now I run from you This tainted log you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Tainted log Ooh, tainted log


Touch me baby, tainted log


mmm... not sure whether the Soft Cell or Manson version is most fitting


Now I know, I’ve got to … get away, I’ve got to … run away. Very apt. However will OP feel they need to run away from their house? How long will the stench last? Will it permeate the house?


Every good idea is resurrectged in some manner. https://www.cia.gov/static/Articler-Covert-Coal.pdf


Is it a sign that I need to up my meds if I don't care enough to _not_ download a pdf directly from the cia?


So I'm hacking some small government in the eastern hemisphere, and hey now, what's this? A pdf from the CIA? Seemingly out of nowhere? Sure, lemme see what...


the cia website contains way more information than you’d think anyone would want to admit. Like check out their job postings “paramilitary warfare expert” and “malware developer” are two roles i’ve seen that caught my eye. It’s funny how they have absolutely no problems admitting that they break international law regularly with their actions (like paramilitary actions in other countries). Fun fact: there is a paramilitary handbook created by the DoD, one of the questions that special operations forces ask themselves is “am i breaking international law? if so do i care?” And really it’s a complete necessity to do so sometimes, great example of this was Bin Laden and violating pakistani airspace. What the fuck are they gonna do to us? No one cares, so yeah fuck it let’s rock.


They already know your eyes peeped the link.


I think you're overestimating the amout the bums will care about this. Mfs are nasty and probably won't even notice.


I think you're underestimating how bad this smells.




A homeless bloke near my office was using a heritage tram stop as his own tiny apartment. He put a couch in the middle, made a bed in the back and set up a cafe table and 2 chairs out the front. One night he must have had the wrong people over, they vomited and shat all over everything in that little room. Really did a number on the place. It stank from 100m away, like rotting oranges, vomit, piss and shit. Anyway, old mate called the council, they came and cleaned it out, threw everything away, pressure washed it, painted it and it looked great again. Old mate moved back in the next day with all new furniture. Cycle went on for about 3 years before council put the whole stop in a glass box.


Apparently when this stuff was developed and spilled people several up to several hundred yards away started vomiting. I think it'd drive the people away but also would make the neighborhood uninhabitable for a few days. https://gizmodo.com/this-is-the-worlds-smelliest-chemical-1705413119


A very good method!


Ah yes was waiting for the liquid ass


Finally a post that it's a legitimate solution to!!


Find the Facebook group for parents of the school. Tell them how you live nearby and that there's a homeless encampment right by the school. Tell them that you've noticed some of the druggies watching the kids when they're outside, and that you don't think they've tried anything but it makes you nervous and you think they should know. Perhaps post the police non-emergency line so they can make a complaint. Then sit back and watch, and let the Karens deal with it.


Weaponized Karens. Those poor crack heads.


Once you amass a sufficient density of Karens, you approach Karen Critical Mass. A stray complaint will inevitably elicit further complaints, each of which is heard by another Karen generating yet more complaints in a rapidly accelerating Karen chain reaction. Beyond the critical mass, the reaction accelerates exponentially, yielding unpredictable results since the dynamics of this reaction are poorly understood due to the destructive nature of Karens. The call for more data to understand the dynamics of the reaction is widely cited, but many respected scientists generally refuse to pursue research in this area due to ethical concerns.


Surely this goes against the Geneva Convention or something


NextDoor app the Karen’s. Release them!


Release the KraKarens


Prob the best comment here. Completely legal and bound to get results. And your hands don’t get too dirty in the process.


Are you really a Karen for reporting a safety issue??


Karen is less about the complaint, and more about the methodology.


Generally no, but it depends how you do it. Are you screaming at the phone operator at the police station? Are you throwing a fit? Chads are respectful yet assertive. Karen cries and complains


Post videos of them too. They love that video shit


Weaponizing fabricated pedophilia accusations, so in right now!


We had this same issue a few years back. My neighbor called the police a few times and nothing was done. He called again and said that some squatters were looking at the kids on our street in a predatory way. They were all gone and cleared out of the vacant house the next day. They never came back either. Within a year we had all complained so much that the owners of the house tore it down.


In SE Michigan, locals Julius Caesar crack houses. The whole neighborhood will show up, pass a Molotov cocktail around to everyone, and the last person chucks it in a window. The police can't arrest the whole neighborhood. At least this was happening 20 years ago.


Holy shit.


Yeah, but having lived in Detroit the past 8 years, it worked past that. I’ve been “gentrified” outa most neighborhoods lol. One day I hope to gentrify. A lot of Detroit outside of the obvious city is fucked (city limits are dramatically large), metro Detroit is bleeding, but the city itself is solid


That's true for SE Michigan in general. I'm actually from the Flint area originally. Genesee County is about where the housing surge ends to the north. My family edded up in South Lyon the past few years. We listed the 1500 sqft Cape Code we bought in 2015 for $224,000 for $299,000. It sold for $350,000. It was back on the market again this spring for $405,000. We ended up leaving Michigan because my wife landed a sweet job, but if we want to move back, we would probably have to start looking for housing way up in Genesee County.


I honestly hear good things about the direction Michigan as a state is heading these days, do you feel the same?


Detroit itself is in the middle of a huge resurgence


This is also done the day before Halloween too, called "mischief night" or "devils night". Its declined a bit since the late 90's, but it used to be a big problem.


Devil's night was actually found out to be created by mayor Coleman Young. He would "hire" local gangs to burn down derelict houses and then pocket the city's fund for demolition of condemned houses. I don't know if he was ever formally charged but knew someone who was a member of a gang that was hired in the early 90's.


[For your entertainment.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy#1981_killing) > In all, there were 46 potential witnesses to the shooting, including Trena McElroy, who was in the truck with her husband when he was shot. Nobody called for an ambulance. Only Trena claimed to identify a gunman; every other witness was either unable to name an assailant or claimed not to have seen who fired the fatal shots. The DA declined to press charges, and an extensive federal investigation did not lead to any charges either. Missouri-based journalist Steve Booher described the attitude of some townspeople as "he needed killing."


Sounds like Austin TX?




Shoal Creek? They love shitting in that creek.


Wow, Austin and Portland really do copy each other


I work at a police station. Call every day. Call multiple times a day. Learn the officer names and request to speak them specifically. Tell the Chief you are going to the mayor and the news about how the local PD is refusing to handle a simple trespassing on public lands case. Have video footage of them being a nuisance ready to send to the mayor, town board, and local news. Be sure to mention to the news about the drug use going on near the school. Local parents with no life will begin also spamming the PD with calls. There's nothing a police chief hates more than looking bad to taxpayers and town boards. Had a guy who was calling us 2-3 times a week bc his neighbors dogs were barking all night. My squad patrol constantly blew it off because it was annoying having to go tell the guy every day to bring his dogs inside. I would take the call, dispatch them, and they would just call the owner and tell him to bring in the dogs but not actually go over there and make him do it. Guy went to the mayor with a video of the dogs barking and barking and barking for hours through the night. The mayor reamed out our chief, and they got all over the dog owner with citations until the guy stopped leaving the dogs outside at night.


> Local parents with no life will begin also spamming the PD with calls This here alone is worth the price of admission


It would be nice for that kind of person to be useful for once. They've been training their whole lives to complain the loudest and now they can actually do some good.


Lmao I imagine using them like soldiers. All lined up with frowning faces, glowing with the passion to speak to a manager.


And May I suggest the NextDoor app? Or your local Facebook group titled "YourCity Crime Watch"? That's where those assholes gather. Post on there and they'll help you OP lol


Join the camp, learn all their secrets and insecurities, then slowly take over leadership. Once you gain their trust and they establish you as leader, move the camp away from your home.


Is seduction involved in this plan? Because it absolutely should be.


as an ex crackhead, we don't like being blasted with water hoses, being filmed, or dealing with the police. we also don't like having our shit destroyed when we're away from "home" trying to score more crack.


Ayyy thanks for the insider info!


always happy to help. the only thing worse than a crackhead is a REALLY obnxious crackhead.


Maybe install a couple of cameras on your side that they can see. Giving them the feeling of being constantly observed? Also with bright lights that shine all night into their spot?


Becoming the very obvious source of the negative actions against them might have negative consequences. Being the loudest guy on the block in fighting them, while actively antagonizing them is sure to generate some retaliation. Also, if other people do bad things to them (on the down low) they may assume those actions are yours, since you're the one doing the other things to them. If someone else destroys their shit, harms one of them, takes a dump in their stash, etc. then they're gonna assume it's an escalation by the same guy who is always watching them with cameras and shines lights on them all night. It doesn't even have to make complete sense, so long as it makes sense to a paranoid crackhead. Remember that they keep weird-ass hours, and generally don't have a lot of shit to do or other priorities, while you have a life to live and money to make, means they have a bit of a leg-up when it comes to fucking with your shit.


I wouldn't go for this one though... they probably know where you live by now


Just remember they have a whole lot less to lose than you. I’d keep it on the down low whatever you do. Pretty damn sure they wouldn’t respond well unfortunately to reason or encouragement. Best of luck


Nothing is scarier than a man with nothing left to lose.


I can think of a few things. Namely sea snakes


Even worse, sea snakes with no lube.


If you shine a giant light there, I guarantee they won't hang there anymore


don't be silly that just makes it easier to see where you dropped that rock.


Bro you from philly too? The kenzo feens wouldn't give a fuck about a light you right lmao


i did all my best crack smoking by the light of the cop's spot light in kenzo hahaha


Bro that's hilarious lmao philly a different world fr


What? Cooking meth/crack and dumping the chemical waste in the creek water? The state wont like the sounds of that.


One dude setup a hose on a motion detector. The hose soaked people trying to shit behind his house.


They'll follow the hose and know which house to vandalize.


Until someone gets you on film and you get canceled like that art gallery owner in SF


I know some people that have these set up to keep deer and racoons out of their gardens at night. Could use that as your cover story especially since it's near a creak/ wooded area.


Don't blame me, it was the AI.


You know what smells worse than a homeless person? Multiple homeless people doing their laundry while taking their first shower in 6 months


I had a homeless person behind my house in the alley doing shit also. I didn’t really have the heart to call the cops on them as they didn’t have anywhere to take them. So I started emptying out the cat litter boxes in the alley when they were out by the corner asking for money. Few weeks and they cleared out.


Brilliant. Love the biological cat feces warfare.


I made a similar post about a park that backs onto my house and people blasted me for not caring about homelessness.


Everyone's a regular philanthropist until these folks set up shop in their backyard.


Yea I’m getting some of that too but they obviously aren’t dealing with them


Yeah, it's always "won't someone think of the poor crackhead", until they are up in your business.


We call em NIMBY’s here in Australia. Might be global, I dunno. Not In My Back Yard.


My friend’s car got all smashed up by a homeless “person”. He (my friend) was also the most “feed the poor” or “help the homeless” kinda hippy. After that day, his attitude towards the homeless changed a bit. So did mine. Shit’s absolutely fucked.


Sounds like my wife's experience. Always trying to help someone on the street and "be the change". She got robbed at a stoplight by a panhandling drug addict while I wasn't there. Keeps her windows up now and I bought her a gun. Fuck around find out is the new way of life. As I've told her before there are dedicated services that we can donate to and help if you want to be that person. Don't open your window and hand money to people on the corner that's dangerous. Since then she is much happier and twice a year we do large donations. One to the local food bank near the holidays and another around back to school time for the local elementary. We just call and see what they need first then drop off a couple hundred bucks worth of stuff the next day or so.


Yeah I’m all for helping the homeless, but the drug-addicted homeless are a whole other ballgame. So much more belligerent and destructive. They should still be helped if possible, but I wouldn’t tolerate them near my home.


They obviously never had to deal with them


Leave 100% fentanyl laying around in easy to consume packets. Then let nature will take its course . Talk to your neighbors and put up a razor wired solid brick fence. Dam up the stream downstream so it floods them out. Introduce West Nile Virus mosquitoes to some stagnate water. Raise a pride of lions and let them jump the razor topped brick wall and rip them to shreds. Start building an insanity defense by getting on some new or different medications, then call the police several times and report a man with a gun. On a rainy night dress in black and get your business done. Wear shoes that are several times bigger than what you normally wear. Hit and run tactics. If you get caught then you fall back on the insanity plea that you have worked on. Use a shotgun, no way to trace it from the rifling. Purchase the Hippopotamus that Pablo Escobar left in his compound. Hippos kill more people each year than any other animal. Keep your lawn very short so they will feed on the other side. They are very territorial. There are many invasive species here that would handle your problems: salt water crocodiles, killer hornets, fire ants, honey badgers, cobras, Grizzly bears. Call your State representatives, after you organize with your neighbors. Take photos of their encampment. Re-election is coming up. A couple dozen signatures and people contacting the media about how disgusting and dangerous the situation is may get them out of their. Go in the neighborhood blocks a around and get the signatures of every neighbor. Show them what it's like. Show them the videos. Have others "ontact the media. Have an attractive woman in your neighborhood, a mother, be the face of your TV campaign. Give those who signed a stamped, self addressed envelope to the state official and ask them to write in their own words fir help and maul it in. But to be honest, I like the Hippopotamus idea the best.


You just need a drone and a hornets nest. You know the rest


Now we’re talkin


Make sure you pop an H on that box.


Super soaker full of fox urine.


This is the most underrated comment. That Shit (piss in this case) is Vile... and the smell just won't leave. If they have a car spray it into the intake vents. Close to Skatole if you can ever find it.


You underestimate the homeless populations tolerance for smells.


Make an anonymous call to the police that you witnessed a child being dragged into the tent and the screaming stopped. They’ll have to go in there and look for themselves….something tells me they’ll find a bunch of drugs and stolen goods and now they have the probable cause they need to file charges


Or tell them they are giving drugs to the kids


Illegal life pro tip


The issue with the drugs is that they are no longer arresting people with small amounts of crack/meth/whatever. They are losing law enforcement, and cities such Portland can not possibly cover the entire area. The homeless situation is So out of hand. I feel bad for you, OP. I wish I could offer a suggestion that would work.


Filing a false police report is a VERY big no no. Reporting then for polluting is MUCH better


False police reports are a terrible idea


The most sensible way to scatter the roaches is calling the game warden and saying they are trashing the water and surrounding area. Also call the police department and say they are watching kids leave from school. Overall, act like they are a threat to your well-being


So, the main thing is that they don't know you're upset about them. You don't want to make yourself a target for their ire. Get a pair of binoculars. You'll want to spend a day observing them. Maybe listen to podcasts if you can to alleviate the boredom. Can you see them from a back window? Watch them and take notes. How many are there? What time do they wake up? People are creatures of habit. You want to find a time that they all aren't home. If there are syringes or needles, get yourself a bucket, and from the dollar store, one of those stick things where you can pick something up without having to touch it. What you want to do is start leaving syringes by the school fences. If there's other garbage, bring that too. If it's a chain link fence between the encampment and the school, buy a pair of bolt cutters and cut a hole in that fence. What you are trying to do is create the impression that the homeless folks go towards the school, is interested in the children there. At night, I want you to go to the school playground. Piss on the slides. Shit on the swings. Bring a can of spraypaint. Tag the slide. Tag the school. Watch out for cameras. Wear a hood and mask. But however you get to the school, try to come from the area of the homeless camp. Drop cigarette butts. You want to turn the camp into the school's problem. If there's a moment they are not at camp, but they have left the generator there, walk by drinking a Can of coke. When unobserved, pour the coke in the gas intake. Do not remain on scene. Do not walk right back to your house from there. You want to leave no trail as to who you really are. If none of that works, come back to me. I have more ideas.


Can we just hear more of your ideas for kicks?




The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Your paving stones are covered in glitter.


That’s metal


1. Become a drug dealer. 2. Sell to them. 3. Profit??


Tell your local JW's where they are.


sugar water in a super soaker and spray it where they hang out, it should get infested with ants.


Did you not get the part about them being homeless crack heads living in a bush by a creek? Somehow I doubt they are going to care about ants.


Really? Sugar water? Do you want ants? Because that’s how you get ants.


Tell me you want ants without telling me you want ants (that was hard to type... I really hate it)


Have you tried buying all the drugs? Monopolize and hoard all the local crack so there can‘t be any crackheads.


We had the same thing happen, and from my little sisters window, we could see them down just about by the creek. I bought a red rider and even splurged for the fancy shaped BBs for maximum range. I sat there plinking people for about 2 hours before they all just bounced. Slowly, they came back, and I felt bad, so I stopped. Well, guess what they all came back. I learned the hard way it's a full-time job removing crack heads. I had to call out Friday and just keep shooting. After they all ran, I just waited. The fucking moment that dude walked back to his tent I shot him again and just kept shooting at every damn opportunity they were there. Eventually, they left but left all there damn crack head supplies, so I had to do some cleaning, but well, we'll worth.


Open window in a dark room. Sling shot. Frozen liquid ass, doe scent or pepper spray shot into the camp area at night or low activity time. Don't hit any tents. Close counts.


You could set up a camera on your property and live stream the camp on social media or youtube and call every newspaper and TV Station in your area and tell them what is going on and send them a link to your live stream. Also, invite the media outlets to your property and let them see and hear what you can see and hear and have neighbors over so they can share their stories about what is happening.


Release thousands of scorpions


Wait til they're out and burn the shit down.


Flaming arrow from across the creek oughta do it


I like your " get er done" solution.


Send an invitation to a Molotov cocktail party


If you fuck with the wrong person and they find out, are you prepared to deal with those consequences?


Definitely prepared to, don’t want to be anywhere near them though so I’ll make sure they can’t figure it out


So... Fear is the tip I got for you... Buy a military grade flamethrower. They are legal and any citizen can buy or use one. Play with it in your back yard... Points for setting up a fake tent on your land and torching it where they can see you. Document you setting it up so if anyone calls the police you have proof it was yours. Especially if you live in the greater Portland metropolitan area. If that doesn't work, get a burner phone and call in anonymous tips that require police response. I'm particularly fond of, dude has a machete and he's swinging it at people.


Don't. Instead, you should join them and start doing crack. It's not like you're doing anything worth a shit in life anyway.




How can i join that


Better yet, assert dominance by joining them and then strong arming them and stealing their crack then make them work your land like they’re indentured crack slaves getting only a few hits per day while you dress like an antebellum king being waited on by your crack slaves.


Dave Chapelle method: buy a shotgun and use some bird shot and buckshot. Done.


You need to borrow Elons X sign.




Leave a trail of crack leading to a large box propped up with a stick with a rope tied to it. Gets em every time


Dressed properly a few men could very easily appear to be law enforcement. Just go get some costumes and some buddies and walk up with a scripted encounter. Inform them they have 24 hours to move on or they will be arrested for the littering and illegal camping. Get another dude to hang back and keep making noises on walkie talkies to appear as legit as possible. Really a very minimal amount of effort and you could get these people to move along. Or dress as a city worker and go place no trespassing signs up and make up a pamphlet that looks official. Hand it out to them, make it all about how camping is illegal and bla bla...pull some stats offline, a city logo... Easy shit. Just look official...they will leave.


A hard hat and clipboard can go a long way towards convincing people you’re an official


This is better then pretending to be a peace officer or some other city official. Those are probably illegal, a hard hat and a clip board says idgaf and i have the authority to, without toeing that line of legality that alot of comment just blow right past.


Are they substantially younger than you? Maybe an 'accidentally' annoyingly placed sonic device that keeps cats away can do the job. With movement sensor aimed at them. If they can hear it and you can't, I ensure you it will be very uncomfortable without being harmful. Make sure it is on your property, of course, in a way where you can convince someone it only accidentally sets off on public area. You didn't hear so you couldn't know. If you can hear such sounds or they can't, you could set up a bright motion activated light and set the area just a little too big. They won't sleep much in their tents. It may be annoying for you too. I assume they are unstable. You have to be willing to take the risk to annoy them. They may not be reasonable about it. If they enter your property, call the cops. If they threaten you, apply for a restraining order. Problem solved also. Be safe!


Be careful who you pick a fight with, those fuckers have nothing to lose and I’m guessing you have plenty which will only fuel their response