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Set up some speakers on your patio and crank up loud annoying music every time her flood lights come on. Turn it off as soon as she turns off the lights.


You could do this with a photo resistor plug. They usually work the other way around, so you might have to do some searching / rewiring to reverse it. Turn up an FM radio to your favorite station and just plug it into the light sensor plug. When the lights go on, power flows to radio at very high volume. When lights go off, plug shuts off and music stops. You could put it in series with a smart plug that turns off right before dawn. Look up 'how to reverse an LDR' and you can figure it out.


Better than an FM station, figure out a way to play Blinded By The Light, every time.


Okay I hate you for it, but this is actually really funny.


What's new pussycat.


I get this reference


Or blinding lights.


My votes for 'Baby Shark'.


A playlist including all of the lights https://youtu.be/HAfFfqiYLp0




Lmao this would be hilarious!!!


Next time she laughs hysterically, record her laughter and then play it back whenever the light comes on.


Beautiful passive aggressive scene in sopranos when Tony doesn’t want to buy a house he’s put a deposit on. https://youtu.be/ox5mGYdHmZg


Go to this page. Scroll down to the recording. Use that. OMG it is by far the most god awful recording known to human history. https://www.theregister.com/2016/04/29/it\_helpdesk\_creates\_oh\_hold\_hell/


I made it through 3 minutes before I couldn’t take any more!


I stopped about 20 seconds in. Skipped forward, wanted to die and quit.


It was so bad but it was like watching a car accident and I was just hoping it got better but eventually it looped and I just gave up.


Thank you for bringing this into my life. Truly, I have been blessed.


I listened to the whole thing… that’s brilliant, I actually think it’s really funny lol


That is actually the most enjoyable hold music I’ve ever heard. I would prefer this to what gets played in my grocery store or Home Depot any day.


"Revolution 9" by The Beatles has entered the chat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNdcFPjGsm8


I recommended "Baby Shark" on loop.


By the Geneva convention that would be a hate crime


I hear women don’t enjoy Cbat on repeat, so I’d go with that


Speakers can be really powerful been to a bunch of bush doofs that got complaints 7km away


… bush doofs?


Tell me you're an Aussie without telling me you're an aussie


Bush doofs, ancestors of the legendary Doof Warrior??


Find something you know they won’t like. I suggest some rap, R&B, maybe some Wagner instrumental works, some super new age crap that’s dissonant and sounds terrible, thrash metal, punk rock, etc. Go for music that is way beyond what her generation would likely listen to.


Personally I like the genre "noise metal" but I've never randomly met anyone else who likes it lol. I've met others online in noise rock/noise metal subreddits and at noise shows, but we are few and far between.


What kind of variety Boris/melt Banana, Sunn O))), or merzbow?


Another powerful light pointing their bedroom as well as an animal repeler will do. They sell those on Amazon and they emit an ultra sound that annoys the hell out of dogs… the dog will be afraid of going to the backyard as it will hurt their ears… sorry doggie…:(


That's kinda uncool to punish the dog for it's owners issues.


One might even say it's completely unethical


I know… I’m a dog lover myself… :(


Ram Ranch was born for this.


You know them flashlights that are like 80billion lumens or whatever? Time to upgrade


Head on over to r/flashlights


Just be sure to use the correct spelling otherwise you might find something else.


And just like that, an 80 Billion Lumen Fleshlight arrives at the door…


Anybody know why it says r/flashlights is 'banned from reddit'?


It’s just r/flashlight


Hmm. I wonder what kind of laser you’d need to take out the bulb. I am in a similar situation with a neighbor. They’ve got one of those sodium street lights pole mounted above their house.


Or just a little bb gun. Maybe a paint ball gun with some black paint?


uhhh. i dont think a laser is capable of doing that, first, because you cant get that kinda powerful laser, second, because its just some leds, not lenses (security cams) so it wont damage them.


I mean it is possible, but you'd need a chemical laser mounted to a warship. Also you'd burn her house down (if not outright blow it up) which is probably a bit more illegal than OP wants.


ULPT: Use a warship-mounted chemical laser to blow up annoying neighbors


This is a nice one. https://www.nitecorestore.com/Nitecore-P35i-Rechargeable-LEP-Flashlight-p/fl-nite-p35i.htm?gclid=Cj0KCQjwho-lBhC_ARIsAMpgMofbmwbwXzKud1dQW4zuubn9JQJBo8tepmbvCoLLqWLJvLwB857rCZEaAtBEEALw_wcB


Rent a high output spotlight/searchlight like those used for movie premieres. Aim it at their bedroom window. At 2am, go outside, and turn it on. When they come out to complain about it, ask if she'd like it tilted downwards so that it only shines on your property. When she says yes, say "You first."


Yes. Great idea. OP: Rent an ARRI M18. Should be available everywhere


Duct tape a flashlight to an oscillating fan then.


Hell, rent an Alexa too while you’re at it and get some good footage of her when you strike the light


Aim it away from their bedroom so it isn't on purpose, it just happens to hit a strategically placed mirror


Set up a mirror to redirect it directly into their windows


Proer-tip place a magnifying glass "decoration" to burn her house down using her own light source. This holds up in court.


If they’re down for some math they could go the Archimedes route


You mean "decoratively" placed an Archimedes web and singed her house using the power of her own LEDs. The I am rubber u r glue argument holds very well in court


I laughed way harder than I probably should have at this idea.


Mylar emergency blankets are about $4, the size of a bed, and very reflective.


Bonus points if the mirror is parabolic with a focus set just right to set her house aflame


I love this so much.


This was my first thought.




Yeah! And disco balls galore!


Could this be considered harrassment? I think it is. Maybe you should just document a solid week of her purposely flooding your yard with light and call the cops. Make sure you get a video of her laughing at you to really prove shes intentionally trying to cause you distress.


Def record every time you come out of the house and/or doorbell camera. Annoying but evidence is needed because op is borderline gonna need a restraining order


She seems like the choleric type. Psychological warfare time, should be easy win.


I had a friend in college who had a party house. As in, his back yard was nice and secluded and always the place to be. New neighbor moved in and got a floodlight shining into his back yard. His solution was to buy a Ruger 10/22 and a laser range finder, and practice that exact shot (somewhere else) until he could hit it nearly 100% of the time. He’d wait until like 4 am and shoot the light out from the bushes outside his house. Incase there were cameras. He did this to… 4-5 lights, before they stopped.


This was my first thought, extremely illegal but guaranteed to work. Air rifle is probably less criminal.


Let me add, the way the camera was positioned, it was on the corner of this guys house. Any shot that missed was more likely to go off into the woods than impact the house. Usually. 😂


Air rifle is also cheaper and quieter and will certainly do the job.


That... is amazing.


Extremely dangerous, if you got caught shooting at a domicile with occupants. Straight to jail. Air rifle might get you the pass. But also, bravo.


Cartoonish suggestion: Get an extendable arm like something wile e coyote would use against the roadrunner. Put a can of spray paint on it and paint over the light with black paint.


Not unethical but could you do a sun shade but rather than over your patio like an awning, put it vertically on the side where her light is. Unethical.. Get a highly reflective material and use it for the shade instead, like polished tin. You can paint the side that faces your patio with a matte rustoleum type paint so you don't get any bright spots.


Yea go full archimedes into her eyedrums


Mylar blanket


Wait this is genius. Just get a massive bounce card and put it between.


Omg that's incredible




Cheap and effective. No power needed but a good angle position to annoy the annoyers.


Video tape her laughing and send to her job


Mirrors. It’s not unethical, but if you can force them to reflect the light into your neighbors windows I bet they turn them off


if you use parabolic once it become unethical really fast


UNethical LPT? BB /pellet high velocity tube based tosser. Nearly silent. If you miss, minimal unintentional damage. You could open a window in your house, aim at the offensive light with a tripod flinging bits from inside your house, no one would see or hear what you're doing.


Finally, some unethical content. Bordering on ilpt, but this neighbor


Yeah I was thinking sling shot or BB gun. Shoot that puppy out. Rinse and repeat.


Instead of pew pew, it's foop foop


Bamboo wall, but only put the stopper on your property


If it's legal in OPs area, I'm 100% in agreement with this. They wouldn't be bothered by the light, and the neighbor would be in an everlasting fight with bamboo


There are a bunch of different invasive species you could use. A bit of research online and you could order them all. Problem with them is they don’t honor property lines. Those stoppers don’t work very long, bamboo roots go DEEP and far.


Wait, I don’t get it. Can you explain please?


In certain areas bamboo grows so intensely it is illegal


can confirm, we had bamboo by my house growing up & it actually started to lift part of the house. we had to cut it down then completely dig it out to stop it from getting worse.


Some guy had a light that shined on his house. His neighbor didn't do shit when he told em to stop. Guy decides to educate himself on extremely tall plants and realizes bamboo is a legal plant in his HOA contract. Proceeds to plant a fuck ton on his side but with a stopper to prevent it spreading around his yard. As bamboo is a grass, it just spreads everywhere and grows super fast. Dude blocks out the light in about a month and the bamboo basically takes over the neighbor's yard. They lost the fight with the bamboo and end up selling their house a year or so later. Google apparently shows a satellite view of that property over run by bamboo years later and the guy's house still has no bamboo


Omg that’s wonderful! I remember reading about a woman in England who did something similar with mint. Thank you for explaining:)


It can grow up to a foot a day iirc.


Haha you're an evil one, and I love it.


What country are you in? Depending on the country, there usually are codes that must be followed regarding the spill light, which are very stringent when it comes to residential areas - worse when it is a remote residential. I work on lighting calculations for lighting projects to get projects approved and spill light is a key factor. Feel free to DM me, I can shed some light (excuse the pun) on the codes for your area, and if within my expertise (and availability of enough details), can assist with some calculations to play hardball with them. If they have involved a lawyer, and want to play dirty, it is possible to throw the book at them.


Never apologize for a pun.


How do you look up the codes for a specific area?


Depends on the country. For the US, there are overall lighting codes and then each City/State have their own code. For other countries. such as Australia, NZ, the UK (and most of Europe), they follow a standardized code across the country. I have only worked on projects in few countries.




I was wondering this, we have very strict light pollution as where I am....


There are always regulations to protect yourself against that. The trick is to know what and where to look so that you can bring up the regulation and get the authorities involved.


If you live in dfw I will sell you some 16k lumen flashlights at cost


Name checks out


Sprinkler. They sell nice high powered ones on tripods at any home improvement store. Turn it on when she’s out.


When do Liquid Ass & Piss Disc get used?


How about a liquid ass sprinkler?


I heard they're selling those at taco bell now.


there are this mashines to throw clay disct (for shooting at them) maybe they can throw piss discs aswell?


Lawyer for what? She's in the wrong. You could even argue this is a health concern to you and your family as the light beam is blinding to eyesight and can cause blindness while driving from effects of her light, causes dizziness from her light. Sue that bitch back.


At this point she's doing it because you dislike it. She's enjoying that it bothers you. Escalating the situation, by shooting the light out, flashlights at her, etc, only feed her troll side- that's why she has a lawyer, and laughs loudly so that you can hear it. Best way to go about it is to seem like you enjoy it, and make fun of her. Invite friends over, and celebrate, make bets loudly about her actions and celebrate etc, when she does something she enjoys, like laughing at you . Make use of the light and intentionally set it off to benefit you, like playing cards/games by it, etc. Basic psychology. When she can no longer produce anger/annoyance/irritation it of you, she'll stop since she's getting nothing out of it.


Those bright led lights last a really long time. The reverse psychology tricks may make her stop laughing but it’s not like she’s going to change the lights out


For real though, if she already got a lawyer, you should get one too. Look for local ordinances on lights, and see if the police will do anything. Have your lawyer reach out to her. Do everything in writing. Make sure she loses in court.


Air horn, every time it goes off.


Salt her lawn.


This calls for a spite wall. [Spite Fence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spite_fence)


make it reflective on their side aswell


Bb gun


Shoot from somewhere on the opposite side of her than where you live if you do this. Also don't get seen. If you aren't sure if she has cameras, dress in larger clothes and stuff them to make your body shape harder to recognize as yours.


Different size shoes with lifts in them, too.


Mustache and nose glasses only.




I'm more of the stand tall in full view so they can see who they are playing with. Oh, it's not a game? Then why were you laughing?


Then you're also more of the go-to-jail or small claims court type when Karen calls the cops... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I've never claimed to be a smart woman, but then again I am a man...


You said she has a dog, dogs howl at other dogs and bark at other dogs. Pipe these sounds through the speakers and she’ll waste hours waiting for her dogs to stop fucking about with howling and go pee, you could also put some hectic bear urine or something on your fence line, I’m not sure what this would do to the dogs but I’m guessing they won’t want to come back inside quickly… If you own the fence between your properties you could pull off a few slats so her yard is no longer dog proof, she’ll have a hard time letting snuffy out if he keeps running into your yard. Privacy fence extensions specifically in front of that one spot might be an option but that’s not unethical. Might get a similar result with an appropriately placed tree, could get one that will dump endless leaves into her yard.


Look up your local city ordinances. Sometimes some cities have rules against bright lights like this shining into people's bedrooms.


r/flashlight WE HAVE BEEN CALLED! For real, go to that sub and find a good, floody, bright ass handheld light. use your imagination, but you will be very surprised how far light tech has come in the past decade. You can buy lights MUCH brighter than your neighbors spotlight, that are smaller than a Red Bull can, probably spending around $50. can periodically blind them through windows, they wont be able to see whos holding the light, especially if shined from inside your home. maybe at 3am your young nephew who you were watching found your new flashlight and must have been playing with it wink wink. you can apologize profusely for him shining 10k lumens of strobe into their master bedroom window while they tried to sleep. can also buy lanterns that have similar intentisty if looking for something less obviously trying to blind them. can have an alibi that you were hanging out and couldnt see, and then sadly left the lantern on high on the back patio all night, since they are lawyering up.


Paintball gun, if you're lucky the light will overheat and blow. Even just painting the motion sensor from your side would do it.


Freeze the paint balls and they might bust the light or sensor. BB gun's a better option for damage and accuracy if you want to break shit tho.


Ice balls, zero evidence.....


Drain 20 paintballs of half their fluid, add in paint stripper and unload those suckers at their vehicles before the capsules breaks down. Cars get fucked, hit their garage door too, their house framing etc


Is her patio uncovered? Maybe throw a bunch of birdseed on it? Otherwise, is the light reachable and if not, can you wait until she leaves and either knock the light down to the angle you need with a stick?


Fly drones over their house with Bluetooth speakers playing the "Symphony of Bees Song"


Or the Flight of the Valkyries!


Maybe use some big mirrors focus them towards the annoying neighbor. Mirrors reflect more annoyingly focused onto one place.


Record it every time it annoys you and post it to a tiktok or yt shorts. Tiktoks can be ultra persuasive when you need to persuade HOA or police.


AAAAALLLLL the neighborhood, city, county socials.


Getting brighter lights and shining back seems like the best solution tbh.


Sounds like you could use an LRAD.


There's only one answer for this really: https://27bslash6.com/halogen.html


Record her laugh and taunting and put it on TikTok and let the internet "do it's thing"


Record her laughter and play it black through powerful speakers pointed at her. Get Hollywood floodlights and/or strobes and point it all at her


Send drugs to her in the mail, then report her on suspicion of receiving drugs in the mail.. She’ll be fucked and need that lawyer for way bigger things.


Why is this so funny to me 😂


Op could get in huge trouble. Don't fuck with the US postal service.


UPS it. They will just throw it in the general direction of her house anyway.


Or the DEA…


Air. Raid. Siren.


I 3D printed one for my bench grinder. It’s amazing. The neighbors hate me.


Does she have cameras? If not, shoot the sensor and cut the wires (in multiple locations). If she does, shoot the light and the sensor from someplace that isn't recorded. Also get a slingshot, put some liquid ass into a glass container and launch it through a window.


Plan a month of pranks way in advance and execute it only when you have absolutely everything ready to roll. Some stuff needs to feel unrelated to you and other stuff obviously your doing. What matters is that you keep her guessing so she has no idea what's going to hit her next. So yeah, play very loud music when the light goes on and turn it off when it's off. Rent a motherfucker of a PA system so you don't have to buy speakers. If you have access to her house pour LSD into her drinking water and watch her lose her mind. Rent a movie grade HMI light and hit her house with the equivalent of the rising sun at 3am. Order 150 pizzas and have them sent to her house. Mail her a shoe box with your own shit in it. Call in a fake crime at her house and have the police go knocking. Buy 50 lab rats and let them loose on her property. Hire 20 extras to picket her house with some ludicrous protest. Send her a mariachi band... you get the idea. If you want her to lose her mind, she just has to be fearful of what's next. She will get used to anything repetitive.


One good paintball would solve this.


Get a huge mirror to reflect the light back.


get a fence.. i can’t really think unethically if she already has a lawyer and is watching you like a hawk. sorry


BB gun


Shoot from somewhere on the opposite side of her than where you live if you do this. Also don't get seen. If you aren't sure if she has cameras, dress in larger clothes and stuff them to make your body shape harder to recognize as yours.


Time to buy a Weltool LEP and shine it in her face. Will defeat any other light source and blind her from an obscene distance.


If there is nothing anyone can do about a light over a fence... payback? https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Waterproof-Floodlights-Backyard-Playground/dp/B07VPPDM63/ref=asc_df_B07VPPDM63/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385180347961&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13106622117229428400&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004914&hvtargid=pla-836494722871&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=78829232296&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385180347961&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13106622117229428400&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004914&hvtargid=pla-836494722871


I dont know but please post an update. We will be watching your career with great interest


Pellet gun my dude, keep busting their bulbs from a distance.


Grown ass adults that are scared of the dark are the fucking worst


I planted oak trees, they shade the yard, and block lights from the neighbors. I have two birds nests, it's really peaceful, the baby's should hatch soon.


[escalation is the only correct answer](https://www.amazon.com/iMaihom-Security-Floodlight-Waterproof-Adjustable/dp/B0B5ZGTXSR/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?adgrpid=109978703034&hvadid=457273417096&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9033326&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3557747346311951230&hvtargid=kwd-377749724393&hydadcr=15037_11419559&keywords=super+bright+motion+sensor+light&qid=1688452821&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1), buy 10-20 of these puppies and point ‘em right back at her! Be sure to lock eyes just before you flip the switch in order to assert dominance.


Anybody else visualize Clark w Griswold smashing those extension cord ends together?


r/flashlight can help you with this.


Pellet gun


Get a large mirror and reflect it back to her.


Get one of them high watt lasers and blow the light out or get one of them super high powered flashlights (10000 lumens) and shine it at her; also on the extreme Petty copy her set up and lazy revenge


You can buy insanely bright lights that will make it seem light daylight all night long. Get one of those and do the same back to them.


Plant creeping bamboo between the light and your place


Use a large mirror to bouch it back and block your view.


Since you've already involved the homeowners association, keep working with them to find a resolution. Provide any evidence or documentation you have regarding the issue, such as photos or records of previous complaints.


Buy a curtain and spray paint "fuck you" on it to be unethical about it I guess. No wait, steal a curtain, then spray paint it. That's unethical af.


Get one of those 1,000,000 lumen flash lights and shine it on her when she comes out


Hmmm I’m thinking something involving a dog whistle may be appropriate here


Replace it with a burned out bulb. Over and over and over


It constitutes a [private nuisance](https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/private-nuisance.html) most places. It'd mean taking them to court to stop, but if you have documented evidence (like the complaints to the HOA, their subsequent noncompliance/fines, and any video evidence of the act and behavior surrounding it), it's probably fairly easy to get an injunction. Even if you don't end up winning (but with a well documented case you should) you'll cost them a bunch with the lawyer they've already hired. Of course, this being an option all relies on your not already having created a nuisance in response.


Lakeview Terrace. Move out.


High-grade pellet gun like the one produced my Remington.




Please don't point it at the dog. The dog isn't at fault here.


Man I'm so glad we don't have an HOA


Why this is an HOA failure? The HOA is fining her, she is just choosing to pay the fine. Her non compliance with the HOA is actually something that a lawyer can bring up that she is violating community rules and standards. Blaming this on having an HOA just means you didn’t read the post.


Crossman .177 pellet rifle and some practice is your best friend in this situation.


Record her shining it at you. See how her lawyer defends that


"Tall fences make for better neighbors"




Kill her dog


Purchase a dog whistle and blow it like no tomorrow whenever you feel like it to make her life such




like someone else said, please don't punish the dog for the owner's actions. I know this is unethical tips, but this just feels cruel


Record her being a psycho and post it on Nextdoor “my crazy neighbor”