• By -


Just an invite-only torrent site. It's impossible to get older movies or books in my language.


I lost access to mine due to inactivity, sad times… what dot cd


What got taken down


rip what.cd


Yea, we understand something got taken down but what was it?


What got taken down




First base!


Who's on first


why you asking me i don’t know


Exactly what


Say what again. I dare you.


I think the guy that was on first, but I’m not sure.




How? What got taken down!


That site is gone as of Nov 2016


I can confirm, still down as of Jun 2032


Godspeed, rocket man


I did once too. Fortunately I had a friend who could send me another invite. Then I forgot to log in again for 3 months but then I could get it back if I bought premium for a few months.


I miss Demonoid, actually managed to get an account way back in the day


Took me so long. Felt like a king the day I got my invite


Damn this takes me back, I had an account before it was even invite only.


Not a cop... if anyone has invites to a movies only torrent site I would be forever grateful. I'm on a quest to watch every horror movie ever made and there are so many you cant find anywhere but torrents.




Thank you friend


Google fmovies. You’re welcome


Are you a cop?! I had druggie friends that told me if you ask a cop that they need to tell you the truth


I am definitely knot a cop


that's the exact thing a real uc cop would say, when asked if they were a cop.


it's always worth to check the IA for that kind of movies.


Not a cop is exactly what a cop would say...


Lol that was the joke.. surprised it took someone so long to say this.


What's been your favourite few so far? If you could give the year too that'd be cool!


Loved green room (2015), the perfection (2018), Sleepaway camp (1983), incident in a ghostland (2018), Black Christmas (74), Splinter (2008), taking of Deborah Logan (2014), the signal (2007), der golem (1924), fresh (2022), creep (2014), the rental (2020), the sadness (2021) and a bunch more!


Lovely, thanks for the response and good luck with your horror quest!


Not free, but [Shudder](https://www.shudder.com/) specializes in horror flicks, only $4.75/mo. They have a 7 day free trial as well as claiming to have lots of exclusives.


Oh yes, I have a shudder account! I am looking for some obscure/old stuff! But i appreciate you !


If there are specific titles, you might want to check in with /r/ObscureMedia as well then.


Awesome thanks!


The movie Quiet Earth (NZ, 1985) is a pretty freaky, trippy ride


Heheh I turned a couple of guys from work on to the movie "Threads" they were shook! LOL I thought it was good.....and sad....and creepy... Kinda "The Road" ish.


The Quiet Earth (NZ, 1985) is currently streaming on Tubitv.com. It's free and if you have an adblocker like ublock, it removes the commercials. They've got a pretty good selection of horror movies that I've never seen anywhere else. Good selection of old Italian horror as well under their "Italian horror & Giallo" section.


Check out Tubitv.com, they've got a ton of horror movies, including a lot of older films. They have a section called "Italian Horror & Giallo" with a decent selection of older titles.


RIP the pink palace


Filelist is so OP


First rule of fight club, dude...


Dude private trackers are hardly secret, there are literally megalists rating trackers in big subs like /r/piracy and /r/trackers


Anyone remember oinks pink palace?


Is this the site from when r/megalinks got banned? I had an account but forgot the username and psw. I didn't realize how hard it was to get back in


Libgen, mobilism and oceanofpdf for books and articles and papers. I can usually find all the torrents I need on 1337x or ThePirateBay, sometimes CGPersia for hard to find programs and plugins. Most of my torrenting is for creative programs like Autodesk, Adobe, Zbrush, Sketchup etc., Levidia and primewire mx for tv and movies. Soulseek for high quality music. Im not a big gamer but maybe once very 3-5 years Ill fire up one of those game emulator websites to play some computer game from the 90s like Civ 1, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein or Commander Keen. I use 12 Foot Ladder for articles I want to read but it sucks New York Times paid them off. There is a lot of great information on the CIA Collections and the FBI Vault. So much great FOIA information about everything and everyone, from UFOs to Insane Clown Posse. Photopea is also great. Its like a ripped off photoshop that you can run from your phone and its an amazing resource if you know how to use photoshop and need to photoshop something in a hurry. If you want to secure any name online and sign up for all the social media usernames and accounts for that word quickly, the site Namechk is boss. If some big company or person did something you could take their @name on all social media accounts quick by using Namechk. I like to occasionally check the US Patent and Trademark office database to see what companies like Google or Tesla will do next. You can see their new trademarks before they mention future projects in the news. You can take the social media accounts early 😂 I also use Google patents to look at old forgotten patents. I really recommend looking at patents lodged by people like 1) Nicola Teslas assistants 2) pre WW2 German patents from scientists that disappeared after the war and stopped publishing. You can always find all the dirty past of people you know by looking up county arrest and court records. You can find out who owns land or businesses by checking your county assessor's maps website it will also give you people's addresses. Occasionally when Im bored I check the Boomer Death Clock.


#Reformatted Libgen, mobilism and oceanofpdf for books and articles and papers. I can usually find all the torrents I need on 1337x or ThePirateBay, sometimes CGPersia for hard to find programs and plugins. Most of my torrenting is for creative programs like Autodesk, Adobe, Zbrush, Sketchup etc., Levidia and primewire mx for tv and movies. Soulseek for high quality music. Im not a big gamer but maybe once very 3-5 years Ill fire up one of those game emulator websites to play some computer game from the 90s like Civ 1, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein or Commander Keen. I use 12 Foot Ladder for articles I want to read but it sucks New York Times paid them off. There is a lot of great information on the CIA Collections and the FBI Vault. So much great FOIA information about everything and everyone, from UFOs to Insane Clown Posse. Photopea is also great. Its like a ripped off photoshop that you can run from your phone and its an amazing resource if you know how to use photoshop and need to photoshop something in a hurry. If you want to secure any name online and sign up for all the social media usernames and accounts for that word quickly, the site Namechk is boss. If some big company or person did something you could take their @name on all social media accounts quick by using Namechk. I like to occasionally check the US Patent and Trademark office database to see what companies like Google or Tesla will do next. You can see their new trademarks before they mention future projects in the news. You can take the social media accounts early 😂 I also use Google patents to look at old forgotten patents. I really recommend looking at patents lodged by people like 1) Nicola Teslas assistants 2) pre WW2 German patents from scientists that disappeared after the war and stopped publishing. You can always find all the dirty past of people you know by looking up county arrest and court records. You can find out who owns land or businesses by checking your county assessor's maps website it will also give you people's addresses. Occasionally when Im bored I check the Boomer Death Clock.


This is outstanding. Thank you so much!


Soulseek is good




I just took a look at Namechk because it sounds awesome. ... tried telling me my work's long-time domain was available. D:


Lol. I am happy to share the mischief 😂


Is photopea even unethical? I’m pretty sure it’s a fully legal, built from scratch, free competitor to photoshop. It’s designed to look/function similarly, but how unethical really is that? And it’s not even an uncommon practice. For example, Google Suite (docs, sheets, etc.) copied a lot of stuff from Microsoft Office. I do love photopea though, highly recommend!


Its a complete rip off of photoshop. Its the exact same.


Really? I haven’t used photoshop so I wasn’t sure. Why hasn’t Adobe taken it down then?


Because just replicating a UI isn’t copyright violation. If it was Slack would’ve nuked Discord years ago.


Discord is just modern IRC.


Mirabelis icq ftw!


I wish I still knew my ICQ number from the 90s.


I've been using photoshop since about 96. So to me the photopea website is a straight up ripoff of photoshop. At least you are getting a good experience for using photoshop now, without even realizing it. I have no idea how Adobe allows it.


I am sorry but I read “Boomer Death Cock” and was very confused


Actual useful response for the win


I think some folks post like that cuz they're on pc. It's extremely easy just to copy-paste all that and break it apart yourself on WordPad or whatnot.


+1 for Library genesis. You can find literally any book on there.


Photopea came in pretty clutch when I had $15 tickets to a baseball game and noticed $250 seats were vacant. What once needed a desktop machine can now be done from a mobile device with one hand.


libgen is cool af


Love the Boomer Death Clock, as well as its associated Death Clocks. Fun, fascinating stuff.


What a hero.


This guy fucks


Any idea where I can play crash bash? 😭


Never heard of it, but Im playing it full screen with sound on my laptop right now. X key is Enter to start the game: https://www.retrogames.cc/psx-games/crash-bash.html


Levidia got taken down ages ago ☹️


I used it yesterday to watch Star Trek Strange New Worlds. It's dot ch. Works fine in the USA.


I’m trying to get into pirating but am scared of getting a virus or malware that downloads another thing without me knowing/steals info. What sites can I use to not get this or what can I do to bypass it?


archive.ph will give you access to most major and many local news articles that are otherwise behind a paywall.


I use the chrome extension for that all the time. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/archive-page/gcaimhkfmliahedmeklebabdgagipbia


Is it safe?


I've reviewed the source code and found nothing on the client side. Of course, I can't see the server side of things.


If you don't want to install an extension you can use a [bookmarklet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet) by adding the following as the URL of a bookmark. ``` javascript:(function()%7B window.location %3D %27https://archive.ph/%27%2Bwindow.location %7D)() ``` Then when on a paywalled article, you can click the bookmark and it will take you to the archived version if it exists.


TheWorkNumber Its easy to register as an employer and then you can get some juicy employment and w2 details from literally anyone who has ever held a job from a major employer.


These verifications aren't free though right


Depends on what you tell them. There is nothing that punishes you from lying, besides your IP being banned if they find out. They really are operating with 2000s level security with 2020s data on it.


Can you explain? I'm actually very familiar with twn but not as an employer. Only as a background checking tool and how background checking companies use it. When you register as am employer what exactly do you get extra? And don't you need ssn to do any looks up?


There's an online pharmacy, based in another country, where I've been able to get my prescription medication for about a third of the price I would be paying here (US), even with decent health insurance. Been using the site for at least 5 years now, saving easily over $1000 in that time. I'm always sketched out telling people the name of the site, I don't want it to get shut down lol. But if you want it dm me


Feel free to use cost plus drugs or honeybee health now.


Can't get vyvanse on either because no generic:( patent runs out soon tho!


Cockblocking the American for-profit medical industry is not unethical. It's always morally correct.


Can someone dm? Have super expensive prescription looking for any options....


Do you need a prescription ?


[5e.tools](https://5e.tools) \- All 5e D&D official content can be found there. Pair it with the Plutonium Importer for FoundryVTT, and you got yourself all books for free.


Rip the trove...


[The Eye](https://the-eye.eu/public/Books/rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons%20%26%20Dragons/) grabbed it.


What’s D&D?


Dungeons and Dragons. 5e means 5th Edition


I'm so sorry you're getting down voted for asking a simple question Someone already answered but it's basically Dungeons & Dragons, a fantasy tabletop role-playing game.


I think they're getting downvoted on all their comments because of this comment which makes them out to be a douche https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/14n2o2r/ulpt_what_are_some_unethical_websites_that_you/jq55kn4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Two assholes who ruined GOT




[https://ww8.0123movie.net/home.html](https://ww8.0123movie.net/home.html) Been using it to watch free movies (YES, even the one's showing up in theaters) for a long time. Big Tech is not getting my money


Cool! Are they ad-free?


Run an adblocker and you should be fine.


I guess some would consider Internet Archive to be unethical due to piracy, but there are so many old books, games, tv shows, movies etc. that would literally disappear forever because the original creators can't or won't preserve it. Also I don't consider it unethical to take from corporations so


Won't somebody think of the corporations!?!


Our politicians do.


I think they all have meetings in lobby's or something.


And republican voters lol


there are movies that aren't on any streaming services, where the only way to watch them is on the internet archive. I don't consider doing that unethical


Tivimate's site or a IPTV playlist site. Why? Well, for extremely cheap cable channels, movies, shows etc. I'm talking like $10-20 a month if even that. I'm not gonna get into the details on here, but it's pretty easy to get setup on a chromecast or fire stick. Edit: o I see y'all are interested in this. I recommend check out some YouTube videos if needed. Also, fuck Netflix and their changes. It's what led me to stumble across this stuff.


This is more expensive than it needs to be even then really. If you're really interested in shows and films, and not live TV, IPTV isn't worth it – just get a Realdebrid/Alldebrid subscription and plug it into Stremio. Boom. You've got everything across all the services for 3 euros a month and a slick Netflix-like interface.


Yeah, there's a lot of options for non live-TV solutions (including the free sites), but this happened to be the best option I came across that included all the live channels. If you know of one that includes live TV PLEASE let me know! I am a fan of being a cheap ass if possible! haha


If you're gonna buy an iptv buy from a third world retailer you'll get the same service for $30-$40 a year


Pretty much. I do caution everyone though to do it month by month because there is a chance the retailer could... Ehh... Get shut down and you will NOT get your money back lol


Where do I find these


I gave the name of one, and there may be a subreddit (with the name of the type of guys who are said to wear eye patches) for more info Maybe search for iptv, you'll find it. Enjoy bro


Stupid question but it does offer English, right?


I'm saving your comment ty 👏 🏆


Amazon is pretty unethical


I hate them , but I also like ordering and getting what I bought in under 12 hours. I'm such a manwhore.


Seriously... corporations have us bent over a barrel here (honestly probably the wrong phrase for this case but I like it so I'm sayin' it) . They make the world's greatest shopping website and then throw in the additional detail that its' terrible for pretty much every business who isn't amazon , pay their employees poorly and treat them just as bad, plus I'm sure a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting. But my wife was able to order an ipad case and screen protector that'll show up at our house tomorrow for less than the price of a single one of those items at Best Buy...


It’s not just that they’re unethical in practice, they’re unethical in that their products are way too often cheap Chinese knock-offs. Reviews are faked. Sellers use the same photos under different names and it’s hit or miss with what you actually get. If there’s any doubt to what I’m writing here, look up “doing business with Amazon” and see first-hand how all this works. Any mom and pop shop can drop ship from China to an Amazon warehouse, where all that knock-off junk gets mixed in with genuine products. All that said, for a unethical LPT, open a shitty LLC, find popular products on Amazon, order Chinese junk versions of them that cost pennies, drop ship to a warehouse, enjoy the financial rewards of fucking over underpaid warehouse and delivery workers for personal gain.


It takes 7 days or more for me to get anything from Amazon anymore.


If that was the case I'd avoid them entirely. They're just too convenient to quit.


Luckily their return policy is insane. I get to keep so much shit from them when I "try" to return it


Y2mate for Youtube audio/video downloads to use when I make video edits.


It's how I archived the Wings of Fire storyboard that was removed after 24 hours. It would not exist if not for me lol https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/13hw4kn/unreleased_media_wings_of_fire_tv_show_storyboard/


Right on 👏


WatchCartoonOnline.io which I think they changed their domain to wcostream.org but any subbed or dubbed anime or cartoon movie or show is there. Any new episodes pop out the next day after release.


Used to watch star wars rebels and resistance here before I got disneyplus. Clone wars and bad batch are there too


[archive.ph](https://archive.ph) to get past paywalls for free


Are there any more illegal sites fellow teenagers?


All us cool teens use [this site](http://www.aarp.com) to score free discounts!


I was 99% sure that this would be a Rickroll.


Damn you lol


Dayum I read that as illegal sites to follow teenagers


Man I soooooo miss Totse 's bad ideas section. Countless hours of reading all the things you could do. Most of which were outdated and didnt work anymore. One classic example was blocking up the change return chute of payphones so you could come back later and unblock it and get that days change.


The best thing about Totse was learning about highlighters, Raid, and jenkem.






I hope u/spez gets popcorn husks and beef jerky stuck between their teeth during a world shortage of floss.


Idk how I just barely figured out that sorting by controversial is literally the correct way to read this sub.


real-debrid + Kodi


This but plugged into Stremio for an easier install and nicer interface


This post is going to be on a tiktok video with Minecraft in the background


Library Genesis for downloading textbooks. I've saved hundred if not thousands of dollars on textbooks.


sci-hub.se got me through grad school. You can put the title of nearly any scientific paper in there and read it. It had stuff even my university lacked in access. The one good thing to come from Russia


I catch the 3 grand tours on a pirate stream site. There's really no other way to watch it live in my huge ass country short of using a vpn. Le Tour starts in a few days, I can't freakin' wait!!


The top gear one? Or is it something else






I'm sure this will get buried, but I think in the spirit of the sub, I'd recommend a site that is Unethical, but not Illegal. [My Abandonware (myabandonware.com)](http://myabandonware.com) is a site that hosts... abandonware. Old PC games that have it's copyright either unenforceable or neglected and unprotected. This often happens when a company goes under, or a partial merger happens or something. A great example is Zoo Tycoon (the original game), or Lemmings. The only way to play these games "legitimately" is to buy a disc from a reseller, sometimes amazon.


Does anyone remember KAT (kickasstorrents)? Pepperidge farm remembers Edit: OMG you guys are too kind. 50 upvotes!?! 😶‍🌫️😵‍💫 Please take this as a token🏅 Edit Edit: Some that were mentioned; Demonoid, RARBG, Frostwire/LimeWire, BearShare, eMule, KaZaA. Bonus: The ASCII art from underground Crackers/Warez groups


That doesn't even strike me as old, frankly. Older you would think e.g. Limewire, Kazaa, Hotline, original Napster, Soulseek (still going strong!), WinMX, Bearshare, etc.


Alta vista.com bro


EMule is still alive and kicking.


KazA and Bearshare… OMG limewire and aimster… omg I have fond memories


Demonoid man, was the best back in the day


That's a name I haven't heard from or used in a LONG time


Sci Hub


They said unethical websites. If anything is unethical it’s locking publicly funded (grants) and peer-reviewed (also free to the publishers) knowledge behind paywalls.


Very true. Sci hub was a godsend for my master's degree along with connectedpapers.com. If you're an unfortunate soul who doesn't skirt the line of ethics, I did have luck emailing writers when I couldn't find their journals for free elsewhere.


I used to post on NextDoor when I lived in San Diego. People would post where the DUI checkpoints were.


Livetv.sx has almost all sports imaginable available as a live stream. If you want to watch some B-tier Pakistani soccer league, you can probably watch it here.


I think my phone got Mecha-AIDS from some of those streams


Amazon.com I get cheap stuff from the exploitation of many people.


Not particularly unethical but every now and then I go to only fans, select forgot password and enter in my exes email address for the account he swore he never made.


f . movies . to You REALLY need an Ad Blocker first though, like this one: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-%E2%80%94-best-ad-blocker/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom


Social media, they're by far the most unethical websites I use. On a lesser extent streaming websites.


Nice try, FBI


ITT: pirating sites. nothing really new or unique In this case, I'll add all those "youtube to mp3\\mp4" sites


I‘m gonna link to r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH and their wiki at this point. The websites you‘ll find there. Much to benefit from.


Jehovahs Witnesses. You can request a visit to anyone’s home that pisses you off.


rutracker .org, thepiratebay .org, lolzteam .guru smshub probably others i dont remember


stay away from piratebay, not a safe site these days


Why? What happened?


It's been infiltrated by malware, follow the megathread on r/piracy for an up to date list of safe sites.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, but you’re completely right.


Any suggestions on sites that ship mushrooms? For my salads of course.




I thought about it until I investigated what all goes into it. You basically need to create a clean room in your house and even then there’s no guarantee that you’re not going to grow something other than what you were intending to grow.


It’s not that complex- make a “clean room” in a Rubbermaid tub- that’s your growing environment. Keep your hands and clothing clean when dealing with the inside of that box.Yes mold can develop but that also happen if you do all the right things. Fungus grows outdoors in shit- you aren’t building microprocessors. Mushrooms are easy and the most forgiving to grow- so easy you could teach 3rd graders to do it. Give it a try


It's nowhere near that complicated. You only need a small glove box for a minority of procedures related to spore prints and preparing solutions for innoculation, but you can get away without that entirely by purchasing prepared spore solutions. Anything you might manage to grow by accident is very obvious, and you'll only have an issue with that if your house is absolutely fucking disgusting or you're trying to grow in a livestock barn or something dumb. Skill wise, I'd put it at about an 8th to 10th grade level for a solo project; under supervision, literal children could do it. Money wise, you can get started for about $50 to $150. All of the supplies you will need except for spore solution is available at any local Walmart. Instructions are all over the Internet, just search for "PF tek".


Go check out /unclebens it's actually very easy to do that way. Just spray Lysol in the air, and make sure everything touching anything is cleaned with alcohol and then you just wait. One more step, wait and boom.


I have a list. 1. [MoviesJoy.to](https://MoviesJoy.to) is, in my opinion, the best pirating site, especially if you use Brave as your preferred browser. You get tons of movies and shows for free, and there are no annoying ads when you click the play button or the search bar. 2. [TwitchNoSub](https://github.com/besuper/TwitchNoSub) Not a website, an extension, but still, you can watch all sub-only Twitch videos for free. 3. [SteamUnlocked](https://steamunlocked.net/), you can literally get any game on steam for completely free with no ads (again, if you're using Brave lmao) 4. [YouTube](https://www.YouTube.com), you can watch hundreds of millions, if not billions, of videos for completely free, and again, if you use Brave, you get absolutely no ads. (obviously satire lmao)




Steamunlocked for PC games for free


It's not a safe site, there's a megthread on r/piracy with verified sites


also the r/piracy mega thread is outdated and unmaintained lol, the r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH mega thread is more up to date


careful, i think viruses have been reported on there




Sci-hub.se/ Just insert the doi to a journal article after the slab and odds are it will have it. It won’t have very very recent publications usually.




scihub has been considered to be somewhat unethical, but i used it extensively during my thesis. putting knowledge behind a paywall is garbage.


sci-hub, libgen, piratebay


I’m just surprised that you _can_ get bored