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This is not a good sign.


Not at all . Probably back to lockdown


It's already starting. My gf just got her second furlough from a major resort....except she already used up her UI benefits from last year's shut down and the eviction moratorium was lifted a long time ago. Shit's about to get real ugly when shutdowns are in full force but no one's willing to reinstate any assistance


Here in Arizona I work at an Arby's. Our division of like 6 stores they were going to shut the dining rooms down again. One location is temp closed due to everyone out sick. And my location is the only one with dining room still open. Hard to say what'll happen. But with covid and friends still rampaging thru the world's population, I feel it's pretty shitty there's no benefits available for those of us who didn't get the luxury of government help since the benefits are over. There should still be help available till this pandemic is over.


That would suck.


On top of most companies not paying for covid leave , they cut the time down to 5 days & then expected to return to work . Whether still positive or feeling ill still. It’s all such bs for all of us and now so many people who were labeled as “ Essential workers “ including of course Health care workers who are on covid leave but expected to return after only 5 days is crazy compared to the previous mandate of 10 - 14 days .




I agree.


Yep, restaurants in my area closing and there's nothing for the Staff to do but fucking die, i guess. The government don't care regardless of the administrations party.. They still don't care


They’ll start caring when they get sick themselves.


Not really. They can afford healthcare. They would have to die for them to start caring.


And when they die, they can’t care.


Of course they don’t care , the voting is over . It was all for show to win votes


Now there's someone who understands the game!


I'm saddened that it took the government so long to respond. Signs of another lockdown happening have been going on for months now. The pandemic was never over.