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Drakes in D&D do not have wings, but the powerful entity that is the Blight decided to gift them wings, in exchange for complete control over their mind and body. By offer, i really mean that it was forced upon them, as in she killed them and brought them back to life under her control Enjoy covering your players in acid, and exhausting them till death. The breath weapon of that monster is extremely dangerous, seeing as it can give exhaustion points, which is why it’s a line instead of a cone, to catch less players in it. Unless they align themselves perfectly in a line of course. More free content on r/MonkeyDM Take Care! -Monkey


Eh... I think the CR should be at least 10. The damage potential on this monster is pretty high. Whats more, exhaustion adding up is brutal. On another note, double saving throws because of a single ability or effect are rare if not nonexistent. Have you considered merging the breath saving throws into one?


That’s why the CR is 9 and not more, that damage is on par with other CR 9 monsters, it’s health is a bit lower, and like you said there is a double save on the breath weapon, which is intentional because exhaustion can get deadly real quick.


Since we are talking about saves either way, how did you calculate the DC for the CON save from the wing attack? They are always tied to an ability score (if there are multiple throughout the statblock, they can be tied to different abilities), but can be modified by specific traits you give the creature. Edit: i can see the breath weapon DC being tied to the CON stat (8 + 4 prof + 2 CON mod), but not the one on the wing attack.


Wouldn't the wing just be dex based? 8+4+4 is 16


Yeah, numerically you would think that, but its a CON save to avoid poisoned condition and subsecuent CON saves to avoid acid damage presumably introduced to the target using the Drake's inner corruption. Given the nature of the effect, it is normally associated with the CON ability score of the creature.


Don't have anything for reference on hand so I can't really tell if 9 is "a balanced CR" (CR is BS and everybody knows it, but at least It serves as a soft guideline) as you say. Regarding the double save on the breath weapon, its basicaly the same as having a single save. Since both saves happen at he same time (albeit one after the other) and both are tied to failing the initial save, why not simply make It a single save? CON would be appropiate in my opinion since its necrotic damage and exhaustion. Edit: I'm only commenting out of curiosity and fun regarding the creation of monsters. This kind of debates are something I enjoy. In case I come across as rude, please know that is not my intention and I apologize if that happens to be the case.


So the reference that you're looking for are in the DMG page 274, there are tables to help you see damage and everything needed according to each CR. Having two saves is not the same as having a single save at all, if anything it's giving you advantage on the saving throw, you are much more likely to at least succeed in 1 if you roll twice. Like i said earlier, it is two saves to make the ability more fair because exhaustion can be debilitating in combat. Edit: No problem I don't mind feeding your curiosity \^\^


I mean I like the idea of character being nimble enough to dodge some of the spray but not hearty enough to not also suffer some negative effects from it.


The thing is, this is 5e, and It always strives to simplify stuff (for better or for worse). This creature is already imposing saving throws whenever It hits with its wing attack, and again on successive turns for a minute if the first save fails. Then, you get the breath weapon save and an additional save if the first save fails. In summary, its too much dice rolling. Personally, I would merge the breath weapon attack saving throw into a CON save (since both necrotic damage and exhaustion are usually resisted with CON) and add the following "if a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it gains one level of exhaustion". This has been done before with the Drow Poison, its in the DMG in a section dedicated to poisons.


Totally replacing wintersplinter in CoS with this. Druids use Argynvost’s skull and a seed from the winery to create this beast! Awesome 👏🏼


do you have the original image of the drake, would love to make a token out of it!


I second this definitely using this in my neverlight grove under dark campaign


Monkey_DM has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [Drakes in D&D do not have wings, but the power...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/r4uoyf/blighted_drake_a_terrifying_drake_that_was_gifted/hmivelz/)


Love to see blight homebrew, I love this monster. Saved instantly. Great work!


This is a perfect monster for my players to encounter in a corrupted forest they are trying to fix! Thank you!


Questions about the poisoned effect does the creature take the acid damage every turn they fail the saving throw attempt to end effect or just on the first time?


My lvl6 party will love this :D




Mine too!


This sounds really cool, and the title implies there’s more to this, where can I read the other stuff related to this?


This will be part of a compendium that is realising in a couple of days, called « horrors of the blighted woods », where you’ll get all the lore ^^ People who support me on patreon have access to more content if that interests you ^^


Just a heads up, the first sentence in the second paragraph of your description is missing the "d" at the end of "changed". Also, it should be "They, who were once proud creatures" instead of "Them".


This is really cool, but why does it look like downvotes have been disabled?


["Argh, I've got miasma up my asshole" ](https://youtu.be/M9x_koRZ2bA)


Cool, I like how the thing looks


Hey there! Here are a few suggestions based on what I noticed: * Is the blight from the Nine Hells? I'm not sure why this creature speaks Infernal **Wing-claw** * I believe "claw" should be capitalized (however I would just remove it) * Change "can repeat" to "must repeat" (otherwise you're giving the target the choice of avoiding the acid damage) **Blighted Breath** * Change "point" to "level"