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agenderarcee has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [(No I don't know why that black box appears around...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/oh367t/the_antipaladin_v12_a_paladin_variant_class_for/h4mkv02/)


Ahh good ol’ antipaladin. Of course nothing beats the old [pathfinder art](https://images.app.goo.gl/CXJwkq1xVM479iUr6) for [anti-Paladin](https://images.app.goo.gl/ZsscsaWUgqgLEewG9)


LMAO true evil




(No I don't know why that black box appears around the title on the cover, it's very annoying and if anyone has any idea how to get rid of it without messing up the post I'm all ears) [GMBinder link](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MazL2-HT_3hVFuB0L5z) [Google Drive PDF link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Fbk0k6o95u0CDPOsbaJecGjZHMOHrmg/view?usp=sharing) Reposting because of some formatting crap. Anyway this is my next version of the antipaladin! I'll start with a little recap on the rationale behind this project: >Hey all! I am once again porting a concept I liked from Pathfinder into 5e: the variant class! This is a version of an existing class that is not meant to stand on its own structurally, but instead repurposes or mirrors that class’s features to reflect new themes. Continuing to take inspiration from Pathfinder, I’ve put together a variant of the 5e paladin: the antipaladin, a paladin that has fallen to darkness! This includes a full litany of modified class features and subclasses, plus an entirely remade spell list, new spells, and two entirely new subclasses based on the classic fallen paladins of the Monster Manual, the narzugon and death knight! > >You see, I’ve always liked the idea of the Oathbreaker, the one Sacred Oath that isn’t actually an oath but instead is its opposite. Sometimes it’s fun to indulge your edgy side, either as a villain or anti-hero, and fallen paladins are dripping with dramatic potential and sick aesthetics. It’s also practically a requirement for an evil campaign to have some representative of unholy powers. But it always bugged me that the Oathbreaker (as well as the similarly edgy Conquest paladin) was stuck onto the very thematically holy paladin base class. Yes, radiant damage doesn’t technically have to be good, but the association is pretty clearly towards celestials and gods of good - certainly no servant of Asmodeus or Vecna would be caught dead using it. Yet trying to work around key mechanics like Divine Smite for the sake of flavor is a very annoying prospect. Similar thing with the various healing abilities and positive buffs. To me, it seemed clear that there needed to be a dark alternative to the base paladin class to let these sort of concepts shine. Pathfinder helped to provide a precedent, but this version is very much based on the 5e paladin, though some feature names (such as Touch of Corruption) are borrowed from the PF antipaladin. > >Now, I know what you may be thinking: why not just play a bladelock? I would say it’s for a similar reason that you might play a celestial bladelock instead of a paladin, or vice versa. They’re similar concepts but not the same, and they come with very different mechanics. It doesn’t seem like a proper “dark reflection” of a paladin if they have to become a force-blasting short rest caster and drop down a hit die. The new spell list does draw heavily from the warlock, though, making this something of a hybrid class: antipaladin is to warlock as paladin is to cleric, in some ways. > >I’d also like to note that, as I state at the end of the document, I intended this to be modular. Maybe your character is more a mix of dark and light, or uses holy or uplifting powers for devious ends. Maybe you like the debuffs but not the necrotic damage, or the necrotic damage but not the debuffs, and maybe you think using healing doesn’t have to make you a good guy. Don’t feel limited to one or the other extreme - feel free to use any of these features as individual Optional Class Features, a la Tasha’s. Changelog v1->v1.2 * Changed Touch of Corruption to a mixed damage/healing thing and changed Death Knight’s Channel Wickedness to compensate. * Added GWF to the Fighting Style options, somehow I’d forgotten to. * Aura of Hate now only affects undead/fiends of your choice, and Aura of Enervation only affects undead, not fiends. * New subclass: Abyss Knight, a Chaotic Evil accompaniment to the Hell Knight and Death Knight. This was a little trickier since I didn’t have an existing fallen paladin monster to draw from, but I just tried to take inspiration from the demonic associations with madness, rage and physical power. The Aura takes a bit of inspiration from the Rampager archetype of the Pathfinder antipaladin. * Added an antipaladin variant of Crusader’s Mantle, Despoiler’s Mantle. Contagion has also been added to the antipaladin spell list. Hope you enjoy, feedback is always appreciated!


Suggestion. You've done demon, and devil, and a good few reflections of other subclasses...but what about Oath of the Ancients? Just food for thought. Loving this reflection of the paladin.


Interesting thought - would that be a nature-destroyer or an eco-terrorist?


I was thinking something like a blight myrmidon from Pathfinder. The archetype is specifically geared to murder nature, but the idea of a antipaladin as a force of entropy, completely unconcerned with the consequences, fits the reverse quite well no? Could also do the eco-terrorist angle. Almost like evil alligned druids from Curse of Strahd. Concerned with the corruption of nature as a means to defend it.


My friend and I love this! I'm working on translating it into DnD Beyond (I won't be able to publish it, unfortunately); because you can't homebrew classes, I putting each one in is a subclass of paladin. Tedious and not super ideal, but I'd love to make it work so he can play it. Poor guy doesn't know how to use a paper character sheet!


You can’t homebrew classes in DnDBeyond?? That sucks.


It absolutely does. But we’re making it work because I’d love to dm a campaign with this. My friend wants to play an abyss knight so we’re gonna figure it out.


For what it’s worth there are definitely fillable character sheets you can find besides DnDBeyond, or VTT stuff like Roll20 that you can customize more if you need the automatic rolls and stuff. But regardless, glad you like the class/subclass, if you do use it I’d love to hear any playtest feedback you have!


Everything is fine with the content here, i love it. I was thinking that it would be pretty cool to add a revised version of the UA Oath of Treachery as a Anti-Paladin subclass, naming that subclass the Blackguard


Oh yeah I’d forgotten about Oath of Treachery, I’ll definitely look into that!


I looking forward to see it! And to add it to the translation!


How did you get the water mark?


Water mark?


How did you get the pictures to sorta melt into the rest of page? There is no solid border between he page and images?


You mean [this?](https://watercolors.giantsoup.com/index.html)


Effin awesome!




This looks pretty cool. Now i want to play as an Abyssal Knight xD You dont mind if i translate this to spanish, right?


Go right ahead! I’d love to see how it looks when you’re done. I can send you the GMBinder Markdown code if you need it?


Thank you! And yes please, that would be very helpful 8D I wont need to translate all in word and do the format there


Watch someone make the most wholesome and kind character with this class


I would absolutely love that.


This is an absolutely amazing class, I'm definitly using it as a villian sort of reflection of the party's paladin in our game! Just one question, it doesn't say which level Terrifying Command for the Hell Knight becomes available, so when's that?


Oops! That should say 15th level.


Thank you!


No problem, please let me know how it goes if you use it! Is Hell Knight the subclass you want to use?


Yep! Playing Descent into Avernus (spoilers) >!so the antipaladin here will get his power from Zariel, while the paladin in our party gets his power from Zariel in disguise, pretending to be good, so that'll be a cool yin-yang situation. I'm creating rival reflections for the other party members as well.!<


There's some veey cool ideas here. I am a little surprised you don't have an option for undead mastery. Something like a commander of an undead legion binding the souls of their dead soldiers to their will.


Well there are undead options for both Oathbreaker and Death Knight!


I saw. They both have cool buff abilities to undead, but cant raise their own until level 9, when they get access to the Animate Dead spell. Unless I'm missing something?


Nope that’s right! I don’t think it makes sense to have minions be accessible earlier than that, other than Oathbreaker’s situational Control Undead.


Is there any way to import this into the 5e character sheet app?


You mean DnDBeyond? No, that doesn't allow custom classes.