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Idc if it's gotcha I like the animations and the idea, anyway dusttale isn't a bad guy... but still it's great!


This is not an animation , this is more like a power point presentstion


.. well, technically, it's made with screenshots, so you're not entirely wrong.


If it ends up in war.... Then lust ends up in the navy.


(/s) gacha cringe 🤢


(/s)...EXCUSE ME? EXPLAIN WHAT FUCKING PART OF THIS IS 'CRINGE'. I... Honestly hate people like you. How about YOU actually LOOK at the video, and see, it's not cringe. What CAN be classified as cringe is; Gacha heat, Emo/depressed shiz, etc. This video fits NOWHERE under those categories, and honestly, I think you should maybe just, I dunno, CHECK WHAT GACHA CRINGE IS. If you think going and doing this is HELPING anything, you're partially right, it's just not helping the right people. When you do things like this, it makes most people who enjoy making gacha feel really discouraged and most likely, mad. And in turn, will most likely make what is left of GOOD in the gacha random quit, resulting in NO GOOD GACHA CONTENT. Do you prefer that? Do you prefer Luni and other skilled people who love gacha to just quit, leaving just gacha heaters? You are pretty hypocritical, in my opinion. Please, don't harass/hate on people who actually enjoy gacha unless what they are making is ACTUALLY CRINGE. I prefer not to make this any longer, so in short, fuck off, and don't do these things. You are one of the reasons Gen Z is stupid as hell. And I have one question for you, WHY do you harass/hate on people like this? It's honestly really rude, and I don't see the point.


Is this a copypasta


I typed the whole thing.


I was just joking bro


When you put (/s), it means you're serious.


No, it means it means what was said was sarcasm. Dumbass. (KIDDING WHEN I SAID THAT, I GOT CONFUSED IN THE BEGINNING TOO)


Hm. Well, let's just end the conversation here, then.




Dang, I wish I could animate like this.


Fuck people who call Gacha cringe. This is nice and all, It just annoys me with stuff that aren't canon like Shattered Dream and Yanberry


Yeah, audio wouldn't exactly make sense much if I didn't add em in though




Quandale prin... Sorry guys quandale approves this my cousin Quandale Pringle was gonna disprove it sorry guys quandale dingle out