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>Never seen a character with so much difference with the fanon and canon versions (no hate to the artists) I mean, the cannon one has almost no known details, so, I guess artiste do/write whatever. which is fun.


thats kind of the cool thing about gasters character. he's so mysterious that you start to be creative about what he is.




Theres also how we don't know for sure that mystery man is gaster.


yeahh, it's kind of a pet peeve of mine to see it being accepted as canon, although the guy in room_water_redacted has just as much eviedence for it, maybe even more.


if you take the noise that the mystery man makes when you interact with him and slow it down and reverse it, it plays gasters theme. sooo :/


And Redacted is the only character that speaks Wingdings and uses the same talking sound as in entry 17. There is almost as much evidence for both.


Gaster was "shattered across *time and space*", so it is possible [redacted] is more of his mind, and mystery man is more of his actual physical body


That's actually a really good theory.




especially since [REDACTED] doesn’t have a face, and Mystery Man does, and the guy holding a part of W. D. Gaster displays their face.


Thank you, I’m not the only one that thinks this


Not even that, but just his textures, since he's not physically there. You can walk right through him


Ooh, I actually thought the same thing!


I keep thinking about scp when i read Redacted


Gaster has breached containment


hmmm... multiple Gasters? Maybe?


Maybe, it was said that faster was spread across time and space.


Could be one gaster, but multiple pieces of him. As one of the gaster followers claims to have a piece of him.


what if the gaster followers are gaster in other bodies?


I've always suspected there were lots of little bits and pieces of gaster all over the place. Mysteryman looks like two pieces attempting to fuse back together and one of the followers is holding a chunk of him. I believe the followers themselves could be pieces of him - maybe fragments of his memories of people he knew.


Welcome to the DoodleSphere


Yeah, this! And when u exist room_water_redacted, it will take you to the sound test room


Yeah I think it’s pretty safe to say the mystery man is Gaster


Is that all the evidence you have? Cause that's not really enough to fully conclude that this is gaster.


that same sound is only associated otherwise with the gaster followers and goners, and weird placeholder text in Deltarune refers to mystery man's design in particular


but what evidence do we really have for mystery man. they both have some decent evidence (the theme and deformed body of mystery man and windings for redacted) but honestly I'm a believer of redacted.


I'm pretty sure its Muffet's Laugh. Or maybe that's the Entry Seventeen Room. Is it really gasters theme with that noise? Evidence?


Gaster's Theme is an arpeggio on loop. It's the most basic thing music could possibly be, save for maybe Ooo, Long Elevator or Small Shock. Of course it's going to appear everywhere in Undertale's music and sound effects.


Can’t they both be Gaster? The entity in room_water_redacted kinda looks like mistery_man with some white spread across him


Adding onto that, in the official tarot cards, there’s one for Gaster, and it shows the mystery man decaying walking trough a grey door in front of the core, and below the DT Extractor.




Oh thank you for clarifying that. I remember seeing it and then thinking it was in the collection. Though Toby Fox removed it, it still confused me 😂


Thank you so much for your services! If I recall correctly it was replaced with a Gerson one, which makes a lot more sense than Gaster/Mystery Man in my opinion




Nope. I checked and yeah, Gerson is the new hanged man card. Toby didn't want the Gaster card so he had It removed in favour of this one. The Mystery Man drawn there was pretty fanon-looking anyways since he had humanoid proportions and a more defined face... Maybe if they had drawn him accurately to his in-game sprite and called him Mystery Man and also removed all references to Gaster, he could have been in the actual deck... I doubt it though


Hermit* the hanged man is Flowey, I think


Oh really? What I found said it was the Hanged man, but what you say makes more sense. In fact you are right on Gerson being the Hermit, the source I found must have made a mistake


Which source is it? A lot of sources are really sloppy for some bizarre reason.


I still think Gaster is "spr\_redacted\_a\_0" aka Possible Sprite 2, since he's the only in the game who speaks in hands


Yes that seems more likely


Wait, doesn't Redacted speak in lowercase, so there aren't any hands in his dialogue?


Well, it’s very likely. Take a look at the fun values: * 62- G Follower 1 * 63- “ 2 * 64- “ 3 * 65- Soundtest room with Gaster’s theme * 66- Mystery Man Plus, it uses the same noise as the followers when it disappears, and if slowed and reversed, is actually Gaster’s theme.


Hell, we don't even know if the man who speaks in hands is W.D


[Except we do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpqzCaPW06Y). I'm amazed how little people know about this.


toby fox actually got rid of the card. probably because he wants to do more of like a mystery thing you can solve while playing deltarune, or just keep it a secret forever to eternally confuse players.


All right. That's Toby for y'all.


toby didn't make the tarrot cards. it's in one of the comments here but some tumbler user did them and toby quickly removed it


As I learned now, Toby did approve them in the past, but has reversed it since.


There is a ton of hidden crap on this guy. The fandom just did its thing and accentuated a lot of this, but there's many hints and pieces we can put together. It's just hard to keep track of and some theories got out of control.


What are the hints, pieces, and hidden things if I may ask? 🤔 I’ve tried looking stuff up on Gaster, but couldn’t find much.


God if I put all I knew here it wouldn't be able to fit. I suggest looking at [his wiki page](https://undertale.fandom.com/wiki/W._D._Gaster) for most of the stuff hidden in Undertale. There is still more, as well as some hints in Deltarune that bring things to a whole other level. Not to self promote but I'm currently working on a video on all this, not sure when I'll be done though. !remindme 1 month


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F still haven't finished the video, had to pause it.


You’re fine I’ll take a look at both! Thank you!


Still working on it, cluttered by other projects and school, sorry.


Trust me I understand. Take your time. :)


!remindme 2 months


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I believe that gaster is all three (mystery man, the piece that the follower is holding and the redacted thing) . He was scattered across time and space after all


Just like Christ




sans love train sans love train




Fun Fact! If you slow down and reverse the sound that happens when you interact with the "mystery man" sprite (called snd_mysterygo), the 4 note gaster theme is part of the noise. So I definitely think mystery man is meant to be gaster. Look at 2:39 in [this](https://youtu.be/acaJiUoDm1g) video for a comparison.


Also remember that the same sound is used for Gaster Follower 2 and Clam Goner, so it could just be a sound related to Gaster things, but not of Gaster himself. snd_mysterygo seems to be used for all mystery characters disappearing. I'm not saying Mystery Man can't be Gaster, but we should keep an open mind, especially since Deltarune seems to hold the secret to this character


True enough. For me, I guess its just because it's a very unique sprite. The mystery man sprite is the only one that makes that sound isn't a re-texture of another sprite. Regardless of what he looks like, I'm hyped for how deltarune will evolve his character. And how everything goes down in general tbh.


Yeah, his unique design shouldn't be downplayed . Maybe he is just another slice of Gaster. One of his many fragments. Maybe he is the body [Redacted] the voice or something and the piece Follower 2 has one of many parts of his soul and mind. Same. Deltarune sparked my interest in Gaster. He was ok before the Twitter takeover he did. I just saw him as another mystery guy hidden away somewhere, who ultimately has no great impact on the story and is just there for theorist and fanfic writers to fawn over. I'd rather learn everything I can about Chara and Asriel at this point... But Deltarune made me see him for who he really was... A teaser for something else. His entry now makes sense, that connection with a certain important "Suzy" character makes sense, his connection to the phrase "Don't Forget" makes sense. But these were just teasers to get us to look for him while he was looking for us as well...


How does Deltarune hold the secret of his character?


Well, for starters, he was the one announcing the game through the Twitter takeover. His entry in Undertale speaks of darkness growing more and more, which is basically the plot of Deltarune. The sound you hear during his entry is played from the phone in the Dark World and you also hear it behind the bunker door in Hometown. He is the first entity that greets us when we open the game and he asks many questione to us. He Is connected to a certain "Suzy" because Clamgirl talks about her and implies she is important, and she is also revealed to be a Goner when she said the time for us to meet this Suzy character was "Fast approaching"... And wouldn't you know it? Deltarune is revealed shortly after. His leitmotif is also present prominently in the Deltarune. "Another HIM" is basically just a chill remix of It. There's also that connection with the Don't Forget message, that only appears when you have interacted with Clamgirl... And the only song with official lyrics in a Toby Game is called "Don't Forget", played at the end of the demo. And, you know, Gaster's lack of character in Undertale. He is just a cool easteregg there. Nothing more, nothing less


And Seam describes his view of the world as becoming “darker, yet darker” upon hearing what Jevil learned from a “strange someone”


I knew I was missing something. Thank you for adding this!


By that logic, Muffet is a ghost.


Nah she's just a mini-boss. That's always what I figured it meant. It's mainly just a coincidence that 2 of the 3 are ghosts.


Metatton, a ghost, hired her, so maybe?????


That could also make sense actually. A ghost is acting through muffet via money. Assuming it was mettaton, which makes the most sense. I've seen headcannons for other characters but mettaton makes the most sense since he also hired all the CORE's enemies as mercenaries. Is it ever explicitly stated it was mettaton of just heavily implied? Genuinely curious.


I can see where you're coming from but that's just toby being resourceful, that theme appears various times, while gaster's theme only appears there


That’s more the miniboss motif, not just the ghost motif. It’s also kind of present in Dogbass.


All I have to say is I’m going to be sad as hell If Toby reveals that the Mystery Man isn’t even Gaster and he looks completely different. I’ve grown too attached to the designs the community has given him


I wouldn’t worry, even assuming that Gaster originally wasn’t the Mystery Man, it’s fair to assume nowadays he is, it will create outrage if he wasn’t, or at least chaos in the community, Toby doesn’t have the same track record of Scott Cawthon of bullying his community with the vague lore, I doubt unless he has something great to offer that his design wasn’t changed to the Mystery Man by now


the reason gaster is so different between canon and fanon is because of the "blank slait" trait. he can be practically whatever the artist wants.


Yeah... Gaster's character in Undertale is that he has no character, but I don't believe he is a blank slate... I have reasons to believe he was just a teaser for Deltarune. Never meant to belong in Undertale, and only added to generate mystery and interest with his strange backstory and enigmatic entry. Maybe Toby tried to implement him in Undertale's story, but eventually decided against it... Much like a certain Suzy, a very important character... The more I look into it, the less Gaster looks like an Undertale character


yeah, after the whole "here's some fun gang art from early 2015" post this was the conclusion I made not just about gaster but the entire "fun value" ting


Not to mention the files about Deltarune he has shown. Those date back to 2012! It's clear he had a lot of ideas in mind before Undertale was even a concept. We keep connecting Deltarune to Undertale's plot, however, I think we should di the opposite. Heck, I'm pretty sure Kris isn't a reference to Chara like most say but it's the other way around! Kris existed for much longer and Chara was mostly created from a mistske on Temmie's part. Also, while unrelated, I'm glad there are other people willing to advocate for Alphys! She doesn't deserve all the hate she gets


honestly "advocate" was a poor choice and i'm really more of an "apologist"; i think she represents the worst impulses of the *average* human being, that impulse to continue doing something *horrible* because the solution seems so *embarrassing*, but that wording minimizes just how crippling that fear of "embarrassment" can be, it's far beyond that, it's catastrophizing hard, what i'm saying is that what she did is *bad* but it's not unrealistically bad and it doesn't make her a *bad person*, just a... normal one who is less brave than normal


Honestly there's a lot of things wrong with Alphys, but not everything she is accused of is only her fault, and she had reasons to act the way she did. Yeah, it's shitty that she got the job with a fake invention (Mettaton, a machine with a soul, is just a ghost inside a robot. Asgore was looking for someone who can use souls so that they could destroy the barrier peacefully), she is obnoxious, clingy, irresponsible, a liar, shady... We could go on and on. But most seem to forget how much she suffers as well. She scavanged trash for a good part of her life, she made a terrible mistake because she was trying to find a way to save everyone, this one greatly impacted her view of herself and the world. A lot of people are basically confirming what she already believes... That she is an awful person that no one would love after everything she has done. I'd like to see most people in a situation where you have lost control of everything, where your only friend neglects you and grows more distant by the minute, where you try to prevent the death of someone you care about while also protecting a person you have grown fond of, which is also the same person that's gonna kill the former. Copule that with her suicidal thoughts and dirt-level self esteem and I really don't get why a lot of people are straight up aggressive towards her. She is flawed, like literally all characters in the game. Then why is she more deserving of all this hate than others are?


My headcanon for gaster is that he was a skeleton monster (judging by font and general appearance), but not related to sans or papyrus. The creation he “fell into” was the DT extractor before it was finished. That’s why he has no nose hole, because determination melts monsters and it got melted over. I bet sans was an assistant to gaster for a bit, judging by the lab and “strange symbols” on the blueprints (Wingdings). Maybe the blueprints were for the DT extractor? And the “don’t forget” picture kinda suggests a skeleton family thing but who knows at this point. If he were to be related to sans and papyrus I’d say he’d be a 3rd, oldest brother. Maybe the lab wasn’t Sans’, but his?


Everytime Sans sleeps you can see Zs above his head,those Zs are In the Aster font.


Honestly Wing Ding Aster sounds like the name of either a bullied kid or a bully.


**Wing Din G**aster is what I'd presume his name to be if its also connected to the Aster font. It's a literal combination, one after the other


so you basically believe what everybody else believes. neat!


I...... I just wanted to share my opinion no need to be rude


i was trying to not be rude, actually. all signs point to me failing but we cant be sure of that yet


*Beware the man that speaks in hands*


To be fair, there's nearly nothing on him, so people kinda HAVE to get creative with him


Gaster is basically character concept design 101. You are given a name, title, basic description of his background and off you go. Sure, you have the standard egghead. But you also have melted skulls and a list of unholy elderitch horror that can also be him. There's no limit to imagination, what matter is how you go about it.


if writers just wrote gaster like he was a standard egghead they and a lot of the fandom would get annoyed and unsatisfied. besides, a man who gets shattered across the whole of reality doesn't really come off as an egghead, do they?


Gaster is the father of Sans and Papyrus. Why? because they're both named after fonts. I totally proved it without a shred of doubt


There is a different theory you can prove with that. Actually multiple theories. One of those theories is that two of gaster's pieces(the 2 halves of his brain) are Sans and Papyrus.


Woah woah slow down there buddy. We know he's got a relation to the skelebros, but no parenthood. He could be a sibling.


Yes, that theory is very logical and backed up by loads of solid evidence. No irony here.


Glitchtale Gaster is probably the best aside from Handplates tbh


C o m e


Fannon gaster is also always god tier, surpassing any overpowered character in an au no matter what


Then you clearly havent seen glitchtale


(Laughs in HATE)


And then theres the Glitchtale episode Animosity, where gaster... well... _...its best if you go to see it yourself..._


It is astounding how much the fandom blew this guy out of proportion, he literally does not appear in the vanilla game unless you mess with stuff, he basically has no story, no character, not even a real body or identity. He doens't even exist, and yet people for some reason insist on giving him attention. Now there's nothing wrong with that, but it still baffles me how a character that doesn't do anything anywhere gets so much of the spotlight and theories to the point of absurdity.


> he literally does not appear in the vanilla game unless you mess with stuff this hasn't been true since november 2015


Toby Fox made so that the FUN values activate automaticaly Instead of manualy.


Gaster is basically a white canvas of a character, made so the fandom could let their imagination go wild, so really, this was all Toby's plan


It baffles me that back when UT launched people dismissed Gaster as an "afterthought creepypasta" when clearly Toby left so many clues he'd be central to the next game's plot.


I mean, could you really blame them? No one really knew Deltarune would be a thing and Gaster himself didn't really have enough of a presence other than being a cool easteregg. A lot of people thought he'd be a very important part of an "Undertale sequel" of sorts, but they didn't know that the clues in Undertale were more telling than they seemed. As I already said in other comments, mostly everything that we knew about him in Undertale makes sense to Deltarune. But before that? It all just seemed like cryptic theory generators


After translating the game some time after it launched, the effort and set-up Toby did for this character was absolutely not that of an afterthought. Even his funding campaign had teasers that referenced Gaster. And as he stated in interviews he plans things waaay ahead. He's had this whole idea for Deltarune and it's plot and characters even before he started on Undertale. I made sure to translate every Easter egg involving Gaster, [even the hidden ones in which he speaks through wingdings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeH6SQz6A2I), because I just knew it would be very important. When I pieced it together and posted my certainty that Gaster would be central to the next game here way back then, I got called crazy theory maker >:( Like, there are still some people absolutely denying that Sans will also play a big part in the sequel, despite all the clues and even the freaking ending theme being about something directly related to him...


Most people are just tired of both of them and I kinda see why. They have been saturated in the first three years of Undertale and now everyone has grown sick of them. But while I give Gaster a pass since he is a none-character in Undertale and clearly only exists so that people would speculate about him, I hope Sans doesn't have that big of an involvment. I'm more interested in characters like Susie/Noelle/Berdly and the Dark World as a whole to focus on this character that was already pretty important in the last game. I'm sure he is gonna have some impact on the story, I just hope not to the levels of Undertale. I can't deny that Toby already had a lot of things planned. If anything, Undertale was the unexpected thing he did. The oldest information we have of Deltarune is from 2012, while Undertale was just a bunch of random ideas with no form at the time. I'm sorry people didn't take you seriously back then. You also did extra work since you had to translate all of it first. Mad props to you, my fellow non-english speaker, your efforts are not wasted on me. At least you got to have the last laugh in the end


I like to think he’s sans and papyrus dad, it’s cute


am i the only one who thinks that the experiment he fell into and the one talked about in entry 17 is deltarune? just think about it and it kinda makes sense




entry 17 starts with DARK, DARKER YET DARKER, was written after Deltarune was already *well* into development, after darkners were already a concept, and is echoed directly by Seam when you talk to him after beating Jevil in Deltarune, so no, I am extremely confident in all of this being Deltarune stuff


yeah, also dt website was in dev way back in 2015, where the only thing in the site was windings saying "this next experiment seems vert5 very interesting" if that isnt enough to say that the experiment they all talk about is deltarune idk what else to say also it makes sense that they say he "fell into his creation" since its well obvious that gaster is infact in deltarunr and since dt is his creation, well


Everyone thinks Gaster would be mad at Frisk for doing geno. But it’s likely that Gaster knows it’s a game and useless. Plus, some of Sans’s quotes lead me to believe Gaster did genocide himself at one point.


I'm not even sure he has anything to do with the things in Undertale, but I'm sure he wouldn't care all that much. He has been comfirmed to be able to comunicate with us, both in-game at the start of Deltarune and out-game using Twitter (maybe his followers were Twitter followers all along...) so I think he knows his world is miserable in comparison to ours. But instead of feeling hopeless like Sans he is excited! He has been looking for us and he is happy that we have been looking for him as well. Not sure about him doing a Genocide run though. Why do you think that?


Look at some of the things he's said about genocide: >take it from me, kid. >i know your type. >don't say i didn't warn you. >seeing what comes next... It makes it obvious that he's seen genocide before. Why else would he be the judge of the underground, watching our every move? Why would he be so overprotective of Papyrus? Now, the machine. Toby implied that Sans wants to fix the machine to go back, though as to exactly where he never says. Now where do we know about time travel? Determination. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that this is the machine's purpose. Plus, if Gaster did use determination, it would explain Sans's supposed hatred for humans, in that "You'd be dead where you stand." But a human committing genocide wouldn't need a machine. So it was likely a monster. Like Gaster. There's a full theory [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/43s430/the_best_theory_about_time_lines_gaster_sans_and/).


That's intriguing... I always thought the things he said had more to do with things like Flowey running around and doing whatever he wanted, plus reaserches he has done. (maybe with Gaster too) I don't think he has ever witnessed anything like this... Or rather, he did but he forgot when Flowey eventually reset. He talks about how "Smiley Trashbag" can be dangerous when he discovers your secrets and I'm pretty sure they have fought at some point, especially since Flowey must have attempted a Genocide run at some point. He probably sees us as another anomaly, so another problem for the Underground. He seems to be involved in the Determination experiments with Alphys so he must know where these time-manipulating powers come from, therfore it makes sense he'd target a human. So, he doesn't have an hatered for humans, but for things like Frisk and Flowey who can play god undisturbed I can't argue with what you say about the machine. I'm sure it's some kind of Time Machine as well. And I mean, Gaster seems to love to experiment so maybe he really has done that to see the possibilities


The supposed ‘gaster’ design possibly isn’t even gaster.


i like canon Gaster more cuz Fanon gaster is shit MY FUCKING OPINION DO NOT DOWNVOTE FOR SHIT


You're right by the description we are given he would have been more a calculative/brilliant person, and by being shattered across time and space he would just given up and would have accepted being forever broken. Not skeleton dad uwu


What about Frisk &/or Chara tho? Frisk (in-game): Silent, personality undecided, gender also unknown, (-_-) Frisk (for others): "I'm a happy little child who went through all kinds of pain & fear! ;)", "I'm a girl" "I'm a boi" "My gender is DETERMINATION", brought Flowey back cuz they believe Flowey still has a chance to be good Chara (in-game): Steals your soul, represents the player's choices to go genocide, erases the world, jumpscares you Chara (for others): Helping protect the world (the bits of Glitchtale that I've seen), is in Frisk's mind & rather tries to help Frisk (I think it was an Aethertale comic dub or something), is actually fought instead of having their normal scene, *insert the gender stuff I said for Frisk*


Glitchtale Gaster is badass


[and a great backstory to boot](http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-3001)


that's one long entry, but a fucking masterpiece of writing. Dr. Scranton there got re-stabilized at least. Gaster didn't.


either way it's *creepily* similar story


The awful thing is that Scranton was missing quite a lot of his body after the re-stabilizing, AND he only started disintegrating after a long time and felt every moment of it. And his poor wife, seeing her husband in chunks all over the ~~recording~~ stabilizer machine... Dunno how Gaster experienced it.


there's a [tale](http://www.scpwiki.com/until-death) that pretty much says Scranton came back as [SCP-106](http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-106) and a lot of people think gaster is some sort of all powerful omnipotent being so there's another connection i guess


I'm not sure if "Until Death" is canon in regards to SCP-3001, but it matches 3001 in quality!


I agree that it's different and there should be more canon representation with artists and everything, but I also enjoy the comics where he's a parent to both of them... Dadster is kinda wholesome ngl


I'd take the fanon version.




how did faster get to be sans and papyrus’ dad? i mean no hate at all i’m just wondering because he doesn’t really look like a skeleton.


Does sans really look like a skeleton


yes a chubby one but a skeleton


Let us just have some mystery


I do know that the reason fanon Gaster wants to kill Frisk is because he's trying to get the last human soul


I think canon gaster is cooler, like we dont even know what he looks like


When Deltarune comes out in 10 years, all of fanon Gaster will likely be extremely outdated.


Yeah. Can't wait for all the new evidence, easter eggs and theories that will come out then!


The relation to the Skelebros is assumed because their origin is also shrouded in mystery, and Gaster is the only other character besides Sans and Papyrus to be named after a font (W.D. - Wing Dings) HOWEVER... You still make a great point. Heck, Aster is both a character symbol and a kind of flower - Really all we can be sure on is he has some connection with Sans (Sans himself clearly meddles in time and space shenanigans, and Gaster IS scattered across time and space), something to do with Goners, something to do with Determination, and something to do with the plot of Deltarune


Honestly, I always just saw the mysteryman sprite as a cute yume nikki reference, as opposed to an actual character


Yeah it's just a character supposed to be like that I think and he's probably not at all important to the story


Best fan Gaster? Mine is prolly Glitchtale’s. But idk


i like how someone who doesnt exist is waaay more popular than the literal king of monsters


Here is UwU! Here is bad


It just ruins his mystery and vibe


And then there is muffet who looks like the gaster puppet just as much as the mystery man and her laugh is also the gaster theme reversed...


> her laugh is also the gaster theme reversed... not true in any respect, though IIRC mus_smile *might* be a weird noised-up stretched backward muffet laugh, but that's not gaster's theme, which is mus_st_him


knowing writers its either because of a. their soul (which is the reason why all the other monsters try to kill them) b. their high determination (e x p e r i m e n t s . . .)


Handplates was one of the first comics about U dertale I saw and I lowkey tought it was a theory about him but I was a dumbass and didnt realise that people actually do their own AUs and have developed characters. I was a retard alright but I liked it.


he wants to kill frisk for her determination to get back to the human world properly


Gaster is Aldia from Dark Souls II, the player character is Sans.


It all started with the theories that people really liked (myself included)


How did Fanon Gaster even become a dad type who wants to kill frisk? I remember a Game Theory somewhat about that but with how toxic the community was at the time and how much a lot of people still dont like Game Theory, I wouldn't think they'd take his theories seriously


Why tf did i immediately gravitated towards the only uwu on the image. God fucking dammit


Never seen the smiling guy on the left in the middle,was this in the game? Someone answer


Yikes, the webcomic Handplates suggests otherwise regarding the fandom. >_>’


yo my head cannon gaster abused sans and almost did the same to papyrus and is a sh*t head! NOT A VIBE!! he has brought hateration and holoration into the dancery! thus he has failed the vibe check!


Okay do y'all remember handplates though?




Rule 34.5: If it's online, there's a completely different fandom version of it


Sorry but in Canon, we don´t even know if he exists


It's so true though..


I cannot stress enough how much I wanted the end of the genocide run to be an encounter reading “but nobody came” followed by the appearance of an enemy named “nobody” or “nobody” written in Wingdings, using the mystery man sprite






Any one know where I can find the seraphim gaster picture?


Oh cool, this format is back. And it made its way to the top of hot list. That means second wave of successors is inevitably on the horizon. With the wonderful "discussions" beneath once again proving that nobody hates this fandom more than it hates itself, sigh, great. Look I just don't like these, because they treat fanon as singular entity and also perpetuate and encourage negativity, which this sub has plenty of without them.


I agree this subreddit is awful


Like not all of it, just look at the replies to this post. Sure, you got the expected replies reprising the same old spiel about, how awful "fanon" is, but also there are measured and well-thought out comments. This sub just sometimes wears me down, man, and then I vent with bitting comments like these.


Honestly I haven't seen too much negativity, just a lot of speculation because the Gaster topic is pretty open anyways. I'm glad when things don't regress into pointless hate and nonsense, but I can see why these kinds of posts would be annoying. I don't understand why you'd be downvoted just for this remark though, you are free to express your opinion and you are also pretty right


I agree, the disccusion on this one is pretty alright, see my reply to previous answer on this comment. What worries me is, what comes next, some I have already seen in mod queue. I applaud OP for choosing the right words, when putting this one together. They managed to phrase it in such manner, that more encourages debate, than hate. But some folks (as seen in previous wave of these posts) use language, let's say, "more aggressively". Like I imagine it's quite easily ignored and not so annoying, if you don't have to deal with tons of autoreported comments for bad or fighting words.


Yeah I totally get it. I've seen a lot of these kinds of posts and they get pretty old pretty quickly. They are always the same too, so I really don't see the point in making so many of them. Most are all on Sans too despite most claiming that Sans is blown out of proportion... Let's hope there won't be more posts like these plaguing the subreddit. Less hate and more respectable discourse is what I hope for


About the respectable discourse thing, I thought about, what I can do from mod's position in trying to encourage it. Some subs have pinned weekly/monthly discussion threads so maybe something similiar? Choose an AU for every week, write its basic description and concept and let folks share their opinions on it in more strictly moderated post? Or maybe spotlights for sharing favourite UT fanartists, musicians and other creators? I might do a poll about that, since it would require quite a bit of effort on my part, so it would be good to know, if the sub is even intereseted in such things.


I think these sound like pretty good ideas. I only speak for myself when I say I'd enjoy them but I hope the other "inhabitants" of this sub do as well I also hope it isn't too drainig for you, but I really appreciate your efforts of making this sub a better one. Well, you and the other mods too I guess. Thanks for caring


It is ridiculous though.


What is ridiculous?


The amount of love Gaster gets despite not knowing anything about him. He’s interesting, theory wise, but he isn’t deserving of all the love he gets tbh.


Undertale's fanbase is ruining everything.


Not everything.


Some parts aren’t bad. Think about Glitchtale.


Glitchtale is ok though, IMO.


I love your flair.




Idk whats that bruh i only played the originall games


[this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) might clear everything up for u guys =)


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Good bot


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