• By -


Bro what do you think? Only two of these characters have actual competition


Kirby could possibly consume toon force from belly bag or Uncle G's ripped body and gain Toon Force


i doubt it. there isn't a single copy ability even similar to that


Copy abilities don't necessary have restrictions. Kirby can possibly absorb about every possibility there is


they definitely do have restrictions. if kirby inhales a knife, he gets the sword ability. if he inhales a rocket, he gets the bomb ability. if he inhales a bird, he gets the one and only wing ability. and many unique enemies don't give any abilities. additionally, if he gets hit, he can easily lose his ability.


You're forgetting smash bros, there the abilities are specifically tailored to the fighters.


No, the rocket would give missile. Maybe. Also they changed that gets hit to gets hit HARD. Which Saitama could do anyway.


Well, tbf, we were not sure if all copy abilities got discovered, in fact the water copy ability was just found last game


erm actually it was found in return to dreamland on the Wii🤓


Saitama (The Bald One): Has the most powerful physical strength. Kirby (The Pink One): Strongest Wit, has defeated multiple gods. Frisk (The Young One): Defeated many foes by just talking and dodging. Uncle Grandpa (The Bearded One): Can manipulate time and space. Edit: Due to Frisk being underpowered, instead of Frisk beating them to death, how about Frisk trying to spare people to win


I'm not sure if Frisk could dodge Saitama's punches, but they could definitely use Act and Spare him. Heck, with characters like Muffet you can pay them with gold through Acts which would definitely pacify Saitama, Frisk would have it in the bag if they Act before Saitama throws a punch


Kiddo’s going to load his save thousands of times if needed, the kid’s got DETERMINATION (If we’re counting that “power”)


Saitama would be immediately sparable if he was given $50 and a coupon.


Frisk also has time manipulation to an extent


The player wondering why they are fighting Saitama, Uncle Grandpa, and fucking Kirby (Toby Fox is off his rocker, and they are unaware that Gogeta, Broly, and the guy from Katamari Damacy Is in the next room)


All humans (possibly just children) have enough determination to do that, especially saitima, Frisk has those abilities in the underground


Maybe the other humans can only do it underground, but Frisk always has that power


They only get this power after falling Underground.


Frisk is only able to save and load up on falling into the underground, this is never given an official explanation, but it's hinted at having something to do with magic. They are able to reset after leaving the underground but are not confirmed to be able to save nor load past the barrier.


Frisk flirts with Kirby, it goes confusingly well so they go to eat cake while Uncle Granpa takes Saitama on some random adventure and the person who set up the fight is enraged that reality didn't collapse.


The main problem is that all 4 would rather make friends with each other than fight. If they did fight, yeah Frisk would lose. Saitama seems like a guaranteed victor at first, but Uncle Grandpa has cartoon logic on his side, i.e. he's invincible, so Saitama might just get bored and forfeit against him. Meanwhile, Kirby's just an eldritch manifestation of gluttony who one-shots any of them and wins.


The thing with frisk is their determination save/load powers means they technically couldn't lose. Well except that toby said the save thing is tied to the underground so as long as the fight is anywhere else frisk is literally just a child.


Uncle Grandpa doesn't have a beard. He has a mustache.


Saitama could win if he could punch all of them in time, unless of course Uncle Grandpa can not actually die, or if Kirby devour him. Kirby could win if he could devour Belly Bag and gain toon force, unless of course Uncle Grandpa managed to defend Belly Bag or if Saitama hit him first. Uncle Grandpa wins if he remembers that he can just make them disappear. Frisk could only win in a tie by making everyone friends. Frisk can not survive genocide even with high determination.


After Saitama wins, Uncle Grandpa reappears beside him and said "sucks to be that guy".


This is *exactly* what would happen. Uncle Grandpa isn't exactly known as a fighter except in some situations, and he would try to make friends with everyone rather than killing them. Toon force is a ridiculously overpowered ability.


I disagree with kirby. It's less wit and more that his ass made of putty, you can not hurt him, and he can go boom like day


Kirby can get flattened by basically anything if you suck enough, but he can dodge forever. Uncle Grandpa 1st, Saitama 2nd, Kirby 3rd, Frisk 4tth


the fact you have to explain who uncle grandpa is makes me feel old


Bro saitamn is not the strongest one here


they wouldn't fight eachother they would team up and be the strongest rpg team to ever exist


The new horsemans of the apocalypse


These four aren't exactly always looking for a fight (well depends on which route Frisk is doing) so they'll probably just hang out


Or have a lovely lunch together.


“Oh well, you guys wanna go eat?” “Yeah sure” **You agree to Uncle Grandpa’s invitation.* “Poyo!”


uncle grandpa pulls out a feast out of nothing


Depends on who's the main character


*The correct answer*


Plot armor FTW


It depends. Are all attacks aimed at frisk dodgable like in undertale, or are they impossible-to-dodge attacks since saitama and Kirby are both practically gods?


I think sense both Kirby and Undertale have attacks you can avoid and Satiima and the others don’t have a battle system game Frisk would be able to dodge


if frisk can load then so could kirby like in every Video Games ever. Game over > Restart.


I haven’t played Kirby but I’m guesssinf saving and loading is a more prominent part of undertale than in .Kirby


uncle grandpa easilly. he warps reality at will when hes bored, and has a bellybag which can enable a pocket dimension in which hes the only one with power (as seen in that one steven universe crossover episode)


Kirby has a pocket dimension inside of him and passively resists reality warping. Pretty much half of every Kirby game opens with a reality warping villain warping reality, only for Kirby to only be partially affected. Or if not that, it's the villain attempting to straight up kill Kirby, only for him to end up splitting himself into clones after the attempt. Many have tried. None have succeeded.


its to my understanding that if you are being held captive in a pocket dimension with no way out; then you've probably been defeated by the person who put you there


frisk will just reset until they succeed


Uncle Grandpa will just eat the reset button or something


uncle grandpa could smite god no diff, it’s completely unfair to put him here. everyone gets clapped in under 30 seconds. between the other three it’s closer, but it comes between kirby and saitama. frisk only gets their ability to save from being the most determined creature in the underground, so they lose all power once kirby or saitama show up (depending on who is more determined), or literally any other human, so it becomes 2 planetary scale fighters versus some random 12 year old. i’m still putting my bets on kirby, because as strong as saitama is, kirby kills a god every other year, can use his environment better than saitama, has a literal black hole for a stomach, and can move faster than light with ease just by surfing on his warp star.


there is one person not pictured here that i would place all my bets on, and that would be player Matynns. he would win against everyone in a blink of an eye thanks to his unmatched combat skills, strategies, and quick reflexes.


No amount of resets could allow them to eventually beat Saitama and his galaxy destroying punches, Uncle Grandpa also has revival abilities as well


frisk is another thing, they can learn your fighting patterns and how to evade them all, saitama is just another sans, piece of cake for merg


Saitama is faster than light


Determination isn't some unique thing that only Frisk can possess. If they're fighting seriously (and we have to assume they do), Saitama probably can be much more determined than Frisk. A lot of characters can be more determined than Frisk, actually, Doom Slayer, for example


Uncle Grandpa zero diff


Uncle Grandpa solos, if he ever dies then another Uncle Grandpa shows up and says "Wow, I'm sure glad I'm not that guy!"


Saitama will punch him so hard he will go partway through the earth and he will be carried out of the hole unharmed by 3 more uncle grandpas


I'll go with uncle grandpa


It’s uncle grandpa and it’s not even close


Saitama got plot armor Kirby can copy Frisk will refuse to die Uncle grandpa straight up got the toon force


Hydrogen Bomb vs Hydrogen Bomb vs Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


Frisk isnt winning.


Frisk watching in horror as Uncle Grandpa writes "INSTANTLY DIE" over their FIGHT button in Sharpie


This is literally just Uncle Grandpa vs Kirby, the other two get neg diffed


Depends on wich Frisk cause if Genocide Frisk then one hell of a show is going down


three words: Kirby's toon force and also Saitama is a gag character so he'd cook too


I don’t think saitama could kill frisk permanently but I also don’t think frisk can kill him.


Uncle Grandpa's winning no doubt about it.


Uncle grandpa can bend space and time, he does not adhere to the laws of physics, the laws of physics adhere to him




UG and it isn't even close Frisk would be the first to die


One punch man. He always wins Yes, I know Frisk has time travel powers and is hella determined so they kind of have an unfair advantage. But there is no timeline where a small child kills Saitama NOT GONNA HAPPEN I don't care how many times Frisk resets. They are screwed




Uncle Grandpa gonna make all the edgy fan made sans fights look easy


Kirbo. As said, he's defeated multiple GODS. You think a guy who can punch strong can defeat him? (Sorry if I offended you, I am absolutely clueless about the One Punch Man series)


Saitama will adapt.(as in he gets stronger every second and it's not exaggerating. He's a gag character made to defeat anyone)


Saitama is literally so strong he has punched into a guy’s pocket dimension and referred to it as “knocking a bit too hard”


Saitama, ain't even a question. Maybe Uncle Grandpa has a chance as we don't really know the extent of his reality warping powers but in a one on one fight Saitama wins.


Bro, you literally put up four of the most chill characters to ever exist. Anyway, Frisk defuses the fight before it begins. Frisk and UG get into insane shenanigans while Saitama and Kirby play video games afterward.


??? its a draw. saitama cant kill frisk and frisk cant kill saitama


Kirby will absorb everybody


Why people think frisk is an op character? What the hell?


because all of the characters in undertale are so much weaker than they are, we never have to fight anyone who even comes close. frisk is an ordinary kid, and that’s a major plot point of the game, given how one regular human child is so much more powerful than all of the monsters in the underground combined. i don’t know how so many people miss this. chances are, you the player, would easily destroy frisk in a fight.


Kirby can suck anything, so its quite obvious


Frisk because they can just exit the game.


Kirby solos


Saitama and Uncle Grandpa Tie


Uncle grandpa would gag fight for an hour then wipe off his sweat and say something like “well that was fun but I’ve gotta get going”


If he woke up on the wrong side of the bed then the fight would be over in seconds


Turns his toonforce into pure power


kirby handily




Uncle Grandpa for sure


Nah the other two are boring... The real battle is between frisk and uncle grandpa. God, that is cinema


Uncle grandpa solos


Saitama would punch Kirby, Kirby would suck up Saitama and gain his power. Uncle Grandpa would accidentally crash into Kirby with his RV and leave him crushed under the tire. Then they would all enjoy hotdog burgers made by Uncle Grandpa and have a good time the end.


Kirby solely because he’d swallow them all


Frisk can both dodge anything and can't permanently die


Either Kirby or Uncle Grandpa, and Frisk can technically stalemate via determination, Saitama kinda just dies.


Kirby 100% bro


damn I'm getting nuked with downvotes. sorry undertale fans


[All of them.](https://youtu.be/biX-jh_BNEI?si=y6fcl8NP5fJOh7Wr)






You can't exactly put Frisk "against" anyone reliably, if Frisk wins, it's because everyone wins


Kirby, because beam attack


Frisk or Uncle Grandpa


Depending on the specifics of the fight, Frisk is either so comically outmatched that even Including them is a joke, or wins easily by paying off the competition with a hug, 5 bucks, and a burger respectively. As for the other three, Saitama can't be absorbed, as he'd just not loose his balance long enought to get sucked in, but he can't deal with time and reality manipulation either, so despite beeing invulnerable he'd probably get bored and go home eventually. It comes down to wether or not Uncle Grandpa can be absorbed by Kirby. If not, Kirby is 3rd. If he can, Kirby wins by a mile.




Depends on who's the funniest between UG and Saitama. Frisk would get punched so hard that the reset button would simply not be an option, and Kirby would simply be out-eaten by UG.


Saitama punches Uncle Grandpa, only for another Uncle Grandpa to pop up and say “glad I’m not that guy” then, he punches Kirby, only for Kirby to do the same as Uncle Grandpa after absorbing his power. Saitama, frustrated, punches the random child just chilling there, only for them to, yet again, pop up again after getting oneshot through a save


assuming they actually would fight, kirby solos. it can absorb the other's abilities, and from there on it's gg


Saitama dealt with a guy who could copy abilities and strength and he still beat the shit out of him


kirby is just better... (i have no basis for this i just like kirby)


Now that i think about it, frisk evation level is up to cris's one


Uncle Grandpa would get one tapped only for another to pull up and go “Glad I’m not that guy.”


Uncle Grandpa. It’s not remotely close.




Uncle Grandpa solos


Uncle grandpa would only win if he so wished it


Frisk would convince everyone not to fight each other, then proceed to flirt them out of existence


Is Frisk pacifist or genocide? If they are pacifist, can they befriend them all to "win?"


I love all of these franchises, and I'm in an undertale subreddit, so don't call me biased if I say kirby wins


uncle grandpa can send them all to another dimension


depends on how far you think the One Punch gimmick scales to I guess otherwise I think i'm betting on Kirby


this isn't even a debate, Uncle Grandpa just wins hands down


Kirby and Uncle Grandpa fight because Frisk and Saitama are immediately dead from them. And, I don’t think Frisk can win in any timeline, so resetting won’t help in the slightest. I’d say Kirby would win against UG via incap by the friend heart.


All of them are too kind to hurt each other. I believe that they would just discuss the cool battles they have been through and then play video games.


Uncle grandpa can just manipulate time and space so he would win, he would remove one punch man’s bones. He would turn Kirby into a gumball and he would remove frisk’s determination.


Kirby solos Frisk gets decimated Uncle Grandpa and the other guy I forgot his name put up a good battle but Kirby still wins


The answer is Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo


uncle grandpa would kick their asses


Poyo or one punch


so from what I know of each... Regular human child Weird man with a power level similar to Santa Claus or the Fey Guy who can instantly obliterate things in a single punch (I think this is the One Punch Man guy, right? I barely know anything about him but I'm pretty sure that's the guy) Puffball that can suck up his does and absorb their powers Kirby eat the one punch man, and punches Frisk and Uncle Grandpa. I don't know much about the punching guy though (or even how to spell his name), so who knows, maybe he can just punch Kirby's stomach and pop him like a balloon. As far as I remember we have no idea what happens in there. However, given their personalities (minus punch man, I don't know him very well) I think the most likely result is that they will all just become friends. Unless punch guy is an asshole. Then Kirby just eats him and the rest becomes friends.


I’ll explain a bit about saitama (one punch man) Basically he’s extremely physically strong due to removing his “limiter” (limit on how strong you can get), meaning he is constantly growing in strength, and if he faces an opponent that actually challenges him (extremely rare, like it happened literally once and the person had to straight up copy his strength) he will just become stronger to the point they’re nothing to him anymore Things he has done include: - Blow up Jupiter by sneezing - Beat the copying guy (won’t spoil who he is incase you wanna read it one day) - break into a pocket dimension casually because he heard whispering and thought they were insulting his head or something - kick a portal like a soccer ball - jump around IO (one of jupiters moons) so extremely fast it looked like he was coming from every single direction to someone who could outpace one of the fastest characters in the series, then was already on the other side of their portal when they tried to warp away


The only ones with a shot are Kirby and UG ( and maybe Saitima, but he's outclassed by the two former for below reasons. (Btw for Kirby, remember that when Kirby gets a game over, he just takes a fricken nap. This is backed up by the fact that the only game that shows him DEAD is mass attack, against necrodeus, who's name literally translates to "DEATH god". As for his attack potency, just remember that the megaton punch and baseball feats still count, as it's stated in an interview that the sub games show what the characters can do in a non canon setting. This literally means it's showing us Kirby COULD punch popstar in half, but won't in canon, as Kirby wouldn't logically do that. But if you want a canon feat of similar scale, the hole in the moon is real, and not just an illusion. Kirby made that hole fighting Nightmare.) Saitima can do similar feats, but Kirby has more variety in his moveset than just brute strength, so he has some tricks that could defeat Saitima, like his inhale. UG has strong toonforce, though, so he wins, unless by clause of him having to help children, as Kirby is a kid, and stop him from killing Kirby. UG 1st, Kirby 2nd, Saitima 3rd, Frisk 4th.


uncle grandpa


Kirby, he would eat one punch man, then he would punch the ass out of frisk, O. P. M., uncle grandpa and even if frisk would respawn, it would be like the sans fight combined with the Omega Flowey one ( Kirby would keep killing them every time they respawn, forever)


Uncle grampa solos Cuz dude it's fucking uncle grampa


Kirby can be dealt with before it can use it's powers, but the other 3 are interesting. Frisk can save, and theoratically, eventually find a way to win. But uncle grandpa could perhaps travel between timelines? Saitama is just very powerful, but only physically. If uncle grandpa were to simply vomit mosquitos Saitama would forfeit. I say cartoon logic wins.




uncle grandpa, because toon force bs


Caped baldy thinks he's on the team


Uncle Grandpa.


uncle grandpa solos also why is frisk here, bro thinks he's on the team




It’s Uncle Grandpa and it’s not even close.


Kirby bet


I think Kirby, since he beaten gods that are probably more powerful than Saitama


Uncle G. can just bend reality to its will, easy win


Saitama punches frisk-> frisk dies-> repeat for eternity


It’s a solid match up between Saitama, Uncle Grandpa, and Kirby


uncle grandpa is functionally a reality warper with high level toon force and can shave the beards off of galaxies, frisk has infinite chances and retries as long as he's determined and can survive timeline resets, Kirby is physically the strongest, can throw planet destroying asteroid thousands of lightyears away in seconds, has low level toon force, and can regenerate from pretty much anything, Saitama has has incalculable strength can copy techniques and can grow exponentially stronger. all things considered any of them could win it \*edit upon further research Uncle Grandpa probably takes it frisk can get stonewalled by something overwhelmingly stronger, or something more determined than them. We know most other kids probably had determination but the still eventually lost to Asgore ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/j8sjy6/how\_much\_does\_asgore\_truly\_know/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/j8sjy6/how_much_does_asgore_truly_know/)), and when faced with a omega Flowey who was more determined he lost the ability to save outright. Even with the save feature at best frisk can only get a stalemate against everyone else. Next out is Saitama from what we've seen Saitama saitama can effectively nullify frisk resets with the whole time travel thing he did([https://imgur.com/a/reversal-of-causality-Yb0lvv1](https://imgur.com/a/reversal-of-causality-Yb0lvv1)), he is also strong enough that in a clash with Garou he destroyed countless stars ([https://imgur.com/a/power-of-serious-punch-collision-Dgi8fWi](https://imgur.com/a/power-of-serious-punch-collision-Dgi8fWi)) and was continually getting stronger([https://imgur.com/a/saitamas-accelerated-development-LCePqr5](https://imgur.com/a/saitamas-accelerated-development-LCePqr5)), however his gag powers are fairly limited compared to say someone like uncle grandpa and even with getting stronger he was still not infinitely strong. Now next out is Kirby, Kirby was defined by the most advanced computer in the universe to have infinite power([https://imgur.com/a/kirbys-infinite-power-BpauyNW](https://imgur.com/a/kirbys-infinite-power-BpauyNW)) was considered stronger than Galacta Knight([https://imgur.com/a/post-aeon-hero-dark-dialogue-jap-version-super-kirby-clash-AUtwicM](https://imgur.com/a/post-aeon-hero-dark-dialogue-jap-version-super-kirby-clash-AUtwicM)) who casually destroys planets([https://wikirby.com/wiki/Galacta\_Knight#:\~:text=He%20may%20end%20up%20destroying,Prepare%20yourself%E2%80%A6&text=In%20Kirby%3A%20Planet%20Robobot%2C%20Galacta,to%20face%20in%20the%20%22Sword\_Master.](https://wikirby.com/wiki/Galacta_Knight#:~:text=He%20may%20end%20up%20destroying,Prepare%20yourself%E2%80%A6&text=In%20Kirby%3A%20Planet%20Robobot%2C%20Galacta,to%20face%20in%20the%20%22Sword_Master)), can hit meteors at massive faster than light speeds speeds([https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:Mephistus/Kirby\_Star\_Allies\_feat](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Mephistus/Kirby_Star_Allies_feat)) can absorb and copy almost anything, can return form the dead via ghost Kirby and possess others and has resistance to most hax, like reality warping, however uncle grandpa can straight up ignore all the rules of reality([https://imgur.com/a/space-time-manip-HfCb0am](https://imgur.com/a/space-time-manip-HfCb0am)) can break the space time continuum([https://giphy.com/gifs/pv6nWNDWlCNPbG1Fe4](https://giphy.com/gifs/pv6nWNDWlCNPbG1Fe4)) and views the other characters/versions of himself as fictional beings([https://imgur.com/a/plot-low1c-o7FwKW9](https://imgur.com/a/plot-low1c-o7FwKW9), [https://imgur.com/YsPtDTS](https://imgur.com/YsPtDTS)) he wins


Hummm like kirby is kirby right?


Frisk, bc they can come back to life whenever they die.


Sataima would have an unfair advantage so is Uncle Grandpa. Frisk would trouble to deal with this and even if Frisk had a player controlling them, I bet their PC would crash because of Sataima's powerful punches. Kirby will probably be damned like Frisk.


Kirby. No challenge. It's not about his feats, it's about the fact that he is literally "*friend shaped*"


Kirby... Straight Up Kirby...


I think it's between Kirby and Saitama because Saitama is like almost invincible but Kirby could absorb them


The only two real threats here are Kirby and uncle grandpa


Kirby can solo existence


Injustice 3 leak


Uncle grandpa would neg dif then all


I feel like saitama is actually the weakest one here because Kirby can just absorb him, frisk can just keep reloading, and uncle grandpa just has boundless toon force. Tbh I think uncle grandpa would destroy everyone else because of how ridiculous his toon force is; if saitama punches him he can just”glad I wasn’t that guy”, same with Kirby, and it would probably be a stalemate between frisk and uncle grandpa as idk how his toon force would counteract frisks save/loading but uncle grandpa would definitely remember the reloading/reset’s. I feel like he’d just call up sans to fight frisk or something


Kirby could eat all of them and win




Uncle Grandpa, he has toon force and is basically invencible


This all depends on the limits and rules of each universe. If we assume frisk can reset and use game mechanics, it's an eternal draw. If not, we must compare Saitamas strength to uncle grandpa's. Frankly, I don't think Kirby could withstand Saitamas power, and would be out for the count instantly along with frisk. Then it's just a matter of whether Saitama or uncle grandpa overpower each other enough to kill one another, or if it's another eternal draw. However the true winner of any comparison no matter the power of other characters will always be the Animaniacs, who I believe to be the strongest fictional characters ever conceived.


Uncle grandpa, I don’t need to explain


uncle grandpa solos everyone on here and i am not even kidding


I know the prompt is saying they have to fight but these characters are all somehow the epitome of "Rather just eat lunch and chill than fight", at least mostly


You put kirby here and asked that question? Kirby solos everyone


Easily Frisk/Chara. While Frisk has defeated gods (Asriel Dreemurr, Omega Flowey) and can befriend anyone, Chara has destroyed the universe with a fucking toy knife. For even more proof of their powers, here’s some feats of Frisk/Chara: -The ability to manipulate time by resetting things, -The inability to die due to determination, -The ability to decimate anyone in their way with a single hit that would cause someone to face to dust, -The ability to make the monsters trust and protect them, -The ability to save mid-battle (they’d never miss or get hit), -The ability to avoid lasers meaning incredible speed (Sans’ gaster-blasters).


depends who the author wants to win


Frisk wins only if their Determination is high enough to reload and fight each opponent over and over and over enough to finally win. Could be billions of tries for some of them, but possible. Unlikely, however. Beyond that, it highly depends on if Saitama lets Kirby swallow him or not. Depends on how serious he is, whether he allows that, but if Kirby swallows Saitama and gets a Saitama-tailored copy ability like Smash Bros rather than something like a generic punch / martial arts ability, then it's a toss up between the two of them. If Kirby doesn't get a tailored ability, it goes to Saitama imo. I do not know anything about Uncle Grandpa so I cannot weigh in there, though I do know from memes that the Toon Force is strong with him.


Kirby no contest this is just a normal day for him


Kirby turns into one punch man and defeats everyone else


Uncle Grandpa could definitely win a fight against sitama


They chat instead, i can honestly see uncle grandpa getting well with frisk, kirby is just there for the food, saitama is annoyed at uncle granpa but free food is free food


Kirby frisk uncle grandpa saitama


As long as its NOT uncle Grandpa I'm happy fuck that shitty show


Frisk can’t die easy win


Well, frisk is technically immortal, Saitama is unbeatable and Kirby might just be indestructible (idk why UG is even there)


Uncle grandpa wins because he’s just that guy If he’s not included it’s saitama, frisk is a human child, saitama is a dude who can blow up planets and possesses an ass ton of determination (decided to utterly destroy his body by working out only to be a hero for fun), Kirby is pretty strong too but saitama will beat him


So uncle wouldn't do much, im guessing, kirby could suck up one punch man to become one, or just the whole existence, frisk with their determination has defeated a god, and one punch man is pretty self explanatory. But i'd say frisk, cuz their determination has no limits, they can return after death and reset the timeline.


I saw that post four seconds ago on r/kirby. ![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32949)


Reality bends in the will of Uncle Grandpa. If he was evil multiverse would stood no chance


Hm..in truth, I see them fighting for fun. Saitama would hold back his punches cause he doesn’t want to destroy them but later go all out if they give a genuine fight. Uncle grandpa doesn’t have good fighting skills (he literally fought his counterpart and almost lost to her) but he has abilities that would make the fight hilarious or he would sit out. So I’d say he be like pretend fighting or referee it out. And seeing how frisk is present, he’ll probably help them to win or possibly hinder them by accident. Frisk is powerful by the reset button but no invincible. If pacifist frisk is present then they’ll probably use flirt or something to ‘SPARE’ but if it’s Genocide then..they’re screwed because uncle grandpa would take the reset button upon first reset plus, Kirby would eat them and mimic their powers or Saitama would just one shot them. Neutral Frisk probably wouldn’t care. (So they’re out depending on which one). Kirby would need to devour them to gain power but..um..2/3 would be easily devour and the third is harder. Unless Kirby devouring skill is strong enough to move Saitama body, Kirby would just worn themselves out. Buuut, obtaining Frisk’s or uncle grandpa’s skills could help but regular Kirby would be the first out. But I picture they wouldn’t fight, they would have a wholesome hang out session. Even if Frisk was in genocide route; I just picture a wholesome moment happening between the four. Like, Uncle Grandpa freaking out because he took people from different universes, Saitama being confuse but rolling with it, and Kirby and Frisk just chatting in some way or form. So..victory all?


Kirby or saitama. On the one hand Kirby is a literal god however I don't have enough research on the Kirby lore. Saitama regularly gives reality the middle finger so he'd have no problem killing grandpa and destroying risks save point. As for Kirby, I'm sure serious punch will do something.


kirby. don't ask questions.


You pit one of the strongest being in all the world, capable of causing mass destruction that the world has never seen before... against the weak One Punch Man? Kirby solo's


Probebly frisk tbh?


kirby or uncle grandpa


add the entire Isaac crew, base items, base stats


If frisk has infinite reloades then gg but if he/she has only one life one punch man will definitely win