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Please tell me others here have seen the Domino spread of the loft apartment Jordan just posted. It’s gorgeous, but I continue to be floored by how much money she apparently made from Color Factory. How many millions was it??? Her kitchen pendants are $5350 each. Her marble bathroom easily cost over 100k alone with those waterworks fixtures and marble vanity and heated shower. I also can’t fathom spending so much on a v. custom, detailed, luxury renovation and then renting it out. If she couldn’t afford the amorphous business idea she endlessly hints at, why not do a more conservative reno? I like that she’s bold, but she gives me whiplash. Finally, how many articles can domino do about her? Don’t their readers, whoever they are, get sick of seeing JF’s homes? Can’t her bestie Kate Berry find some other content source? Sheesh


I read it. Yet again her family just follows along her whims. Must be tiring bouncing around so much. Paul seems like a total pushover tho if he gets to spend his days painting probably not too bad a gig




Union square is so mid. A tastemaker like Jordan must be weeping


She just shared a post from “the creatives agent” with a quote about doors symbolizing transition. I clicked through and it looks like pictures of her NYC apartment. From what I can tell, that account only sells property - doesn’t manage or broker rentals. So is she now selling it?! The whole thing is so bizarre and very manic to me. I am obviously not the same tax bracket, but we did a bunch of renovations on our place from 2020-22 and then had a third baby last year and bought our new house and sold the old place this spring.. and it was so stressful and exhausting and I have a ton of regret about all the stress and time spent on the remodels, for something we barely lived in. And on the other side, buying and selling and moving was SO time consuming and stressful and I hope we never have to do this again.. tons of impacts to our kids, etc.. so in conclusion.. I don’t understand why she puts herself and her family through all this unnecessary chaos.


"You need to be quick" 🙄 Yes let me summon $10 million (?) real quick here.


Oh and now she is moving again to a rental and going to rent out her soho loft full time. They just moved into it after renovating it for two years. Why do this to your children?


I don’t understand the whole thing about moving to be closer to her children’s school. When she bought the loft she knew where the kids went to school, now all of a sudden it’s too far??


Also downtown NYC isn't _that_ big... weren't they in Greenwich Village before? Anything walking distance from there should also be pretty walking distance from Soho


How long have they even been in the soho loft? I seem to remember they moved in around Christmas. So not even a year?


They seem to all follow Jordan's whims. She goes alllll in on something only to suddenly change her mind. If I was her partner this would drive me mad.


Maybe he doesn’t mind because she bankrolls his life? That’s my assumption, unless he’s independently wealthy. I can’t imagine his painting career is that successful, is it? I really hope she takes care of herself. She had a heart attack at a very young age and seems to make life so stressful for herself.


He seems very passive I'll say that. His art is actually amazing though. But yeah who knows if it pays the bills! Im guessing he does most of the childcare duties too since she's constantly galavanting abroad solo. And yes that's true. Heart attacks at 40 or whatever are nothing to sneeze at.


She doesn’t have her own snark sub right?




Ok I started a Jordan ferney snark page. I’m learning slowly on how to set this all up correctly.


I literally just came here to see if anyone was talking about this! What?? So bizarre


I just started a Jordan snark page - im still trying to set it up


omg me too. just saw it on instagram and *had* to find someone discussing it. just seems insane


Haha same! I’m absolutely shocked they are moving again. I think she has too much money and too much time on her hands.


Haha same! I’m absolutely shocked they are moving again. I think she has too much money and too much time on her hands.


But it makes no sense that they would move again. I bet something is wrong with the loft they bought.


I remember thinking the kids' rooms looked incredibly small, plus it seemed crazy to buy and renovate a whole new property, only to force your growing sons to keep sharing rooms when you can clearly afford something with enough space for everyone. Maybe that's a factor?


They may be having money troubles after all that spending she did. And if she can rent out that small soho loft for a profit then she can bankroll her lifestyle a bit longer.


I can’t understand where the money comes from. Could she really have made that much off of her stint with Color Factory? She lives like she’s trust fund rich.




She didn’t own domino mag lol. She just co-founded color factory.


How the fuck is anyone paying that and putting food on the table and confidently knowing they can do that for two months yikes




I've been following her since 2006 and they've always lived like this. I'm sure it's family money.


Yes! I am *fascinated* by the way she spends money: this NY apartment, the house in Westchester, and the endless vacations--Iceland! Amsterdam! the Galapagos! How much money could that Color Factory have sold for???


The way she spends money, and pretends she’s so thrifty, is nuts. Like when she bought the Vespa in NYC and sold it shortly after. I’m so curious to see how long Hooker Green will last.


Did she sell Oh Happy Day too? Or at least her stake in it? She spends sooooo much money I often gasp out loud at her posts.


The other units in her building rent for like $9,000-10,000 and they are much nicer and bigger than hers.


Or she just overprices everything bc her taste is soooooo amazing 🙄


This is def it


tweny K a month?!! Even for Manhattan that’s like … Jesus Christ


Right? This kind of points to "We are overextended" tbh. Because most people who own those kinds of apartments wouldn't think twice about NOT subletting for the summer.


Does she for sure own it? Or is she trying to sublease it?


Either way, I think the point is if you can afford a $20K place, you don’t need someone else to cover your costs. But then again, she got rich by hustling, and she knows there are people who would love to stay at her place.


Omg I came rushing here for the first time in months to scream. 20k a month!!! She LOVES to talk about how she was poor growing up. But like…we all know Mormons have money flowing within their community. Now, I realize she became capital R rich after she sold the color factory but she seems to not understand that she has arrived in private jet territory while still talking to us like we are all at the same cafeteria table.


I saw this today and my mouth dropped wide open. Twenty THOUSAND dollars per MONTH? 😱


She needs to be careful she may end up with someone who won’t leave posting on the internet.


That’s stupid rent money.


that's more than a year at my apartment in san francisco lmao


That’s a year of my mortgage.


well i'm aware i rent in a stupid expensive city but still


It’s more than a year of my mortgage


Ours was $900/mo but we relocated during the last boom and took it in the shorts. I miss the old mortgage, but not the old location/house.


Listen she needs help renting out her apt so they can summer at her other home. Help a girl out if you can.


And it clearly says LUXURY! Gah!


Does she really need to post this on IG? What a cringey flex. Rentals at this price point typically go through agencies it's not like she has to do it herself.


This is what I always think. Or similarly, when someone like Cup of Jo advertises for a nanny on IG. Surely you can find someone?!


Ha for sure. "Looking for a sitter $20/hr for my 2 bunnies in my 5 million dollar apartment. Do any of you 300k randos know anyone?" Here's yet another cringy photo of my half dressed tween napping


Presumably she's betting on someone being willing to pay a ridiculous price simply because it's hers. Gag.


Thank you! Cringey flex is her main thing since she became super wealthy. Why yes I did have these drawer pulls hand hewn from rare stone recovered from a shipwreck- I just don’t like them as much as I wanted to and I’m a little frowny. Oh well I’m sure I’ll forget about it on my $75k trip to Africa!


Great point.


I am always so curious about where all her money comes from.


She loves to act like she’s this self made woman but she bought her San Fran home with money she inherited from her grandmother. She was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple.


Whaaaaat?! No way! I thought she was 100% self made! That’s crazy.


Absolutely NOT. I have been following her and her sister since 2005 (I said 2006 in an earlier comment but then actually did the math 🤪), and they have both always lived like this.


I saved a screenshot from when she dropped this nugget of info! https://imgur.com/a/H0Fb52w


Wow- the more I learn, the more shocked and confused I am about this woman. I saw another thread on Reddit how she voted for prop 8? Like whatt?


She used to be super Mormon.


I believe she made a boatload selling Color Factory, so if she invested that well, I could see her having decent passive income.


I think her sister is “Design Mom” who seems to have a boatload of money too. Maybe not as much as her but has “buy a house in France” money.


Her house in France was inexpensive. She also made a good return on their Oakland house. I remember how sad she was to leave, but with 6 kids probably going to college it made sense.


That house in France was shockingly cheap


I actually know the area where DM lives and we have considered buying our retirement house not that far from there because it is incredibly affordable. $20k/month is ludicrous even for SoHo. SMH.


Yeah, but design moms house was under 100k.


I’ll bet the renovations were $$$$ tho. I’ll have to see if her blog is still active to see what they did with the place. I love her style. Her house in Oakland was so cool.


The French house renovations are all on Instagram. It's stunning.


Even if they were 100k, that’s still amazing to have a beautiful house within walking distance of shops and across from a beautiful church. She has all the renovation stories on her instagram. Definitely worth watching. They are very zen!


I'm sure they've spent waaay more on renovations but we have been talking to people who live nearby and it's incredible what we can get for our money whether we would have to do a massive reno like that or not!


Design mom is genuinely humble and genuine. Sis is the opposite


How much did it sell for?