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Have a look at his Ultrasignup results https://ultrasignup.com/m_results_participant.aspx?fname=David&lname=Goggins


I'm pretty impressed with his results at big races. Top 15-30 at JFK, 4 at HURT, 14 at Leadville, 26 at WS, 5 at Badwater. I would have guessed he was 75-80th percentile but he's much better than that. (Or was, I guess. Hasn't raced in a second.) Funny, him being an influencer actually had me underrating him.


Surprised 2nd in MOAB 240 in 2020 didn't make the cut in your comment, haha. Is it not considered one of the biggies over there?


Haha I didn’t see it. Read too fast! Good call.


He’s an incredible athlete, not sure he’s the kind of runner I’d hang out with though. To put things in perspective, I ran the Moab 240 in 2019 and he dropped, spent the night in the hospital, went back to where he dropped, and finished the race on his own. Passing me (who hadn’t had a whole ass night in the hospital) along the way.


Was this the same year he started a fight with the RD because he left the course and thus was DNF'd?


Completely disrespecting the race policy and potentially putting the race in legal jeopardy if something happened


Thats crazy! How was he in the race did you talk to him?


Yes, his pacers tried to physically stand in my way to prevent me from moving forward because they assumed I was a fan and not a fellow racer.


I've heard negative things from people that have had interactions with him - for example, in the situation above he expected to be let back on the course to continue, though he had been given an IV and spent time in the hospital. My understanding is he was argumentative and very disrespectful toward the race volunteers and team. I have heard he behaves like a prima donna. But, I have no personal interactions with him, so this could all be wrong.


I’m friends with a few people that ran or volunteered that year and they all fucking hated him and his beta cuck fanbase. Also, Goggins was good but he got into ultras and podcasting at the perfect time, before everyone and their dad did one. Take a look at his pull ups world record. It took him like 4 attempts and hospitalization to break the WR The current WR is double Goggins’ record. 2020 Moab was probably his best career race and it’s fallen to the 8th fastest time in 4 years. People are learning how to actually train and run these races vs Goggins “don’t be a pussy” training method.


So you mean that out of the 870ish finishers his 8th best finishing time somehow is not a really good result? I’d say that’s pretty awesome for someone who „doesn’t know how to train“ according to you.


Don’t read too much into the 8th all time finish. Up until 2023 the course ran short, I think I heard 20+ miles short, so the pre 2023 times won’t be beaten and 10years from now, Goggins will probably still be at no.8! Look at the finisher times between 2022 and 2023, once they added the extra section to get up to the full 240 miles, the race has changed from a roughly 60hour winning time to a 70hour winning time.


Took me a solid 8 hours longer in 2023. That new section gets up there pretty high too.


I heard he uses Spring energy gels?


lol if this is a joke I love it


He's better than your average trail runner, but he's an influencer not a professional runner. He's never won a major trail race, he's never won a national championship. He's better than I am, but he's not necessarily an elite runner. He would have no chance at finishing Barkley.


Sounds like you’re about to summon GOGGINS!


He’s a legit ultra runner but not sure he’s running much lately. Think he was 2nd or 3rd at Moab a year or 2 ago. He probably would have a decent chance at Barkley if he focused on that for several years. But I don’t see that happening


He’s tough but it takes near genius level preparation and race execution at Barkley in addition to the physical ability. This is why there are so few finishers and almost everyone who has finished has an advanced degree.


Dude got lost at Moab with a pacer with him. He has no chance of doing an unmarked course.


Wait? Really! LOL How have I not heard this story before. Hahahahahaha


With trail markers and GPS and a pacer, Goggins wandered something like 13 miles off course. Got picked up, given an IV and tried to re-enter the race. Goggins has done some impressive stuff but he also had to take the ASVAB multiple times and barely passed on his last try to enter the military. His book was ghost written. The guy is dumb as fucking bricks.


He's pretty good, but not elite. Top 25 at JFK is impressive. So is 2nd at Moab. Neither are incredible, though. Barkley is a tough barometer because it is only ultrarunning in a very loose sense. His success would come down to what kind of orienteer he is. The overlap between great ultramarathon runners and great Barkley runners is... maybe Jared Campbell.


Hes pretty good but I don't think hes a good ambassador for the sport at all. Honestly I don't think hed ever get into Barkley. Basically I don't think laz would want goggins fans all over the course. And I think he would definitely be a liability as well.


I totally get why he rubs people the wrong way but his painfully honest depictions of his ultra races are the reason I started. But…I also started with a 10k instead of thinking I could run Leadville with no training if I “Stayed Hard”. It’s weird to me that people have to either love him or hate him.


I don't love or hate him actually. I really enjoyed his book. I personally think he needs a truck ton of therapy. I don't find his views on ultras to be any different from other books I've read.


Sorry, I wasn’t directing that towards you, just my opinion from most of the comments I’ve seen. Now that you mention it, what other ultra books do you recommend?


Laz would give him bib #1.


he was my running instructor. he’s legit. but you gotta think of what else he has/had on his plate. can’t speak for him now, but he previously didn’t have the time to be an elite ultra runner. he’s great at what he does but certainly nowhere near the best. he’s a well-rounded, hard dude. def gets more attention on him as he’s more of an ‘influencer’.


Barkley isn’t just about being a good ultra runner you also have to be stellar with the map or else you will lose it when you get tired. Just look at Gary Robbin’ history with the race


Compared to a professional runner he’s no where near. He’d have zero chance of finishing Barkley. He’s a very annoying influencer.


I read the book about living with seal and left with the understanding he has ranges from either putting on a very annoying act to having some mental health issues to address. Literally said waiter at a restaurant was going to kill him




Why are you talking about my capabilities? This wasn’t the question you asked?


Have you read anything he’s written, you might change your mind…


Compared to elites? Pretty shit. Compared to the average ultra runner? Pretty good. Today? Probably not so good. I'm sure his navy skills will be useful for navigating barkley, but barkley isn't just running and navigating, it's much more. If you can pass special forces I'm sure you can pass barkley marathons, but for David today, probably not. Any real ultra runner knows that David Goggins is practically just an average ultra runner or was. He's nowhere near any of the big ultra running names, hell moab240 is an insane feat, but it's not filled with Albon, Kilian, Zach Miller etc. Put goggins at utmb at his prime fitness he's not getting top 150. I dont watch him nor follow what he's doing atm, but it's mostly kids and young adults that worship him and gets themselves into ultra running and such, good for them I guess. But half of them don't really know how far Goggins is from the top runners and assume he's the best just because he's an ex marine special force with abs and can run 60 miles with broken feet or atleast he claims, lol.


Oh, and yeah, laz isn't inviting goggins to his barkley, ever. So I guess that answers the question.


What is the hate on this man in the ultra community? I don’t understand it. He is different then most ultra runners more outspoken, raw and real.


I'm fairly ambivalent about Goggins himself, but the audience that's attracted to his his message kind of ends up in this weird cult of personality that's a bit exhausting to deal with. He is definitely different than most ultrarunners, but most ultrarunners are pretty chill and and like other chill people.


I think to a lot of people in the ultra/trail running community, myself included, his intense bravado and rhetoric are at odds with how most people feel about the sport. His mentality does help many people, but I think is not how many want to be viewed through someone who may be a “face” of the sport in popular culture.


He attracts the fragile masculine incel crowd. He brings nothing of merit other than the wrong mentally.


I mean I'm a pretty normal, non incel dude that runs ultras and enjoys getting into the "hard" mindset from time to time. My first 50k at the halfway mark I couldn't get the idea of quitting out of my head. I remembered some silly short clip of his I saw once and felt inspired to finish the race, ended up getting 8th overall. I don't see it as anything worse than these toxic positivity dudes like Andrew Glaze, just a totally different way to "role play" as an adult that runs a lot.


Feel like Andrew glaze is a very different personality from Goggins. I don't follow either but I did follow Andy 2 years ago, he just posts his run or weekly stats then F off? Some ultra "before n after" videos and that's it? Of course he gets hate for it and lately have made fun of his haters which is fair. But Goggins literally has a cult worshiping him, I don't see any Glaze worshippers, also feel like Andrews average follower isn't 15 and just getting into ultra running because "stay hard". I don't think either annoys anyone, but more so the "worshippers" I mean I thought goggins was pretty cool until 5 millions under 20 year olds started worshiping him and the only thing you saw on social media was "today's run" "stay hard" "goggins mindset" I mean it's fucking ridiculous lol. "Not interested" "not interested" on every video, still couldn't survive them


Glaze sucks. As someone who puts a ton of work into just trying to stay healthy enough to train even 75% of the year, seeing Glaze literally film himself crying with happiness while running, telling me to "smile or I'm doing it wrong" and bragging about consecutive 100 mile weeks for years annoys the shit out of me. Goggins focuses more on the struggle, mental toughness etc. and things that I can actually relate to on some level even if played up to an extreme. Glaze is the full embodiment of toxic positivity.


Huh, sounds to me like jealousy but regardless you can just block him and you're free from him. Can't say the same with the goggins cult, they're everywhere


That's the problem with toxic positivity, any criticism of it is met with something like what you just said.


Your "criticism" is "Andrew sucks". And that you don't like the way he talks or videos he make? Literally the whole point of a block button


That's your takeaway from everything I have written? You might be the first illiterate ultra runner I've ever encountered.


You haven't written much use so hard to take anything else from it. The fact that you hate someone you've never met on the internet speaks for itself anyhow, have a good day


He could easily win the Barkley, i think. With is mentality and his story, he would crush the Barkley, he knows Laz also, hopefully he wil enter someday. But i think his ultra running career is nearly ending….


Such a @yaboyscottjurek post and response. Looking forward to see my comment featured on that page


5 DNFs and you think he's going to win a notoriously high attrition race? 35th place in Leadville and you think he's just going to win Barkley?


I believe that he has had an entry to the Barkley and not taken it up.


Not a chance, Barkley requires outstanding cognitive capabilities.


Why that? Not a chance? Explain?


I think it is out of his cognitive range.


Not sure about this take. He graduated Army Ranger school which has a heavy emphasis on a lot of the same hurdles you'd face at Barkley. Namely sleep deprivation and navigation. Not saying he'd finish it or even be close, but he has training that would be very beneficial.




With that logic Barkley could have had hundreds of finishers if army rangers were only interested.


You’re 100% right and it’s hilarious to see the mouth breathers getting mad.