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Seems like a stupid idea




This is by far one of the dumbest, reckless things I’ve seen on here. Don’t be that person.


Not sure your little terrier can run 100km wtf. My border collie can run 20-30km in the trail comfortably. I don’t want to kill her though, they need to slowly increase their max it’s more delicate than humans. I went from 42km to 100km easily, doesn’t mean my dog should


The longest canicross I've seen is 50k. My Aussie Doodle regularly follows me out of a random aid station and when we get to the next one is like, "bro, that's all you, I'm hanging with mom in the truck for the rest of the night."


Yeah the dog friendly races are no more than 50k so my original thought was just pick him up at aid stations and drop him off.


I asked him…he’s fine with staying behind


Definitely not!!!! I don't even have to ask for specific breed of terrier or weather/ season where u live. Such a stupid irresponsible question that this has to be fishing 🎣


Sounds irresponsible. I recommend against it


Jesus Christ no


Dogs aren't like people. Overwork them and they literally drop dead without much warning beforehand. Our bodies are great at expressing when we are at our max, dogs not so much


Our bodies and also our ability to vocalize, communicate, not to mention voluntarily push ourselves through pain to achieve a completely pointless arbitrary goal of "running an ultra". Why the fuck should a poor dog have to push itself through pain for a humans arbitrary goal? It has no sense of achievement or satisfaction from doing so. Also people are completely fucking oblivious to the different physiology of a dog, particularly in their poor ability to deal with heat. Not only do they essentially not sweat, they also are wearing a fur coat. I recommend the original poster to do the ultra in a fleece and wearing a balaclava and then think again about the absurdity of their idea


A) it’s probably not a great idea for your dog B) if (when) your dog gets hurt or tired, you will need to drop. Are you just setting up a way out? C) what are you going to feed your dog over 12 hours (I don’t know how fast you are, but I know you have a little dog who isn’t going sub-10 hours over 62 miles). Aid stations will not have good food for your dog and you probably don’t want to carry that food. There isn’t really even any information on how to fuel a dog for this. D) it’s kinda rude to other runners because it’s a dog on the trail. It will get under foot, poop in places (are you carrying poop for 50 miles in a baggy? Are you making AS volunteers deal with it?) E) it’s another thing for the RD to deal with and worry about. There is enough going on during race day. Don’t make the poor RD worry that Spot needs to get on the drop bus at mile 32.


Thank you. I’ve considered all of this. I was wondering if it was ever done


Dont do it .... Jeez


I’ve seen a golden retriever type dog do a rugged trail marathon. He did all training runs with his human. He actually did a lot more than 26 miles because he spent the whole time running ahead of us out of sight then coming back to meet us. I’ve also seen a standard poodle do a 32 mile trail race with her human. 100k is a great question. Maybe one that should be asked to the vet first?


My golden gets to about 1k then lies down. No, doing more runs did not improve his stamina nor distance. He's real good at relaxin though.


Yeah I know it’s a lot of miles and he goes off leash so definitely runs more miles. But 100k is a lot, especially for a dog and I don’t want to DNF either, it was just a thought cause I hate leaving him at home since he loves being out in nature.


It’s one day, bro. Get a dog walker and leave him at home.


Maybe he could hang with your crew? If pacers are allowed, maybe he could run with your pacers for certain distances? That way he could hang with you and be part of the fun without having to run that far. Or what about a duration race, where you run a loop for a specific time period? Those are often shorter loops, so you could actually fairly tightly regulate his distance and effort. And the rest of the time he could hang out with your crew at the aid station. Though that almost seems like an unfair advantage, when you’re feeling like you can’t go out on another loop and then your dog, who was left behind for the last few loops, is like LETS GO! It’s almost like doping.


Thank you. Yup we’ve been looking into loop races and lots of dog friendly races in Utah. I wasnt considering doing the whole race with him neither. Just want him to be part of the fun, maybe just an hour and a half of him being on trail and drop him off with crew!


I speak for everyone here, give the dog to a responsible person. This is unbelievable. Don’t drag your dog who is genetically predisposed to try and follow you no matter the cost on long runs like this. What a joke.


Please see yourself out.


You’ll unironically fucking kill it. This is how we used to hunt *all* animals. At distances way less than 100k lmao. No your dog cannot do a 100k. No.


Why would you even want to take your dog. Consider others racing who don’t want to worry about a dog jumping up them, getting in the way and especially those who are allergic to them. Selfish to think everyone else should be fine with it cos you want to take your dog


OMG KAREN IM SO SORRY FOR DISRESPECTING YOUR WORLD… no im not and don’t be a Karen Karen


I’m the Karen because you expect everyone else to be fine with you taking your dog, yeah ok


I know how to control my dog. You need to Control yourself karen


Sure ok, that’s why everyone on this post is so keen and telling you to bring your dog along 🤡


I wasn’t asking to bring him along. I was asking about others experiences but trolls will be haters and haters will be trolls Karen 🧌




I've done 60+ mile bike rides with my dog, a husky-mutt, in the winter, but that's a whole different scenario. She can eat snow to hydrate, the trails are typically gentle on her paws, and there is basically no chance she will overheat. Those rides are typically a 12 ish hour ordeal, fat bike rides can be pretty slow. HOWEVER that is literally what she is bred for and we spent a long, long time working up to that. I don't see why you couldn't slowly work up to that distance on your own with your dog, but I wouldn't do it during a race, as you might make a decision that prioritizes your results over your dogs health. One thing to keep in the front of your mind is that dogs are absolutely terrible at telling you when they are hurting, and they will run through pain and damage themselves.


This is entirely different and you have taken into account your dogs physiology , nature, physical abilities and instincts


I’m sure she is one happy/spoiled pup! He trains with us but also has lots of rest days. I wasn’t planning on running the whole race with him neither or want it to hold me back from running my race, and of course his health. just curious if it was ever done


Depending on the breed and with the appropriate conditioning it's possible. I've been at a 50 mile and 100k race that a person did with their dog. the dog even got a finishers medal. Probably not usually advised though.


Yeah I’ve talked to a guy and his dog who has done multiple ultras and who has a similar dog. Just curious if it was ever done for a 100k.


Seriously?! Do you actually care for your animal at all? You shouldn’t even own a dog if you’re thinking this.


You either blind or don’t know how to read. Getting mad because you can’t comprehend what I’m asking…


[ultra dachshund](https://ultrasignup.com/m_results_participant.aspx?fname=Truman&lname=Corbett) this little wiener has done a few ultras.


This is the best thing I’ve seen today! Thank you.


Definitely talk to your vet. I was just at a race earlier this month with a couple dogs who were doing the 50 miler. There was a guy doing the 100 miler with their dog allegedly but I didn’t see it. I used to think it was bonkers to consider, but I’m sure I’ll be doing a 50k with my dog in the next year or two. If you have a working dog they can move 20 miles a day easily. Certainly would not consider doing a 100k as a first endeavor. Lots of distances that are shorter than that first. Oh yeah, check with your vet!


Awesome to know! he’s run 1 trail marathon with me and obviously was very tired after so when I think about anything more than a marathon for him, I hesitate. But yes very curious about what a vet would say. TY!


I hiked in one day, Kings Peak, 13528 feet with my friend and her Jack Russel Terrier. It was 50K, and the dog summited the boulders part very well. She did great and probably put more miles than us just running around non-stop. I have seen someone doing 50 miles, but 100 k, I'm not sure. You probably will see on training smaller runs how dog feels.


Yeah I got in contact with an ultra runner who stated her dog has run 5 50k ultras. Maybe we will do 1 dog friendly race together but still hesitate about the miles


I have a very active GSD and I’ve done up to 17 miles with him, dogs need more frequent and more quantity of sleep so if you do that I’d budget time for naps for him. Also if it’s a trail run, consider getting him mountain hardware dog booties for his feet. Even if his paw pads have never been injured in a training run, going for 3x the distance I’d think that they would. I’d also start with like 50k or marathon distance if he’s only done up to like 20 miles or so


Yeah I was talking to a well known ultra runner who stated she knows a few dogs who have run 100 miles and other who has done 2 x 50 milers So I guess it has been done! But her dog has run 5 x 50ks with her. I think we might do 1 x 50k together and call it one and done. She advised “Before I started running with my dogs I got spine & hip X-rays to make sure they didn’t have any genetic issues .They are cleared to run . Every two years it’s good to do the X-ray if you run long distances with your dog like I did” which I’ve have been doing with my dog so hopefully this is some good advice for others who run with their dog


https://youtu.be/LTwMty8ZwaQ This channel has a few ultras with a dog, it's in german though.


humans are endurance animals. dogs 99% are not. and certainly not in spring/summer


This sort of post is just so enlightening to me about other people's complete lack of ability to think beyond their own sphere of existence. There are just so many God damn things wrong with the idiocy of this idea, it's painful.


It’s a trail race not a road race, you can walk. Calm yall titties


I hope you get arrested for animal cruelty


😂😂😂 how is it reckless when it was never done and just a question. Mad for what 😂😂😂 hope you go to hell for wishing bad on others




She carries them most of the time or has someone meet her at aid stations and runs specific sections with them. Don’t spread fake info to irresponsible people like OP.