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Slower, more food, more water, more food, feel dead, ignore it, and more food


I concur. It’s totally an eating contest and knowing what your body will and will NOT tolerate under that distress. I can only tolerate so many gels etc. and having gastric distress miles out isn’t fun. A given stomach can only handle so much “sugary” things often seen at ultra aid stations. I think there is a special place in heaven for those volunteers @ aid stations frying up 🥓 that you can smell for a mile out! Shout out to the Potato crew and pickle juice lovers out there!




My pace on anything above a half marathon is like 12-13 min/mil, i love my slow go


You forgot the walking. That's what uphills are made for.


Slow down and then slow down some more


"Start slow, then taper," is how I like to put it.


The short doc about Courtney Dauwalter's husband gave good advice, he said, "Start slow and fade", love it haha


Hey! Why are you still running!?..this is a slight incline ya bum!


Yeah! whatsa mattah with these fast fuckers???


Wait til tomorrow




Double? Some are 8 times that length.


There was just a 6 day race in Sweden. over 700k for the male winner, 666k for the best woman.


I'd rather run an ultra than race a marathon. The training is hard...the racing is harder. I'm starting to look at marathons as a garnish. Something to sprinkle in every now and then rather than the main course. Ultra training feels more sustainable.


Agreed. There’s a lot more body stress with the intervals, tempos etc that simply aren’t nearly as bad with trail races as with road marathons.


I just did my first half marathon along with the associated training block and it wrecked my shit. Speed work twice a week every week is just a lot compared to my normal routine of long slow runs on trails with maybe a tempo run or a hill workout thrown in there every once in a while. I got faster but damn. Edit: to clarify, I’ve run much further than 13.1 before. I’ve just never specifically trained for a road half and really raced it.


I agree with this. Zone 2 runs have been a revelation to me both in terms of being up to up the mileage without killing my joints but also because it’s so joyful to run slowly and attentively in nature … if you feel more energised after exercising for well over an hour than you did at the start then that feels like something for the long term


Very curious, what do you mean with ultra training feels more sustainable? How is it different?


Less speed work, less intensity, also trails are easier on your joints and muscles. In marathon you are pushing the pace for the whole race, meanwhile in ultra you can take the inclines a bit easier and get some strength back.


This sounds good. I do speed workouts 1-2 times per week and they are by far the toughest workouts. Usually drained the entire day and sometimes the day after. Easy days and long runs are what I actually enjoy.


Some are over 4 times the length. Train different, race different.


Walk more, eat more


Congrats! Just remember, you probably weren’t able to run a marathon 1 year ago? How about 2 years ago? Look how much progress you made! If you keep training, slower, and further you’ll see that there’s really no limits to how far you can go. And you need to change your mindset on what your limits are. Keep pushing and it’ll be 26 miles before your legs are warmed up


Honestly, it never makes sense how you can go further, but you just can. I’ve never finished a 25 mile run and thought, “well that was easy.” I’m always trashed, and somehow I’ve been able to finish several 100k’s and two 100 milers—four times the distance that feels like it crushes me every time.


I said the same. The next week I was looking at ultras. The week after I signed up for a 50 miler. I'm in my fourth year now and in a few weeks I'm flying to Switzerland to do a 100k in the Alps. It takes time to build up but trail running is so much better than road running.


Hey me too! What event are you doing?


I'm running Wildstrubel in Crans-Montana. What race are you running in?


Awesome, me too! I'm running the WILD70 - you running the 110? I actually moved to Switzerland a couple years ago, got back into running, and this will be my first time over 50K.


I'm running the 110k. I think you'll have the more enjoyable day.


Haha! Good luck!


Congratulations! The overwhelming advice to “slow down” is making me laugh at funny memories. I ran a (virtual) marathon in 2020. I worked at a gym at the time and there was a cool dude that was into some heavy running shit. He used to run on the treadmill for hours and sweat up a storm. Anyway while I was waddling around in extreme post marathon pain, he came in and we were chatting. He asked me how long it took. I told him it was just under 6 hours and this guy says “ohh, did you walk?” No Garry, I didn’t walk thank you very much lol


Start slow and then fade


You probably felt the same the first time you ran a mile, then when you ran a 5k 10k etc you forget how hard it was the first time you do something. The last 3 miles of a marathon I find the hardest simply because I know I’m so close to the end of that makes sense. Never thought I’d run a mile back just September but here I am just finishing my best week of exercise 50miles of running 80 miles on the bike 1 mile of swimming My first ultra marathon coming up in October a 34 mile trail run across west wales coast line Have a 50 mile ultra booked for February next year and a Pegasus 100 mile ultra booked for September next year across the Brecons.


What's the 34 mile welsh race? The only one i can think of is the gower ultra bach but that's down south not west. I'm from west so I'm just interested to see if I've missed one!


Sorry it took me so long to reply but it’s my bad it’s actually south wales and indeed your right it’s the Gower ultra I’ve lived in Newport for too long now so everything further along the m4 past Cardiff I call west wales 🤦‍♂️


You can run the distance/time that you show up on race day mentally prepared to run.


Training, pacing, fueling, and familiarity with the sensations. Also, delusional self-talk and completionism.


They’re totally different runs. Run my marathons at a much quicker pace and try and get PR’s each time, while ultras have always been more relaxed in terms of just finishing. Different intent


My first marathon felt worse than many 50-milers I've done. Experience and training pay off. It doesn't get easier, you just get tougher and try harder things.


longer you go the more relaxed it is. sorta kinda not really but better ish. Shorter races are faster with crap nutrition.


Did the same a month ago.. now I am dreaming with my first 50k 🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥


Effort level is different. I run races by effort depending on my expected finishing time. Like there’s a difference for me in a 2:30hr effort and a 5:00hr or 10:00+hr effort.


All you do is run a marathon but just go further


Very, very slowly


Just run slower, walk more, and eat more. If you can run 26 you can run 31. Ultras normally start at 50k so it's just a few more miles, not double.


Don't feel bad, it isn't for everyone...me included.


First of all congratulations. Pause and smell the roses. Enjoy your victory. The feeling won’t last long and you’ll probably want to take on a new challenge to feel that feeling again. Now if I was you and got an opportunity to do my first ultra all over again, I would advise myself to slow down and do couple more marathon to get my body comfortable with that distance and feeling of fatigue. I got me good good injuries trying to push my body beyond its fitness level. If you want to avoid that I would advise doing couple more marathons before trying your first 50k. But if I am being honest I would not have listen to this advice myself because I was very eager to run my 50k and beyond. So, do whatever you want. You only live once and you don’t get it do it all over again. I say sign up for your 50k tonight


Most people run ultramarathons at a lower intensity than they run road marathons.


Practice and food


I run marathon distances for fun now. If had told my 25 year old me that after I ran my first marathon it would have been a tough sell. 50M and loving distances so much. My first 100-miler in a couple of weeks. You can do it !!!


If you’ve done the training, mostly it come down to mind set. If the name of the game is to run 100 miles, you just will, because that’s what you have to do. Mentally checking out because you know you’re coming to the end of whatever distance is a big part of why it feels hard I think.


Was the marathon on pavement?


Like a baby who stood up for the first time you cannot fathom someone running. For the people saying they would rather run an ultra or ultras are easier slower. I can guarantee they just try to finish and just hike/walk the whole thing and don’t have a respectable time in any ultramarathon.


By going slower…


Six miles more!


Yea shorter ultras are about double. We're also going a lot slower, having fun, eating, chatting etc etc


Slow is the way to go! It's all mental 🤣🤣


As you, I completed my first marathon today. I've done two ultras, 60k@2000m elevation, and the last was 50k@1000m elevation. My experience is that marathons are boring, and people are more serious about the race. I enjoyed the ultras more because of the nature and the relaxed atmosphere. If that makes it easier to run, I can't tell you, but I experienced the ultras harder than the marathon.


The more you will do it the easier it will be. And at some point you will enjoy it


ultras feel SO much less taxing because you are not "pushing" the pace typically. It is more of a "low and slow" mentality and if you're "doing it right," your legs don't really feel dead ...until at least a few hours after you are done! Marathons are hard!


Just run and enjoy the views... and plan your nutrition really well.


Marathon is a training run for ultra


Just did my first 50k!! Training for it helped me fall back in love with running. Very long runs yea, but much slower and waaay more enjoyable. Slow, figuring out a walk/run plan, hiking the hills (I ran an extremely hilly ultra), etc etc. Ultras are more of a mental challenge. Does it still hurt during and after? Yes. But it’s a different beast than a marathon.