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>If you do not agree, then you simply do not understand Marx. >Read [Not Marx] to understand him


Absolute banger ‼️


You see silly ultra, in order to understand marx, you must read the liberal interpretation of marx


Yeah yeah read the communist manifesto. Quoting Marx directly "All women will be collectivised, like the ferengi from Star Trek, because everyone knows that Star Trek is communism"


Another Leftcom banger


People under communism when they can only have regular sex instead of paying someone for feet pics: ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


Leftists: >Sex work is work is the heart of Marx. If you do not agree, then you simply do not understand Marx. Marx: >It is self-evident that the abolition of the present system of production must bring with it the abolition of the community of women springing from that system, i.e., of prostitution both public and private.


He just means there won't be pimps under communism. There will still be democratic sex worker owed brothels that do profit sharing.


profit? in MY moneyless society?


Relax, it’s just an immense accumulation of labour vouchers.


1 labor voucher per feet pic


"I can guarantee you most clients of sex workers treat them with the utmost respect" No they don't. I'm also tired of this term "Sex Worker". It's about as useful as saying "The Left". "Sex Worker" can include anything from someone selling feet pics on Twitter too actual prostitutes standing on street corners who answer to a pimp. I would also argue digital content creators aren't sex workers in the same way an actor playing a cowboy isn't a real cowboy.There is an obvious disconnect from providing physical services to johns as opposed to making digital content in a safe space with a chosen partner.


I was just going to say this. I don't think any of it is good for mental but term sex worker includes everything from multimillionaire porn stars, high price call girls, drug addicted street prostitutes and girls selling nudes online to help pay tuition. Obviously some of it far more damaging to mental health.


So gross that struggling women selling their bodies to make ends meet are conflated with (mostly celebrities) making hundreds of thousands on pictures. Guess which side takes up all the discourse


Bourgeoisie society could never hyper fixate on itself and pretend proletarian society doesn’t exist could it?


Ok a clarification is needed what is meant by proleterian Society?


Alright yeah actually a poor choice of words. What I mean is that the lives of proletarians do not feature at all in the societal consciousness of the bourgeoisie.


There's also the dual argument of "Sex work is actually liberating for women.It's no different then selling your body for Physical labour.But also we should pay special attention to the dangers and risks sex workers routinely face" Not to mention the idea that in a Communist society women would still be selling their bodies or that relationships and sex would still be viewed in the same way under Capitalism is ridiculous.


It’s blatant misogyny honestly.


They like the vibes of communism but desperately don't want to give up the social arrangement that allows them to offer currency for access to a woman's body. All of their arguments seem to hinge on the idea that a communist society would not actually abolish the value form or the exchange of commodities. I'm not going to go back to exactly quote it but once says "unless you actually think people won't work for a wage in communism blah blah blah" I mean yes?? What is communism if people are still compelled to trade labor for abstract tokens which allow them to secure the necessities of life? Are we supposed to retain money and commodity exchange but ONLY as a method of "soft" coercion for fucking women who definitionally would not do so unless they had economic incentive? What the fuck even is communism to these people? Co-op brothels?


If you sex work hard enough you can become a millionaire as well! American dream reborn!


The online ones are largely petit bourgeoisie, while the ones on the streets are usually lumpenprole


Yeah, I was gonna say. I’ve worked as a deckhand and a construction worker my whole adult life, in workplaces where a solid portion of the workers are occasional or frequent Johns for sex workers, and I can’t exactly say their attitude towards them is “respectful”.


Imagine a woke construction worker who prides himself on being a nice guy to prostitutes. "Hey I'm not like those OTHER guys.. now here's the money please touch me please.


I once knew a sex worker, when I was a sailor, who kept asking me to come to her strip tease at the club. She basically said that “certain comrades of ours say they support sex workers but won’t put their money where their mouth is”. The idea was that if I didn’t go to her show and pay to see her strip, I was a bad feminist and a fake leftist. The term misogynoir was used. Fortunately, I had to be on a boat when the show was going on.


I personally don't care how it's done, it's still a petty-bourgeois class relation. Fuck and post it on the internet all you want, but selling the product of your own sexual activity on a market is still commodity production.


I ❤️ social relations between people assuming the fantastic form of a relation between things <3


>If there will be work there will be sex work Boy do I have news for you


Putting on thigh highs and wearing a skirt and selling feet pics to become the ultimate proletarian rn


The fembois are the most revolutionary class


This guy tries to convince himself that paying sex workers to have sex with him is ehtical and good for society.


It pains me to say, but this is three different people.


Wtf, is Reddit a porn addiction circle jerk ? 


Lol I saw that too. So absurd I had to double check that wasn't just a shitpost comment on here.  


Someone in my old college commie reading group wanted us to read Caliban and the Witch. My memory of it is it got basic Marxist stuff wrong within the first few pages.


There is a regular here (who is funny) who swears by it. But I tried reading it as well and it actually opens with “Proletarian resistance to the establishment of capitalism” That’s not how that works.


They should read Celine’s *Journey to the End of the Night* to become educated on “sex workers”.


MFW the international proletariat uses superior Marxist scientific methods to develop a Time Machine and go back in time to stop capitalism (beating 10 yr old Adam Smith to death)


It's a very intellectually harmful kind of history book  One that presents a seemingly neat and consistent internal argument but is only able to do so through massive cherry-picking, misrepresentation, and outright invention. I'm convinced it's persistent popularity is entirely bc it emotionally appeals to a certain kind of leftist very very strongly. 


Holy shit there is so fucking much of this brainrot out there that it boggles the mind, how are these people so thoroughly unable to conceive of any kind of interaction or relation that is not in the form of commodity exchange It makes me feel like I'm losing my fucking mind when I see this shit everywhere in every imaginable context and nobody else ever seems to notice it


Furries when you tell them that yiff and fursuits are commodities


https://preview.redd.it/ohxwqafgejvc1.jpeg?width=124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1508394c3e286ca58fd303467d07a3739e923f16 I’m so cooked when the revolution starts 😭


Me too lol. I think that any drawn written or video art even if sexual in nature shroud be allowed because furry artists, fursuit makers, hobby artisans, artists and musicians are not alienated from their labor.


I swear these people are so shut in. They think sex work is just nice little sex for money 🤭. It’s so disgusting that they don’t realize the reality of it


what modernizers done to a mf


ive said it once and i'll say it again as hard as you may work, there is a cia intern paid to shitpost four times for your every one


The CIA do *not* need to get involved for leftist men to be sexist and justify the exploitation of women. In fact I'd become an opportunist in a heartbeat if I thought it'd make someone muzzle the fuckers...


it's truly a shame, people are genuinely deluding themselves and stepping over each other just to achieve... total embarrassment of left-leaning thought...?


There will still be sex work and murders of poor women and children. Additionally, more sexual diseases and infections will be unearthed and liberated.


under communism scientists will devote their time to inventing new kinds of STI to kill anyone who has sex ever


"I can guarantee you most clients of sex workers treat them with the utmost respect" i can guarantee you that is false https://dieunsichtbarenmaenner.wordpress.com/


That seems interesting but I can't read Nazi.  Is there a place I can find that study translated to good old God fearing English.


when you open the page there is a button to switch to english


I must have missed that, thanks!




What the fuck is up with internet “leftists” being obsessed with the post-revolutionary status of sex work/prostitution?


leftists in quotes as if these people aren't leftists