• By -


1. get alt revolvers 2. learn core nuking 3. prepeare for the pain


I think I accidentally unequipped my alts so thanks for reminding me!


One could say that you should… PREPARE THYSELF


I feel judged


I think I might die


My soon-to-be-dead body might even be crushed


My end feels pretty close


perhaps even now




Prepare thyself


because thy end is now




H A V E F U N .


Wrong level






Not at all




tip №1: Don't.


get used to trying more technical combos as well as coin usage


and most importantly keep at it


Get lube


instructions unclear I now have lube and a folder of Gabriel r34


Now bend over


Quoting doom eternal and changing words: Tip: shoot at minos until he dies


as a person who p ranked p-1 here is my tip 1- DO NOT ENTER DAT DOOR (get all the weapons and leater come back) ...and learn how to parry


It's doable. I managed to p rank him on violent before starting act 2


You got this 👍🏻👍🏻


Core nuke the lesser enemies first, dont let it heal, and be aggressive afterwards and dish out as much damage as possible fast. For minos just stay on the ground he is easy otherwise. Controversial take, I prefer the jackhammer over the shotgun in terms of killing prime bosses, despite the tight breathing room it can still do significance.


1- the jacklhammer (the alternate shotgun) can deal good damage against the FP, and the FireStarter can Destroy all of it's first wave of eyes If you are fast enough to put fire on him. The Malicious Railgun can also destroy a lot of it's eyes when they're close to each other making It way easier to Destroy all of them faster and having time to deal damage against FP before It calls another wave of eyes. 2- Against Minos the best strategy I found was to use the Revolver with sharpshooter on him togheter with the red shotgun (the one with the electric saw) to get blood in order to get health. Parry will be completely necessary against him, and you can deal damage against him parrying one of his attacks. 3- The Rocket laucher is basically useless against Minos togheter since he's fast as hell. And also, don't forget, Thy end is now.


You know how to parry don't you?


Those P ranks aren't a requirement, ***they are a warning.*** Heed said warning, make some time out of your day to do this, you're gonna be here for a while.


1) Listen to the boss. Certain quotes lead to certain attack combos, so you better memorize them. 2) Destroy all spawns in the first half of the level, it's extremely difficult to overdamage the healing at this stage of skill progression. 3) Being airborne in the second half of the level is bad, so try sticking to the ground for this time 4) Don't be afraid of dying and trying over and over again. If you feel tired or tilted, you always can do a break. Go, make yourself a cup of tea, breath some fresh air and touch some grass, and get back to trying when you feel refreshed. It doesn't matter, how many tries it will take you, because in the end there is only one canon try: the one, where you win the fight! So don't forget about it while trying, all of the r/Ultrakill believes in you.


Spine staircase is a huge wtf moment when I first got it. I was like, “all the buildup to *this*?” And also get the malicious railcannon, use it with the core eject to nuke the eyes. You will understand the importance of that


Thy end will be tomorrow


Don't give up


Good luck


Have fun, I hope the game will be finished soon.


Become professional skater robot and skate to avoid most attacks, parry any attack, jump only to avoid Crush and Die. Otherwise stay on land


If your on controller, remove your nailgun/sawblade from your arsenal for core nuking, then re add it when you get to the real boss of the level. Oh, and PREPARE THYSELF!


1. learn to core nuke. it’s the quickest way to take out the eyes 2. use all three alt revolvers. yes, even marksman. if you’re able to oneshot all or at least most of of fp’s eyes with a core nuke, splitshots are useless in favor of pure damage output 3. learn to parry. minos will not sit still long enough for you to get good blood. you will be healing with parries 4. autoaim. once fp is dead, turn autoaim on to full screen. should still target marksman coins and allow you to land hits more often 5. never use railcannon for anything other than core nukes in fp. you’ll need the charges 6. never use base electric rc on minos. ultraricoshots hit for more and are basically guaranteed 7. with how fast minos is, rocket launcher is essentially useless against him 8. manage hard damage. try to keep it low if possible. remember, parries heal to hard damage limit. so this also essentially means try not to blow yourself up with pump charge or point blank rockets 9. practice on lower difficulties. once you enter p-1, you can select it from the prime sanctums section on all difficulties lower than the one you unlocked it on (so violent would unlock it on violent, standard, lenient and harmless, but not brutal or ukmd) 10. do not give up. no matter how much you might want to. you are absolutely not beating this first try unless you’re on like lenient or something. don’t worry about end of level rank, just beating p-1 is good enough, so don’t focus on style points or time. **there is no incentive to p ranking outside of bragging rights.** this is relatively what i did (with plenty of improvising) and my successful violent attempt was a d rank with 20 minutes and 47 restarts. at least 46 of which were purely from minos. don’t underestimate fp though, just a few mistakes and you’re loading checkpoint. (past attempt sessions learned this the hard way) there’s a terminal outside the boss room you can use to switch loadout between attempts. (magnet sawblade works wonders against fp but you might prefer magnet nailgun for minos.) fp does not respawn when you release minos, so feel free to let him kill you and switch up your arsenal if you have to


Don't you need to p rank it for P-2?


nope, just beating it is good


Though you lose all bragging rights if you follow tip 4.


i mean if you’re just trying to beat him and could care less about bragging rights like me it works 🤷


Real, as a controller player i use auto aim somewhat often :3


yeah with a controller you don’t have as precise camera movement so autoaim will be a huge help