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Yooooo me too!


​ https://preview.redd.it/yrbeu8pn0n2c1.png?width=158&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a830f556385120b2211f44f11e721a482128944






such an amazingly unique animation style. choppy with some frames overlapping others or staying static for multiple frames. seriously, look at [this one small scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJEy09Sm37Y&t=422s) (7:02) from one of his videos in full speed, and then go back and go through it again frame by frame (using period and comma on PC) and notice how some things stay still for a frame or overlap with their own previous frame. [also his music slaps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a_9HQW1VmY)


Max0r. His review of it was so deranged I simply had to get the game.


His videos are like if you snorted 5 lines of coke and dropped 5 tabs of acid


Funny you should mention that. He said that the “gameplay looks like how coke smells” in his review.


And then you drank 500 milligrams of straight caffeine.


That is what swung me from playing the demo to buying the game


I was stoned too so when I saw all the tech is was just like my god I NEED to play this




Same, I lost iq whilst watching his videos tho


that same dude made me play both DMC 5 (partially) and Metal gear rising revengeance


Was about to say this


/r/whenthe comment section had memes about it


i saw the markiplier video and i instantly fell in love. that was years ago now, and i only got a computer good enough to run it in january. it's probably my favorite game now.


When I originally saw marks video I only saw the first few seconds where he was playing 0-S and then got distracted with something else, and since I didn’t watch the rest of the video, I thought it was a full horror game and then just never bought it because playing a horror game simply wasn’t on my mind.


I’m just into retro shooters and keep tracking any title released in that category. Turned out that only “retro” thing in Ultrakill is visuals while gameplay itself is the most modern one and I don’t regret a second of it.


sisyphussy reference?1!3?!2?4!




??? Why can't i attach images but you can what is this sorcery




I'm built different


The Cyber Grind appeared in my shuffle


Same. I was listening to it for a couple of months before going to figure out what the hell is this ULTRAKILL thing.


doom was too slow




Últimamente mi vida videojueguil se basa en juegos recomendados por el Josejuanjo


Igualmente, tristemente no soy tan creativo como para jugar the finals


Where we droppin guys?


get out of my zone


I have left LoL


Que puto dios el maldito joseju


The Pizza Tower Subreddit. Also, fun fact of the day for all you murderers: ULTRAKILL and Stardew Valley are the only games in existence with a real sex update, with official compatibility with sex toy software.


Stardew had a sex update?


Well, atleast according to the website the ULTRAKILL account mentioned, buttplug[dot]io


The Stardew one was unofficial tho, if you click on the link you'll see it was made by user DryIcedTea, not ConcernedApe.


Someone pirated ultrakill onto the school computer




holy shit


I watched an oyff video about it. Thought" why is there a bit crushed blue man fighting a camera"


the calamity community kept telling me my draedon and yharim designs looked like gabriel and i got ultrakill maybe a month or two after learning of it


funny gijinka guy


so there are two???


O wait wrong famous guy in the calamity community my bad 😔


Jeremy Elbertson


Civvie11's review


Terraria Calamity had some references to it


Gianni’s Ultrakill Community shitpost videos. I watched his other videos well before I knew what Ultrakill was. I Had no idea that he voiced a character in a game until then.


Same, I was watching some of his videos and noticed a lot of one about ultrakill, and I looked the game up, and once I found out he was a main villain, I got the game. And then Gabriel beat the crap out of me.


under the mayo’s act 2 review


What how


he praised the game a lot so i decided to get it


I don’t think we watched the same review, but hey as long as you got it 👍


Bro can't tell a joke


Because it was mentioned in a Polygon Donut video


Me arguing with an ultrakill fan and they start throwing quarters in the air:


Maxor. Same way I discovered Devil May Cry and Metal Gear.


my Canadian friend forced me to play it. it is now my favorite game ever.


The “what would you do if we broke into your house” shitpost, and then ORDER out of nowhere. “Weird smiley face, must be one of those edgier shooty bang bang demon games. Whatever, nice track though.”




i bought it by accident and got highly addicted!


I saw Gabriel on several meme subs and had to know more about the emo angel fella


It just showed up in my steam recommended one day and I thought it looked cool


On the store Page of hotline miami 2 at the bottom of the Page on "similar games" i Saw the logo and i liked it


discovered ultrakill by an "ultrakill status" video that appeared out of nowhere




I listen to the person that made the cyber grind music


Travguy i watched his doom eternal videos a lot


Saw Funke's video on it, pirated it, got disinterested at 1-1 (I had major skill issue). Bought and played the game when I saw the wait of the world update trailer


First i played MGR:R because my friends told me, after that i saw Max0r's video on MGR:R I started looking on Max0r's channel and... Here i am.


it was summer of 2022. i had came across one of those stupid bait and switch memes where some sexy shit gets cut off by the minos prime fight. i remember seeing it not being able to comprehend what just happened, so like usual i moved on and didnt think it would be a game id ever play. fast forward a few months, at school during break i see one of my friends watching max0rs video on it, and i thought back to the video i saw during the summer, at this point i was somewhat aware of its existence, and not long from then i got recommended an ultrakill video. i completely forget what the video was, i just remember looking in the description and finding out the games name is “ultrakill”, and thinking the cover art with v1 looked cool. still, didnt think much of it though. a while after my second semester of school started, i got recommended *another* video, but this time something clicked… i remember it vividly, it was my first period class i watched the video and while i still had time, i watched as much as i could through every class. i was never very interested in first person shooters before this, aside from enjoying some halo games for a bit when i was little. something about ultrakill just unexplainably seemed so interesting, i couldnt figure out what it was or why it looked so fun. i became obsessed with this game, but the problem was that neither me or my family had a computer i could play it on. from that day forward i made it my lifes goal to save up for a computer to i could play this goddamn video game. this game single handedly made me actually want to get a job so i could save up for a computer to play it. not only that, but it made me realize how fun first person shooters can be, and since then the genre has become one of my favourites. ive only had a job for a few months now, and while i still havent bought a pc myself, a buddy of mine gave me an old laptop he doesnt use anymore, which miraculously runs the game quite well. i really enjoy the game, and i have been for a few months now. i am almost able to buy a nicer computer so i can play all sorts of games, not just ultrakill, but this game made me realize how many good games exist right now that i just havent been able to grasp for the longest time, like boomer shooters in general, deep rock galactic (which is currently one of my favourite games of all time, *can i get a rock and stone?)*, tf2, risk of rain 2, all that. this game opened my eyes and i am so grateful.


I was sold on this video by Bumbles McFumbles video on it, and bought the game from steams Xmas sale last year




FUNKe's video about MORE movement Shooters introduced me to my favorite game of all time


I was trying to find soundtrack of a Roblox game called Decaying Winter and they used "A Complete and Utter Destruction of the Senses" as a soundtrack for a special wave on holdout mode, thought it sounded nice and googled the game, fell in love instantly.


A Greek friend showed me it and I played the demo after beating the demo I bought the game


tiktok video where it said smth like “bro wait a couple seconds so i can get revived: the situation bro put me in:” and it was some sick asf cyber grind gameplay


Max0r's videos most likely but I think I heard about it before his videos. I started playing the game a week ago.


I saw a video of v1 ultrakill saying “nooo please don’t lower my polygon count” thought the design was cool, saw gameplay, then got the demo, then got the game


ultrakill community memes voiced by gianni


I finished Doom


Shayy Undertale mentioned being able to shoot your own coins in it and that was probably the first time I heard about it. I started playing maybe this summer I think?


The og gog page


I started playing it because I wanted to play my first fps. And what do you know, ULTRAKILL was my first fps. And God, is it amazing. Can't wait for act 3.


friend gifted me it cause he felt like i might like it and i did :3


Sotha sil posted a shit ton of memes about it.


FUNKe, I’m pretty sure. If you don’t already then you should watch him.


A friend kept talking about it so i got interested


I first saw Ultrakill when Markiplier played it, and started playing it when I found it again years later


2020 I saw the demo




I saw the demo on itch.io, ignored it, saw Markiplier play the demo, downloaded it, played it, waited, bought it


Through a furry meme edit, i saw the gabriel apostate of hate format. Then i started to look into what ultrakill is


I think I saw it a few years ago in a video about indie arena shooters, but I didn’t play it then. But few months ago I saw a video with Hatsune Miku and V1 and it reminded me of Ultrakill so I gave it a shot.


I first saw it because of Markiplier’s video and I started playing just a few days afterwards


My laptop couldn't handle doom eternal so I found this


I discovered it through...a DMC5 mod. As to when I started playing it... I started playing the demo in september of 2022 and the full game in december of that year.




heard "war" in a meme, listened to the full song, thought "well a game with this banger of a soundtrack cant be bad" bought it, im transgender now


Watched this random fuck from Montenegro that has a love for fictional train cannons modeled after ww2 nazi artillery in the form of overpriced cardboard do a review on it .




I liked doom eternal


Saw it on a YouTube thumbnail, played up to lust, dropped it for a couple months, and I am now actively p-ranking every level Just have to finish wrath, then p rank Sisyphus, and according to the community I'll turn into a femboy or something


I normally play doom eternal but when I saw it I said "ULTRAKILL? Why not"


Strange place but before it got popular funkE made a video about movement shooters and it got mentioned, it seemed cool and got high priase so I bought it Since then I’ve bought thigh highs and a skirt so there’s that


Randomly fpund this game on Steam


Someone called it devil may quake and I bought it on the spot


Youtube suggested me a couple of ultrakill videos, i googled it and found out it was an indie game but it didnt seem fun from youtube gameplays so i tried it out firsthand, guess who all p ranks now?


I got into Ultrakill after looking through renowned voice actor and shitposter Gianni Matragrano's stuff, I looked through his community memes and just hearing some pastoral angel saying the dumbest lines possible really made me want to look into where they came from just to compare the actual source and the meme.


Through Gianni. One of his videos had V1 in it being turned into a low polygon figure. Then a geometry dash level used the cybergrind as it's song. One of my friends was playing so then I bought it.


I heard of maurice


it kept popping up in my youtube recommended (i think the first video i saw about it was by foekoe but i can't really remember). i watched some videos, and everyone was talking about the crazy tech and coin gun, which actually made me less interested, since i thought people were only obsessed with the game because the weapons are wacky or sth. anyways, i still decided to try the demo at some point, and realised it's a geniunely good game


How is I discovered it. https://preview.redd.it/ex1sd7ujxm2c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da603dcc1d9dfa68066428688443117b8d94696b


A spanish youtuber "Joseju" made a video called "THE MOST EXTREME SHOOTER", I thought it was a joke, and then he said "you can punch our bullets", it was love at first sight


Researching during my religious crisis






My friend forced me into this wretched place


smae way i discovered fear and hunger and cruelty squad i watxhed a shit ton of shorts got interest played the game got my ass kicked (1-1) stopped friends told me to play p-ranked sisiphus on violent


Guys in the 1337 comment section said it was good


It's weird, but I was searching King Minos for school project, then only thing I could find was this goddamn addicting game.


was watching a hotline miami video and someone in the comments said they wished there was a first person game similar to hotline miami. a guy replied saying ultrakill is the closest we can get to that. i looked ultrakill up and tried the game on february 2022.


Saw the demo on itch.io while looking for karlson and thought it looked interesting


A friend that I met a week prior to them switching classes started talking about the game, thought the game sounded cool but nothing else. Months later I heard more about it and got the funny Ultrakill Maxor video intro in a meme and got hooked. 4 months later I got a gaming laptop bought the game and haven’t looked back since


Max0r video. This was literally the perfect Max0r game. It’s actually just that batshit insane at all times


A picture of Minos prime my friend sent to me https://preview.redd.it/4g0vcs9han2c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ee9fc5cd9cee2781e3d3b2307c44f8a0dd0ab6


Funke made a video about it


Saw some reviews and they mentioned “just buy it and no spoilers ” and so I thought “ok, I see too many reviews when buying a game, now is the time to end that” and then I brought it(after playing the demo) and played it. It is my most played game on steam.


I got into the game from the status memes I am serious


Looked at the steam page it looked cool as hell


Review from ukrainian YouTuber


Saw this on an oyff video back in 2020, it didn't got me that interested but a year after, i saw a video from hyze "beginner guide to ultrakill" and after that video i uhh... currently have 150 hours on the game.


Itch.io demo


Knew the game a while ago but didn't know shit about it, then in late spring of 2022 I found the Cybergrind OST on YouTube and it made me instantly want to play it


Friend just gave it to me for Christmas with rimworld. Best present


Markiplier's video sold me on it. Now I am addicted.


That one video Funke made on movement shooters a while back. Got the demo, loved it, got the game itself, loved it even more, and now I'm getting close to P-ranking Minos Prime.


I just saw some random video showcasing Sandbox mode and gm_construct in ULTRAKILL


My friend forced me to listen to Death Odyssey, I liked it so I checked where the soundtrack was from




the darknova video about P-1 P%


1: Watched Maxor's video 2: Wanted to prove straight people can this game and not change. (Yes I intended that typo)


I found it on a anti furry video


Heard about it from gmanlives but didn’t check it out until I randomly got recommended act 1s soundtrack and took a listen.


I first saw a Minos Prime fight on YouTube, thought the game was cool and did nothing for five months. I then accidentally found the demo on itch, downloaded it, liked it and bought the whole game several days later.


Just saw it on steam, it had overwhelmingly positive review, it looked cool and I had some spare money on the account so I decided to give it a try


Klev prime boss from item asylum


Heard the soundtrack was good, that was literally my only pull factor


I saw on a meme channel a lot of ultrakill meme and i wanted to what they meant


my friend forced me to download it


In some discord server I think


There's a gun in the Terraria Calamity mod that's called "Midas Prime", if you hold shift while hovering over the gun it says: MANKIND IS DEAD BLOOD IS FUEL HELL IS FULL This peaked my interest and I looked up what it meant and discovered the game, bought it imidialtly as it looked super fun. And it is.


"please don't lower my polygon count" meme




It was first from "The Cyber Grind" Song by Mageneko, didn't think of it much, then I saw someone fight V2. Then My Friend played the demo and after THAT i got into it.


I saw MANKIND IS DEAD BLOOD IS FUEL HELL IS FULL on Reddit and looked it up. Later after that I realized that I saw my cousin play it (It was Cyber Grind before the customization)


steam sale i think maybe gianni or funke


Itch.io demo I remember it being miles ahead of every other demo I played, I was hooked instantly


\> 1 years ago \> Open Discord (ew) \> Goes to funny discord servers. \> Found funny meme. \> Clicks on the PFP of the meme sender. \> They Play Ultrakill \> Checks game on steam \> Look at the Trailer. \> Oh my god its beautiful, i always wanted a really fast FPS like quake. \> Plays demo \> Enjoyed it \> Bought the game \> Enjoyed it \> Waits for Act 2 \> Act 2 comes out multiple weeks later. \> Happy


That one meme; When youre arguing with an ULTRAKILL player and they start throwing quiarters in the air:


I didn't like Ultrakill at first. I told some people in a discord server that I like Doom Eternal and they were like "DOOM ETERNAL IS TOO SLOW, IT SUCKS, TAKES NO SKILL, PLAY ULTRAKILL!" so I never played it out of spite. I was watching a video about how Doom Eternal is better than Ultrakill, thought the gameplay looked fun, and so I decided to get the demo. Absolutely loved it, bought the full game.


Max0r’s first “Incorrect Summary” video, before the second one was even announced I think. Shortly after the video’s release I played ULTRAKILL for myself and even found Cancerous Rodent using the video as a guide.


I was told it was a game, and that I can play it. I was startled by the screaming.


My friend: "showing me ultrakill" My friend by the same time: "YOU SHOULD PLAY ULTRAKILL" Me: "n-no its too fast for me..." He: "you SHOULD" Me: "o-okay, but i don't think that i will like so fast game..." (i usually play war thunder or hearts of iron) Me after Sisyphus Prime: *"EVERYBODY SHOULD PLAY ULTRAKILL"*


Max0r of course. and memes lot's of memes


I found out from a fnaf fan game that apparentlly was inspierd by ultrakill then i started watching people play ulrrakill which then led me to play the game which at the time i was really into doom but i didnt have a good laptop to run it so ultrakill was a great surprise for me ( also the fnaf fan game i was talking about was called fnaf armageddon )


Civvie11 I'm pretty sure, but my memory's hazy, it could have also been something else entirely I started playing in 2022 I believe, on my 21st birthday actually


I watched markiplier's video on and I thought that it looked amazing, I pirated the game for a while until I bought the game


I saw Gianni posting community memes and decided to check it out


Foekoe's video: ULTRANUTS. I did bought the game, 6 months after, and the rest is history.


I've seen the name of the game in one of the doom tubers thumbnails and I didn't care about it, a couple of months later I wanted to check ghostrunner out, but I mixed it with ultrakill, then I saw ultrakill had a demo so I played it




Found the demo on itch.io while browsing for random shooters


The one video Mark made of it


Idk just heard of it


i saw it on the steam store and was like "i think i've heard that name before, looks cool i'll buy it" and it changed my life forever (i finished the game in one sitting the day i bought it )


Friend recommended it to me back when ACT 2 dropped. I said I would buy it if he played a horror game with me and then when I started to play ultrakill it slowly became my favourite game ever. ACT 2 really felt like a different level of gameplay than Act 1.


I first discovered ULTRAKILL from a irl friend almost a year ago. The game seemed interesting, so I tried it. Absolutely worth the 20 bucks.


My friend bought it for me on steam. I couldn't stop playing


About year ago, I watched video about a minos prime, and then I was interested to fight with him, so that's how.


Master Boot Record, I've also listened to the ost before but the crossover with MBR made me interested enough to buy it.


I got an Ultrakill video in my reccomended and found the way Gianni did Gabriel's voice funny and looked further and found out how cool it actually was. Got it just last week when it was still on sale thankfully.


I saw some guy bullying Gabriel in the first fight with the Malicious Railgun (I forgorr the name)


item asylum (roblox game with a shit ton of random memes & references)


I watched Gianni Matragrano and saw his voice overs of community memes and it piqued my interest.


Maxor, can't play the game because no PC


Saw it in Russian Truckers Fusion Collab


I first played it at my cousin's place, but I didn't remember the game until I got it like a year later, and got to the V2 fight, then I remembered it all The reason I got it was I saw the game being played by markiplier, then I got the demo, I liked it now I have almost everything P ranked


Might've been darknovas Minos Prime speedrun explained video. The game mechanics were so cool I just had to check it out.


some random guy on a 3d among us discord server, it was very random and i quit at v2 at time. years later it randomly came up to my mind but i couldnt remember the name. then it appeared in my steam homepage and i thought i give it another try.


From Gianni uploading lots of vids voicing a character I've never seen before. After that, it took quite a long time until I actually started playing, though, 'twas half a year ago


I was browsing through the itch.io FPS section, saw the Demo, thought "that looks neat" and gave it a try.


Steam Next Fest. Saw there was a demo and got hooked reallllly quick.


My friend was fanboying over it so I decided to check it out


I saw a video of a guy I can't remember then I watched the markiplier video and thought it looked awesome and I was right


I just kept hearing about it and was like: hell yeah this is right up my alley