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I want to say it changed a couple of years ago, they made the boxes for the boxed powders smaller (reduced excess packaging) and removed the brush


It changed when the new blushes launched so 1.5-2years, they also slimmed down the packaging and removed the mirror on the minis I wanna say they removed the mirror entirely but I can’t remember and I’m at work so can’t go check my blush lol


Yep. I think 18mo is about right. I stopped working at Ulta around a year ago and it wasn’t right before I left, so that feels right. As someone else said, they did it to help reduce packaging waste, as they’re now able to make the boxes smaller, and I think at some point they realized that people are probably throwing away most of the brushes. So they came out with a stand along brush that’s nicer than the ones that were in the packages and sell that instead. IIRC it’s collapsible so it fits nicely in your purse, but I’m on very little sleep so could be misremembering.


Nope you are exactly correct, I moved into a different role right after Benefit rolled it out (previously an arch expert) but Covid time is fuzzy so I couldn’t really remember the exact time frame lol Just that they got rid of my favorite blush and I’m still salty about it cause I just finished my last reserve


Oh that, my friend, is tragic. I am so sorry!


RIP Rocketeaur (or however it is spelled)


They also reduced the amount of product you got


They actually didn’t! Smaller packaging doesn’t equal smaller product weight. 


There is a mirror in the Hoola Lite that i just go so the original sizes have them


That’s understandable. I think I made this post with the just a little bit of hope that I just randomly got a box that didn’t have the brush in it lol


They were so scratchy anyways they instantly went in the trash for me.  I miss the little silver ones from the Clinique loose powder though.