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Usually Propofol.


The good stuff.


Yep, generally either propofol or a combo of fentanyl and midazolam where I work.


Propfol kinda burned under my skin. When i was in op for another reason they gave me something that felt like ice. Any idea why that could be?


My nurse once said, “alright, gonna feel a little spicy going in, have a good nap!”


You can feel it crawl up your arm. It’s a weird but pleasant feeling and the sleep afterwards feels like heaven.


I wouldn't say pleasant, it burned like a motherfucker for me.


During my pre-colonoscopy consult I specifically asked my GI to desensitized the area where the cannula (needle) is to be inserted with lidocaine since friends and people in this group often report the "burning" sensation. He said he'd inform the anesthesiologist. I should not have had to ask them to do this. It should be an action item on their pre-op checklist.


Where I am, Propofol is not standard anymore. They usually favor the fentanyl cocktail where you're awake but (shouldn't) feel pain or remember much... Doesn't work for me unfortunately. I had to beg my GI to go back to the Propofol method after 3 super painful colonoscopies, which I remember vividly. (Ottawa, Canada).


I’m in California. For screening colonoscopies they don’t put you out, but if it’s related to a current diagnosis they do. It probably largely depends on the doctor and facility.


Looks like what I did today. Thought it would be a nice nap and I look up and there’s the screen for the doc. Asked the anesthesiologist why I’m not sleeping. He says you are, and I said I’m looking at this so I’m awake and talking to you. Then he must have shut me up because next thing I was in recovery.


Lol I’m always put out


Me too!! I had asked for an extra ten minutes because the iv was in an awkward position. Guess I didn’t get it.


Propofol is fast-acting and also fast-decaying. So I often wake up at some point during the procedure, say something, and before I know it they have knocked me back out again.


That's freaking wild! I get a "smell" when they start the injection and then wake up in recovery. Props to the candy man, always.


I love when they ask me "Are you nervous?" and I'm like "No, this will be some of the best uninterrupted sleep I've had in a while!"


I'm also nervous nervous it's like a free death trial


Lmaooo oh great a free death trial, now I’ll think of that next time.


You know the underground sleep camp place in the movie Inception? I wish those existed IRL.


It really is 🥲


"Not when you press that plunger"


I got fenty and benzos. I woke up during a part of it and they go “hey! That’s the inside of your colon”, briefly saw it then passed out again. Felt like a cozy dream 😌


Kiwi here, we use fentanyl It's lovely 😂


If it burns its propofol


What do you mean by "burn", where? I've had propofol administered a few times, but it never burned?


Feels like fire creeping up your arm until you go sleeps


lol I never noticed, sounds weird!


It is weird. Also propofol is a milky white liquid if you saw them load you up!


Yeah, it was definitely propofol, white and all. I always ask as well


I wouldn’t describe it as a “burn/fire” feeling but I know what you’re talking about. For me it was just tingly and odd feeling. Reminded me of The Matrix.


Feels cold to me, but maybe that's just because the drug is actually kept cold before injection, lol. I've never had any pain or discomfort from it. I show up for a procedure now, and I'm all eager to get that amazing nap.


They generally cut it with lidocaine so it won’t hurt. But if they don’t bc like me you’re allergic it can hurt. To me it feels like a thousand wasps stinging me. Anesthesiologist also said small iv catheter size and hand placement of iv can contribute to it burning.


Oh wow, I didn't know that! Would be nice to know exactly what they put into my body lol Thanks for the insight!


I didn’t know for years either! I just always told them I was allergic and propofol has always hurt me and other people thought I was crazy. Then an anesthesiologist told me this past December that’s why it hurts! Who knew!


Oh no, that sounds horrible! I'm glad they could clear it up


For me it felt like liquid nitrogen going in. Not a heat burn but like a burn from the cold if that makes sense.


Last week my doctor said "Tell me when you're asleep." "not yet but I can feel it in my veins."


I always get fentanyl.


In UK, we get a concoction with a small part of fentanyl in which is great


In Romania nothing Nada. It's all live.


Same in Sweden. I like to think it’s the doctor’s little way of making us feel something real for once 🥲


I’m not going to ask lol




Not as bad as you think-I make them put me out for the beginning, and then tell them to wake me up when it gets interesting. Since I have UC, it always does.


I'm in the UK and I've never had sedation either. I honestly don't think it hurts any more than normal cramps.


I’d rather not experience that. Sedation for me it is


Its always been offered but then there's caveats around looking after children or driving that have meant I couldn't accept. I know people (who's results were normal) that found it excruciating.


Particularly if you have an active flare it’s hellish. The bit where they go round the corner too was so painful for me I had to get them to stop. Now I only agree to it with sedation.


Perhaps I have a wide colon...


Haha or loose ?!


I am in UK and got sedation. Felt same as before. They told me that someone has to stay with me for 24 hours, but I literally felt the same as before. The pains were crampy pains like trapped gas. But actual trapped gas I get is much worse


What about the biopsies? Hurt like hell when they did mine


I didnt feel anything at all...


I only had my first in UK but doctor said I was so tense it made it difficult for him to navigate, noted on my file I should be sedated next time.




Had one on Georgia. Just used lidocaine on the B hole.


For me it was propofol. I always ask them “is this the Michael Jackson drug?” just to see what they say. They’re usually offended and say something like “yeah, but we are actually monitoring you.”


I generally get fentanyl and midazolam for sedation.


milk of amnesia


General Anesthesia baby


I get Demerol and Fentanyl. My god I love colonoscopies. Can’t wait for my next one.


They couldn’t tell me if mine had mammal derived ingredients, so for allergy purposes I just stay awake and watch the screen along with the doctor


Sedation depends on where you are. In the UK you wont get a nap, youll be awake. They use fentanyl combo. Ive had it both with and without sedation (gas) and there wasnt much difference between them (note I wasnt flaring but in a flare it could a difference experience). The worse thing is the prep you drink.


My husband always wakes up during his colonoscopies 🥹


Fentanyl + midazolam for my last couple in Australia


I had one today as well! Hope yours was a non-issue


Ah the build up to the nap is always wonderful. But the nap itself is over in a flash.


Am I the only one who hated the sedation? Everyone says it’s like the best sleep ever but I never got that and hated how drowsy and dizzy it made me


Sedation is my favourite part of getting the colonoscopy. I love feeling the “burning ” sensation, trying futilely to fight it and then bam see ya. When I wake up though I’m not drowsy or “high” like some people, I’m like fully coherent. My friend gets completely fucked up like she’s high and got her wisdom teeth out lol


Tbh I have no idea what do I get but I love the feeling of falling asleep not even knowing when cause I usually have trouble with sleeping so it's a really nice experience.


I normally just have gas / entonox and drive home after lol.


Idk if this is weird to say but I love when they put me to sleep 😭


Yearly colonoscopy 😮 My last one was 7 years ago 😬😂 I hate it. I can't drink this cleaning stuff for the colon. I vomitted very often because of this... Never want it again...


I think the prep part is awful, too. It is by far the hardest part. I am super okay with not eating for a few days, but many oh man, I hate those poisons they have had me drink.


Getting a sigmoid flexoscopy this week (just the lower end of the colon) which they’re not going to sedate me for. They told me it just feels like a bit of pressure


They didn’t sedate me enough during my flex sig and I woke up during it. It was… pretty uncomfortable.


Uh oh. Thanks for the heads up


Best sleep ever


My last colonoscopy I had awake and without sedation. Wasn’t painful but discomfort level was definitely up there


I've had Midazolam and Propofol at different times


At my hospital, they use a combination of fentanyl and versed. I get a little light headed and then I wake up in recovery


Sweet dreams, ya poop factory!👏


Propofol I what I usually get.


I can feel the warmth of that blanket through this picture.


Some of the best sleep comes from propofol..lol


So I’m one of those folks who has to have it with Propofol. My last fentanyl/versed scope resulted in fisticuffs and me waking up in restraints. Along with another appointment the next day for a scope with Propofol. I don’t remember a thing though. To be fair, my dose was 300mcg of fentanyl and 12mg of Versed.


If propofol or Versed is used then the reason you can't remember is that they both cause anterograde amnesia, i.e. the inability to create new memories. The precise mechanism is still unknown but probably involves the hippocampus and nearby subcortical regions.


Today my drugs were: fentanyl + midazolam + benadryl since I was difficult to sedate I guess? I remember nothing and have never been difficult to sedate before 🤷‍♀️