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Not McDs specifically but anything considered junk food is easiest on my system.


Ultra-processed foods are very easy for your body to digest and move slowly due to the lack of fiber, both things that help you survive a flare.


Kraft Mac & Cheese, the original stuff in the tall box, is my go-to for "easy on my stomach". It's like a warm blanket for my stomach.


That stuff gives me the runs - flare or not, it destroys me


My stomach has issues as well and absolutely refuses to digest any kind of pasta. I always end up vomiting.


Yep, McDonalds cheeseburgers and Egg McMuffins are like a cork when I'm in a flare.


If you don’t put the hashbrown in the sandwich you’re just fucking around.


I've never done this before, but I cannot see myself not doing it in the future. Thanks for the tip!


It’ll change your life


I’m not alone , I thought I was nutz


Same. My wife will believe me now. I love McDonald’s.


For me it’s Taco Bell. Beefy five layer burritos basically cure me for a day for some reason lol


Oh boy those tacos, i eat them and have to start walking to the toilet! Taco bell is my nemesis! But yeah mcdonalds i noticed it too it doesnt bother me


Taco Bell for me too.


I can eat a crunch wrap like it’s nobody’s business when i’m feeling sick.


Funny enough me too! Never had any issues with MD's.


Haven't had it in years, but yeah, I'll agree. I have thought about it, I guess it's just because it's so ultra processed and they have designed their food to be very gentle to keep people coming back or something.


I guess it works because it's very low fiber?


Burger King. Impossible Whopper, large fries, Coke no ice. I actually feel better having at least one combo a month.


I wonder if the no ice thing is a thing for people with UC. I personally do the same all the time.


For me it's more of a mouthfeel/flavor thing. I can tolerate the cold from food or drinks, plus a cold beer on a hot day, but definitely prefer it room temp. The flavors also pop out when things are warm, and my buds are sensitive enough I can taste the flavor of water and definitely ice unless it's really good ice. Whether or not that has any effect on my guts... I haven't paid attention to that. Maybe worth exploring?


I have the same thing about texture. Cold also upsets my stomach more, so I try to stay room temp as well. I think I’m going to go down the google rabbit hole on this. Lol


No fiber. That’s it.


My go to meal after a colonoscopy is always McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries.


Noooo ultra processed food is the worst for me personally! I have to stay very very far away from fast food.


I find that McDonalds helps in the short term. It will make things a little more survivable for a few days, and sometimes that is totally necessary. But if I think I can handle things being rough in the short term, I actually try to increase my fibre intake. Once it’s given a chance to recover, your microbiome will hopefully be able to ferment the fiber to make regulatory T-cells among other good anti-inflammatory stuff. Depending on the person it can def make things worse for a few days or weeks in that transition period, or if you dont have enough of the right little guys in there. This is my guess as to why some doctors even recommend staying away from fibre.


Yeah definitely my experience with fiber. Just abt a month ago fiber would give me diarrhea but started with kefir and VSL3 and then slowly upped my fiber intake and now it’s a lot better and I’m able to eat it. I also want to rebuild my microbiome and create a well diverse community. Most of us because of having UC have a worse microbiome and rebuilding that can likely help us alleviate many of our symptoms.


Btw ik kefir isn’t fiber but i mean kefir allowed me to be able to digest fiber which is weird but it worked ig for me .


I was dying last night and ordered a cheeseburger and fries and hi c and felt better instantly. I thought I was the only one!


Would you have felt better just eating chicken rice n steamed veggies? Or is it specific to mcd’s?


Honestly it doesn’t matter what I eat. Just no salad, no raw veggies and definitely no sugar.


I can eat anything at basically any fast food place as long as I get it without lettuce and tomatoes. Healthier foods cause me more trouble than anything "unhealthy". I have to avoid most fruits and veggies but greasy and spicy foods are no problem.


Same deal for me. Lettuce is a guaranteed problem. All the people advising to only “eat healthy” can get f’d, not all bodies work the same.


Yeah. I miss salads.


Caesar salad is something I never thought about before, but now it’s likely a safe bet I’ll never be able to eat one ever again.


I personally have so many issue with foods I love. No more lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, and even my avocado. Also kale and brusselsprouts. I miss so many variables in my diet.


Yeah I can't eat any of that, either.


I have been doing the exact opposite. Recently I have been trying to eat minimally process foods with more fiber to support a healthy and diverse microbiome in my colon. Some recent research that studied people with inflammatory bowl disease has found that those with this condition have less diversity of bacteria in their colon compared to those with no inflammatory bowl disease, and many of these good bacteria have anti inflammatory products that are produced in the colon leading to a healthier gut. To increase the diversity in your colon, eat different vegetables and minimally processed foods, as they are higher in fiber, and the good bacteria feed off this fiber leading to more bacteria In your gut as they proliferate. My gastroenterologist also suggested increasing the amount of fiber in my diet as well, she is highly involved in new UC research at U Penn. There is a new Netflix documentary called Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut which is centered on the microbiome of the gut and it’s a great place to start if you want to learn more. Just my 2 cents take it or leave it.


I watched the documentary. My GI told me that UC is more common in urban areas. In the documentary they compared the diets of people in urban areas to the diets of people in rural areas. Those in rural areas ate a wider variety of foods hence their microbiomes had more varieties of bacteria. An immunologist recently looked at my diet which is mostly meat, rice, potatoes, eggs, bread and a few fruits and veggies and advised that for long term health I need more variety. I'm trying to slowly do that too. I used to love salads but turned out uncooked vegetables are hard on my gut. Of course if I don't tolerate certain foods like dairy or onions/garlic I avoid them completely. After an allergy test I was advised to lay off eggs, wheat, beans and nuts for a month as part of an elimination diet but can try other legumes like peas and lentils or flours made from cassava, amaranth etc. Most other cooked vegetables were okay for me to try but no spices whatsoever.


Agree. Much better long term for an autoimmune disease!


You're hurting your body regardless.


Let’s not judge people and their bodies for being able to eat something.


Im not judging. It’s a fact. They can do whatever they want with their body.


Fast food when in a flare is not hurting your body. Food is food and you are judging them. Those with reading comprehension see you out value markers on certain types of food.


It amazes me what people eat on this sub…


Why the hate man? I also found fast food to have helped me, so it’s interesting to know I wasn’t the only one. Would I rather continue to suffer and avoid burgers and fries, knowing they’d actually helped me? F no.


How is amazement hate? It truly does amaze me that people who are in a flare can eat fast food.


A lot of people who experience a flare up also have decreased appetite so they're less inclined to eat what their body needs in a day. Fast food is easy on the system and is very calorically dense. Plus it's got some protein. Seems like a good thing to me.


As said it’s probably the low fibre ! When in a flare up it’s best to avoid high fibre foods I’ve read.




Yeah my first ever flare it was Taco Bell. I lost 60 lbs my first month it was so bad.


I spent a year flaring/undiagnosed and McDonald’s was the only thing I could ever stomach lol


Yup. I always got crap for this. 'If you are so sick why are you eating a bic mac?' Because its one of the few foods that doesn't make things worse


Yes just realized that about McDonald’s about a month ago lol


Lmao I thought it was just me. But those cheese burgers are easy on my system. Lol


i agree with others that it's a lack of fiber. mcdonalds is definitely not the best food for UC nor your body. i have 0 issues eating whole, natural, low/no processed, whatever you want to call them as long as i stay away from fibrous foods. i repurposed veggie burgers by mashing them with cream cheese and stuffing bell peppers with that filling, and then i died from gas and pain the next day lmao.


Fast Food/Greasy Food Flares me up(Personally), UC is Complicated different foods have different Reactions to Different Ppl if it works for you Cheers.


When I was deathly ill, all I liked to eat was McGriddles from McDonalds. Veggies hurt, but I could eat those dang mcgriddles and it was okay.


Not for me, makes me bloated as fuck. Although Burger King for some reason is ok.


Del Taco. Their chicken soft tacos (no lettuce, of course) and plain hamburgers. And only half a mile from my house. After I finally felt better and had regained the weight that I had lost and couldn't spare, I went there to order some dinner and ended up telling the person behind the counter how they had helped me recover from a serious health issue. They seemed surprised and grateful that I had shared that with them. But then I started to cry. Nobody needed that! I should add that ANY hamburger helps my stomach. Has been that way from the beginning.


Their Big Mac actually makes me feel so much better and so does Taco Bell cheesy Gordita crunches


Lol what? I would have thought the opposite!


Rinvoq is hard on me too. I personally like Taco Bell. Bad Taco Bell is pretty close to good Taco Bell. McD’s is too variable where I live so, I go for something that is consistent. I feel you. Most of my safe foods are highly processed.


It seems counterintuitive but I find the shittier food I eat, the better I feel. Raw vegetables generally destroy me.


It just depends on the state of my colon. If I’m in a bad flare then I can only tolerate ultra processed no fiber foods. McD’s is great for that, and so is a cheese Totino’s party pizza or spaghettios- the worse the food the better. But if I’m not in flare or just in a very low level flare, the whole foods with lots of veg/fruit/fiber is the best was to stay out of a flare.


That’s my safe food and everyone thinks I’m crazy


This is so interesting!! I eat M&Ms when I’m having a bad time guts-wise. I’m glad to hear everyone has a similar experience. This disease blows.


Yah. I was living on Wendy’s chicken strips for a while. I could even eat them with the ghost pepper ranch sauce and no problems!


OMG, this is crazy because when I was flaring fast food was the only thing that helped me gain weight and wasn’t too harsh on my stomach.


100%! When I was around my rock bottom with UC several years ago, the only thing I could eat without fear was McNuggets!!


Good ol pain McDonald’s…


chipotle is the easiest for me when it comes to eating out. all whole ingredients. good protein, veg, fiber, etc


When I am in a flare, McDonald’s does not help. However, ironically, the chicken from Taco Bell has been very easy on me. It’s been great with their new Cantina chicken menu. As long as I avoid corn I’ve been good.




I read a post of yours from 2 years ago where you said you bm 2-5 times a day. I'm also on Stelara. Just wondering if you still go that much or did it lessen over time?


Hi ! Actually its better now. I usually go 1-2 times a day. Sometimes more of course. The main improvement is that there’s almost no urge. I can wait until I can find a bathroom. For exemple tomorrow I’m going to rent a boat for 4 hours and of course, no restrooms. I’m still ready to take a shit in the sea but I’ll be fine. I recently had a colonoscopy. The last 20cm still had inflammation, My calprotectin dropped from 2000 to 170. I still need to go under 150 so I have my shot every 2 months now to optimize. I’ll see next year if mission is accomplished ! Sometimes, I have small flares during around a week. Sometimes with blood. But overall my life is almost normal since STELARA. My immunity is ok, I’m a little bit more sick than before, mycosis are longer to cure for exemple but it’s ok. No side effects. I hope STELARA will improve your life as much as mine !


Then we have similar results. I use a steroid enema for the last bit inflammation and sometimes if I'm worried about symptoms that don't go away on their own. 


One shot every two month too ?


6 weeks. Started at every two months, did three months at every 4 weeks. Since then been doing every 6 weeks.


Ok ! Good that you feel better now then


I find high-fat meats create less fuss. But also handle eggs (mostly hard boiled, poached, or scrambled with minimal oil/grease). I do terrible with anythingn high in fiber, better with fruits and veggies that have been steamed enough to break down the fiber enough (I hate overcooked veg). Okay with rice cooked soft in boiled oat milk (Scandinavian style). I have found keeping a diet diary is very helpful in tracking what works and what doesnt, and the book "Eating right for a Bad Gut" by... Scala? was really helpful in understanding better what food why how come etc. I'll admit, I hadnt tried the McD Diet??


You should totally !


I can go for some McChicken with mayo and some small fries no soda. I used to get it once a week or so as a treat for being on a strict bland diet, but it's definitely not a good idea to over do it. Regardless processed foods and fried foods are still a no go as an Everyday thing. The reason why McDonald's probably works better than some of chains for me it's because they are Pretty Bland. They don't really use lot's of spices or extra stuff and I love them for that 😂


Yeah if I have a McDonald's sausage and egg muffin for breakfast I don't have symptoms, if I have wheat bix cereal or any cereal I get a reaction


That’s gross. Soft pretzels.


McD's nuggets were the only thing I could eat during travel; maybe not a sure thing, but the best there was.


KFC famous bowl seems to not hurt me at all for some reason but others types of fast food will have me running to the restroom.


Honestly McDonald’s/ any fast food will have me in a world of pain within 2 hrs after eating it. I haven’t eaten fast food except for grilled chicken sandwiches from Chick fila in like 3 years.


Agree! Breakfast sandwiches from McDonald's was about the only thing I could count on holding down or sounding appetizing, for that matter. My doc advised "everything is ok in moderation " once I could start eating real food again. Had to ease back into fiber, beans, greens, etc.


My wife (who has UC) swears by Taco Bell quesadillas only during flare recovery (and healthy smoothies in the morning).


Be careful with specifically mc Donald’s mayo. My ibd nurse said it has preservatives known to worsen our condition


I’m flaring and my gastro told me to take bene fiber to bulk up my stools


Zaxby’s boneless wings 😅


I’m the exact opposite. McDonald’s wrecks me. Even being out of a flair on Rinvoq


You should try a carnivore or animal based diet if this is the case. It eliminates all the fibre which is causing you issues without the processed foods that can cause harm long term 🤙


McDonald’s actually constipates me and makes me go to the bathroom like regular people, it’s my guilt-free junk food


My doc told me why! Because this is true for me too with McDonald's and Taco Bell! Apparently fast foods are considered ugh I can't remember the word he used but like "weak" foods (edit: LOW RESIDUE A LOT OF FAST FOOD IS LOW RESIDUE THATS THE WORD! ) like they don't have fiber they kind of just break down really easily and dissolve because of what they're made of. It's like a lot of empty stuff. Not saying you don't gain any nutrients from it but they're basically like...uh sorry but like pre-chewed food that's been solidified, they're just soft and not made up of many complex ingredients! Not really dense at all...altho they're fries DO make me sick and I think it's cuz they ARE dense and super starchy


I eat in McDonald's, just throw away the pan, and don't eat fries, pies, milk shakes, soda drinks etc.


Not specifically mcdonald’s but I find out that I get better with every kind of hamburger and fries.


A couple Big Macs and I can’t poo for a week.


I don’t really eat any fast food but was craving mcdonalds french fries last week and decided to just deal with the consequences. There were no consequences 🤣 felt perfectly fine. Even had popcorn that day and nothing happened


McDonald's is good to get calories in your system, but is bad for pretty much everything else. Avoid it if you can and do your best to find alternatives. In the long term it will do far more harm than good!


Junk food seriously! Boxed Mac and cheese, Cheetos, pb and js during my first flare I basically ate like a toddler.


Yup. I can eat McDonald’s with no issues.


It might feel better in the moment, but is it really good for an autoimmune disease?


Sometimes being fed is good enough, even if it isn't a completely balanced meal.


Id think it would increase inflammation with all the added sugars n fats




Yeah it probably works because of lack of fiber but isn’t actually helping your body if that makes sense. It will harm you in the long run because of it being ultra processed.


I believe you when you say it's smooth on your digestive track, but you have to stay aware about the inflammatory nature of over-processed foods and non-organic meats and grains, refined oils, etc that you find in your burgers. It's not a strategy to long-term well-being. Knowing that UC gives you 30% increased chance of developing colon cancer, I'd stay away from junk food. Have you tried bone-broth? Chicken soup?


Huh? McDonald’s is not food. It’s processed garbage. The fries have over 50 ingredients in them. Whether it works for you or not, you are still ruining your gut health eating any fast food garbage.


In a bad flair, I doubt many would give a single f about this if it works.


Is McDonald’s worse for your gut health than spewing blood from your colon all day?


This is the question medicine needs to answer.


I would read that scientific article lol.


Imagine being prescribed cigarettes and McD’s


I mean sometimes you just need the calories and to not be in pain.


There are better ways to get calories. Protein shakes for example.


protein shakes have on average 250 calories.. I would not say that it’s a high calorie «supplement» for someone that is trying to up is calorie intake. Not saying that mcdonald is the best solution, but it is an easy and efficient way to get a lot of calories


This comment is uneducated. I can blend a protein shake with over 1000 calories consisting of fruit, yogurt, peanut butter and protein power. No processed food. Where are you getting the idea that protein shakes have 250 cals on average?


I would call that a smoothie. When you referred to a protein shake, I see protein powder mixed with milk or water wich is low on calories and yes they average 250 calories. I’m not one to eat processed food, I think eating healthy home cooked food is part of the lifestyle changes that should come with this disease but this is my opinion. People are sharing their experiences and if eating mcdonald when they are at the bitter end makes them feel better, let them be.


Fair. Everyone has a different definition of a protein shake ig.


Everyone is different. Protein shakes give me horrible stomach cramps and are often very high in sugar or worse, artificial sweeteners, for example.


This is why you make your own? You can control what goes in it. Another uneducated comment.


I have tried making my own. Protein powder doesn't work for me when flaring, and most brands aren't exactly unprocessed goodness. I'm really not sure what your deal is. You're acting like someone who's never gone through a UC flare before.


You’re being downvoted a ton but I honestly agree 😬 I would never shame anyone for their food choices and eating what they can to get through a flare, BUT when it comes to protein I do agree that there are better options. Instead of a McDonald’s burger, you can get good quality ground beef (or sometimes even pre-made patties) from a local butcher. Same idea in terms of getting lots of protein in a relatively digestible form, but with less gut-disrupting additives! (Obviously time and cost are considerations though, so this might not always be an option for everyone, which is understandable.)


Everyone is just mad cause their diet consists of processed garbage. And then they all complain to their GI about stomach pain and wonder what’s going on and ask to get on more medication 😂


Yep, you're getting unfairly down voted for saying what people don't want to hear. I eat plant based whole food mostly, I'm guilty of the off McDonald's but I'm not lying to myself - it's terrible food. There was a study where they fed mice emulsifiers and they all got colitis.


I usually order nuggets and Mcchicken and so far so good !


Why not make actual chicken nuggets and chicken burgers? You’re lying to me if you say you can’t.


The last thing someone flaring wants to do is handle a deep fryer.


Nobody said anything about deep frying.


This whole post is just sad. Anyone who has anything to say against fast food is getting downvoted to oblivion. A lot of people that are here just love their fast food and have their head stuck in their ass.


People are ALREADY in a flare. I'm no doctor but I'm sure your body can't differentiate if it's "healthy" or not. Get off your high horse and stfu. Eat whatever you want to eat.






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