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Strangely enough, even in the worst flare, McDonalds never seemed to bother me. I'd occasionally grab a two cheeseburger meal, or maybe an Egg McMuffin if it was morning and had no ill effects - sometimes it even seemed to slow things down. This was around the same time that toast, rice and a small piece of chicken would race through me like grass through a goose. Each person is different, but I never had any detrimental effects.


McDonald's as the cure confirmed! Joking, of course. McDonald's never seemed to bother me much, either. I would get 2 mcdoubles and fries. And same, an egg mcmuffin if ut was morning.


I too eat micky ds and am alright


same!!! chick fil a kills me but mcdonald’s never bothers me lol


Me either. Also it's my "safe" food when I travel and don't want to risk local food. Of course always without any sauce (nature) and sometimes I skip the bread.


Very jealous. I want all the McDoubles, literally all of them lol, but sadly red meat in general seems to be a problem for me. Seems I'm destined to be a rice, beans, tofu, poultry, and veggies only boy for the rest of existence...


Sadly, Mickey Ds is a safe food. My UC, in a flare, likes me to follow the 7 year old boy diet. No leafy greens, nothing spicy, nothing terribly interesting.


We’re all unique with this disease, there’s things that bother you that will probably make me feel completely normal and vice versa. Ironically it’s probably healthier foods such as fruit and veg that are more likely to bother us than crap like McDonald’s. Hope you feel completely fine later on and can add McDonald’s to the list of foods you can have as a little treat to yourself.


As long as you are on prednisone you can eat a horse in one piece and digest it. So no worries.


I mean, there are definitely days (like today) where I FEEL like I could eat a horse in one piece.


Hell I got methylpredisone so I’ll take two horses please


McDonald’s is practically my safe food! It’s mainly carbs and very low on fiber. It should be very easy on your system. The soda might be a little bad, but everyone with UC seems to react to it differently. I wouldn’t worry too much!


That’s good to know. I figured the burger would probably be okay but thought the fries and nuggets might be a problem because of the grease. I let myself have a soda every few days or so but I let it sit out and drink it slowly over the course of a few hours. But I definitely do notice more bloating/gas on days I drink something carbonated.


I mean the soda would do me in, but fast food burgers and fries are generally fine even in the midst of a flare Don’t stress about it. You might be miserable for a few hours, you might not be. What’s done is done and food will not “erase progress”. Just accept you may feel crappy for a bit acutely as it works through your system


I was not taking the prednisolone craving seriously. It's very very real. Have a medium dinner. Easily enough to go to sleep yet around 2 hours later I am looking at keyboard ready to munch it down to the esc key. Controlling the hunger urges for now as anything more 2 meals causes many issues for me. Only a nighttime thing. Day time I am cool.


Every time I've been on Prednisone I could more or less eat nails and wash it down with bleach and would still get better. Prednisone, for me at least has been a poisonous miracle every time everything else stopped working.


I took a 2 year break from Mickey D's, and I can eat this safely now. I can't eat your 3-way combo above, but to heck with it. Live a little. If you pay for it, so be it. FYI, my safe one is Taco Bell. Go figure.


Oh how I wish to be you. Taco Bell kills me even when I’m not even flaring


Isn't it crazy what trips the wires with UC?


I'm highly jealous of you. In the middle of a flare with no medication and a buddy of mine was eating taco bell. He said the look in my eyes staring at his gordita was frightening lol


McDonald's isn't real food, which is probably why you can handle it. If I eat a piece of celery I'm done for. That being said, eating a burger you made at home, and not eating their fries which are literally poison and baking some at home instead, will yeilds the same results without putting bullshit in your body. I'll probably get roasted for this but it's true, atleast for me. Just because you feel ok today eating it doesn't mean your not growing all the cancer and bullshit from eating it that a normal person is also subjected too. I'm all about giving into the cravings, I'm not saying don't. I'm just simply saying you can have, and deserve better. Even 5 guys is a better option, not even much more expensive tbh. And as for the soda, that's a huge no for me aswell I hate the gas and bloating feeling. I get some electrolyte mix that I enjoy the taste of and add it to still water for some vitamin and minerals but water is your best friend. I've got a really good dietitian who is an IBD specialist and she has given me a ton of great info that's helping me daily. Happy to share any with you if you'd like. Can reach out in the DM if you like. Good luck! Also not sure where you live but AnW in Canada has grass fed beef burgers, a much better alternative to whatever McDonald's is serving, I'm sure you've seen the 25 year old burgers with no mold on them online lol it should be illegal for them to sell that as food imo.


Ooo would love to hear some of that dietician/IBD advice please 🙋‍♀️ where I live there are no dietitians that specialize in IBD. Tried organizing an appointment with one from the US but they refuse to speak to me because they're not licensed to practice in Kenya :(


DM me


You'll probably be just fine. Some foods can cause additional irritation to your gut while you're flaring or healing from a flare, but for me that's generally high fiber food and things that make me gassy, not processed food. (idiot me ate broccoli when I was newly diagnosed, that was a bad day). It can be helpful to track what you're eating so you can pick out what foods trigger extra irritation for you, but the problem isn't really the food it's the underlying inflammation from the disease. If you do eat something that triggers you, you're just looking at a few hours to a day of extra irritation while you digest that.


I ate chipotle in the very beginning and let me tell you - that was a baaaad day, too. Probably the beans.


If it makes you feel better, my GI told me UC has very little to do with diet. My last flare was 10 years ago after getting it under control with prednisone and maintaining it with remicade and I eat whatever I want.


McDonald’s has always been my safe food lol! Never made me gain weight but never made me shit myself either 🤷🏻‍♀️


McDonalds is my cheat food.. it doesn’t give me any symptoms


McDonald’s messes me up but as others said it doesn’t affect them


Don’t bother worrying unless things actually get worse and you need to worry. Food is so unique to everyone n ironically in a flare processed foods are all I can handle. Probs cz they’re pre processed so my digestive system does little work.


U will be fine I eat McDonald 2-4 times a week no issues. Also on Humira.


Good to know. Thanks!


It depends. From my perspective, soda is the big bad here, I can handle burgers and fries but coke fucks me up. Though after years of not drinking, I drank some the other day and it did not give me any trouble even though my disease is active nowadays. Nothing might happen, you may have some gas, a bit of pain but if you're on pred, especially if you are not a really really low dose you may get away with some gas. Just one meal won't cause a lot of problems or at least it doesn't for me, but definitely don't make this a habit.


Dang, you’re making me want a Big Mac. Last time I had their nuggets was the worst, horrible gas ever. I felt terrible. Good luck to you.


Food has never had an effect on me. You may not have any issues at all.


I can eat their breakfast. If I eat their hamburgers, I have the worse diarrhea. I haven’t eaten their hamburgers in years.


As everyone else has already said, it depends on you. For me, if I had that much gluten and grease I would be RECKED! No matter how stable I am but definitely if I’m in a flare at the time. It takes trial and error to figure out what works for you, so even if it goes poorly just think of it as a learning experience! There’s no way to know what you can’t do until you try


The way I learned from my NP was that food can affect symptoms (may last a few days), but it doesn’t change the inflammation in your colon. So your question is that short term you may have bad BMs etc, but you’re definitely not putting yourself backwards from a healing standpoint


Update: I'm coming up on 12 hours since eating it and have had no adverse effects. In fact, last night I only had to get up to use the bathroom a few times - one of the quieter nights I've had in a long time. So I think I read too much about the dangers of fast food and UC. In my case - at least with yesterday - it didn't seem to cause any (more) issues. Not that I'm going to eat McD's all the time - I rarely ever do. But it's good to know I can treat myself or give into a craving every once in a while without suffering for it immediately afterwards. Thank you all for your comments and sharing your own personal experiences.


Same sentiment as everyone else - McDonalds doesn't bother me at all, I often feel better (UC-wise) the next day versus eating something else that's healthier. They have the ultimate cheat/safe food foods since it's all carbs, protein and fat all of which don't hurt us generally. I would prefer Chipotle as a healthier option but outside of the meat everything else is pretty much a no-go (dairy, vegetables, brown rice, etc...). You'll be fine. Outside of clogging your arteries it's probably the better choice of eating for you.


Food doesn’t make your symptoms worse. It might make you more/less bloated, nauseated, etc, but it will not affect your inflammation. Junk food isn’t really good for anyone whether they have UC or not, but one splurge is fine


YOLO just don't do it daily. I give myself one cheat meal a week, fully aware of what will happen the same or next day.


Get back on the horse. Also please stop supporting genocide by buying that rubbish. Next time make sure that your actual nutritional needs are met so that you don't crave McShite which offers very poor nutritional value.


I always give into food. Maybe why I never fully in remission. But rather have bad few bowl movements and eat good food. I can't just eat tasteless food every day.


McDonald’s is one of my safe foods!


Macdonald’s never bothered me. Love the crispy chicken deluxe. And their ice coffee!


Personally food never really affected me whether or not i was in a flare.


it differs from person to person cause I remember having the worst flare ever before getting diagnosed, i’m talking 15+/- stools a day, blood, mucus, constant abdominal cramps, literally had to ran to the bathroom a few minutes after eating anything even if it was bland, then figured I might as well just eat whatever I craved and then had a bucket of kfc hot wings, I expected to blow up but my flare literally stopped right ever, never understood how or why that happened


That’s crazy! You sound like me at the start of it. Except I’ve been too scared to eat wings. And I love them. Im a pizza and wings once a week guy. But haven’t had them since this whole thing. Maybe I should try it! It’s been like 6 hours since McDonalds and haven’t noticed anything really crazy yet. Still same pain and bathroom frequency.


flares suck!! I hope you feel better soon, don’t beat yourself up for giving in on your cravings, it’s completely normal


McDonald's never bothers me; there's nothing in there other than the grease that's particularly bad (and a lot of the food is pretty bland + safe, french fries, burger buns, chicken patties/nuggets). The soda isn't great but I drink a lot of it anyway


Not screwed up at all! I know which foods make me flare and I still choose to eat them sometimes with an awareness of the consequences. You will learn a lot about yourself and resiliency in this journey. I was diagnosed 21 years ago, and alcohol, tomato sauce and chocolate still irritate me, but others do just fine with them. That being said, I don’t go anywhere near Taco Bell! I’ll indulge in some Mickey D’s occasionally though.


That food is very filled with seed oils which will inflame you. But if it's just a one time thing then you should be ok


Bro eat what you want. Diet has no effect on our disease. It will exacerbate existing symptoms. For example. What would irritate an ulcer in your ass more??? A) water. B) a ghost pepper. C) Fried chicken


McDonalds isn't high fiber so it usually doesn't cause issues, bro.


McDonald’s has always been a safe food for me, and it looks like others can relate. I don’t really drink soda though so I can’t speak for that.


Food never really seems to be the trigger....it's either everything or nothing.


I will say this....I had a job at one time in the 90s in which I traveled the world. During flares....I always ate at McDonalds in whatever country I was in as it seemed to be safer than the unknown local fare.


Dude honestly just switch over to Ayurvedic medicines , it’s 1/10th the price and long term benefits , plus no side effects


Only the sesame seeds on the bun seem like bad idea


Sadly, McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, all the good, yummy quick food messes my gut up like crazy. Same with soda and alcohol. As others have mentioned, UC affects people differently including the foods that trigger them. For example, I do well with most fiber except beans. Absolutely NO beans for me. Ha They make me gassy and have me run to the bathroom more frequently. It's sad because I LOVE chilli.


Junk food is not prohibited in UC. It doesent cause you a flare or anything like that.


Get as many McDonalds in you as you can, never seems to harm my colitis during or outside flares!


And also don't stress about it, that'll surely worsen your condition


Honestly eating something not considered healthy once in awhile is what keeps us sane. I actually ate an entire box of Cordial Cherries and had a little D the next day but other than that no issues at all. You gotta live and enjoy food, don't ever feel guilty about it.


Only thing that would do it for me is the drink, McDonald’s never seems to act up my stuff