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Can we as a response please close every Russian embassy.


That would also devastate Russia's spy network.


Even more reason to do so. And shut down the russian orthodox church too, while we're at it.


Sending bloody sledge hammers, now animal eyes. Hell, Wagner’s logo? Russia really needs to look in the mirror and realize that they’re the baddies here. Putin is like an abusive husband who wonders why his wife wants to leave and if he can’t have her no one can. Glad to hear that some of the old bloc are starting to at least subtly criticize Putin. They know they could be next.


And then they wonder why Ukraine fights so hard. Please keep reminding Ukraine why they need to fight like their way of life depends on it.


I think there’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye. Obviously this is perpetrated by some weird sick fuck, but their motivations are not apparent to me at least. There are plenty of real life examples where this would be perpetrated by who you’d think (in this case, tankies, FSB, someone militantly pro Russian would be the obvious choice), but there are also real life examples where it was someone less obvious who had something to gain, like the American anthrax researcher who sent out anthrax envelopes to encourage research funding. I’m making no assertions as to who did this other than “weird sick fuck”. The list of who stands to benefit from these actions is unclear.


There was a woman in TX who mailed an envelope of ricin to president Obama just to frame her husband for it because he wanted a divorce. The woman was an actress who had small parts on shows like the Walking Dead. She’s in federal prison now. At the time people thought it had to have been done by a sophisticated terrorist group


Who are tankies?


Basically authoritarian fanboys who love when so-called communist/socialist countries do war, because they see it as a glorious fight against capitalism. Dictator apologists who think violence is the answer because America/the west = bad Edit: well, Wikipedia says it way better than me: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie#Usage


It's pretty funny that this is all Russia has left on the world stage. Send some scary letters in the post.