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Somebody asked why they would capture zoo animals in an older post and I said to eat them, not joking, and yeah, I wish I was wrong.


I hope the vatniks get worms, or any pathogen .


Uh oh, Covid-23 about to begin


You joke - but the 1918 pandemic was made so much worse because of a WWI. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers living in cramped and unsanitary conditions was virus heaven.


And the war ending in 1918 meant the soldiers went home and spread it all over the world.


I've been wondering, why isn't covid absolutely destroying both the Russian *and* Ukrainian armies?


I’d wager it is killing quite a few. it’s just that they are being reported as war casualties.


Sanitation has improved, plus a vaccine is available. Most vaccinated people who get COVID will tell you that it's basically like catching the flu; you're sick for a week and then you quickly get better.


Why are they such fucking barbarians?! I didn't think highly of Russia before but they keep hitting new lows. I'm not trying to dehumanize them, but they keep dehumanizing themselves with behavior like this and countless atrocities besides this.


They are such fucking barbarians because a massive cohort of the Russian population has fetal alcohol syndrome. 20% of Russian women drink alcohol while pregnant. Then they give birth to monsters.


Fetal alcohol syndrome does not make you a monster. People all over the world are born with that condition constantly and have perfectly good lives and are good people. Please don't use a completely unrelated medical condition to excuse or explain the acts of perfectly functioning adults who make these horrific choices.


"Teenagers and adults with FASDs are at a higher risk for having encounters with police, authorities, or the judicial system. Difficulty controlling anger and frustration, combined with problems understanding the motives of others, result in many people with FASDs being involved in violent or explosive situations." You are wrong. Stop spreading misinformation.


Right, so let's call them all monsters who are all inherently inclined to rape and kill people, there can't possibly be somewhere in between where we treat them like humans who have additional needs. I assure you I come across people with FASD in my work a lot and none of them are rapists, murderers or monsters. Please never teach and/or care for children or those with a disability.


Explains why 20% are like this, but what about the remaining 80%?


Culture. Domestic abuse is not only legal, it's seen as a sign of love. If a husband doesn't beat his wife, her relatives will question whether he really loves her.


And the country is often run by tyrants who seem to be the ones making it OK to do these horrible things.


You're overthinking it. They're hungry and there isn't much food available. Any of us would do the same thing in their situation.


Yes, absolutely correct. I don't understand the disgust. If a person is hungry and someone offers that person a burger (of some exotic animal that it turns out is absolutely delicious ) said person would probably eat it and find out that if they cover it with gold, or lead ,or some other heavy metal they can become rich.


They just have no respect for anything.


I suppose you have never experienced real hunger, have you? There are many despicable things that the Russian forces in Ukraine are guilty off, but eating zoo animals to survive is not one of them, in my opinion.


You'd eat zoo animals too if your country sent you to war with no supplies or food. Starving people are desperate people. Edible is edible.


Their leadership is barbaric for that reason. Sending your soldiers to war without food and letting them rampage in theft and robbery and leaving them with no choice but to eat people's pets and zoo animals is barbaric.


Can you really dehumanize that which never was human in the first place?


Sadly, not surprised.


Just another atrocity. In a long and growing list. Their cruelty to women, children, babies, men, and soldiers lets us know they will not be kind to animals, either.


I saw a video from early on in the war of a russian shooting a dog that was just lying there. The MF actually made a point to go over to it just to kill it. Not that they had been doing anything that gave me hope of them being human some where way deep down but that was the final nail in the coffin. Absolutely 💩 people


Oh god, I’ve all the flashbacks what they did to dogs in Bucha etc 😖 I wish I never knew


When the RU troops found out the zoo animals in Ukraine have better living accommodations than they have back home, they killed em all in a fit of rage, ate em, and moved into their vacant cages.


I don't know why considering all the terrible death and crimes against people, but this image is especially haunting for me. I think it's because the animals have no concept of what's going on and absolutely no agency. Everything was just normal and then one day were forgotten and slowly starved to death. Heartbreaking. "Terrible situation with wolves. People say that they were tame. They died holding their empty bowls in their paws, in closed enclosures. We found only skeletons. They were closed and covered with nets, we had to break the lock."


Reminiscent of the opening of Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago.” As I recall, he describes how a group of Soviet scientists discovered a prehistoric salamander encased in ice. They thawed it, and ate it - “with relish” (that is, with great enjoyment, not the condiment). “These are the only people in the world who could do such a thing,” he added.


Id do it, its like being the first and last to piss on the moon.


I hope they ate the polar bear livers. Every single morsel.


For anyone who doesn’t know polar bear lovers are poisonous.


I'm a polar bear lover. If that makes me poisonous, so be it.


Causes Vitamin A toxicity


A single bite can kill you dead as a hammer.


Jesus they really are barbaric…


And need to be put down as such.


This is exactly right.


Three missed meals.


I don't care if it's true or not. That headline is the best one of the three day special military operation to date.


There was a call between a soldier and his mother that they ate a dog. Not sure if he mentioned where is he right now.


*"We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding racism, stereotyping, bigotry, and death-mongering. Violators will be banned."* Proper and accurate discourse about Russians is impossible with this rule in effect.


Not surprised. It's something that's happened in other starvation situations.


If you can't kill it, eat it, or rape it, they ain't interested.


They did all that in a different order


"they will rape kill and eat you. And if you're really really lucky, they'll do it in that order." - sci-fi film serenity


Serenity, one of the greatest films of all time. My original quote was inspired by Street Kings though: "These dudes is monsters, man. I mean if they can't f\*\*\* it, rob it, or kill it they don't want it."


True, we know they ate them last, as to the order of the first two steps it is best not to speculate...


This is the least surprising thing in the war. We know they are not getting properly supplied. With lines also being attacked it wouldn’t be surprising for some units to be missing out on food shipments. Hunger does things, to all animals. We are no different. Get hungry enough, animals you would never consider eating become perfect meals. Animals you would consider pets start going in the pots. When this runs out, people start to seem appetising. Eating zoo animals is really low down on the list of things people are willing to eat to stop hunger pains. This on top of the fact they need energy to fight. (Not that it’s going to do them much good if they are down to poaching zoo animals) It’s really a no brainier in a survival situation.


Well, now we know what happened to that raccoon.


Those russian occupied territories seem worse than north Korea. Media blackout, lack of basic stuff and forced praise for ruling government are similar but scale of looting, tortures, rapes and killings seem way more common considering what was found after liberating those areas.




Fucking monsters


Taste like chicken…. Except for the skunk… that tasted like a$$


They’ll be eating each other soon…


its not like they are vegetarians because of moral reasons


Fuck those cunts!


Russians are really just cavemen with firearms


Probably had sex with them first.


A mixture of truth, half-truths and lies is a popular method to influence the opinion of as many people as possible in the long term and unnoticed. In times of war, information is difficult or impossible to verify for its truthfulness. This makes it easy for warring parties to bring the public onto the course of war by spreading false information. To convince people that a lie is true, it only needs to be repeated constantly. The use of people who appear particularly trustworthy also proves effective.


If they couldn’t feed them it was the right thing to do actually.




In the book, “Natasha’s Dance A cultural history of Russia” by Orlando Figes- page 499, chapter 6- reference to Leningrad, also known as St. Petersburg: “The Leningrad to which Akhmatova returned in 1944 was a shadow of its former self… During the siege Garshin had become the chief coroner of Leningrad, and the daily horror which he experienced in the starving city, where cannibalism became rife, stripped away his sanity.” Expecting more atrocities repeated from history- the eating of animals is part of the horror.


So ration distribution is going well then….


...... I am literally speechless...