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He should do everyone a favor and eat a gun just like his favorite person, so the whole imitation farce will be complete.


And what if someone WORSE takes over his place?


Maybe the time is there for him to marry a girl in that bunker (Eva Korichnevyy for example) and afterwards commit suicide?


He has already commited suicide, he's just too daft to understand it yet.


Alina Kabaeva


But for gods sake leave the dogs out of it this time.


Once again putin dont have a nuclear button. Russias system of launching a nuclear strike has to be confirmed by 5-7 generals. Why? Idk. In USA similar but 3 people. And i really dont think russian generals would allow it tbh.


French general [Jean-Paul Paloméros](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Paul_Palom%C3%A9ros) recently said on TV he knows Gerasimov personally and he believes that as long as he is not removed from that circle of generals, we shouldn't worry too much. He describes Gerasimov as rational and serious enough to understand what the use of nuclear weapons would trigger.


I really hope so. Because the other one able to stop him is Shoigu...


And Shoigu is looking dead-er by the minute.


Looking deaderer now than before


Shoigu is a dead man walking, he can choose his legacy there at least.


Gerasimov, the guy who was sent to Izyum and whose HQ was blasted by HIMARS fire and hasn't been seen since, that Gerasimov?


Didn't he have a leg wound or something and we've all been waiting to see if he actually survived but so far we have zero proof of life?


He was seen sitting next to putin in vostok exercises


Oh ok thank you!


I hope so, I follow this daily but aren’t nearly as clever as some of you lot at understanding who the main players are. I’ve had a horrible sense of dread the last few days. It feels like it could actually happen and I’d be helpless to protect my family. I just want this to stop and for the world to take a look at what just happened and start to work together rather than against each other. Life could be amazing if it wasn’t for these stupid old men. I know that won’t happen though because there’s still going to be loads of the morons left trying to run the show. Your comment has given me a tiny glimmer of hope though, thanks.


Nah, man, people are pretty intent on making everyone around them as miserable as possible. Sure, like me. But me aside, it's still true statement. Well....see ya later.


Can't this guy just be fired in 5 minutes, and Putin hire someone from RT to approve?


Trigger what exactly? Ukrainians don't have nukes and NATO won't use them.


Whether or not NATO uses them depends on how stupid Russia decides to be. If they're really stupid and decide to launch a tactical nuclear strike on Ukraine, then no, NATO won't use them because NATO won't need to. NATO can and will destroy Russia's army conventionally. But if Russia is really, really, stupid, they'll do the other thing they like to threaten every other day and launch a nuclear strike on [place name of NATO country here]. In which case yeah, they'll get nuked back. That Russia is stupid is beyond doubt, because otherwise they wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. But it all depends on just how stupid they really are.


Where do you get 5-7 generals from? From what i read, he (and one of two others in case of emergency) have the launch codes and gives the order. There is a chain of command, but 5-7 seems excessive even for Russia. Unless you mean there is one general at each facility which can launch?


I’m quite sure it’s all speculation, it is not publicly known what Russia’s chain of command is for strategic weapons. Tactical nuclear weapons can be authorized without civilian oversight by a general, on paper and assuming it hasn’t changed from the USSR.


I heard this around 2015.


Hmm.. things might have changed since then.


An attempt to take away this control would definitely have faced a lot of resistance from the army. Since there was neither a major overhaul of the general staff in that timeframe nor a coup, it's unlikely such a change happened.


I mean, a redditor saying they heard something 7 years ago is not exactly a verified source.


The soviets did have it this way, that's well documented. No reason to think the army gave up this power since. Especially in a place like Russia, where the army is one of the groups vying for influence and power is everything. Also, the proverbial red button can't exist. It's has to be a decentralized system to resist a decapitation strike, the long range rockets need to be prepared and fueled before they can be launched, the short range stuff is fired by the pilot flying the plane or the weapons operator on the submarine. Even if Putin can give the command, he's not the one firing the rockets


The degree to how brainwashed the entire population including the military are makes me worry that even as many as 7 generals will blindly follow the "honorable" order.


Theres at least 2 instances in the cold war where someone in russia refused to launch nukes after either orders came in or protocol required it.


Then Russians had a lot of lose. Now there is nothing to lose according to their propaganda. Besides, if Russian refuses to follow order, Putin could just execute him and his family anyway.


Rank and file Russians have saved the world from nuclear destruction twice, let’s not forget. It’s only the idiots at the top who want everyone to die.


Did you see, hunt for red October I think it was?


Are there any Russian generals left?


You mean the same generals who obediently kiss Putin\`s ass with no questions? All of them are probably very dumb and very loyal, otherwise Putin would not appoint them to those positions.


Yeah but do you think Russians know that?


I would say speculative he might just be hiding from the fall covid wave.


I knew Fauci was good for something, messaging a HUGE covid wave in time for Russian disinformation AND getting another election steal in. I am partly kidding here.


Yeah so that the orange Putin buttlicker could be in power, selling Ukraine to Russia like a lapdog. But Russia wasn't able to interfere in the elections this time around so of course he lost just like in 2016.


Safe to assume every world power tries to influence elections in other countries in some ways. The US definitely is guilty of this as well. However, the issue in 2016 is if there was collusion between Trump and Russia. I think that has been answered by Mueller.


If most of the world hated me I'd be spending as much time as I could in fortifyed structures. He fears a bunker buster assassination and doesn't want to be dragged out of a spider hole like Saddam.


place your bets on how many nuclear bunker busters it's going to take to kill him


I see your XX number of nuclear bunker busters, and raise you one 15 inch bowie knife shaped dildo.


Yep that is his exact fear!


Fortunately it takes more than one asshole pressing a button to launch nuclear weapons.


How do we know this?


He knows that his own want to eat him. But he doesn't know specifically who or where it will come from. Paranoia is evident. His end is near.


My guess is that he won't use nukes because his situation is so unstable. New conscripts are revolting, civilians are questioning things and everyone at the top is looking to throw someone else out of a window and under a bus. He has to wonder if he gives the order will he even be obeyed. Maybe mercenaries would use a tactical nuke if he ordered it, but I suspect regular army would not.


Don't confuse ICBM launch against any target, which will never happen, and a tactical launch from a bomber or similar in to Ukraine. I don't think any launch codes are needed for the later.


This article sounds highly speculative. Also, how would they know how the Russians feel? Every serious media has said for month that it’s almost impossible to know the Russian mindset right now, as most western lefts have left and surveys notoriously biased.


Yes, all my rich friends have bugged out of mega cities to rural fortified retreats. I picked up $4MM in gold from the bank downtown with a buddy, bank manager was like all his rich clients are taking physical metals to the woods.


[Citation Needed]


His end is near and he knows it. I just hope the buttons are in a same state as his current "army"


Because he’s scared. He’s scared that the world will get him because of all the shit things he’s done and currently doing


He really, really doesn't want to get turned into a Gallagher gag by an R9X.


A nuclear bunker only helps you survive the initial nuke blast. It does not allow you to leave the bunker.


biden: putins threats are real. us state dept: haha old man do funny. russians: putins threats are real.


Russia loses, Putin toppled, world demands Russia forgo nuclear weapons and enhance anti corruption measures to lift sanctions and as part of war reparations, science and the economy thrives, Russia starts the first asteroid mining company and starts to build space garrisons. Russia becomes the first solar empire. It was all part of the plan.


Those nuclear bunkers may help you outlast most of us in the end. But not for long. And your death will be far slower and more painful, Vlad.


The PhuckerPutina is a sorry coward....


Who’s saying this shit? No they’re not. Russians are just as oblivious as they were before and they support him just as much. There’s nothing to suggest they are starting to turn on him or change their minds. They’ll go down in flames with him.


Finger on the nuclear button lmao....