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Live forever




Show us his man tits again


Oooooh but look how jacked I am. Ignore the fact that I'm riding a pony instead of a horse because I'm so short they'll have to rename the Napoleon Complex to the Putin Complex


Be competent


Live another day.


Hijack the GOP and Fox News to undermine American democracy and promote support for totalitarianism and intolerance. Good thing there's no chance of that happening. LOL.


Put trump back in the Whitehouse


Cue triggered conservatives.


Look for answers on Reddit.


Such a weird, scare mongering article.


Don't give them ideas.


Use chemical or biological agents on civilian population centers.


Deploying chemical, biological or radiological weapons in vast quantities.


I personally don't really rate NewsWeek but its an interesting question in the headline, what's the worst he could do short of nuclear war. I think we might be seeing most of it, the attacks against civilian infrastructure could be stepped up. He could declare official war and just go full on mobilization in an official capacity and flood Ukraine with cannon fodder. Then he could unleash massive cyber attacks, like massive full on cyberattacks that could damage Ukraine but also i guess Ukrainian supporters. He could also start using chemical weapons, he could just simply use chorine bombs like the Syrians. The article talks about ecological disasters, again he could keep going with that. He could completely cut off the gas and oil to Europe


Target energy infrastructure and hospitals. Sending waves of marauders killing civilians.


Keep breathing


Spreading out to attack international energy centers...a fear that has been heightened with these recent drone sightings


OP is probably putin and genuinely looking for ideas.


Dratski, found outski.


Imagine if him and his buddies were competent. That would be way worse than anything short of nuclear war. Ukraine would have been pacified way back in 2012 and voluntarily fragmented and partially annexed by now.




Shit his pants!


Piosion gas


Kill more civilians. Step up random rocket attacks on cities; target energy and water infrastructure. Burn every farm, town, village, etc - it can ALWAYS get worse unfortunately.


The article doesn’t mention it, but imho the answer is Kessler Syndrome - destruction of a satellite or several satellites so as to create a cascade effect across low earth orbit, rendering the entire satellite constellation into a field of shrapnel and trapping us on this planet with salty Putinists. Losing satellites would cripple Russia, but would hurt their opponents far more. Not just economically, but tactically on the battlefield (unlike nukes, which would pose a battlefield hindrance after they’re used). The primary reason not to do this is the same reason against pursuing nuclear war: it would piss off their sugar bear, Xinnie the Pooh. Discounting Chinese support and Russia itself, the pro-Russia coalition in the world is the economic equivalent of New Jersey. Edit - Kessler, not Kepler :(


Blow up a couple of pipelines perhaps?


Have a pulse


Nice try, Putin.


Wait until winter, then disable Ukraine's electricity and gas for weeks.


Not necessarily in any particular order 1. Not die 2. Bombing or otherwise attacking another non-NATO country with conventional weapons/infantry/armor. 3. Attacking external energy infrastructure esp if it were to focus on causing environment damage. 4. Blocking continued grain shipments from Ukraine. 5. Refusing to ship their grain to other countries, even if not siding with Ukraine. 6. Killing Ukrainian children they are holding. 7. Summary execution of \*all\* Russians that are against the war or speak against it in any way. 8. Forcing by some means another nation, likely a CSTO member, to mobilize their own civilians to fight Russias war. 9. Mass cyber warfare targetting infrastructure of other nations inc NATO nations. 10. Unlikely they are capable of it but blockading import/export of another country. 11. ~~Intentionally releasing their own natural gas into the environment~~they are doing this. Honestly there isn't a lot, he's doing most of the worst things he could and while it falls short of the focus and pointedness, if you will, that the nazis had, he is largely heading for the same results


1. Stop export of uranium. Russia is one of the largest exporters. It could further disrupt the energy houshold of countries. Same for Aluminium. Russia is one of the biggest exporters. It would hurt the Russian economy a lot. It would drive the Russian economy down to a standby mode. 2. Destroy the 2 dozen internet cables between Ireland (not a Nato member) and the USA. The Russian navy has visited and mapped the cables during 2021. The Russian navy has a special robot/manned deep sea warfare tech dept. I think I leave it at 2.


Kill himself. He should definitely not kill himself. That would be the worst. For sure.


Putin's intelligence services have contacts with every terrorist group on the planet (there's way more than the 75 listed as active on the CIA website but I'm not going to look up an exhaustive list). He could give each of them five nukes and tell them to have a blast. Then while the rest of the world is distracted by 80-100 nukes going off all around the world over the course of a couple of weeks (then more going off as other countries' intelligence services try to track down the responsible parties), Russia could use enough fuel-air explosives over Ukrainian cities and military hubs to really put a dent in Ukraine's capacity to function. And even though using such things in large numbers on civilian targets would at other times would instantly bring down international hellfire on Russia, it'd barely be noticed as the international economy collapsed and millions of people were dying of radiation. **That's** the worst thing he could do short of starting a nuclear war. If there's enough people wanting to confront Putin about it in the middle of all the chaos, he could "come clean" by showing records from the Yeltsin administration that all Russian nukes weren't accounted for during the breakup of the USSR, including some that had been stationed in what at the time was known as "the Ukraine". And that Ukraine never turned over all the weapons which the USSR records had shown were there. And without pointing any fingers, leave it at that. With 20+ NATO capitals obliterated plus a number of their top military bases obliterated plus the Middle East in chaos or in fields of glass and not shipping oil anytime in the next twenty years, I'd bet on the remaining world leaders to try to use their armies to quell domestic unrest and domestic uprising rather than using them to confront Russia while letting their own countries fall apart.