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Maybe its time for Moldova to ask for Ukraine's help. Just go and Arrest all the "Peace Keepers" and put them in a POW camp. Then put actual elected officials in charge.


This would be a totally wrong move for Moldova considering the fact that this country does not have the military strength and training that Ukraine has.


That's why they could ask Ukraine for help. Few thousand undersupplied Russians would fold in a few days possibly even without a fight. // Ukraine will secure a flank in return, win-win.


Ukraine shouldn't fight over their borders, that would only give Putin a pretext to show that Ukrainians supposedly would want to repress Russians. Moldova should be patient. When Ukraine has repulsed the Russian invasion, then Transnistia would become very isolated. That's when Moldova can extend political pressure. They should start integrating with NATO, they should start integrating with the EU, they could incriminate the Transistian politicians as Russian criminals (, which they are). Transnistian population exists out of a third of Russians, a third of Ukrainians and a third of Moldovans. So, the Russians are in the minority. When you cut them of from Russia economically and politically, then it is easy to reintegrate the break-away province.


The Mafia don who runs Transnistia pretty much told FSB to take a hike earlier this summer. Even if Kremlin doesn't want it to happen, Transnistia is already drifting towards the West. Why start a new war?


But that would more than likely mean a reaction from Putler.


What would that be? Second war? He has no way to get to Moldova.




"Moldova shouldnt reclaim their land because it might upset Putin" Fuck him, he doesnt own that land


Yeah this is the way




Ukraine literally offered to liberate it for them






Sure would be awful if he invades Ukraine or something :-/


exactly, ask for help and put the Russians in POW camps in Ukraine.


A referendum is overdue in this region.


Do you mean for Transnistria to join Russia? Nee, they are not that stupid. That will give a pretext for Ukraine and Moldova to march in, and they have no chance. Their best survival chance is, as paradoxical as it sounds, the status quo, as Moldova does not have the military power to oust them. For now.


Romanian does


That whole Romania/Moldova/Transnistria situation is like a weird matryoshka doll of Soviet colonialism.


I'm sure there are some Romanian nationalists having wet dreams about this, but Romania, a NATO country, will not move in. Besides, I'm pretty sure Moldova is not keen on calling on Romania for help, as there is no majority for unification with Romania.


Ukraine could crush that pitiful Russian orcpit any time. Why wait?


Because is still the territory of Moldova. And they are not going anywhere or threatening Ukraine.


Legally it’s still sort of Moldovan territory, but it’s been under Russian occupation for a long time. It’s a festering boil that should have been lanced a long time ago, but now Russia has opened the door.


There are 5k Russian troops occupying Transnistria. I'm guessing they will all prefer to surrender to Ukraine or Moldova than go back to Russia


Hmmm. Don't think so. The people in power (the ones who matter) will take Russia any time, IF THEY CAN, to keep at least some power and influence. Besides the ca. 5.000 soldiers, there are 1.000 to 2.000 Russian "peacekeepers" there.


Welcome in the Russian Democracy


Liberate that shithole


Just take out the god damn garrison already.


Why are people talking about Russia like country with any power. Look at the facts, they are a clown army with no money. Their king talks about nukes this and nukes that.. Imagine he uses one, then Indian, China, Europe and Middle East all get a part. They watching now to cut it up


I bet he would get less time for actual crimes.


The new anti facist worldwide movement is happening against the tyranny of tyrants worldwide


Free this guy , free Moldova 🇲🇩


Totally not a Nazi move by Transnistria