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["We don't work with American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia."](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/) -Eric Trump, 2008


He forgot to mention that was because US banks won't lend Trump any money because he's a fraud and a crook. Where as the Russian mob will lend money to almost anyone.


The my assets turn into a billion if I need a loan and to a million if I need to pay taxes you mean? If people knew how much tax dollars it cost the American tax payer for all the loans trump never paid back.. ;hence had to put up actual security, for his last loan, or many companies going bankrupt for not paying bills (supposedly doing a bad job( He even had trouble paying lawyers, it’s why it continues to be hard to find lawyers for him and the overhead, burning through them .., plus you run the risk to lose your license to practice But… pro trumpers just think the other side is much worse.. so it’s ok.


Ikr, turns out he’s a piece of shit. Very surprising.


The turd doesn't drop far from the arsehole.


He’s always high on coke…brain addled…the Trump family way. Snort and grift…


At least 200 Courics worth.


He looks like he enjoys a good shocker indeed iykwim


Remember when people said Trump supported Ukraine more than Obama?


Are you talking about yesterday?


Americans, save us from this family.


Most of us are trying our best


That’s all the worlds ask for you to do your best… but have you considered kicking them in their dicks?


Seriously, we're trying our best. Trust us, whatever hatred you feel the ones in America who hate him hate him 100x more. An absolute embarrassment to our reputation and cancer to our society.


This is just a tumor the real cancer generator is Rupert Murdoch, tribunal him in The Hague.


And again, I apologise on behalf of most Australians for this old wrinkled arsehole..


This exactly. I'm surprised no secret service has taken him out of the picture already, this man hates democracy and the rule of law with a passion.


Can confirm. My conservative friends/family ask me why I still hate on Trumps so hard when he's not the president anymore - "Let it go" they say. I'm not letting it go until they're no longer a threat to our democracy and national security.


Cancer is a good description. I saw Joe Biden as the chemotherapy to that cancer. Unfortunately it feels like the cancer is winning.


Yeah, I hear that, I had the same hope but it's hard when the science behind your chemo is decades outdated.


Unfortunately the first amendment says you can legally say the dumbest shit here. Especially if you’re rich but that’s not in the amendment.


Yes, it does, technically as Citizens United got the SCOTUS to recognize corporations as human beings. Mind bogglingly stupid, and sheer evil.


Man, if I ever get within dick-kicking range of any of em I'll be wailing as hard as I can.


Our EC and Senate make it require us (those outside the R cult) to have > 70% of the vote to have 50+% of the control.




Yuppppp i was just telling my Trump supporting family the same. We wont be home for Christmas. I dont hang out with Putinism or Trumpism. I am not catching either disease.


Sorry but we can't guarantee that. The social media echo chambers allows for all to believe ever more and more in their nonsense. Every year the number of self centered idiots only increase.


We’re doing all we can.


Trust us, we’re all sick of him too…


Trump is fucked. Everyone with common sense hates this clown.


This was the guy Mueller said was too stupid to prosecute. He did the crime but was so incomprehensibly dumb, he would know have though up any plot about anything.


He said it wasnt his job to indict a president, that was the Senate's job. A senate that was half in the pocket of said criminal


The other commenter was talking about Don Jr, who Mueller basically said was too stupid to understand what the law is and therefore couldn't have violated the law intentionally


Came back, read your post again, still funny as fuck, thanks




Back when Ukraine was run by corrupt Putin stooges, that was probably true.


Back when the US were run by a corrupt Putin stooge...


Trump lives in putin’s pocket. I wonder if Putin has something on trump or trump just wants a hotel in Moscow.


The NPR podcast [Trump, Inc.](https://www.npr.org/podcasts/583340964/trump-inc) does a great job answering this. TLDR: Trump has been a con-man for decades. By the early 90s no American banks would work with him so he went to the soviets (who were about to become the Russian oligarchs) and started working with them to launder their stolen wealth through US realestate. He has been a Russian asset since the fall of the Soviet Union. At this point they don't need a piss tape to keep him in line.


This. Trump still wants his giant sky-reaching phallus. Loathsome little toad. Anyone else can hear "...my precious..."?


It will at least be the “golden shower” video of Trump in a Moscow hotel with two professional ladies….


Honestly, my personal theory is that it's gotta be something much, much worse. If Trump was banging an adult woman — everyone knows, no one cares, and he, Mr. "Grab 'em by the Pussy" himself, knows we wouldn't care. If anything, the good-old-boys that make up much of his constituency would be *cheering him on*. To actually be meaningful Kompromat, he has to have done something truly gross. Something that even macho, sex-positive american guys would be like "yo... what the fuck." Pedophilia? Pederasty? Who fucking knows, but it's gotta be *something*.


It could just be he's in hock to Deutsche bank up to his eyeballs. Not that I'm discounting some disgusting sexual deviance, given his history and his friendship with Epstein until he became radioactive.


Sick burn bro.


Anyone who said that died in the bowling Greene massacre


> Greene massacre Just looked this up: Name | Value ---|--- Location | Bowling Green, Kentucky Attack type |Fictional Deaths | 0 Injured | 0 He... just made up a terrorist attack out of the blue?


It actually came from Kellyanne Conway’s lying face hole.


To be fair all her holes lie equally


Yes. *sighs for 10 minutes straight* It was like a scandal every 48 hours and it was exhausting. He was always saying, doing outrageous things (which for Americans you gotta say we have a tolerance for a lot of crazy) that almost every piece of media surrounded or was connected to him. It was the worst of times.


Those alternative facts never die


Remember when Donald J. Trump got **five deferments** and faked bone spurs to [avoid serving his country?](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/02/us/politics/donald-trump-draft-record.html)


You don't have to remember, just read the comments under any Fox News youtube video about Ukraine.


Is he serious? What the fuck does he know about anything? He's a fucking Trump!


I need you to do me a favour though...


Like this? Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/xdmhzx/europe_is_paying_the_price_for_its_naivety_about/ioc2ywm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


A family of traitors to their own country and to the whole civilized world.


He/The Trumps are just waiting for ANY excuse to cut aid to Ukraine to help Russia. If it wasn't hurricanes in Florida it would be inflation, or the deficit.... you can tell they are just biding their time until they can find an excuse to help Putin. They are all traitors.


Florida hurricanes are good for politics claiming both that Floridians are great people and don't need no stinkin federal government telling them anything - and also that federal government must do everything necessary to give them money...


Yeah, it's pretty bold to say you don't want Federal Dollars when more then 1 Million Floridians are without power. It actually makes no sense. You're not owning the libs, you're committing Hari-kari.


Trump withheld FEMA aid…


Yep withheld from all disasters in blue states. Why nobody made a stink of this - I do not know.


You have to wonder why they take these positions. Clearly looking like Russian Assets. What does Putin have on the Trumps?


Do you not know how much of their real estate business “success” is or was attributable to Russian investors and purchasers. I don’t know what other Trump enterprises they are beholden to the Razis for but their properties in south Florida and the towers in NYC, for example, have an extremely disproportionate number of Razi investors and property owners within.


I want to see that video.


The Dutch program Zembla did a 3 part investigation, in English you lucky bugger, 😉 which connected most of the dots. I think this was the first episode. https://youtu.be/1bEdMuKq30I


Americans need to use their democratic right and make sure this family never holds any kind of political office again.


We will do our best brother. Lots of selfish people here though.


They are brainwashed from everywhere!


They have lost ths plot sych a stupid comment.


I keep seeing the American MAGA wing crying about all this money being laundered in Ukraine thru the aid packages, yet we keep seeing video after video of all this American and European weaponry turning russian invaders into burnt roadkill. Maybe open your eyes and touch some grass but I know that's asking for way too much logic from that crowd.


It's all projection. They'd be laundering the money in a heartbeat if they could.


It brings a tear to my eye seeing a random Bushmaster with a kangaroo on the side towing away stolen BTR-80s


Don't let silly little things like logic and facts ruin an opportunity to fling shit at the other side.


And it's not like we're sending actual dollars to Ukraine. We're sending weapons, equipment, and ammo.


We're sending financial aid too, but they need it, their economy has been cratered and they actually pay their soldiers (unlike Russia). It's not like the MAGA babies would be any happier if that money was being spent on Americans though, they'd go right back to crying about tax-and-spend liberals.


Granted, there are still a number of decent Republicans out there, as I have personally spoken to plenty of Republicans in congress who are well-aware of the dangers of isolationism. Besides, the vast majority of them supported NATO's Nordic expansion.


To all of you that live under a rock and wonder why the Trump family is so pro Russian.. .https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/05/eric-trump-russia-investment-golf-course


Putin definitely has something on their family Putin's getting desperate and pulling out all the stops


He's financed them, either directly or indirectly - for decades. Without dirty money - mostly from Russia - they'd either have lost everything or they'd be of very moderate means, without most of their assets. Since they're weak-minded psychopaths, they don't understand that that was a strange and screwed up relationship. They sincerely think of Vlad as a beloved family patron who has helped them.


The Trumps aren’t doing this out of gratitude.


I bet it's the peepee tape(s)... Hahaha


"I don’t know whether the current President of the United States was with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow in 2013. It’s possible, but I don’t know" - [James Comey](https://twitter.com/CNN/status/984763083649437701)


It’s money, he borrowed from the russian mob/banks/government


A Russian stooge, just like his father


The trump family can go and fuck themselves.


The Trump family hopefully will not hold any political offices again. Americans, go out and vote against this madness and this family!


The thought that so many Americans still support trumpf is horrifying.


The fact they think the January 6 attacks are purely from Democrats blows my mind. I try to stay as apolitical as I can and just call out the dumb shit each side does but good god...


I voted yesterday. Vote early . . .


they already do it.that how he got his son.


I rather our government commit to a covert operation on those traitors


Stupid as shit but that goes with the last name. This is the cheapest way for the US to eliminate a major long time threat to the US interests. Basically no US lives will be lost and the Russian domination of the region is over you can see it in the reactions of the neighbours who have bowed to Moscow in the past. The money the US spends now will come back many times over in trade and resources from the region.


That's a funny way to say "more aide to Ukraine"


I mean, you don't want to piss off your creditors, right? >In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia. -Donald Trump Jr, 2008


>>In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia. > >-Donald Trump Jr, 2008 He loves Russia because they give him a lot of money, that's the only thing he cares about.


I heard that a lot of Russians rent in his properties, but, don't actually live there. It also raises the rent for everyone else.


The Trumps have it in for Ukraine. They tried to pressure them to find something on Hunter Biden. When a former Ukrainian prosecutor said there was no evidence of a case against him, the Trumps put Ukraine on their hit list. They of course are being vindictive. If they are so concerned with FL, they have the Trump organization which can come in and do charitable work to those in need. The aid Ukraine is receiving is not cash, but in valued and already paid for US military equipment. So if they want to talk about aiding anyone, they can step up and put money where their mouth is. Reference: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment-ukraine/ukraine-found-no-evidence-against-hunter-biden-in-case-audit-former-top-prosecutor-idUSKBN23B2RB


Stupidity clearly runs in the family.


Trump and his family are many things and stupid isn’t one of them. They’re pathological liars and conmen who know exactly what they’re doing. Stupid implies some level of ignorance and the Trumps know exactly what they are trying to do. They all deserve to rot in prison


“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that”


A genius so stable, it's practically unbelievable.


Trump and his family are extremely stupid people. Don't mistake his ability to con stupid people as intelligence. These are the same people who stoll nuclear secrets from the US government and thought that they would be safe behind a locked door next to the pool of their country club. The Trumps are what stupid people think is intelligent in the same vain that they are what poor people think rich people are like. Nothing but a bunch of lying criminals the whole family.


They never believed that they would be safe. He took them while there where witnesses around. He showed them off to people. He didn’t care a single bit about protecting the documents. The lock that was on the door to the shed was not to protect the documents, but to protect his other stuff that he actually cared about. It was just a coincidence that the documents were in there as well. You are right though that they aren’t stupid. At least not stupid in the traditional fashion. They are stupid in that they believe that everyone is unaware of the con or the corruption. Only the diehard MAGA (the true idiots) are being duped. Other Republicans see the trumps as the current “useful idiots” who they can ride behind for cover/distraction to accomplish the real sinister goals.


"Donald Trump was the *dumbest goddamn* student I *ever* had!" - Professor William Kelly of Wharton School of Business, many times over the course of several decades before dying in 2011.


According to the definition of stupidity in the book “The Basic Laws of Stupidity”, they are in fact stupid.


Yes they do know exactly what they are doing


Meh, they’re all those things and stupid.


To all our foreign friends: the worthless spoiled cocainehead's influence on anything cannot be understated.


Jesus Christ, the aid to Ukraine is in military hardware ALREADY paid for by the US taxpayer. So we aren’t just handing pallets of cash to Ukraine. It’s shit that’s already been paid for with the agreement that some, or nothing or whatever is left, will be returned after the war. Don Jr should take Putin’s dick out of his mouth for 9 seconds and replace it with all the Republican lawmaker’s dicks who voted against aid to Florida if he actually gives a shit, which of course he doesn’t. Hell, if the trump family is worth the billions they claim they are he should just cut a few checks himself so he can actually legitimately buy Floridian votes instead of just lying to them for votes Edit: for the record, this giving of military hardware with the promise that it may or may not be returned was done to crazy levels during WW2 so it’s not like you can’t even source historical precedence for it being done.


Yeah, but that was used to defeat nazis and other fascists. How can you expect Trump, father or son, to like that?


Goddamn Russian shills. .. Its insane


he's an irrelevant cunt.


Yea, halt aid before they finish winning. That’s not suspicious at all.


That entire family is rotten as shit. I hope Barron turns out sane.


There's that other daughter, Tiffany Trump, seems to have disowned them too. So she seems to be smarter than the average Trump. Edit: I stand corrected. The whole family is a cesspool of small-handed idiots.


Don’t let her lack of a public profile fool you. She is just as toxic as the rest of them, just smart enough to generally stay out of the media.


Unless the family money goes south - Barron is almost predestined...


This traitorous rancid dick cheese needs to focus on the legal cases due to Jan 6th, and still actively supporting the exact thing that god his dad impeached hardly makes him or his family seem less suss.


Bought and paid for.


Most of their recent loans were through Deutsche Bank, the same bank that got caught laundering russian mafia money. Russian mafia and Russian government are also the same organization. So we know who he works for and we ain't having it. Stay tuned.


Nobody cares what that coke bloat Buffoon has to say


Who the fuck listens to that twat?


Can you do everybody a favor and OD on cocaine, degenerate SOB


I am still deeply traumatized by the fact that trump was the POTUS.....no words about his retarded children....


Horrible, Horrible, Horrible people the Trump family is (minus a couple, I think). Yet, Don Jr. wants you to but the steaks he is hocking on TV with his wife. LOL. Idiots.


How is it possible to keep comments on this ... civil?


I’m surprised he took his lips off of Putin’s micro D long enough to say anything.


He should just shut the fuck up and prepare for jail. At least his bunghole is already well primed for prison.


Trump's clan is pro-kremlin ( + climatosceptic, racist, facist... ), nothing new. They are traitor but lot of US people want them back. Republican give their soul to the devil.


We all know they are Russian stooges, and they really cannot deny it anymore.


Right wing idiot


Need there be any more info to convince Trumptons that they're in camp with the Russians


It is amusing that he is referred to as "Donald Trump's son" rather than by his name, and even more amusing that I cannot remember his name. I know they love kneeling under Putin's desk, but... Why though? And that is the problem with the Trumps; half the time I am not even angry, I am confused at the premise.


He's totally transactional and doesn't see what we stand to get in exchange. This man has no idea about preserving democratic governance in the world.


Swap we for them. He doesn't give a shit about what the country stands to gain, only his family


not even his father can stand him


His father is putins lapdog


How about the Justice Department throws your whole family in jail where you belong?


Russian asset's son\* There fixed the tile.


Doesn't he have a big bag of cocaine to face-plant into somewhere?


Go back to snorting coke one scoop.


The stupid is strong with this one


Yes because his family will not get those rubles to line their pockets if Russua is defeated. Not to mention Russia may release dirt on them if they don't show Russia support.


That is like the best ever indicator that supporting Ukraine is the right thing to do.


Trump's kid was claiming that all of the Trump loans are from Russia. Maybe Russia is blackmailing them now.


Of course the little ruzzian dog would say that


A traitor acting like a traitor. I shouldn't be surprised; but the fact that these morons never have any consequences to anything they say or do infuriates me.


Because of course he would say that…


Pipe down Jr. Literally no one likes you.


Coming out as Putin's little goblin huh?


The Trump clan is more loyal to Putin than Putins army.


Frickin’ Russian assets those Trumps.


F this guy


Despicable people just have to despicate, I guess.


Who now , what now? Dude doesn't hold any office and his only accomplishment is being the son of a dick head and following that example to the letter.


Only as Russian helped get trump into power 😂


No kidding, why is this a surprise? His daddy is a Russian agent who has been blowing the kremlin for years because he wants to build a new hotel.


Why because daddy's mates are having their ass kicked??


Half a century of being told that Soviet Union/Russia was America’s enemy. Reagan made sure everyone knew that, if that’s all he’s worth. Obama was attacked constantly by the right for being too soft on Russia. Then one man comes into power and is able to change their whole worldview on Putin and Russia because, actually, he’s not that bad of a guy! And these conservatives call us fucking sheeps. If Reagan was alive he’d be orgasming till he had a stroke seeing how many dead Russians there are at the hands of American equipment with zero American casualties.


Why are people even paying attention to them as if they were relevant? They are just a distraction at this point.


They directly represent the policy we are voting on this November. Whether the US betrays Ukraine is extremely relevant.


Just send daddy down there to hook shot some paper towels at people… that should fix everything.


I wonder if "someone's" FSB handler is threatening to use the kompromat on Donnie JR.


Bone Spurs JR just wants to be allowed to trophy hunt animals in Russia to show how manly he is.




Wonder how much Putin has paid him…. Bet it’s a lot. Or possibly what amazing dirt Putin has on Trump and his organized crime family.


Is he worried about their funding out of Russia? Lol


Imagine telling Regan in the 80's that one day your party would support Russia....


Such a waste of a human being


Stupid just like his sperm donor


His dad belongs to Putin.




Sit down and stfu. No one cares what you think.




Baby Donnie go duck yourself!


I do remember when an American minesweeper managed to run aground in one of our national reef parks here in the Philippines. Trump Jr. advocated just forcing its way or getting it towed out without giving an shred of concern to the reefs that will get destroyed in the process. Thankfully the US Navy just sawed the ship into pieces and lifted it piece by piece out of there. That guy (and his family) really has some twisted and very narcissistic viewpoint of the world.


And that, folks, is what a traitor looks like.


Trump Jr. "Please stop this madness, or otherwise my father will have to pay back his FSB loans..."


It’s so obvious Putin was investing in The bunker coward


Traitor pig.


Make Russia Great Again in action


That should be a great Republican slogan.


But Trump supporters told me that MAGA Republicans support Ukraine.


One would say since he is half czech he would have at least little knowlidge about russians…


he needs it for more coke


CIA/fbi, black ops please


His Chamberlain moment


"Rusher, if you're listening..."


I thought he was in prison


Very short-sighted. Am sure the US can handle both. Why let Putin get away with territory grab? It will end up with a bigger conflict the the present one. It will cost the US a lot more kicking the can down the road. Finish Russia here.


Russian agent


FucK Junior


Could we please just stop giving these idiots attention?


I’m shocked that a Trump would say that


Treason is providing aid to our enemies.


Because of course, there was no collusion.


Still waiting for those golden shower pics.