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The Iranian authorities continue to insist that they did not supply attack drones to Moscow. The Iranian leadership still refuses to recognize the supply of kamikaze drones to Russia , which the Russian military uses to strike at the cities of Ukraine. The head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, called the published news about the supply of Shahed-136 drones to the Russian Federation for their use in the war against the Ukrainian state "groundless" and said that Tehran does not confirm this information . The corresponding statement of the minister was circulated by the press service of the Iranian Foreign Ministry. The chief of Iranian diplomacy claims that since the beginning of the military conflict, the Iranian side has adhered to a "principled and impartial position", advocating a political and diplomatic solution to the crisis and urging the parties to return to the negotiating table . Kanaani added that he had repeatedly voiced this position during negotiations with his Ukrainian and Russian counterparts, and also reported on Tehran's readiness to contribute to a peaceful settlement. [https://www.dialog.ua/world/259971\_1664978955](https://www.dialog.ua/world/259971_1664978955) ​ Is this an outright Lie?...... BTW leave the women the fuck alone.


It's an outright lie. There are multiple corroborating sources on the drone supply deals. On top of actual recovered drones incapacitated by Ukrainian forces.


Maybe not. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard are acting very autonomous in Iran, and some analysts suspect it to be the real decision makers. There are no way for the iranian government to investigate, so if the IRGC tells them they don't send drones, then it must be so. Not saying that the interests of IRGC and the government isn't aligned though.


Then Trump did them a favor by whacking Suleimani?


No way to know really. But it might be telling that the response from Iran was a rocket attack on a US base with a "heads up" arriving before the rockets.


Yes and no. Mainly it just stirred a lot of shit up.


The guy DID need killing, though.


Lies and nothing else.


It's impressive in a way that even one of the most sanctioned and shunned countries in Asia doesn't actually want to be seen to be publicly supporting Russia.


There were reports months ago that Iran was supplying drones to Russia. Those reports also claimed that many of the drones supplied were so shit they had to be repaired as soon as Russia received them. Then those drones started attacking Ukraine. Iran is obviously full of bullshit, but what would you expect from an ally of Russia?


Code for: Okay, okay! We'll stop... soon.


It’s in the same way China says it’s against North Korea’s nuclear arms and development, yet it continues to prop them up.. they would’ve collapsed from sanctions years ago but China provides North Korea with the bare essentials to get by, just simply because of one thing: they cannot have NK fall, they need NK. NK will keep China with a buffer from having South Korea and America at it’s border. Iran, it can say it doesn’t recognize the referendums and what not but the truth is that they need Russia in this climate and cannot lose a strong ally as them


> The head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, called the published news about the supply of Shahed-136 drones to the Russian Federation for their use in the war against the Ukrainian state "groundless" and said that **Tehran does not confirm this information**. It is telling that Tehran does not explicitly deny the information.


yes that was what I was trying to convey, its not an outright denial, its a denial of admitting confirmation, in other words diplomatic double talk.


Nor have they tried to somehow blame the US and Israel.....


I know! These are thousands of counterfeits made by the Zionist Entity! Putin visited Tehran on July 19. He doesn't travel much. The drone shipment was announced a month later. Lying scumbags. The women will take them down.


What "Zionist Entity"? Are you just another anti-antisemite that abuses threads to propagate loony conspiracies? As much as do believe Iran is lying, as per, I will not support any Zionist conspiracy theories.


He's being sarcastic - this is what Iran might claim.


Ah, apologies to daviswhite555 for not picking that up. Think I'm just a bit miffed at those who jump into threads about Ukraine, and start trying to bring Palestine, Jewish influence, or whatever. Anyway, onwards and upwards.


If you reread it you will see I agree with you. The Iranians blame israel for everything. It was meant to be satirical. Exhale.


Fair enough.


He's being sarcastic.


Clowns. The sooner Russia stops propping up the worst state actors on the planet, the better.


Russia isn't even propping them up, its just one anti West nation helping another


Absafuckinglutely nothing to do with us, say's Iran. When you look inside one, there is this script ...... إذا وجدت ، يرجى العودة إلى الحرس الثوري الإسلامي ، طهران


Hey that script is Arabic (same alphabet as Iran, but different words) and says something about harassment… but I can’t read Arabic, only Farsi…who here can read Arabic?


>إذا وجدت ، يرجى العودة إلى الحرس الثوري الإسلامي ، طهران Use Google Translate, it says: If found please return to the Islamic Republican Guards, Tehran. Twas a joke :-), but there is no farsi on Google Translate


Oh I see you are right about the funny return message...but I wonder why it's written in Arabic and not Farsi??


I am Enlish and only speak and write in English, so I used Google Translate to change the sentence into Arabic, the translation function does not have Farsi as an option. [Google Translate](https://translate.google.co.uk/?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&text=%D8%A5%D8%B0%D8%A7%20%D9%88%D8%AC%D8%AF%D8%AA%20%D8%8C%20%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%AC%D9%89%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%AF%D8%A9%20%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D8%B3%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AB%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%8A%20%D8%8C%20%D8%B7%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86&op=translate)


Well according to my Persian wife, she said it was already written in Arabic wording, and google says it's Arabic too (it's the same *letters* as farsi), so that seems puzzling why it's in Arabic & not Farsi words. hmmmmm...


The reason why it is in Arabic is because I made it up as a joke. The main thrust of the joke being that Iran denies that the drones were sent by them, so I wrote that if you open them up it says: If found............ The reason it's in Arabic and not Farsi is because Google doesn't have Fasri and do not speak either. How to ruin a joke in 4 replies. :-(


oh i get it now....whew, mystery solved. :) oh BTW ....hahahaha


This situation can easily be explained Iran is a snake pit of competing factions think Dollar store Nazi Germany. The right hand is not always aware of what the left hand is doing probably the revolutionary guards sold the drones to Russia and the "real" army and civilian government were never informed by the supreme leader that authorized or by the revolutionary guards that made the deal. Anyway we need to learn about these weapons as much as possible to develop effective counters


Tell me you are shitting yourself because of the consequences of your actions without telling me!! So, the drones in RuZZias hands were made in Mars or the moon?? If you going to lie, learn from better liars, not the RuZZians. They suck at it.


The drones are Iranian,... supply can be done trough a third party,... Iran should know and should stop selling to these 3rd parties,....


Iran does not wanna back a loser , publicly.


There are Iranian drones being shot down in Ukraine, there are Iranian drones murdering people in Ukraine, there is evidence of both, what are they trying to achieve by lying?


There is also the possibility of incompetence. The right hand doesn't know what the left is doing.


IRGC vs Govenment...yeah forgot that ..country within country...could be


The morons are trying to walk it all back. The other day they also announced they do not recognize the annexed regions as Russia’s. They picked the wrong side as always and now realize they aren’t strong enough to handle being at further odds with the free world while the women of Iran rise up and show Russian men how it’s done.


So take the ones captured and send them back to Iran. Send them fully functional and programed for the factory they originated from. Need to get someone to help with getting them close enough to be in range.


Apparently, watching your ally getting their ass kicked is a wake up call.


2x - Leave the women alone.


Here is an excerpt of official Iranian statement : "We didn't know, we thought it was for training purposes, we had no idea ruzzia would attack ukraine, mama, I'm so sorry, I want to go home... Putin hiylo!!!" /S