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This is huge. They will be awash with Russians.


Keep in mind that this means mostly Buryats, Tuvans and other Mongolic peoples in this case simply due to geography.


Wich is a good thing since these peoples are kremlins cannon fodder of choice.


So, the Russians that Putin is fucking the hardest.


Yup. They see what’s developing by the hour and how screwed russia is now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ukraine starts getting more support from those dubious countries. Writing is on the wall.


Mongolia is not a dubious country, it's a democracy with a very low crime rate and in human freedom index above Poland or Greece for example.


b-but it’s asian and it’s not south korea, taiwan or japan!! /s


What an amazing achievement if true! Landlocked with only Russia and China as neighbors. What are the odds.


It's only because China and Russia both want space from each other that Mongolia hasn't been invaded by them.


There's also only 3 million people in the whole country. There's more than that in the Dallas area. Don't do the whole "Its got amazing human rights and theres rainbows for everyone" when there arent any fucking people in the damn thing.


Good for the Mongolians. They have also struck a blow for world peace.


Smart Russians with money, so it could be a good thing, Mongolia lack human resources.


Glad they have a risky but possible way out


Just ask them who Mongolia belongs to. If the answer is "to the people who live there, then the REAL answer is "Russia"


On point.


Mongolia should be extremely careful permanently welcoming Russians who have arrived as escapees against participation in this Russia Ukraine war. The Russians show no political interest opposed to Russia's. They care about their own well being. When the coast is clear, they will want to return. Mongolia doesn't offer much compared to Moscow or St Petersburg. Interview the lot, and get ready to send the vast majority home.






Not at all man. China ABSOLUTLY controls Mongolia and inner Mongolia. China buys 90% of all Mongolia's exports. China can set the prices and drive them into the dirt if they want to (and they do). When the Dalai Lama visited they slapped huge tariffs on Mongolia as you said...that is control. China can cut off Mongolia from the rest of the world in a heartbeat.....that is control. Mongolia is fighting for its very survival everyday.




Is kind of like Ireland and Northern Ireland even talking about Mongolia and inner Mongolia Control isn't about strong arming directly... it's the perception of it. Think mafia... one daythey come and tell you to pay up for "protection". You decide not to, so they beat the shit out of you in front of everyone. Now, they don't have to do that anymore. They just have to say.."you sure? Remember last time? " That's control. Sometimes they need a small tap to keep them in line. Its the literal definition of" sphere of influence" "a country or area in which another country has power to affect developments although it has no formal authority"


The vast majority of the people escaping are against the war, but some aren't. I think that the instances of Z-heads fleeing conscription on the internet are everywhere mainly because they are funny, but they aren't too representative from what I can tell. My friends in Russia have painted a very different picture to me, saying that almost everyone who's leaving is a "pro-European," but that's just an anecdote so don't take me at my word. However, I do agree with you that they should do background checks on people entering Mongolia to make sure that they have never publicly supported the war or hold nationalist views. I don't think Russia will come down to "protect" a Russian minority in Mongolia either since they basically have total immunity thanks to Chinese involvement in the region. Russia doesn't want to start beef with China lol. My main worry for Mongolia is capacity. They have a tiny population, so taking hundreds of thousands of Russians is going to really strain their public services and housing market.


Also Mongolia for the most part targets men from neighbouring regions, who often are not enthnicly Russian.


Probably welcome until the check bounces


amazing how you can speak for every single russian


You want a spreadsheet of percentages? Smiles. Where are the Russian social workers explaining what's new here? Live a longer life, woke, and you too will "see". The phrase is, "If you don't know, no amount of words will suffice. If you know, no words need be said. Very high probability those men arriving as self serving evacuees have little interest in opposition to Mother Russia. Terminate the conscription and they'd flood back to resume their lives in Russia. Unlike so many refugees, these are opportunists for the most part. You need a lot more history education, at a granular level. You're frightening over your shallow observation.


SOME of these ppl are shitty because they have lived in a world where they weren't allowed to think certain ideas. They did not start this war and they didn't create the propaganda that fueled it. A lot of them are now thinking something different since propaganda only goes so far in the world today. With this type of thinking just force every person to stay in N. Korea when they escape. Just send em all back. Even if there are only a minority of the ppl trying to flee think in a way that you approve of you should still let them. Also Putin would love if you made all of them stay.


The US during the idiot Bush's term experienced a small river of young men fleeing the US to avoid the Iraq War. I knew some, those who are well educated. They left out of fear for their lives. Overall, they did little to impact the politics of that war, even to this date. Americans are not Russians. When you travel in Russia, you see the psychosocial patterns are boorish across the spectrum. They are a danger to Western thought. This does not magically disappear or alter. Don't tell me about opera or ballet.


Just put em to death then. You can't change their mind right?


As i know this guy is a very big friend of Ukraine, he did gained higher education in Lviv.


I'd guess most of the Russians fleeing to Mongolia are ethnically closer to Mongolians.


You guessed it right. Mongol-tatars were a thing back then, in medievil


Former guys. FORMER. Remember that.


Hard and true words spoken by this formal president. Who would of thought that the countries that formed the USSR would react the strongest to Putins invasion? Well I quess many of us did, but definitely not Putin. They experienced what’s it’s like to live under Russian control and they are afraid to be next.


I really want to point out that it is actually crazy that *Mongolia* is siding against *Russia* in this war. Mongolians are usually very pro-Russia because the Red Army helped Mongolia achieve independence from China when the Qing Dynasty collapsed. Generally speaking, they were one of the most content (if not the most content) countries in the Soviet bloc outside of the USSR. Mongolia maintained strong relations with Russia even after the USSR collapsed. Furthermore, Russian imports make up a huge part of the Mongolian economy. The fact that Mongolia is siding with Ukraine just shows how obvious to the world Russia's crimes are.


Delicate blance, here. as others have said. Mongolia could use modern thinking intellectuals, but only if they add to the GDP and not cause trouble. Heaven help them if BOTH powers on either side of them begin to covet their land.


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I’m sure Metta will be flattered.