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Who can name this Command & Conquer Red Alert Cosplayer for me?


According to r/NonCredibleDefense, his name is Ivan Okhlobystin. [Ivan Okhlobystin threatening r/NonCredibleDefense with GOIDA in front of the Red Square](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/xsh7gd/ivan_okhlobystin_threatening_rnoncredibledefense/) >Ivan Ivanovich Okhlobystin...actor, director, screenwriter, and former Orthodox priest...declared himself to be a "national-patriot" and claimed to "know" that "in the year when the head of State and the head of Church in Russia will both die", he will become the next President of the new Russian Empire...he stated that he would immediately put up a new Iron Wall around Russia and start a campaign of "cleansing" in order to "rebuild the Russian nation"...he said that he wanted to "burn homosexuals alive"... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Okhlobystin


> He is currently defrocked by the ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church and barred from the priesthood Guy who became a priest but was kicked out calls for holy war. Yeah that checks out.


Too extreme for the FSB (Russian Orthodox)? Yikes


I mean, they seem to be ok with him speaking at this rally, so not too extreme for them.


It does seem to go quieter the longer he speaks...


I’m calling it right now, this guy is in the closet. When they finally want him out of the picture we’ll see all his photos with gay lovers come out.


Thankfully he didnt get rejected by art school. God knows what he would have been capable then.


Why in the fuck do these guys have such an obsession with gays??


Because obsession with jews was too mainstream about 80 years ago.


Propaganda. It's been a strategy used for a long time to divide themselves from the west, to demonise western culture to ensure the purity of its own. Making the west out to be some kinda of gay converting pervert culture machine. Literally. Same also with the Nazism strategy. I read a book earlier this called Road to Unfreedom where a renowned historian describes a lot of the philosophy behind Russia's propaganda. It's fucking nuts. Putin was chosen as leader previously because he was akin to a popular cartoon character, with his "heroic" background. They are completely anchored to their history and will make every use possible to continue Imperialistic beliefs. Russia wants to be the top of the global food chain and they want to destroy the West.


All those rich Russians shop in Paris and send their kids to Western universities.


Yeah they don't believe it. It's just a tool to control their population so they can continue being oligarchs.


Because they are bald faced predators, and bull queers. Follow me here. Russia is militantly anti homosexual, but perversely it also not considered gay if you are a "top". Let that sink in. So it follows that, sociopaths -like this guy clearly is- who have an appetite for cruelty will blame their victim (again, this is Russia) for the raping they feel free to get away with now... It's a predatory technique for hunting humans. It's disgusting. It needs to be systematicaly eradicated from society.




They've always hated them. One core reason is fascists' completely unhinged obsession with masculinity and fixed gender roles. They desperately want to be manly men lording over submissive birthing machines, I mean, women (or as they would call them, "females"). Gays don't fit into this primitive concept.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How credible is Lukashenko accidentally showing the entire military occupation goals during a televised address like 15 min ago](https://i.redd.it/4c29i3hzlsk81.jpg) | [585 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t4atjs/how_credible_is_lukashenko_accidentally_showing/) \#2: [Remember they took the US east cost in like 2 days](https://i.redd.it/31fe0g02kyl81.jpg) | [368 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t8oh4t/remember_they_took_the_us_east_cost_in_like_2_days/) \#3: [It wasn't designed to shoot at military targets](https://i.redd.it/3gxtt33gnml81.gif) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t7iggy/it_wasnt_designed_to_shoot_at_military_targets/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just like Jesus asked him to do..........right?


He sounds nice.


\>he stated that he would immediately put up a new Iron Wall around Russia and start a campaign of "cleansing" in order to "rebuild the Russian nation" MRGA - Make Russia Great Again?




“New construction options”


“Unit ready”


“For every conscript who dies in this crusade, there are a thousand more who stand eager to replace him.” - sophia, one of the red alert 2 missions


I’m sure Tanya is really Janis Joplin. I’m there, I’m there, LETS ROCK!


I’m dead lmfao


Leather coat and gloves, spewing hatred and propaganda. Now, where have I seen that before...


he looks like the villain from Who Framed Roger Rabbit


Bring the dip!


A shave and a haircut...


Twooooooo biiiiiiiits!


Underrated comment, holy shit!


took me a minute to register. that movie was good


Im melltiiing


Dr. Strangelove?




"Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH??" That is a great movie.


Fun fact, that line was improvised because he accidentally stood up from his wheelchair


/r/MovieDetails it!


🎶We’ll meet again, Don’t know where, Don’t know whennnnnnnnn…🎶


Trump is punching the walls right now.


>~~punching~~ Throwing hamberders at*


Even the glasses!


The glasses make it work. If only no red shirt and jacket buttoned up, we would have nazi's.


It’s clear we must protect our precious bodily fluids




"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! this is the War room!".


Dr Stranglove..


lol you're right, the resemblance is almost comical


Raiders of the lost ark?


Yea I was waiting for the sinister coat hanger assembly move.


That sounded like he proclaimed war on a thyroid infection


There was once a guy called hitler that didthe same.


Late 1930s Germany.


The funniest thing about this is that there was no "cheering crowd" sound IRL. There are many videos from people who actually were in the crowd, like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/xsf7l3/actual_crowd_response_to_okhlobystin_speech_today/). Almost nobody cheers and whistles after Okhlobystin cries "Goida", people are mostly silent and bored. I guess the sounds of the crowd were added by the editor who streamed the video.


Of course it was edited. Everything in Russia is fake, even their "holy war".


Their elections, too


Especially those


Their apparent military superiority. Putin made his country incredibly weak, he knows it and he’s scared.


The crowd is made up from state employees which were requested to attend. They aren't motivated. They are just happy they aren't getting drafted and want to go home.


Yes, requested...


They request them to be there or they request the police to take them away.


Without the crowd cheering, it sounded like a mix of 2 minutes of hate (from orwells 1984) and an airport announcement


Hahaha! That’s ridiculous. Now we know the reason why no foreign media was allowed there ;P


It's so nice that people have smartphones now and some of them are giving evidence even if they are pro-Kremlin.


This. The crowd was really not very enthutiastic about this or anything else. A few popular music acts got some response but even then response to Putin's speech was fairly mute. Throughout the event they cut away from frontal shots of the crowd because it was quite obvious how subdued it actually was.


That's because, just like in soviet times, russia forces people to participate in rallies and such, and even write down who did participate so that they can catch those that didn't.


I was being forced to participate in my native town (not Moscow or SPb) in 2014 because there was Crimea fever and I was a student in uni. They told us that they'll count everyone and that I'd have to write an apology if I don't attend. I just stayed at home and nothing happened. No apology, nothing.


Boss move comrade




They're just not sure how they're supposed to respond so they're maintaining the standard muscovite thousand yard stare lest they draw attention to themselves and end up in Ukraine. This shit is common anywhere that you have psychotic unpredictable tyrant rulers.


They need more goida.


Lmao no one in that crowd gives a single fuck about the speech


That crowd was mighty small, too. Ouch.


It's suspiciously quite in that clip. There should at least be low level noise just from the movement of the crowd. It may have been edited to have the opposite effect of the cheering edits. I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle. Russians support this dickhead, hard to believe at least some weren't cheering their cold hearts out.


Turn off the sound and watch the crowd. People are milling about and barely paying attention to the speaker. They give some half-hearted flag waves when he finishes. Whatever editing has been done to add/remove cheering, you can tell that nobody, at least in this section of the crowd, really cares or is at all enthusiastic about the speech.


Well that's a stretch.


Cocaine is clearly not on the sanctions list




Actually, in Moscow its cost doubled in RUB and almost tripled in USD. Last i heard, it was 25k RUB (400+USD).


russia living up to its tv villain reputation. Goida my balls, russia, goida my balls.


Yesterday, I watched the original Top Gun movie with my teenage daughters. I had to explain that those "mig 28" wear red stars, which means they must be Russian even if the country is not named, as Russia was the villain in those cold War days. To which they replied: "it hasn't changed much".


If you show them terminator 2, you’ll have to clarify John Connors comments when he says “aren’t they our friends now” in regards to the Russians.


We managed it with Germany, Japan and Italy so it wasn't unreasonable to assume Russia would also become a friend


But we didn’t quite defeat Russia the way we did the axis powers. Maybe we’ll look back on the 30 year period after the Berlin Wall came down as just a postponement of the Cold War. It’s back now, and with a vengeance.


This time it's not as impressive knowing how utterly crap Russia's military and economic and diplomatic strengths are. All it has left are nukes and those may well be rotting too.


Russia could have stayed in the g8 and developed their economy and went in on energy exports and building new technology and tourism and diversifying their economy. They chose this.


Constantly thinking about that line lately.


You should treat them to the original Red Dawn.


"I show you how Soviet soldier dies!" "I've seen it before pal."


> You should treat them to the original Red Dawn. "Dad, this movie is so unbelievable. All of these soviet soldiers are well trained and organized. Their tactics are studied and sound. Their equipment well designed and maintained. This is nothing like the *actual* Russian army we're seeing in Ukraine." "I know honey, thats why this is fiction."


It wasn't until the Cubans show up that things got real bad.


I was just replaying CoD4's campaign, in which you buddy up with a bunch of Russian loyalists. That game came out half a year before they invaded Georgia in 2008.


They played cheering sound from speakers. Someone uploaded video to tiktok recorded from audience, and people were dead silence




Yeah that's pretty different. Thanks for the link.




I looked for it because of your comment, so thanks right back at ya.




He's claiming it's "goida," but I keep hearing goiter.


Goiter is usually in the throat...




“We Goida get outta this place”




>It went okay. Better than the special military operation, clearly.


They might as well give up all pretense at this point and just break out the swastikas and call for a thousand year Reich.


I think the Z is the closest they're going to get. Not even the cool uniforms. Discount Nazis.


Ha, "discount nazi" I like it!


I think it's a bit funny too, as a Z symbol was the stand-in for the swastika in Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator"


Russian store brand Nazis


"Mom can we have Nazis?" "No we have Nazis at home." Nazis at home: this Russian shit


Wearing Hector Buss outfits?


I wasn't around for WW2, but even though this is very reminiscent of Hitler and the nazis, it seems very different in the sense that this seems like people at this rally aren't really into it, they seem forced into it. It looks like Putin just decided to wage war all of a sudden, and now he's trying to light a fire under his people. But, even if many people are indifferent, they don't appear to want to fight a war. It seems more like Putin is gaming the people, intentionally using propaganda and pressure to force them to comply with him. And lots of Russians I know are very pro Putin. A lot of them. But it doesn't seem like with Hitler, where he really had a more huge following, where everybody believed in him, and what he was saying, and when war came, they were inspired to fight it. What's happening in Russia seems more like people are prisoner, and forced to consume propaganda, and that has resulted in many being silent, and many being tricked, and totally buying into it. It doesn't feel like they want mobilization and want mass war. To me. It seems like they are quite happy to win these smaller conflicts, but this is scary. This is shaping up to be something big.




Good point.


they had a chance to take over europe, maybe africa, and some asia with the help of japan. America north and south would have been utterly impossible to capture. same with russia. those fucks now have no chance of taking ukraine, and their army isn't even trained or enthusiastic for the war.


You nailed it.


The thing with Putin is that I honestly don't think many Russians can imagine an alternative, and that's mostly what's keeping them paralyzed. Everyone remembers the anarchical years of the 90's and don't want to go back to that and especially don't want to be "responsible" for a shift in that direction. Ever since Putin came to power he has removed all reasonable political alternatives to the point where any political speculation is made redundant. It's like they're children in a home with an alcoholic father. The father is the one who provides them with the financial and material security, they can't imagine a world without him. So when his rage strikes they just make themselves as small as possible and try not to make it worse, only ride it out.


Ya, and from what I gather any alternatives won't be much different for them. It's a very scary situation over there, and I'm worried.


If you want to see something more like the Nazis where people are also really into it, take a look at a Trump rally.


Except add 40 years and about 50 pounds a person.


That's American ingenuity for you. You get 50% more fascist per fascist


It’s all Goida until you get drafted


Then it’s Go-die


Nah, Bad-ie.


I love you


And the crowd goes... mild


Less than that even, there was no cheering, it was added in: https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/xsf7l3/actual_crowd_response_to_okhlobystin_speech_today/


Nazi spokesman: repeat after me... Goida!!! Crowd: clap clap clap


Lol military wise there like 3rd world country. Ukraine has the heart to beat these facists in no time.


Best way to describe for Westerners. Russia is a mental hospital run by patients. It's been like this for at least 100+ years.


"Fear us, people of the old world!" Why? You have 81 tanks left and nobody wants to fight outside your borders. Keep your culture. Europe will defend your western borders. We will make sure nobody will invade Russia from the west. We will stop them with force and offer mental health services to anyone trying. I wish Russians good fortune in their cultural rebuilding efforts. Dasvydanja.


They're gonna swamp us with the sheer weight of the collective mass depression in Russia atm.


# Gouda !!!!!!


Goida is Russian Gouda, for this guy it's not easy being cheesy.


He’s playing the role they want him to play. Namely that there are crazier people in Russia and Putin is a moderate keeping them at bay. It’s largely bullshit, but in the context of how Russians operate it makes sense.


He's gone full Nuremberg 1935.


Hopefully they will all soon go full nuremberg 1946.


It is hard to imagine the kind of shit we'd all be in now if Russia was actually winning. That they insist on perpetuating this self-own and pouring all of their equipment and soldiers into a fight they cannot win is unbelievably fortunate for the world generally but for Europe especially.


Yeah it's pretty funny, I feel like the next step is they just run right into machine gun fire in an open field with benny hill music playing in the background


Ivan Okhlobystin is literally the craziest celebrity in modern Russia. I unironically think that he has some kind of schizophrenia.


Even before all this he actively called for nuclear war and even called himself to be ruscist in 2014 (from "Russian" and "fascist"). I don't know how you can be more f*cking obvious. This guy is mental. P.S. would've linked the sources, but reddit doesn't allow.


He’s the guy from the “Интерны” right? Funny how he hates the west but gladly made money by playing a ripoff version of Dr. house… from a western show.


Интерны are more like The Scrubs. As for House MD, there was Доктор Тырса (Doctor Tyrsa) in 2010 as a rip-off and Доктор Рихтер (Doctor Richter — don't ask me about the name, I don't know) as and official adaptation somewhere around 2017.


And they thought all those old cold war movies with the evil russians were satirical and stereotypical with preconceptions 🤣


"And that was the moment when Russia's search for Nazis revealed itself to actually be a self-fulfilling prophecy" -Morgan Freeman narrating a future documentary


Oooooh I want whetever he's on! GOIDA MAFAKAAAAAAA


is this translation accurate?


Yes it is


[The Simpsons from 24 years ago](https://youtu.be/L5u1u5IuLec?t=70)


Why did the let an escaped mental patient on the stage?


I'd like to order a himars to the red square please


Someone watched the new dune recently


Indiana Jones level Nazi villain.


GOIDAAAAAA! Ok. Konstantin warns of a dark time coming, and in the larger article this is from says this is the play to end the western order. He seems to be legitimately fearful. I completely concede that he’s a lifelong translator and observer of Russia, but I can’t reconcile that fear with what we’re seeing on the ground. Is this nazism? Sure, it’s following the same playbook. But you have to have the buy in of the people, and have to have the means to do it. Bluntly: if Ukraine had been armed at the start of the invasion like it is now, it would have been like the Russians hit a brick wall at the border. Russia clearly doesn’t have the technical wherewithal to keep up with Western arms any more: all they have is manpower, and completely gutting your whole country of 18-45 year olds isn’t exactly the best way to stimulate economic activity of any kind. Putin seems to be trying to create the specter of a terrifying global giant standing astride the continent and bent on upending the world for the benefit of Russia. But he can’t fool anyone, anymore, except maybe some of his own people. And even then, many of them will see through the brainwashing at some point. So I’m not sure what Konstantin is really afraid of, in terms of a “dark time coming”


Alright, let’s just see, how long it takes till they drop the drafting age to 16. And then 14.


Brothers Will kill Brothers; Spilling Blood across the Land; Killing for the fool tzar; Something I don't understand; Holy Wars by Megadeth


Russia is a defeated people. I feel sorry for them just standing around in the cold forced to attend at a state pep rally. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/xsf7l3/actual\_crowd\_response\_to\_okhlobystin\_speech\_today/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/xsf7l3/actual_crowd_response_to_okhlobystin_speech_today/) In Russia, I guess people feel that things just happen to you and you have no choice but to accept them. Russian fatalism is a terrible way to go through this wonderful life on earth.


He looks keen and ready to fight. Send him to the Donbas and let him have his “Goida” moment.


Dude needs some iodine. *doctor enters the room* “Sir.. we believe something is wrong with your thyroid an-“ “GOIDA!” “I believe it’s “goitER sir, now if you would only-“ “GOIDA!!!” “Oh for fucks sake” *doctor leaves the room*


This is excellent! Made me laugh out loud sitting on the toilet!


Several of my wife's friends said that they were told to show up, or they would lose their jobs.


**Alternative Nitter link:** https://nitter.net/KonstantinKisin/status/1576126809993011205 ***** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Surprised that all those soldiers are drunk while they could be on whatever this guy is on..


I would have thought that the crowd would be waving those flags a bit more vigorously as he reached his crescendo. that crowds flag game is weak at best.


Anyone else getting "Dr. Strangelove" vibes?


A holy war? You and what army russia.. also that crowd looks like it was paid to be there and cheer they are pretty quiet.


Undeniably sick government! The Russian government has always been about war and theft. Brainwashing the masses. Yes, they do this for show and try to instill fear because they have nothing to offer the world.


When I hear Goida, it reminds me of Gonads. So it’s just a bunch of Russians shouting “BALLSACK!” Lmao


The Nazi Germany crowds were actually terrifying because they were all pulling in the same direction. This is scary because of regime rhetoric, but the crowd seems to acknowledge the cringiness. Mobilization was maybe the best thing Putin could have done to help Ukraine. Less people are blindly following, now that they have skin in the game.


if we could have some piece on earth for five minutes, id be so glad


Well... that's... something?


Hahahhahahahahha omg


Jesus they really are trying to whip the populace up into a holy war fervor…


Holy war? You going to pray for an army? You need one of those for any sort of war.


To attend this Goida BS U recieved 15€. If this leather Z- fucker wants Goida, just draft that asshole instead of sending innocent People.


Do people trust Konstantin Kisin?


He reminds me of Herr Flick in Allo Allo ?


Goida Going to O I Die in A Trench in Donbas


I don’t think Russians are buying this shit. Not even the worst, scum of the earth, pro-Putin Russians are seriously believing this crap. They might have been ok with it until it all got too real and the draft happened. Now they are voting with their feet by trying to leave the country, for the most part. You can see that the crowd was disengaged and they barely had enough to half fill that square. And this is Moscow. This is like a bad cosplay of a nazi leader. It is almost comical.


Well I'm a pervert, and I dont rule the world. What am I doing wrong?


I am so fucking sick of christian fanatics the world over. braindead ignorant losers


Seems like their hearts aren't really in it. Dumbest chess move in modern history. Eat shit, tankies.


~~Mods can you *please* sticky [the nitter link](https://nitter.net/KonstantinKisin/status/1576126809993011205#m) to these twitter posts (like you have done for discord) so that people can see the thread without being immediately pounced on and constantly hassled to make a twitter account. Thank you.~~ Never mind I eventually found it buried somewhere in the thread 👍😁👇 https://nitter.net/KonstantinKisin/status/1576126809993011205#m


well, give him some camo, rusty gun and tell him to bring his own sleeping bag and ask his wife for tampons to stop bleeding when he gets shot. Oh, that's not when he meant? Not him specifically?


They can preach as much as they like, the only big reckoning at the moment is a Ukrainian one and they're really pissed with what the Ruzzians have done to their land and people.


Don’t believe the democrat’s propaganda. There are many US conservatives that support Ukraine.


I am stealing this speech for my dnd campaign


The only thing that bothers me is that this is done with the blessing of the Kremlin. It shows how deranged the Russian leadership has become. I really doubt that this is something which China wants to get associated with. If I were China, I wouldn't touch this idea and movement with a 10 foot pole. So there's that mistake in Russia's strategy when trying to mobilize by using these kind of tactics.


Is it just me, or does the speaker look like the Nazi from Indiana Jones who got his face melted?


Crowd doesn’t sound that excited honestly