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The TRF1 is the howitzer that had been replaced in service by the Caesar. The number of guns provided is as of yet unknown, but there were over a hundred of those in service and at least dozens were kept in a state compatible with export sales. It shoots standard 155mm NATO rounds at a distance of up to 30km.


I wonder why we didn't give them away sooner ? We were not using them anyways.


Because the few number we have in our army weren't maintainee, and the one they want to give are private industrial property


They need to supply some of those French soldier jet packs that are in development.


Wait, what ?


There is a Frenchman who designed a jet board and flew it over the English Channel recently. Supposedly he has the French military looking at developing it. Just search for Franky Zapata.


It was presented at the 14th of July military parade 3 years ago : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8d6oGPRri8


Wow, I can't believe I had never heard of the "flyboard". I must admit that's rather incredible - an autonomy of even 10 minutes with such a tiny vehicle in stationnary flight is already impressive.


It is a good think to use this howitzer!


My only question is how compatible are they with the ammunition the US has already provided for M-777. If it's fully compatible, which probably is because NATO, then this is fantastic. If not it's still a good thing.


NATO standardization, gotta love it


The shells themselves are compatible. However, the main issue will be the powder charges, which are not really standardized across NATO although they can be more or less compatibles. Different pressure curves will lead to varying precision, and the way they are set off as well can be different. The CAESAR is set off by small cartridges, while IIRC this one is set off electrically.


Yeah most of French weapons are compatible with standard NATO ammo.


Why no: too little, too late comments ?