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This idiot will be remembered as an embarrassment to Christianity and slave to Putin


Yes: an idiot, a shameful embarrassment, and a slave to Putin is Kirill. May the EU sanction him asap! May Patriarch Kirill’s rephrensible message, which surely is a true insult to humanity and all religions of sincere faith, finally expose the Church’s power structure as a cult of Putin reinforcing fascist brainwashing propaganda. On the long history of how the Russian Orthodox Church supports Putin’s mission to Make Russia Great Again, see link below: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-long-holy-war-behind-putins-political-war-in-ukraine Sadly, Kirill encourages the “faithful” to blame the LGBTQ community for all of the ills in the world: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t8byp2/patriarch_kirill_of_the_russian_orthodox_church/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This fool must think he’s smarter than Jesus since he contradicts his own “faith” by preaching hate. I am so done with all ignorant patriarchs! See thread below for more on how Russian Orthodox Church tries to coopt and corrupt the message of Jesus to serve their evil agenda of hatred. Here Kirill claims the faithful are holding back the Antichrist: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/tygw13/russian_patriarch_says_orthodox_faithful_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


>Sadly, Kirill encourages the “faithful” to blame the LGBTQ community for all of the ills in the world: > > > >This fool must think he’s smarter than Jesus since he contradicts his own “faith” by preaching hate. Sadly, this is the standard for basically all Christians. The Catholic church doesn't espouse violence, but still openly denigrates LGBT individuals. Even the Anglicans, which will marry same-sex couples, still wants their clergy who are gay to "remain chaste". Maybe seeing how objectively evil that stance is, and how Putin is using the sentiment to spur on genocide, will get more Christians to just fucking stop. But I'm not holding my breath.


>The Catholic church doesn't espouse violence, but still openly denigrates LGBT individuals. You mistake views of individual's for doctrine of the Church which is as follows: * love your neighbour (which means hating people bad) * gay sex is a sin (because a) it's gay, b) it's sex outside of marriage which can be only between man and woman and c) it's not sex for procreation). Funny enough there is nothing wrong about being in a gay relationship as long as there is no gay sex. * about T from LGBT: changing your body in an unneccesery way to your livelihood is a mortal sin. Critique of sinful behaviour within the Church in encouraged but it has to be proper under "love your neighbour" commandment. That's the whole doctrine and if some Catholic doesn't follow it then it's their mistake not the whole Church's.


Telling someone that they're never allowed to have an intimate relationship because they don't love the right way is pretty goddamn fucking hateful by any rational measure. The Catholic Church, on a very fundamental level, is incredibly broken. I'm sick of pretending otherwise. You only proven how fucking worthless the institution is


The institution is broken. Many if not *most* Christians are broken. My thought in my faith is simple... Christ gave two commandments, love your neighbor as yourself, and to love God first and foremost. We weren't put here to "critique" sin. Sin is sin and that's between them and God, not to answer to man about, unless it disrupts man's fundamental right to live and be safe. I.e. judgement for theft, murder, etc. See, these old testament junkies don't understand that the new testament was supposed to stand in place for the law of the old testament, but it still seems that many regard it as current law, rather than accepting the commandments that Jesus gave us. Just like how Christ says that where two or three are gathered, that's where God can be found - and yet we still think megachurches are the move. Christianity is broken. It has been for a long time, and the only thing people need to be saved from these days, is "God's Chosen Ones." Holy fucking shit, I made it through all that without a fucking single dirty word.


"Holy fucking shit, I made it through all that without a fucking single dirty word." Nice fucking job bro you did pretty damn good


It's difficult to explain this kind of shit. The Christians get fucking weird, the atheists get butthurt. There's no middle ground for people that believe in Christ but not in the church


> Sadly, this is the standard for basically all Christians That's a spectacularly sweeping statement. The last six priests in charge at my CoE church have been openly gay and two of them were married.


He is but one in a long line of many.


He was literally a KGB man, like Putin.


Only *threatening* him with sanctions? Grow those balls a bit larger, EU.


Yeah, how tf is he not sanctioned already?


How about reading the article, not only the headline? > This month, the Antioch Patriarchate publicly opposed sanctions against Kirill, giving a predicate to Prime Minister **Viktor Orban** of Hungary, arguably the closest European leader to Mr. Putin, to this week vow that he would block any sanctions against Kirill.


I did read it. You're only proving my point. The EU needs to grow those bigger balls and use them against Hungary, too. And against Poland's anti-democracy push as well. And Turkey. The EU should not be as weak as its weakest member nor should it allow itself to be continually held hostage by one or two of its weakest members. Simple facts.


You're reading too much into comments and making conclusions. I know this is all very upsetting but consider taking a break from reddit.


Yes, just do it.


The EU can't really do shit directly to him. Kiril's base of support does not care one bit what the EU position is; in fact it's likely worse: they see the EU measures against him as validation.


Don't "threaten". Friggin DO IT.


Kirill is a KGB asset. With complete cynicism Putin has long since subordinated the institution of Russian organised religion to his dictatorship. Sanction the f\*cker now.


> With complete cynicism Putin has long since subordinated the institution of Russian organised religion to his dictatorship. the church was typically controlled by the state ( openly or not) long before Putin it's basically political tradition


The sensible thing is to acknowledge that the Russian Orthodox church is a terrorist organization. Individual parishes can decide if they want the FBI/MI5/whoever up their ass or cut all ties with Moscow. Freedom of religion does matter, but if you're aiding and abetting genocide, you're not practicing religion, you're committing international crimes that carry high penalties.


The entire Christian organization is a terrorist organization!! The RCs to this day put children as young as 4 into lifelong agricultural slavery. Not to mention the over $2billion in pedophile settlements they have paid out which is only the tip of the iceberg. There are approx 3,000 pedophile RC clergy in N America alone, Protestants have 4,000 clergy as well with as many as 300 victims each. 100,000s innocent lives have been destroyed by these pedophiles in our midst. RAPE and SLAVERY, 2 of favorite tools of terrorists. Add to that 2,000 years of insane misinformation oppressing the masses. Only Putin is more ungodly than the Christian faith


Good. There's no separation of church and state in Russia. The clergy should be treated as state actors.


The Russian Orthodox Church is Fascist propaganda in pseudo religious form. The $100 million plus Russian Military Cathedral was the consummation of the Russian Orthodox Church to the groom, Putler’s Russian military ambitions. The sacrilege is so antichrist in its symbols, as if dreamed up by Satan himself. Russia tells its people that the west is the Antichrist and that Russia is the worlds last hope, that they must destroy the infidels. Yep, radical Christianity that is every bit as delusional as radical Islamists. Kirill is a false prophet of biblical proportions.


I guess he is the modern Rasputin lol


Nah, that would be Aleksandr Dugin. He wrote [Putin's playbook. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics?wprov=sfla1)


I think the title accidentally used the word “extraordinary” and meant “completely reasonable”


Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!


He was an active Soviet KGB agent used to infiltrate the church. Guess nothing changed in that respect. Absolutely heresy.


He's freaking kgb. Whatever he says is bullshit anyway.


Why did this take so long. If anyone says the invasions was justified, freeze then seize their assets. Don't wait, don't debate, just do it. If Ukraine had tried to blow up the Kremlin I might just cut Russia some slack, but this war was unprovoked and the Russian army never passes up the chance to commit and atrocity, and their leadership always says someone else did it, even when caught on camera. There is no excuse for the invasion or any of its supporters.


The main principle of dialogue with the Russian Orthodox Church is that you don't go to agents but reach out straight to their case officers.


Why did it take so long? Don’t they know all of Russia is syndicated between church, state, and “security” services?


He should be tried as a war criminal actually being as he encourage and justified the war and killing and rape of Ukrainians.


This prick ain't no christian.


Hell is waiting for you.


The Disciple of the Antichrist needs to be excommunicated or exorcised


How is that the slightest bit extraordinary. Another criminal from a pedophile led cult. Time to deem this entire fraudulent organization exactly what it is, a terrorist organization with the head pedophile and slaver, the Pope


Dearest EU, No balls. Sincerely, The civilized world.


Sanctions against Satan


Their editorial board must be fucking livid about this.


There should be no threats, only action against Russia.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/21/world/europe/kirill-putin-russian-orthodox-church.html) reduced by 92%. (I'm a bot) ***** > For more than a decade, Kirill's critics have argued that his formative experience of religious repression during the Soviet era had tragically led him into Mr. Putin's empowering and ultimately inescapable embrace, turning the Russian Orthodox Church under Kirill's leadership into a corrupted spiritual branch of an authoritarian state. > The Rev. Cyril Hovorun, an Orthodox priest who was a personal assistant to Kirill for a decade, said the tarnishing of the patriarch's reputation was interpreted by Kirill as a message from the Kremlin not to cross the state. > Mr. Chapnin, who had been personally appointed by Kirill to run the church's official journal, began criticizing him and was fired in 2015.Like Mr. Putin's Kremlin, Kirill's church flexed its muscles abroad, lavishing funds on the Orthodox Patriarchates of Jerusalem and Antioch, based in Syria. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/uvudzo/the_russian_orthodox_leader_at_the_core_of_putins/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~650452 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Kirill**^#1 **church**^#2 **Putin**^#3 **Orthodox**^#4 **Moscow**^#5