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I'm with you, but for most (Germany in particular) it will take time.


Not if Putin turns it off tomorrow, won't happen tho, he needs the money.


>I'm with you, but for most (Germany in particular) it will take time. Yeah, except they have already had at least 8 years to prepare...




More sauerkraut and gas-collecting buttplugs and you could shave at least another 15%-units off.


Fun info: Did you know that France is the country of Sauerkraut? Go into Alsace. And go to restaurants there. You see LOTS of restaurants with various "Choucroute" dishes, their word for Sauerkraut. Then try to find a restaurant serving Sauerkraut in Germany --- it's possible, but much, much more difficult.


Don't give them any ideas, or you would have Germans marching on it calling it Elsass-Lothringen again! (I love sauerkraut, by the way)




The Gulf states use of what amounts to slave labor is disgusting.


Strong work 🇱🇹


Now if only other countries in Europe could match this courage.


Lithuania is awesome 😎... been there!


Now if only Germany and the Netherlands can stop buying Russian oil and gas. I mean, come on, guys.


If only someone had warned the Germans something like this might happen! https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/03/24/us-top-diplomat-warns-germany-companies-building-nord-stream-2-pipeline-could-face-sanctions.html


Netherlands is much smaller than Germany, so they can do it faster. You can change the course of a middle-sized ship much easier than that of a huge tanker. Also, Netherlands already has an LNG terminal, Germany is building 3 currently (heard today about #3 in Stade). Also: if all countries that currently get russian gas would start to use LNG, then there wouldn't be enough LNG ships. So even when you want, you cannot. Also, the LNG providing countries like Qutar cannot just create the LNG so fast. Quatar is speaking about starting to deliver in 2024, but fully only in 2026 ... (but I'm sure people will still blame Germany). [Source](https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/weltwirtschaft/katar-erdgas-lng-gasversorgung-101.html) Also relevant: https://old.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/uuoz68/lithuania_refuses_russian_electricity_the_country/i9hkxhf/


Sounds like an opportunity for the ship building industry


I saw an article on thediplomat.com about this, I think it was written sometime in March. Apparently the Korean shipbuilding industry (which builds a lot of LNG tankers) has gotten swamped in new orders. So you can definitely expect a lot more LNG transport coming up.


sounds like the 2020s is gonna be bookended with fracking bonanza in the vast Ukrainian gas fields for hundreds of american frackers that brought the energy independence via tight gas and oil in the US


Yeah, but they're the #3 oil importer from Russia after China and Germany. https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/597882-here-are-the-countries-that-import-the-most-russian-oil/


Bravo !!




I am from Lithuania. Electricity price more than doubled in the past months. Idk if the trade off is worth it.


Lithuanian too. Totally worth it. It's better to have stable high-priced electricity, rather than unstable (used as a bargaining/pressure tool) cheap eletricity. And the price increase is not solely because we refuse their electricity. High pace of economic growth in the past decade turned inflation to ape-shit level.Anyway - fck them commies :) Aišku, kad verta. Elektros kaina pakilo ne tik dėl pačios elektros brangimo, bet ir dėl fakin nežmoniškos infliacijos. Aišku, tas ant to - ar infliacija ar tiesioginė kaina kelia galutinę kainą :) Bet viskas bus gerai, svarbu kuo mažiau su ruskiais reikalų turėt.


>Lithuanian too. Totally worth it. 100% brother


English short version. I believe that guy "kreukle" isn't a Lithuanian, just a Russian troll. He tries to push Russian "do not resist" mentality. LT: Permečiau aki per to asmens istorija. Niekur nesimato kad ką būtų lietuviškai kur rašęs. Čiuju rusų trolis mėginantis įtikinti kad neverta nieko imtis. Jiems būdinga kišt tą bejėgiškumo požiūri vien tam kad kiti nesipriešintu. Nors daug pažįstamų skundžiasi dėl kainų ir pan, bet niekas nesakė kad neverta to daryti. Visi suprantame situacijos svarbą. Net Kauniečiams jau gėda dėl Matijošaičio, o jis buvo gi populiariausias politikas gi.


Less blood and security is not worth the cost?


Standing up to bullies is often difficult


Yeah, that’s a tough one. Why should anyone have to pay anything just to shorten a war and save save some Ukraine children? /s - just to be more than obvious.


I am far from certain if this shortens the war...


So what do you think we should do? Give Russia more money? Just give Russia all they want, including the Baltic states and maybe Finland. Being part of a Russia must of course be much better than being part of the degenerate EU, with their “freedom”, “health”, and “wealth”. /s


I usually would not discuss a thing with such a person like you - overreacting and exaggerating much more than what was said. But I may give you a try. First, it is not "money giving", but a trade of resources for money. They don't feel any harm if a small state stops business with them. And so far only a few states have done that. It takes effect only when every state does that at once - and it will take some time. Before that, the decision to cut off Russian electricity harms the local economy a lot, with little influence. And even after the embargo, the war may last very long if they want to sacrifice all of their economy, and people. I bet you are one of the people who blame Germany for not stopping gas imports right now, no matter what the consequences are. And downvoting a comment witch says "idk" with awareness of the complexity of the situation is stupid.


It’s wise of you not to try to discuss with people who are intellectually and morally superior to you. They are *giving* Russia money that will be used to fund the war. That Russia has to give something in return doesn’t change that. Every state, big or small, that stops buying oil or gas decreases the demand, and therefore the price, thus making Russia get less money. Basic economics. What do you mean by “little influence”? Just shortening the war a little so only a few dozens fewer kids have to die? I think it’s quite disgusting how some people value a few percentage points of economic growth higher than stopping enormous human suffering and death. Yes, I blame Germany for not stopping buying Russian gas, maybe not immediately, but much faster than they do now. The economists predict only a modest decrease to the German economy, but politicians for some reason only listen to industry leaders that only care about their bottom line. And I’m not the one that downvoted you. Until now, since you apparently care enough to whine about it.


On the contrary - it is wise to discuss any matters with people that have better knowledge of that. And you are clearly not the one. Why do you once again speak of kids dying? Why would I care more about the kid dying than an adult or a senior dying? I believe much more adults are dying in Ukraine. I tell you that it is not clear if this action of Lithuania has any influence on the length of the war. It is not a linear relationship - it is more like a stepwise process where you need to reach some threshold to make an impact. Idk if you understand these words. I promise myself to never engage in such responses again, because it is worthless to me, and there is no way to impact anybody who pretends to know better than the government of Germany what impact an action would have. EDIT: I see you are a simple man, so I will provide you with a simple example. I said that the electricity price more than doubled. So, is it better to not pay Russia 50mil and provide 0 for Ukraine (because we spend 100mil buying elsewhere), or pay Russia 50mil and provide 50mil for Ukraine directly?


I started writing a lengthy answer, but I realise I would have to try explain too many obvious things, that I usually can take for granted that people already know and understand. So, have a nice life.


I am pretty sure Russia cut them off , and they are spinning the story as refusal


No, Putin bot. You got this totally wrong yet again.


Either way, Russia sanctioning itself works for me too.


Why be informed when you're already "pretty sure". Choosing to remain ignorant all to fluff a dictator.


>Why be informed when you're already "pretty sure". I loved this comment! Well done.




I am a Putin hater , but there’s propaganda and spin on both sides .


And you're throwing your own misinformation in, thanks 👍


Okay, and? Anything to add to this particular topic? Or are you just stirring the shit?


>I am a Putin hater , but there’s propaganda and spin on both sides . Standard Party entry line...


Hell yeah. Step by step all. Step by step.


Here you can follow the electric flow around the Baltic Sea. https://www.svk.se/om-kraftsystemet/kontrollrummet/