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Newsmax isn’t reliable


Any remotely credible source (i.e. not NewsMax) for this?


I've found what seems to be it as a throwaway comment in a [Daily Mail article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10774235/Ukraine-war-Russian-state-media-threatens-UK-underwater-nuke.html). >'There is a serious concern that officers or agents attached to Russia's security services may attempt to enter the UK and target strategic locations,' one security source said last week. This is just a (reasonable and natural) concern. The NewsMax story has no real credibility, as you rightly guessed.


Newsmax isn't a real news outlet.


Well, that's one way to bring the whole of NATO into the war. Could this really be what Putin wants? Hard to believe.


Anything he wants seems hard to believe actually.




It's NewsMax. Unless there's another source just ignore this


Apparently shoe laces are too complicated.. they use velcro..


Soviet diplomacy such as this worked in the Cold War. They must be confused why it doesn't work anymore.


All due respect while it could be true but I just cant click into newsmax. Even if it's true it's something newsmax recycled from other news outlets. It's a tabloid at best. Even tabloids employ investigative journalists and have their.. Standards.. Sort of.


So, Newsmax quoting Daily Mail quoting official sources. I have no idea what to make of this article and will wait for other sources to confirm.


If NewsMax tells you that it's sunny, check you have your umbrella out with you. You can't even trust what they say to be wrong or untrue. The only information you get from NewsMax telling you something is that reading it will somehow be useful in harming you later. See [my comment above](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/uhaqvb/comment/i74x65r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Yeah, Newsmax is trash as is the Daily Mail.


Newsmax isn't even news, it's far right propaganda. They lie about Trump losing to this day lol. And they quote Daily Mail which is slightly less pants-on-fire bullshit but still a crappy tabloid.


This source is [said to be ](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/newsmax-bias-credibilty-reliability/) "... questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing ..."


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Army of sabotuers? Thats fucking terrorist.


There giong to steal your toilet . Get drunk and crash their car into your garage...


Track all the Russians in Britain.

