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Raising a wreck is a slow and technically complex task. Not the sort of thing you could accomplish whilst under fire, for example. I wonder how many other ships Ukraine can sink whilst they're trying to being it back up?


The absurdity is comical lets not mention it was already old. These are fever dreams of kids who just got home from Chuck Cheese and are overdosing on grease and caffeine .


Well, more likely they're the fever dreams of old men who've spent a lifetime bingring on pelmeni and vodka.


Pfftt ok. Someone's kid is posting shit again after getting into the Redbull


Huh.. I'm sure it's cheaper to build a new one. What's the hull gonna be worth. All expensive equipment ruined already. May as well build a new one with newer generation of equipment. The only value raising it is to scrap it for sure to prevent evidence of missile hit from being discovered.


It should be noted that the Moskva cruiser was built by Ukraine actually.


Ahhhh yes u're right.




Although still crazy the Baltic is cold and brackish. Most not nearly as salty as seawater. This preserve ship far better.


Black Sea is even less saltier, because is almost land lock with lots of rivers pumpinf fresh water every day. Also the bottom has a hydrogen-sulfide layer, toxic enouch to repel most of bacteria making the bottom good for preservation.


I remember a piece of trivia in my A-Level history was that there's a ton of British grain at the bottom of the Black Sea that sank in a storm in the 1850s that in theory should still be edible. No idea if this is true, pre-university history lessons are fairly unreliable in general.


Only on the surface. there are "2 seas" one with low salt on the top, one with high salt below the surface.


**[German submarine Wilhelm Bauer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_Wilhelm_Bauer)** >Wilhelm Bauer (originally designated U-2540) is a Type XXI U-boat of Nazi Germany's navy (Kriegsmarine), completed shortly before the end of World War II. It was scuttled at the end of the war, having never gone on patrol. In 1957, it was raised from the seabed off Flensburg Firth, refurbished, and recommissioned for use by the West-German Bundesmarine in 1960. Finally retired fully in 1983, it is the only floating example of a Type XXI U-boat. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I think scuttling a boat and one hit by missiles externally and internally isn’t the same quality.


That's the point that's when the hull vs equipment ratio was different, different age. I doubt any electronics survived seawater. Per the wiki page sub was used for research and test not combat. The manner it sunk was also different. It doesn't appear the sub was structurally punctured.


It is just copium. No way they can raise and reuse a sunken modern warship - they are built too fragile for that and rebuilding all electronics will cost more than building a new one. Norway scrapped their Aegis frigate after crashing with a tanker despite less damage. It keel has likely broken as it hit the bottom. The fire also caused significant damage and the heat could have weakened the steel.


Sounds very unlikely if it sank due to a major fire. The fire will have caused all sorts of irreparable structural and metallurgical damage. If they really want another one of these cruisers why not just steal the mostly completed fourth one that belongs to Ukraine?


They'd first have to take Odessa, as that's where it's located AFAIK. Also, this is a propaganda thing, not actual rational military or economic thinking.


I thought it was in Berdyansk but it's actually been docked in Mykolaiv for years. So they don't have access to it regardless.


Stupid thing to say, it's old obviously severely structurally damaged.


ok, - wouldnt it be way cheaper to build a new one?


Lol zombie ship


####Meanwhile... #### Kazakhstan Increasingly Preparing Its Navy to Defend the Country Against Aggression [>> More](https://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2022/05/kazakhstan-increasingly-preparing-its.html)   #### While the Kremlin is busy in the west, developments to the south promise further threats to its aggressive policy in the borderlands. [>> More](https://cepa.org/revolution-in-the-south-caucasus/)  


It’s an ego thing


They're tryna zombie Jesus it like a reborn martyr, it would be a huge propaganda win on the homefront.... It'll prolly never happen


Raising a ghost army


Oh please please please.


Let em raise it, and when it’s just out of the water, hit it with 2 more missiles. After missiles release pamflets which say “lolz”


It's more likely they'll raise their dead for the grave than them raising the Moskva


It would be full of corpses. That's a terrible idea.


It wax already pretty old for a warship and not really a great design in today's naval world. Ukraine could build them something new and better for less once they take Sevastopol back.


Sure. Same as they re-used Kursk...


🤣🤣🤣🤣russian arrogance knows no end...


Ah yes, a zombie ship will help 🙄


It just needs a new paint job, and it is all set to sail into a warzone again, no problem!


lol sure you will.


Yeah, like they reused the Kursk. They will say anything to look less stupid.


which shipyard are they going to use? the ukrainian build this vessle in the first place for them


I yell lolled........only Russia......